Daniel T. Rogers(b. 1943) - all my relatives - pafg211 - Generated by Personal Ancestral File

Daniel T. Rogers(b. 1943) - all my relatives

Byramji Burjor Reporter [Parents] was born about 1869. He married Banoobai.

Banoobai was born about 1871. She married Byramji Burjor Reporter.

They had the following children:

  M i Dali Byramji Reporter
  F ii Alloo Byramji Reporter
  F iii Khorshed Byramji Reporter
  F iv Shirin Byramji Reporter
  F v Goola Byramji Reporter

Gustadji Burjor Reporter [Parents] was born about 1875. He married Meherbai.

Meherbai was born about 1885. She married Gustadji Burjor Reporter.

They had the following children:

  M i Erach Gustadji Reporter
  F ii Mehli Gustadji Reporter
  M iii Maneck Gustadji Reporter

Hormasji Burjor Reporter [Parents] was born about 1881. He married Pilloobai.

Pilloobai was born about 1889. She married Hormasji Burjor Reporter.

They had the following children:

  M i Pilloos Hormasji Reporter
  F ii Aloo Hormasji Reporter
  M iii Burjor Hormasji Reporter
  F iv Roshan Hormasji Reporter

Dadabhai Dhalla was born about 1885. He married Najamai Burjor Reporter.

Najamai Burjor Reporter [Parents] was born about 1887. She married Dadabhai Dhalla.

They had the following children:

  M i Burjor Dadabhai Dhalla
  F ii Pilloo Dadabhai Dhalla
  M iii Fakirjee Dadabhai Dhalla
  F iv Mehra Dadabhai Dhalla
  F v Gool Dadabhai Dhalla

Rustomji Vazifdar was born about 1889. He married Jerbai Burjor Reporter.

Jerbai Burjor Reporter [Parents] was born about 1891. She married Rustomji Vazifdar.

They had the following children:

  F i Freny Rustamji Vazifdar
  M ii Nariman Rustamji Vazifdar

Dali Byramji Reporter [Parents] was born about 1895. He married Perin.

Perin was born about 1897. She married Dali Byramji Reporter.

They had the following children:

  F i Piloos Dali Reporter
  F ii Hutoxhi Dali Reporter
  F iii Ruxana Dali Reporter
  F iv Beeroze Dali Reporter
  M v Cyrus Dali Reporter
  M vi Byram Dali Reporter

Jamshed Modi was born about 1895. He married Alloo Byramji Reporter.

Alloo Byramji Reporter [Parents] was born about 1897. She married Jamshed Modi.

They had the following children:

  M i Tempton Jamshed Modi

Shavaxiax Billimoria was born about 1901. He married Khorshed Byramji Reporter.

Khorshed Byramji Reporter [Parents] was born about 1899. She married Shavaxiax Billimoria.

They had the following children:

  M i Hoshi Shavaxiax Billimoria
  F ii Aban Shavaxiax Billimoria

Byram Bilporivala was born about 1899. He married Shirin Byramji Reporter.

Shirin Byramji Reporter [Parents] was born about 1901. She married Byram Bilporivala.

They had the following children:

  F i Dinu Byram Bilporivala
  M ii Jal Byram Bilporivala

Jamsetji Khambata was born about 1901. He married Goola Byramji Reporter.

Goola Byramji Reporter [Parents] was born about 1903. She married Jamsetji Khambata.

They had the following children:

  M i Ratan Jamshetji Khambata
  F ii Khorshed Jamshetji Khambata
  F iii Nargish Jamshetji Khambata

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