Diary 1807



January, 1807

January 1 1807. On Thurs I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in 1st Cor X & 1. after meeting we went to Ozwells [Oswell Ayers)]& stade the after  noon.


2. On Fri I thrashd wheet in AM & cut firew wood for uncle Joel in PM. I paid for my ----.


3. On Sat I finishd thrashing the wheet that grew at home & went to monthly meeting. Mr Sm text was in st Peter I & 8. after sermon we attended to the bisness & then came home & went to bridgetown.


4. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in Rom X & 13. after sermon we surrounded the table of our blesed Lord.


5. On Mon I helpd daddy cill hogs & cleand up 20 busels of wheet there were 65 grew at home.


6. On Tues I cut wood in Sharps woods & went to prayer meeting.


7. On Wed I cut wood for Sharps.


8. On Thurs I cilld the bull. he weyed 4 hundred & took the hide to the bridge.


9. On Fri and Sat I cut wood for Sharp.


11. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in Hebru VI & 13.


12. On Mon I went to Marks & got a lode of slabs & pine nots.


13. On TuesI winerd some wheet & made a shoe.


14. On Wed I helpd father in law cill his hoggs he had & they weighd 15 hundred.


15. On Thurs I cilld my hoggs. 5 weighd 25 & cut it up & went to society meeting at the widdow Platts s at evening.


16. On Fri I cut wood for Sharp.


17. On Sat I cut & put up 2 cords of wood in Delany Sharps woods.


18. On Sun I stade at home. it snowd all day - about 3

inches deep.


19. On Mon I made Charles a shoe.


20. On Tues I sod a sled & went to John Reeves s & got some hetchel teeth, made this evening.


21. On Wed I workd at a brake & went a guning with D B & cilld 3 rabbits.


22. On Thurs I workd at the brake & went a rabbit hunting  cilld 3.


23. On Fri I workd at & finishd the flax brake.


24. On Sat I went a guning & scene the coult that died last Monday. it was comeing 2 years old. cleand up some clover ceed.


25. On Sun I went to the court house to meeting. Mr Sm text was in Col III & 4.


26. On Mon I thrashd & finishd my clover seed. I had nearly a peck. & made 2 benches to put in the seller.


27. On Tues I thrashd wheet.


28. On Wed I finishd thrashing wheet.


29. On  Thurs I fixd a ceed hand hetchel & dresd some flax.


30. On Fri I was lade up with a lame arm the rumetism in my shoulder. daddy came & took away 10 bus of wheet & 11 gallons of Jack. D B dresd 12 lb of flax.


* 31. On Sat I was also lade up with a lame arm. I wrote some. I had a Daughter born between 11 & 12 oclock & Amy is bravely.

*[Mary HARRIS, b. 31 JAN 1807, Hopewell Twp, Cumberland, NJ Previous information said DOB was 3 Jan



February, 1807


February th 1. On Sun I stade at home. it snowd early in the morn - about 4  inches.


2. On Mon I got some hay into the barn & caried out of the swamp some wood.


3. On Tues I dresd 10 pounds of flax and on Wed I dresd 14 pounds.


5. On Thurs I went acrost the creek into back neck to take a look at run & came to society meeting at evening at uncle James Sheppards.


6. On Fri I cut out a pair of shoes for D Bateman & pidled about. the run is froze over so as to bare a person.


7. On Sat I cut out a pair of shoes for Hannah.


8. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in Math XII & 35.


9. On Mon I cut fire wood & carted.


10. On Tues I took Leah Athinson to father in laws for him to take home to Devideing creeks & then dresd flax in AM.


11. On Wed I took my coved waggon to Shilo for Oswell to end & made a shoe for Hannah.


12. On Thurs I made Hosea a pare of shoes.


13. On Fri I went to mill & to the bridge.


14. On Sat I made D Bateman  a pare of thick shoes.


15. On Sun I went to meetng. Mr Sm text was in Roms I & 47.


16. On Mon and Tues I dresd flax.


18. On Wed I was very onwell.


19. On Thurs I made a beatle & went to society meeting at evening at Mr Platts s. Mr Sm preachd from Math XVII & 5.


20. On Fri I helpd father in law cill a 2 year old bull he weighd 524 & then workd in D S woods.


21. On Sat I was onwell.


22. On Sun I went to meeting to the court house. Mr Sm text was in Roms IV & 6.


23. On Mon I thrashd some headins of wheet.


24. On Tues I churnd & then went to daddys.


25. On Wed I thrashd some clover hay & went to court in PM.


26. On Thurs I dresd flax.


27. On Fri I had uncle Joels hors & went to Marls & got a lode of boards. I bought a hors of him for 40 dollars in 3 months.


28. On Sat I went to monthly meeting. there was no preaching. Mr Sm was onwell.


March, 1807


March th 1. On Sun I went to meeting at bridgetown. Mr Freeman preachd from     2 Cor III & 18. after sermon they surrounded the Lord's table.


2. On Mon I dresd flax.


3. On Tues I dreasd some flax & went to the funeral of Buriah Lopers who  was suposd to have drownded him self. Mr Smalley preachd from 1st Peter  IV & 7. then went to Shilo meeting house whare Thomas Jones preachd from  Math XI & 28. then  went to father in laws whare Henery George preachd  in the evening from st John XIV & 27. then came home.


4. On Wed I went & cut & fetchd home a lode of fire wood from my lot that I  hewd.


5. On Thurs I mended a pare of shoes for Amy.


6. On Fri I dresd flax.


7. On Sat I went & got my coverd waggon wheel tird at T Lukes. John Tubman  we here.


8. On Sun I went to meeting. Henery George prachdfrom st John XIII & 34.


9. On Mon I dug up 50 apple trees for daddy out of the nursery & got in the clover hay stack into the barn.


10. On Tues I began a gate & went to town meeting & then got some cloth for  my euniform coat at William Potters.


11. On  Wed I dresd 18 1/2 pounds of flax. D B dresd for me & got 16 1/2 lb.


12. On Thurs I went to the marsh & workd on the 16 rod dam.


13. On Fri I cut some fire wood & cleand up 6 bushles of oats.


14. On Sat I dungd & plowd the garden & carted some fire wood & sat out the current bushes.


15. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in Isai XXXV & 8.


16. On Mon and Tues I went & workd on my bank. D Bateman & Charles workd  with me both days.


18. On Wed I workd on the 16 rod dam. J Husted & D Bateman workd.


19. On Thurs I workd  on the 16 rod dam. J H & D B workd.


20. On Fri and Sat I workd on uncle Silas H bank. J Harris & D Bateman  workd.


22. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in Ezekel XLVII & 9.


23. On Mon I workd on the 16 rod dam. J Husted & D Bateman workd.


24. On Tues I workd on 16 rod dam with J Husted & D Bateman and John Holmes two boys.


25. On Wed I went to the marsh to work but the tide was in so we could not then went to the bridge.


26. On Thurs I thrashd oats. went to meeting at Mr Platts s. Mr Sm preachd  from st John XVII & 25.


27. On Fri I cleand up 13 1/2 bus of oats & pidled about.


28. On Sat I workd on Joel Fithians bank. Charles & D Bateman workd with me.


29. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in st John XV & 5. then I wrote a letter to Samuel.


30. On Mon I workd on Joel Fithians bank. J Husted & D Bateman workd


31. On Tues I mended one of my boots & went to the widdow Buriah Lopes vendue.



April, 1807


April th 1. On Wed I went to the marsh but the tide was in so we could not work. the I went to the bridge & then to the meeting house & paid 25 D - 50 cents that I collected of the seat money.


2. On Thurs I workd some in the woods. Mark Bowen brought some boards here & stade all night.


3. On Fri I dug up 57 apple trees out of the nursery for Mark & went to the mill & then carted some rails.


4. On Sat I hoopd a litup & the swill tub & made some fence of pine slabs.


5. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in Isai XLII (? XIII) & 1  verce. then we surrounded the Lords table.


6. On Mon I went to training at bridgetown being Insign & got my uniform.


7. On Tues I went to the marsh & workd on Joel Fithians bank. D Bateman  J Platts & C Barret workd.


8. On Wed I workd on C Barrets bank. D Bateman workd half the day.


9. On Thurs I mended a shoe for Betsy Hann.


10. On Fri I workd on Caleb Barrets bank.


11. On Sat I went to themarsh & workd on Jonathan Platts s bank. D B workd.


12. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in Hosea X & 1. then came home & dind & went to Mr Smalleys to meeting. John Davis preachd from Jeremi  VI & 14.


13. On Mon I churnd & lade up some fence.


14. On Tues I workd on J Plats bank till noon then workd on the parsnage.  J Platts  D Platts & C Barrot workd.


15. On Wed I workd on the 16 rod dam. C Barrot  D Bateman & B Woodruf workd  half a day.


16. On Thurs I workd on the 16 rod dam. J Platts  D Bateman  C Barrot  J Harris & J Plats workd.


17. On Fri I workd on the 16 rod dam. C Barrot & J Platt workd. also  D Bateman workd.


18. On Sat I workd on  the 16 rod dam. Charles & J Platts workd & J Harris &  D Bateman finishd it.


19. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in 1st Cor XV & 45. after sermon the catecism was repeated by the youth.


20. On Mon I went & dug out the wallin dam & put sand in & went to Daniel Husteds & stade all night. J Husted  J Harris & J Holmes workd half a day.


21. On Tues I helpd lode the scow & brought her to the dam & onloded the  scow then workd on J Smiths bank & on the dam. J Holmes & boy  D Bateman  J Husted  J Platts.


22. On Wed I sowd my flax cede & oats in J Platts s field & lade up some  fence. J Bateman thrashd oats.


23. On Thurs I workd on J Smiths & Jeddi Davis bank. J Husted  D B  J P homs boy & J Mianer helpd.


24. On Fri Iwent to the marsh but it came  on to rain so I came home again & put a new handle to my plow & cilld a calf. D B helpd me.


25. On Sat I went to the bridge & sold my veal & cleand up 9 bus of oats & cut & carted a turn of fire wood.


26. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm was absent. J Platts red a discourse  from 2nd Corrin V & 17.


27. On Mon I workd on Elyah & Brown Moors bank. J Platts & D Bateman workd.


28. On Tues I workd on dam. J P & D B workd.


29. On Wed I made a fence round the garden on the for side of the house.


30. On Thurs I workd on the Moors bank. J P & D Bateman workd.


May, 1807


May th 1. On Fri I workd on the Moors bank & finishd & J PLatts & D Bateman  workd.


2. On Sat I made some fence & workd some at a gate.


3. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in Hebrew VII & 25.


4. On Mon I thrashd corn


5. On Tues I workd in the garden & went to mill & to John Fithians to meeting. Mr Freeman preachd from st John XIV & 6.


6. [no entry for Wed]


7. On Thurs I went to bridgetown to training. it was a Batt training.


8. On Fri I planted corn. J Platts boys helpd me. cleand up 31 bus of corn  in AM.


9. On Sat I went to yearly meeting. Mr Wilson preachd in AM from Geneses  XXIV & 58. in PM Mr Montanye preachd from Ezekil XVI & 8. then finishd cleaning corn. there was 38 bus in all.


10. On Sun I went to yearly meeting. Mr Wilson preache from Math XXII & 4.  after noon Mr Montanya preachd from 1st timothy I & 15. then Mr Wilson  administerd the Lord�s supper. then we went to father in laws & dind  then went to the court house where Montanya preachd from 2nd Cor III  & 11.


11. On Mon I went to yearly meeting. Mr Wilson preachd from Math XXII & 5.  this was the close of the meeting. o that the Lord would bless his  presious word. then we came to uncle Johnsons & dind & got the gammons that he smoothd.


12. On Tues I furrowd up for corn in E Fithians field.


13. On Wed I furrowd & markd in E F field & washd my sheep. there was a white frost yeaterday & the day before.


14. On Thurs I plantedcorn at home & at E F field. J PLatts & his two boys  helpd me. I went to father in laws & stade all night.


15. On Fri Icame home from father in laws & dungd some corn in the hill. I was very onwell.


16. On Sat I dungd corn in the hill & finishd planting & sheard the sheep. I had six old ones & 8 lams.


17. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm was absent. Isaac Mulford red two  sermons. the texts was in Rom VIII & 9 & in Hebr XII & 14. then wrote a  letter to brother Samuel.


18. On Mon I went to the bridge & then workd at wether boarding the barn &  went to Shilo to meeting. Mr Laufady pechd from Nehemiah IV & 6.


19. On Tues I planted corn for father in lsw.


20. On Wed I planted corn for father in law. there was white frost this  morning.


21. On Thurs I went to Brandise mill & got a lode of pine slabe & swapd my hors for a mre & coult even with Mark Bowen.


22. On Fri I cut some fire wood split some fence poasts.


23. On Sat I made some slab fence & carted stone along the lane for a fence & put ashes over the oven.


24. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Barrot preachd from Isai XL &

31. I was sick after meeting. had the ague.


25. On Mon I went to training whare the oficers only went.


26. On Tues I went to the ceder swamp & got a lode of railes.


27. On Wed I got railes & staks. Reuben Sheppard helpd me.


28. On Thurs I carted railes & made a fence & fell a large tree for to saw. Den & Reuben Sepperd helpd me.


29. On Fri I plowd bock in E Fithian s field.


30. On Sat I was very unwell  pidled about.


31. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in James IV & 10.



June, 1807


June the 1.  On Mon I went to Ceder creek to training with cakes & beer to  sell. I sold but few.


2. On Tues I went to Bridgeetown to the revew training. Charles sold the cakes  cider. we had a sham battle. I commanded a plattoon.


3. On Wed I went to court as a juror.


4. On Thurs I replanted corn.


5. On Fri I carted two lodes of barls to the bridge.


6. On Sat I went to monthly meeting. Mr Sm text was in Luke I & 79.


7. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was inthe CXXXIII psalm 3 verc.  after sermon we surrounded the table of our Lord. then came home & dind & went to John Minnors where Mr Sm preachd from Luke XIV & 22.


8. On Mon I made fence.


9. On Tues I went to the marsh to see the bank & vew the dams with

   D Mulford.


10. On Wed I hode corn in E F field. J Platts helpd me.


11. On Thurs I put a board ruff on the barn. daddy helpd.


12. On Fri I made a corn harrow.


13. On Sat I wrote a letter to E Bereman & was taken with the ague in PM &  was sick all the after noon.


14. On Sun I went to meeting. Jacob Bishop, the Eathiopian. preachd from st  John & part of the 3 & 4 verses.


15. On Mon I began to mow my clover. J Platts helpd me.


16. On Tues I mowd & rakd some.


17. On Wed I mowd & rakd some. daddy helpd me.


18. On Thurs I fixd the barn & carted inone turn  rakd some. daddy helpd me  in PM.


19. On Fri I spred the clover hay & took in 3 turns. daddy took one turn & Mark Bowen a turn.


20. On Sat I hode corn in AM & spred the clover hay & carted the rest of it  in 3 turns. there was about 5 turns or lodes in all.


21. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in the 61 psalm & 2 vrce.

22. On Mon I went to the marsh & mowd my lot. John Minner helpd me.


23. On Tues I hode corn & planted my potatoes & beens.


24. On Wed I made a  handle to my corn plow & went to Brother S Davis s.


25. On Thurs I went to bridgetown in AM & thenhode corn in E F field.


26. On Fri I went to the marsh & rakd hay & I brought home a turn.


27. On Sat I workd on the wallin dam & stopd a rat hole.


28. On Sun I went to meeting at the court house. Mr Sm text was in

   John XII & 26.


29. On Mon I carted 2 lods of hay from the marsh.


30. On Tues I carted the last turn of hay from the marsh & workd some on the walling dam.



July, 1807


July th 1. On Wed I hode corn in AM  & went to Lydia Wallings funeral. uncle  Joel Harris paryd. then I went to father in laws & got some cherrys.


2. On Thurs I was 27 years old & hode corn in E F field & finishd. Ben  Platts helpd me.


3. On Fri I hode some corn & rakd the hay in the meddow & carted in some.


4. On Sat I cut some wood & went to monthly meeting. Mr Sm text was in Luke I & from the 1 to the 5 verces.


5. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in Zecheriah XI & 12-13. after  sermon the 5 persons that were baptisd yesterday was taken in to meeting. then surounded the Lord�s table.


6. On Mon I rep my wheet for Moses Veal.


7. On Tues I workd out some cradol fingers & finishd carting in the hay out  of the meddow & carted some wood & fence posts.


8. On Wed I mended my shoes & went to Jeddidiah Davis s & got 5 dollars.  then went to John Reeves s & got a mib iron made. then came home & hude some fence posts.


9. On Thurs I finishd my cradol & began to reap in PM. Charles went to  Marks & got 336 feet of fence boards.


10. On Fri Irep wheet. Amy had a quilting. there was 20 women here.


11. On Sat I rep wheet.daddy helpd me.


12. On Sun I went to meeting.  Mr Sm text was in John II & 47.


13. On Mon and Tues I rep wheet.

15. On Wed I cradold & rakd & bound wheet for daddy.


16. On Thurs I cradold wheet & carted in a turn.


17. On Fri I cradold wheet & finishd.


18. On Sat I carted in the wheet & finishd.


19. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in Ezekil XVIII & 30. came home  & dind then went to Daniel Moors home and to new school house where Mr Smalley preachd from Luke XIV


20. On Mon I went to Marks after huckle burys & pickd some.


21. On Tues I pickd some huckle burys. we got about a bushel &

came home.


22. On Wed I made some fence round the garden & ground my cythe & went to Bridgetown to Tolenteen Solgers but made light out.


23. On Thurs I mows for J Platts at the wild marsh.


24. On Fri I pullld flax.


25. On Sat I sheld corn & took it allout of the crib & put in the barn. then  went to bridgetown.


26. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in Luke XV & 22.


27. On Mon I cradold oats & sowd my buck wheet. Moses Veal cradold for me.


28. On Tues I pulld flax & took up oats.


29. On Wed I cradold oats in the morning then took up & carted in some.


30. On Thurs I finishd takeing up & carted in the oats & flax at home. there was 170 doz. then I took up some in J P field.


31. On Fri I took up oats in J P field.



August, 1807


August th 1. On Sat I carted in some oats out of J P field then went to   monthly meeting. Mr Sm text was in Mark 1 & 14-15. after sermon there was three persons examond & baptisd at Bridgetown at 5 oclock. I finishd takeing up oats in J P field. there was 101 doz. one third I give him in the bus.


2. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in the 68 psalm & 18. after  sermon the youth repeated the catchsm. then the tree that were Baptisd yesterday was taken in to the church. then we celebrated the Lords  Supper.


3. On on I finishd carting in oats & went to bridgetown for to gudge the  ofecers that did not perform milattery duty.


4. On Tues and Wed I went to the salt marsh & mowd for father in law.


6. On Thurs I thrashd 5 doz of wheet & workd some in the garden


7. On Fri I mowd for father in law at the flax.


8. On Sat I cleand 2 3/4 of wheet & planted some potatoes & made some fence.


9. On sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in Jerem XIII & 16.


10. On Mon I hode potatoes & corn.


11. On Tues I hode corn & beens.


12. On Wed I hepd up dung & went to father in laws avisiting.


13. On Thurs I sheld some corn & went to Abigail Randolphs Vendue.


14. On Fri I carted some fire wood & went to the marsh to look at some  grass.

* 15. On Sat I went to Salem to yearly meeting. Ozwell & Lydia Ayres went  with us. Mr Dog. preachd from Gala VI & 16.  after noon O. Jones peachd   from the 51 psalm & 12 verce. then went to Epraem Sheppards & stade all   night.


16. On Sun I went to meeting again. Mr Dog. preachd from st John I & 9. after noon Mr O Jones peachd fomthe L psalm 14 & 15 verces. after sermon they both administerd the Sacrement. then we went to uncle Ephraems &  dind then came home.


17. On Mon I mowd & rakd clover.


18. On Tues I mowd & rakd clover & went to John Reeeves s.


19. On Wed I mowd & rakd clover.


20. On Thurs I finishd mowing clover & carted 4 lodes of dung.


21. On Fri I thrashd 4 doz & cleand up 2 1/2 bus of wheet & mended my shoes.


22. On Sat I rakd & carted some of the clover hay.


23. On Sun I went tomeeting. Mr Sm text was in st John XVII & 26. came home & dind. then went to the new school house whare Mr Davenport preachd  from Isai LV & 1.


24. On Mon I finished raking hay & carted it in. there was about 3 lodes. then carted 5 lodes of dung.

25. On Tues I went to mill & spred some dung & thrashd some oats.


26. On Wed I carted 10 lodes of dung. I was unwell.


27. On Thurs I was sick & kept my bed part of the day. J Platts & Charles carted 7 lodes of dung in AM

28. On Fri I went to bridgetown in PM but was unwell.


29. On Sat I went out & cilld a Squerrel but remaind very ill.


30. On Sun I stade at home & was yet unwell.


31. On Mon I spred some dung.



September th 1. On Tues I spred dung. I thrashd some wheet.


2. On Wed I cleand up some wheet  workd some at the barn. Brother Samuel  came here who has not been here for 16 months.


3. On Thurs I went to Marks & got a lode of boards. Samuel went with me.


4. On Fri I carted dung 8 lodes & went to the bridge to draft one man out  of our company.


5. On Sat I carted 2 lodes of dung & then went to monthly meeting. Mr Sm text was in Rom VII & 10. there were 3 persons Baptisd & one examond  that was requested to wait another month.


6. On Sun I went to meeting. Brother Samuel preachd from the V of Solomans  songs & lastclaus of the 16 verce. after sermon  we receivd 3 members.  then surrounded the Lords table. then stopd at father in laws & got dinner.


7. On Mon I carted 10 lodes of dung.

8. On Tues I carted 3 lodes of dung & finishd. I had 49 lodes in all. then  soald one of my shoes.


9.  On Wed I spred dung till 4 oclock then went to the creek & crosd to Daniel Husteds whare  Brother Samuel & I stade all night.


10. On Thurs I started with Brother Samuel & D Bateman. we went in to back creek & got 5 bushles of oysters. then I came home at night.


11. On Fri I went down to Browns landing & brought the oysters over in a boat 3 bus of them. then finishd spreding dung.


12. On Sat I cut a lode of firewood & carted it then thrashd 4 doz of wheet.


13. On Sun I went to the Sevenday yearly meeting. Mr Stillman preachd from Eccles XII & 1. I was so ill with a fever that we came home between meetings.


14. On Mon I mowd at the marsh. W Robinson helpd me on Janathan Platts s account.


15. On Tues I thrshd some oats & cleand up 2 3/4 bus of wheet & went to  mill & to the bridge then home by the mill.


16. On Wed I went to the marsh after makeing a new pare of traces & rakd hay  for father & carted him a lode.


17. On Thurs I went to the marsh & mowd for uncle Joel & brought home a turn for my self.


18. On Fri I went to the marsh & rakd my hay & brought home a lode.


19. On Sat I mowd for uncle Joel & brought home a lode.


20. On Sun I went to meeting. Brother Samuel preachd from Nahum I & 7. then came home & dind & went to the new school house whare Brother S preachd  again from 1st Cor XVI & 13. then went to father in laws in the evening.

  * William Stilling preachd a trail sermon from 1d Cor IV & 5.


21. On Mon I ent to the marsh & brought home a lode of hay. one of the horses is sick. then began to mow in the swamp.


22. On Tues I went to the marsh & rakd hay for uncle Joel & brought home a lode. father brought one for me. it is my last. I had 8 turns.


23. On Wed I went to the marsh & put a plank on the sluice thenrakd some hay   for uncle & brought home a turn for him.

* 24. On Thurs I mowd in the meddow & went to the burying of Joel Sheppard  Denis Sheppards son. Brother Steelings gave a word of exortation & prayd.


25. On Fri I finishd mowing in the swamp & began to top & stripd corn.


26. On Sat I topd & stripd corn & went to father in laws whare Wm Steelings  preachd from 2nd Cor V & 17.  * the church is satisfide with him.


27. On Sun I went to meeting. D Swiney red a sermon from Acts IX & 11. then Wm Steelings preachd from 2nd Cor X & 17.


28. On Mon I bound & sat up some corn fodder & thrashd 3 doz of wheet & carted the hay out of the meddow 3 turns.


29. On Tues I went to the marsh & David Platts to the shares.


30. On  Wed I cleand up 2 1/4 bus of wheet & took to mill & went to the bridge & fencd the hay stacks.



October th 1. On Thurs I went to the marsh & rakd hay & brought home a turn.


2. On Fri I workd some at a pare of shoes.


* 3. On Sat I went to monthly meeting. Wm Steelings peachd from Math XI &  28. after sermon attended to bisness & licencd Brother Steelings to preach the gospel. now may the grace of God be withhim. we prepard the association letter & dismissd Jeremiah Brooks his wife & mother. then we  went to Stephen Reeves s & stade the after noon.


4. On Sun I stade at home.


5. On Mon I topd stripd corn.


6. On Tues I went to the marsh & lookd at a breach in the bank & dam. then thrashd some wheet. J Platts helpd me. I cleand up 2 1/2 bus & took to Phillop Sowers.


7. On Wed I workd on the bank 16 rod dam & homes s bank.


8. On Thurs I workd on the 16 rod dam with 3 hands. J Holmes had

5 at his  breach.


9. On Fri Icradold buck wheet.


10. On Sat I went & workd on my bank. J Platts helpd me & Charles.


11. On Sun I went to meeting.  Wm Steelings preachd form John XVI & 33. then went to father in laws in the evening whare Daniel Swiney preachd his first sermon from st John XIV & 1.


12. On Mon I finishd cuting buck wheet. thrashd & cleand up seed wheet. 12  doz made 7 3/4 & beganto sow wheet.


13. On Tues I thrashd some wheet 3 doz & cleand up one bushel & finishd  sowing. I sowd 5 bus one eight.


14. On Wed I went tothe marsh & finishd raking hay on David Platts marsh  brought home a turn & went to Election & to father in laws whare Daniel  Swiney preachd from Hebr XI  1-2 & 3.


13. On Thurs I rakd & thrashd buck wheet & topd some corn.


16. On Fri I went to the funeral of Caleb Barrots child then carted in the buck wheet & thrashd it.


17. On Sat I finishd thrashing buck wheet & cleand it up. there was 15 bushels & carted a lode of tops. then went to father in laws whare     Daniel Swiney preachd from Math SVI & 24.


18. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Smalley preachd from Luke X & 23-24.


19. On Mon I thrashd a dozen of wheet & cleand up 1 3/4 bushels & went to mill then cut & carted some fire wood.


20. On Tues I beat out the flax in AM & went to lok for poultry in PM.


21. On Wed I winerd the flax cede & huskd some corn.


22. On Thurs I cilld a veal & went to bridge town with part of the meat then  went to the Vendue of Henry Shiners & bought a coverd waggon body. then went to Mr Smalleys to society meeting at even. Daniel Swiney preachd  from Rom V & 38-39.


23. On Fri I huskd corn & carted in a lode.


24. On Sat I finishd spreding flax & huskd corn & carted in a lode.


25. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in the CXVI psalm & 15 verce.


26. On Mon I cut some stocks & made some board fence.


27. On Tues I cut & carted some stocks & thrashd three doz of wheet.


28. On Wed I sowd rye & cleand up one bus of wheet & sowd it. uncle Joel harrowd for me. then I workd at wether boarding the barn. there was society meeting here at night.


29. On Thurs I finishd wether boarding the barn.


30. On Fri I went to the widdow Shriners & got a coverd waggon boddy & put it on the old runing that I had & went to the bridge & took 2 & 2/3 bus of flax cede.


31. On Sat I went to meeting. Daniel Swineey preachd from Roms X & 11 to 13.  there was one examnd & baptisd.



November th 1. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Smalley s text was in the  fiftyeth psalm & 15 verce. after sermon William Sheppard was taken into meeting. then we surrounded the table of the Lord.


2. On Mon I huskd & carted in my corn from E Fithians field. J Platts & his boys helpd me.


3. On Tues I fixd my waggon sides & went to marsh meeting & was put in maniger of the rode.


4. On Wed I pickd poultry for market.


5. On Thurs I started to Philladelphia. Amy & Polly Walling went & got over & went to the Alms house & stade with Brother Samuel. we got there about 6 oclock.


6. On Fri I got brakefast at the Alms house then went & sold my poultry got 60 cents for geece & 40 for fowls & 25 for eggs. then went & stade the night with David Jinkens.


7. On Sat I startd from the ferry after crossing the river at half past 8 & got home at 7 in the evening.


8. On Sun I ent to meeting. Wm Steelings peachd from 2nd Cor V & 17. came home & dind then went to Moors school house whare Daniel Swiney preachd  from st John III & 36.


9. On Mon I getherd corn for J Platts in John Fithians field & dug potatoes for my self.


10. On Tues I finshd diging potatoes & began to gether corn.


11. On Wed I getherd corn. J Platts & his boys helpd me.


12. On Thurs I carted in 4 lodes of corn.


13. On Fri I finshd gethering cron. Phebe Parsons elpd me. it was blustry & some snow squals.


14. On Sat I went to David Walters & got a shote that run away from me & then finishd carting in corn.


15. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Tuff preachd from st John III & 7. came home & dind then went to Jonathan Platts s to meeting. John Davis preachd from Math V & 20. then went to the court house in the evening.  Mr Tuff preachd from 2nd Cor V & 10.


16. On Mon I went to Ozwell Ayres & got my waggon he had rimd one of the hind wheels. then buryed my potatoes.


17. On Tues I thrashd 4 doz of wheet & cleand up 2 3/4 bus. then thrashd some oats. it snowd all day. the snow was about 4 inches deep.


18. On Wed I thrashd oats & cleand up 12 1/2 bus & got a little wood out of the swamp.


19. On Thurs I cut & slededsome fire wood.


20. On Fri I went to John Reeves s & got my wagon wheel tird & made a pare of hames & got them irond.


21. On Sat I made some board fence & had the cabby (cabbage?) buryed & went in to the swamp & shot a rabbit.


22. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm was absent & Johathan Platts red 2  sermons. the first text was in Luke XV & 18. the 2nd was in Math  XXV & 46.


23. On Mon and Tues I huskd corn for father in law.


25. On Wed I cut wood in AM & went to court in PM.


26. On Thurs and Fri I huskd corn for father in law.


28. On Sat i huskd corn for father in law & finishd then brought home 3 1/2 bus of corn  there is 3 days that I am to harle (?) work for it.


29. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in Titus I & 2.


30. On Mon I went to Mark Bowens & took him 10 bus of oats & got a lode of  pine nots.



December th 1. On Tues I sawd some logs & carted some fire wood. R Sheppard  helpd me.


2. On Wed I thrashd oats. R Sheppard helpd me.


3. On Thurs I thrashd oats & cleand up 31 bus. R Sheppard helpd me. I went to Mr Smalleys to meeting in the evening. Mr David preachd from 2ns Thes & 15.


 * 4. On Fri I thrashd & cleand up 3 3/4 bus of wheet. Mother Sheppard died     this fore noon. She had the consumption a long & lingering ilness.


5. On Sat I went to the burying of Mother in law. Mr Sm preachd her funeral  at the meeting house from st John SVII & 24. after sermon there was six people exaomnd & Baptisd.


6. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr J David preachd from 1st John & 29. there was the 6 that was baptisd yesterday was taken in to the church. then Mr German administerd the Sacrement.


7. On Mon I thrashd 15 doz of oats.


8. On Tues I went to the bank & filld round. uncle Joel helpd me on my  bank.


9. On Wed I workd at filling mud on the bank finishd mine then workd on his.


10. On Thurs I thrashd some oats. Mr German preachd at the widdow Platts in the evening from Malici III & 16 to the end.


11. On Fri I cleand up 19 bus of oats & took them to Jahn Dare at the indian fields then went to father in laws. Amy & her sisters divided their mothers clothes.


12. On Sat Ii helpd uncle Joel cill a hog then he & father helpd me cill a beef & a hog. then I took the hogg & one quarter of the beef to John  Reeves.


13. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in st John XVI & 7.


14. On Mon I went to mill & carted a lode of fire wood.


15. On Tues I pidled about. I wrote an article for a singing schoool.


16. On Wed I cisd a peace & ent to the bridge & bought some eggs to take to  market & beamd on the peace in the evening at J Platts s.


17. On Thurs I drew in the peace after going to Jeddidiah Davis s after slay & geers.


18. On Fri I got the peace to work & wove 3 yds. I went to daddys to society meeting & afer meeting I got the geese from David Swineys that I bought of David Bateman.


19. On Sat I took two small logs to the saw mill at bridgetown & carted some fire wood.


20. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in Philns III & 0.


21. On Mon I wove 7 yds.


22. On Tues I helpd daddy cil 5 hoggs.


23. On Wed I went to woodruffs saw mill & carted in two lodes of pine loggs  to the haves of John Harrises timber & stade all night.


24. On Thurs I carted in one lode of loggs & then brought home a lode of slabs.


25. On Fri I wove 6 yds & got out the peace. it was 16 yds long.


26. On Sat I finishd thr ruff on the barn & went to John  Reeves s in the PM. I got 2 letters from Samuel to day.


27. On Sun I went to meeting. Mr Sm text was in James II & 20. then came  home & dind then went to meeting to the court house. Wm Steelings preachd from Colms III & the four first verses.


28. On Mon I thrashd some oat & made a waggon board.


29. On Tues I cut out a pare of shoes for Charles & made one.


30. On Wed I went to John Reeves s & got the mare whod & got a stay chain to the coulster & put it on.


31. On Thurs I sat in some croches for a waggon house & went to Samuel Davis s & then to Ephraem Terrils Vendue.


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Oliver Harris Diary 1808