Historic Sumner County, Tennessee
Historic Sumner County, Tennessee

By Jay Guy Cisco, 1909

To the Memory of
Mildred Georgie Pursley Cisco
Great great great grand daughter of Colonel Anthony Bledsoe
Born in Sumner County, August 2, 1851
Died in Jackson, Tennessee, April 1, 1894
This book is affectionately dedicated.

Retyped for the page by Diane Payne, 2000, 2001 & 2002
Note: The original book is not separated into distinct chapters. However, I took the liberty to create chapters for organization reasons. Also the book contains numerous photos which I have not scanned for the website.

Preface and Chapter Selection

During the months of September and October, 1907, I published in the Sunday edition of the Nashville American, a series of papers called "Historic Sumner County." They were so well received that I determined to rewrite, revise and add new matter and publish the whole in book form. This book is the result. It is not intended to be a history of Sumner county-a work to deserve that name would fill many more pages than are herein contained-but to present some of the most interesting details about the first settlement and the first settlers of the county, not accessible in any other form. My aim has been to give facts and to exclude errors. I have personally interviewed many of the descendants of the pioneers, have examined written and printed records, and have written hundreds of letters, many of which have remained unanswered. It was the original purpose to include genealogies of all the pioneer families, but I have been unable to secure the necessary information, the living representatives of the families either did not possess the facts, or were indifferent to their preservation in this form.

History begins with tradition, narratives handed from down from generation to generation. But tradition is not always fact, and much of it is absurd, while it may serve to amuse and entertain, it should not be taken seriously. It is the duty of the historian to sift tradition and retain only authentic facts.

I desire to here express my sincere thanks to every individual who in any way gave me assistance in the way of information for this work, and to hope that all with may be satisfied with the manner in which I have presented the facts given me.
J. G. Cisco