Resources Moose Jaw, Sask.

Dear Moose Jaw and Area Gen Web enthusiasts,

Exciting news! As RootsWeb transitions to read-only mode in 2024, fear not! Your cherished Moose Jaw Gen Web Project will not only survive but thrive at our new domain: Our commitment to preserving family histories, one-room schoolhouses, cemeteries, and historical landscapes is stronger than ever.

Join us on Patreon ( to ensure this labor of love endures. Visit our evolving webpages at If you have any comments or ideas to add, let us know. Your support keeps history alive.

With gratitude,
The Moose Jaw and Area Gen Web Project Team


Welcome to the Moose Jaw Gen Web Region

Moose Jaw Regional Genealogy GenWeb
Home | Surnames | Query | Look Ups | Moose Jaw Query Board | History | Links | Personal Pages Resources | Contact


This page is for various resources in the Moose Jaw Region. If you have any resources you would like added, please email me. I will be adding links and snail mail addresses as I find them. Thanks.



Willow Bunch



Moose Jaw- The Times Herald


Other Links

Snowbirds - 431 Air Demonstration Squadron

Canadian Geographical Names - Geographical Names of Canada. Great for those hard to find places. It even covers villages, hamlets etc. that don't exist anymore.


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Send your suggestions, comments or corrections. Or if you just want to write to someone:

-- Last updated -- Thursday, 16-Nov-2023 20:34:18 MST

Come back often...