Surnames G: Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE

Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE


Index of People with Surnames Beginning with G

Gai (Gray), Aline de         (1159-)     I8672   121-33, 820-35, 822-34
Gallop, Joan                 (-1690)     I987    992-15, 994-14
Gallop, John                             I1372   992-17
Gallop, John                 (1590-1649) I995    992-16
Gallop, John                 (1620-1675) I997    992-16
Gallop, John                 (-1562)     I1981   992-19
Gallop, John                             I1984   992-21
Gallop, John                             I1982   992-20
Gallop, Nathaniel                        I999    992-16
Gallop, Samuel                           I998    992-16
Gallop, Thomas               (-1610)     I1374   992-18
Gamboa, Elvira Sanchez de    (1218-)     I9227   41-32, 909-32
Gamboa, Sancho Perez de      (1186-)     I9230   41-32, 909-33
Gand, Arnulf of              (-993)      I9945   22-41, 69-41, 70-42, 73-40, 
       132-39, 228-40, 249-41
Gand, Beatrice de                        I4384   418-35, 644-36, 851-36
Gand, Ledgarde of            (941-0964)  I10935  15-44, 69-42, 70-43, 582-42
Gand, Theodoric of                       I7610   69-42, 70-42, 249-41
Gand, Wickman of             (-0983)     I4156   15-44, 69-42, 70-43
Gant, Adalbert de            (1004-1032) I10053  15-41, 69-40, 73-40, 117-40, 
       229-39, 249-41, 544-40
Gant, Agnes (Alice?) de                  I14406  770-35
Gant, Baldwin de             (-1046)     I9457   69-39, 544-40
Gant, Gilbert de             (1040-1058) I14412  770-38
Gant, Gilbert II de          (-1095)     I14409  770-37
Gant, Reingot de                         I10111  69-40, 73-40
Gant, Rudolph de Alost       (-1058)     I9454   69-39, 73-40, 230-38, 263-41, 
       510-41, 544-40, 759-38
Gant, Walter de              (-1139)     I14407  770-36
Garland, Jabez                           I1666   1028-19
Garlande, Agnes de           (-1143)     I8768   413-37, 590-36, 642-36, 808-36
Garlande, Anseau (Ansel) de  (1069-1117) I5639   413-37, 808-37
Garlende, Adam de                        I9384   808-37
Gascogne, Sancha de          (-1018)     I7162   361-40
Gascoigne, Alice                         I2065   944-29, 950-28, 951-27, 966-28
Gascoigne, Dorothy                       I2741   1-20, 47-22, 778-19
Gascoigne, Elizabeth                     I9051   950-29, 993-29
Gascoigne, Elizabeth                     I11733  1-21, 47-22
Gascoigne, Elizabeth         (1353-)     I9058   950-30, 975-30
Gascoigne, William           (-1486)     I11734  1-21, 47-22, 55-26
Gascoigne, William                       I2952   950-34
Gascoigne, William           (-1463)     I2834   1-21, 47-23, 55-26, 950-27
Gascoigne, William                       I2951   950-33
Gascoigne, William                       I2946   950-32
Gascoigne, William                       I2943   950-31, 975-30
Gascoigne, William           (-1422)     I2790   55-27, 944-29, 950-28, 951-27, 
Gascoigne, William           (-1419)     I2931   950-29, 966-28, 975-30
Gascoigne, William           (-1373)     I2936   950-30, 975-30
Gascoigne, William                       I2953   950-35
Gascoigne, William           (-1466)     I2792   47-23, 55-27, 950-27, 966-28
Gascoigne, William                       I2954   950-36
Gatchel, Josiah Warren       (-1803)     I14426  1019-9
Gatesden, John de            (1222-)     I14758  31-33, 138-32, 917-31
Gatesden, Margaret de        (1248-1311) I14750  138-31, 917-31
Gatinais, Aelinde de         (848-)      I6402   309-45
Gaunt, Agnes de                          I9206   69-36, 110-35, 150-37
Gaunt, Gilbert de            (1034-1095) I10776  69-38, 150-37, 544-40
Gaunt, Walter de             (-1139)     I7743   34-38, 69-37, 150-37
Gaveston, Amy de             (1312-)     I12229  168-29
Gaveston, Ernaud de                      I9946   168-29
Gaveston, Piers de           (1284-1312) I12228  168-29
Gavre, Bertha de                         I10388  73-33, 118-35, 230-35, 241-36
Gavre, Bertrand (Rasse IV) de(-1150)     I10387  118-35, 230-36, 241-36, 571-35
Gavre, Jean de                           I10414  69-39, 230-38, 571-35, 759-38
Gavre, Louis de              (-1000)     I10423  759-41
Gavre, Rasse I de            (-1030)     I10422  759-40
Gavre, Rasse II de           (-1056)     I10420  230-38, 759-39
Gavre, Rasse III de                      I10411  230-37, 241-36, 304-36, 571-35, 
Gawkethorpe, Henry de                    I2950   950-32
Gawkethorpe, John de                     I2948   950-32
Gawkethorpe, Matilda de                  I2947   950-32
Gay (Gray), Steven                       I9055   121-33, 822-34
Geneva, Aimon II of          (1084-1134) I10738  232-39
Geneva, Amadeo I of          (1110-1162) I10718  232-38, 233-37
Geneva, Comtesson of                     I6470   528-34, 850-34
Geneva, Gerald               (0942-)     I10860  259-39, 448-39, 527-41, 528-37
Geneva, Gerold II (III) of   (1058-1080) I10761  71-41, 232-40
Geneva, Gerold of            (1032-1045) I10786  71-41, 232-40, 448-38
Geneva, Guillaume I of       (1130-1195) I10705  71-38, 71-36, 232-37, 233-37
Geneva, Humbert de                       I14996  158-31
Geneva, Jeanne of            (-1070)     I9611   259-39, 262-38, 289-38, 527-38
Geneva, Joan de              (1034-)     I10753  71-40, 448-38, 457-37
Geneva, Mathilde Countess of (1112-1137) I10719  232-38, 233-37
Geneva, Pierre de            (-1249)     I14995  98-32, 158-31
Geneva, Thietburge Wife of Gerold II (Iii)
                             (1060-)     I10762  71-41, 232-40
Geneville, Geoffrey de       (1226-1314) I5574   131-30, 158-31
Geneville, Joan de           (1285-1356) I3511   21-29, 65-31, 103-28, 104-28, 
       112-29, 131-29, 158-30, 324-29, 476-31
Geneville, Peter de          (-1292)     I5573   21-29, 131-30, 158-30
Gensing, Agnes de            (1320-)     I14736  937-29
Gerard, Elizabeth                        I2666   727-35
Gerard, Thomas                           I2667   727-35
Germany, Judith Maria of     (1047-1100) I6769   296-39, 506-39
Gernon, Avice de                         I8022   920-33
Gernon, Beatrix de                       I8639   143-35, 499-36
Gernon, John                 (1330-1383) I8012   148-29, 155-31
Gernon, John                 (1290-1333) I8010   148-29, 155-31, 414-29
Gernon, Margaret             (-1352)     I8000   62-29, 148-28, 155-31, 414-29
Gernon, Margaret de                      I2715   7-35
Gernon, Radnulf de           (1100-1153) I7802   143-35, 499-36, 642-35
Gernon, Ralph de                         I8024   920-36
Gernon, Ralph de             (-1247)     I8023   920-35
Gernon, Ralph de             (1228-1274) I7930   61-36, 155-33, 920-33
Gernon, William              (1187-1258) I8020   155-33, 920-34
Gernon, William de           (1250-1327) I7931   148-29, 155-32, 920-33
Gestingthorp, Elizabeth de   (1320-)     I8393   874-25
Gestingthorp, John de        (1294-)     I8369   874-25
Getchell, Abigail            (1737-)     I14584  1018-11, 1050-11
Getchell, Ann R.             (1848-)     I877    1018-8, 1019-8
Getchell, Barzilla G.        (1811-1887) I7878   1018-9, 1054-9
Getchell, Clara E.           (1867-1886) I453    1018-7
Getchell, Edward Everett     (1840-1901) I14423  1018-8, 1019-8
Getchell, Elizabeth          (1825-)     I3804   1018-8, 1019-8
Getchell, Elizabeth C., Lizzie
                             (-1887)     I17     1-6, 7-11, 1018-6
Getchell, George F.          (1855-1856) I450    1018-7
Getchell, George Francis     (1833-1904) I448    1-6, 1018-7, 1019-8
Getchell, James              (1831-)     I14422  1018-8, 1019-8
Getchell, John               (1697-1771) I14540  1018-11, 1031-10, 1050-11, 1065-12
Getchell, John               (1611-)     I14460  1065-14
Getchell, John                           I14452  1018-11, 1050-11
Getchell, Josiah             (1774-1805) I3964   1018-10, 1018-8, 1019-9, 1031-10
Getchell, Josiah Warren      (1804-)     I14428  1019-9
Getchell, Mary P.            (1858-1886) I451    1018-7
Getchell, Priscilla          (1648-)     I14551  1065-13
Getchell, Prudence           (1805-1881) I876    1018-8, 1019-8, 1054-9
Getchell, Samuel             (1657-1710) I14455  1018-11, 1050-12, 1065-12
Getchell, Samuel                         I14454  1018-11, 1050-11
Getchell, Samuel             (1616-1694) I14457  1050-12, 1065-13
Getchell, Sarah E.                       I452    1018-7
Getchell, Stephen            (1735-)     I14453  1018-11, 1050-11
Getchell, Susanna                        I14946  1065-13
Getchell, William            (1771-)     I14393  1018-9, 1019-8, 1031-10, 1054-9
Getchell, William            (1740-)     I14437  1018-10, 1019-9, 1031-10, 1050-11, 
Getchell, William            (-1863)     I875    1018-8, 1019-8
Getchell, William H.         (1829-)     I14421  1018-8, 1019-8
Getchell, _____                          I14459  1065-14
Geva, Princess of Denmark    (-807)      I8183   315-45
Gevaudun, Almodis de         (-1005)     I10003  361-40
Gibbons, Ambrose             (-1656)     I1854   1039-22
Gibbons, Rebecca             (-1667)     I1852   1039-21
Gidley, (Miss) de                        I7548   413-30
Gidley, Giles de                         I7552   413-30
Giffard, Adelaide                        I7826   35-38, 155-38
Giffard, Catherine           (1272-)     I8828   65-32, 213-33, 397-30
Giffard, Isabel                          I7940   155-37
Giffard, Osbern              (1042-1096) I7827   35-38, 155-38
Giffard, Osbern                          I7891   155-40
Giffard, Rohese              (-1113)     I4387   35-37, 36-38, 155-38, 156-36, 
       157-36, 158-36, 159-36, 164-37, 165-37, 336-36, 621-38, 684-35
Giffard, Walter              (1066-1102) I7266   35-38, 155-37
Giffard, Walter              (-1084)     I4389   35-38
Giffard, Walter              (1015-1084) I7823   35-38, 36-38, 155-38
Giffard, Walter              (978-)      I7835   35-38, 155-39
Giffard, Walter I de Bolbec  (-1164)     I5175   155-36, 417-32
Gifford, Matilda             (-1227)     I8368   37-35, 812-36
Gilby, Ellen                             I422    41-21, 862-25
Gilby, John                              I426    41-21, 862-25
Gilman, Bridget                          I11474  1008-15
Gilman, Edward                           I11497  1008-15
Gilman, Edward               (1587-1655) I12390  1032-15
Gilman, Edward               (1525-)     I14706  1032-16
Gilman, Mary                 (1615-1681) I12391  1032-14
Giron, Berenguela            (1186-)     I9229   41-33, 909-32
Giron, Gonzalo Gonzalez                  I9233   41-33, 909-32
Glane, Emma de                           I7041   814-38
Glanville, Agnes                         I5916   189-35, 600-35, 845-35
Glanville, Bartholomew de    (-1167)     I5879   48-37, 190-36, 919-37
Glanville, Beatrice de                   I7296   48-36, 886-35, 919-37
Glanville, Emma de                       I3777   190-34, 865-33, 945-34
Glanville, Geoffrey de       (-1234)     I3779   190-35, 945-34
Glanville, Gerard de         (-1189)     I5945   189-37
Glanville, Hervey de         (1070-1147) I2918   48-38, 189-37, 600-35
Glanville, Juliana                       I3781   190-35
Glanville, Rainald de        (-1054)     I5838   48-39
Glanville, Ranulph (Ralph) de(-1070)     I2915   48-38, 189-37, 919-37
Glanville, Ranulph de        (1112-1191) I5944   189-37
Glanville, William de                    I5919   189-36, 319-36, 555-36, 600-35, 
Glanville, William de        (-1113)     I7294   48-37, 190-36, 919-37
Glass, Hannah                (1651-1698) I1487   91-20, 1022-19, 1052-19
Glass, James                 (-1652)     I1494   1022-20, 1052-19
Glass, James                             I1715   1021-22, 1022-21
Glass, Wiborah                           I1511   91-20
Glasse, James                (-1639)     I1893   1022-21
Gleiberg, Ermentrude von                 I9874   15-41, 23-39, 69-39, 249-42, 
       263-41, 509-42, 510-41, 541-40, 542-40, 543-40, 544-40, 668-40, 669-40, 670-40, 
       688-40, 717-40
Gleiberg, Gerberge von       (952-)      I6900   576-42, 687-41, 794-42
Gleiberg, Herbert von                    I7416   576-42
Gloucester, Mabel of         (1156-1188) I7651   168-34, 662-36
Goda,                        (1329-)     I9833   324-28
Goddard, Mary                            I1315   1059-14
Godfrey, Isaac               (1639-1717) I1819   1003-16, 1064-17
Godfrey, Jonathan            (1691-1734) I1812   995-15, 1003-16, 1064-16
Godfrey, Jonathan            (1720-1796) I1736   56-14, 995-15, 1003-15, 1064-16
Godfrey, Mary (Polly,Molly)  (1754-1840) I1735   56-14, 995-14, 1003-15
Godfrey, William             (-1671)     I1821   1064-18
Gometz, William de                       I9366   154-38, 413-39
Gomez, Don Diego             (1334-)     I9118   41-28, 69-26, 907-28, 908-29
Gommets, Bertrarde du        (-1051)     I9359   154-38, 413-39
Goodwin, Francis             (1544-1602) I2006   995-21
Goodwin, John                (1510-1562) I2010   995-22
Goodwin, John                            I4761   995-25
Goodwin, Margaret            (1570-)     I1806   995-20, 1000-19
Goodwin, William             (-1465)     I4760   995-24
Goodwin, William             (-1531)     I2012   995-23
Gorram, Damietta                         I5928   921-34
Gorram, William de                       I5930   921-34
Gotham, Cicely                           I2774   942-29
Gotham, Richard                          I2775   942-29
Gould,                                   I671    446-16
Goulston, John                           I9762   935-24
Goulston, Margaret           (-1576)     I9766   935-24
Gournay, (Miss) de                       I9096   35-34
Gournay, Gerard de           (-1096)     I8898   317-37, 387-36, 595-36
Gournay, Gundred de                      I8900   317-37, 387-36
Gournay, Gunnora de          (1150-)     I8952   387-35
Gournay, Hugh de             (-1238)     I7327   136-34, 387-33, 649-35
Gournay, Hugh III de         (1044-1110) I8960   317-37, 387-37
Gournay, Hugh IV de          (1096-1180) I8899   136-34, 317-37, 387-35, 595-36
Gournay, Hugh V de           (1148-1214) I9815   136-34, 387-34, 388-33
Gournay, Julianna de         (-1295)     I12067  218-31, 387-32, 466-36, 649-35
Goushill, Elizabeth                      I8157   4-29
Goushill, Joan               (1401-1458) I8680   4-29
Goushill, Robert             (-1403)     I10225  4-29
Gouy, Raoul de                           I6419   308-42, 363-44, 577-43
Goz, Albreda de                          I4059   68-42, 125-38
Goz, Ansfred le              (-1035)     I6330   30-40
Goz, Thurstan (Todeni)       (1000-1041) I5963   30-39, 68-42, 125-38
Grace, Bridgett              (1365-)     I4953   933-30
Grace, Richard               (1335-)     I4956   933-30
Gramines, Siher de                       I10440  105-40, 106-38
Gramines, Susanne de                     I10437  105-40, 106-38, 335-37
Grammaire, Joan le                       I5735   83-35, 318-33
Grammaire, Richard le                    I5737   83-35, 318-33
Grandison, Agnes de          (-1357)     I7023   16-34, 76-33, 174-29, 218-30
Grandison, Katharine         (1304-1349) I3864   16-33, 21-27, 37-31, 938-33
Grandison, Mabel             (-1350)     I3862   16-34, 37-31
Grandison, Piers de          (1296-1352) I3863   16-34, 37-31
Grandison, William de        (1255-1335) I3860   16-34, 37-31, 76-33, 218-30, 
       303-32, 938-33
Grandmesnil, Hugh de                     I3947   316-35
Grandmesnil, Hugh de                     I3948   316-35
Grandmesnil, Petronilla de   (1149-1212) I3945   168-35, 253-35, 316-35
Grant, Ann                   (1637-1711) I14559  1018-13, 1029-13, 1030-14
Grant, Hiram                             I636    176-16, 446-14
Grant, John                  (1505-)     I14576  1018-16
Grant, John                  (1568-)     I14572  1018-15, 1030-14
Grant, Thomas                (1601-1643) I14562  1018-14, 1029-13, 1030-14
Grant, William               (1479-)     I14580  1018-17
Grantmesnil, Adeliza de                  I8775   4-41, 30-35, 336-36
Grantmesnil, Agnes                       I9098   35-34, 162-36
Greasley, Agnes                          I8569   961-35
Greasley, Ralph de                       I8570   961-36
Green, Henry                             I3843   22-26, 55-27
Greene, Agnes de             (1341-1391) I9823   14-29, 614-28
Greene, Eleanor                          I3842   22-26, 55-27
Greene, Elizabeth            (1350-)     I7415   977-26
Greene, Henry de             (1310-1370) I4934   14-29, 614-29
Greene, Thomas de            (1260-)     I14617  614-30
Greene, Thomas de            (1292-)     I9452   324-31, 493-36, 614-30
Greene, _____                            I14362  977-26
Greinville, Gilbert de       (-1243)     I3769   810-33
Greinville, Joan de          (-1305)     I3771   83-32, 190-32, 810-33, 811-32
Grelle, Robert de            (1252-1282) I15157  143-30, 428-29
Grene, Elizabeth                         I8879   935-27
Grenoble, Petronil de                    I9428   39-38, 366-37
Gresely, Thomas                          I3463   41-26, 62-27
Gresley, Geoffrey de         (-1240)     I8063   927-33, 928-33, 949-32
Gresley, Geoffrey de                     I8059   414-30, 927-31, 949-32
Gresley, Geoffrey de         (-1331)     I7999   62-29, 148-28, 414-29, 927-30
Gresley, John                            I9722   76-27
Gresley, John                            I3465   62-27
Gresley, John de             (1328-1395) I8001   62-29, 148-27, 414-29
Gresley, Margaret de         (1392-)     I3466   41-26, 62-26
Gresley, Nicholas de         (1345-1374) I3467   62-28, 148-27
Gresley, Peter de            (-1310)     I8008   148-28, 414-30, 927-30
Gresley, Robert de           (-1183)     I8069   928-35
Gresley, Thomasine                       I9723   76-27
Gresley, William de          (-1254)     I8061   927-32, 928-33, 949-32
Gresley, William de          (-1220)     I8067   927-33, 928-34
Gresley, William FitzNigel de(-1166)     I8071   928-36
Grey, Agnes                              I2551   56-33, 946-34, 947-33
Grey, Alice de               (-1474)     I3751   2-26, 31-23, 48-27, 931-21
Grey, Emma de                (-1264)     I3778   190-33, 810-32, 865-33, 945-34
Grey, Hawise de                          I8549   648-31
Grey, Henry de               (-1224)     I5886   48-33, 190-34, 945-35, 946-35
Grey, Henry de               (-1308)     I8080   31-31, 121-30, 231-30, 946-33
Grey, Jane de                (1300-1369) I8273   121-28, 167-30, 360-28
Grey, John de                (-1271)     I5061   69-32, 121-30, 231-31, 946-33
Grey, John de                (1272-1311) I8520   648-30
Grey, John de                (-1265)     I3776   48-33, 190-34, 865-33, 894-32, 
       945-34, 946-35
Grey, John de                (-1439)     I3752   2-27, 31-23, 48-27, 221-29
Grey, John de                (1260-1323) I7406   48-31, 136-29, 894-32
Grey, John de                (-1311)     I14967  36-33, 167-32
Grey, John de                (1300-1359) I8088   121-27, 167-31
Grey, Margaret               (-1311)     I8522   648-29, 820-32, 823-31
Grey, Maud                   (1272-)     I7407   48-32, 191-31, 413-25, 887-30, 
Grey, Maud                   (1330-1390) I8266   121-27, 167-30
Grey, Reginald de            (-1308)     I5885   48-32, 191-31, 413-25, 894-32, 
Grey, Reynold                (1362-1440) I4256   2-27, 48-28, 67-30, 84-26, 
       168-27, 221-29
Grey, Reynold de             (1319-1388) I4260   48-29, 84-26, 136-29, 221-29
Grey, Richard                (1200-1250) I2552   56-33, 231-31, 945-35, 946-34, 
Grey, Richard de             (1281-1333) I8083   121-29, 231-30, 360-28
Grey, Richard de             (1148-)     I7455   48-33, 190-34, 945-35, 946-36
Grey, Robert de                          I8544   648-31
Grey, Robert de              (-1295)     I8518   648-30, 823-31
Grey, Roger de               (-1352)     I3489   48-30, 84-26, 136-29
Grey, Thomas de              (-1295)     I8521   648-30
Grey, Walter de              (-1267)     I8541   648-31
Greystock, Alicia                        I2929   966-33
Greystock, Thomas                        I2930   966-34
Greystoke, Edith Fitzforne of            I14713  820-37, 825-36
Greystoke, Forne Fitzsigulf of
                             (1055-1129) I7907   820-38
Greystoke, Ralph de          (1353-1418) I9075   112-28, 439-27
Greystoke, Ralph Fitzrobert de
                             (1299-1323) I9976   213-32, 408-28
Greystoke, William Fitzralph de
                             (1320-1359) I4994   408-28
Grignon, Matilda de          (1150-1192) I4114   246-35, 504-34
Grisgonelle, Girberge        (0982-)     I10823  309-42, 310-41
Grosvenor, Elizabeth         (1515-)     I12242  935-22
Gruffeth, William                        I2172   935-22
Grundy, Alice                (1573-1597) I4801   1014-20
Guarder, Ralph de            (1042-1097) I7171   37-38, 168-37, 622-37
Gudiel, Fernan               (1183-)     I9302   908-32
Gudiel, Maria Fernandez      (1224-)     I9300   908-32
Gudiel, Maria Garcia         (1297-)     I9278   907-29, 908-30
Guerche, Emma de la          (-1161)     I8929   911-37
Guerche, Gaultier                        I13989  911-38
Guevara, Pero Velaz de       (1154-)     I9265   909-34
Guincamp, Alan II de         (1116-1146) I5579   34-37, 122-34, 604-35
Guincamp, Hawise de                      I13994  911-36
Guincamp, Hawise de          (-1135)     I5582   34-38, 69-37, 122-34, 149-37, 
Guines, Adelide de                       I10408  73-35, 244-34, 777-35, 801-36
Guines, Arnold III de        (-1282)     I4082   24-32, 129-32, 247-33, 329-30
Guines, Arnoul II de         (-1169)     I10450  73-36, 247-35, 335-36, 777-35, 
Guines, Baldwin I de         (-1091)     I10438  73-37, 106-38, 335-37
Guines, Baldwin II de        (-1205)     I10452  73-36, 247-35, 751-34, 801-36
Guines, Gisele de                        I10458  73-37, 335-36, 801-36
Guines, Margaret de          (-1304)     I4077   24-31, 129-32, 174-30, 329-30
Guiscard, Matilda            (1059-1112) I9637   3-38, 41-38, 298-37, 736-38, 
Guise, Godfrey de                        I8363   304-36
Gundemarez, (Miss) de                    I9735   788-42, 800-43
Gurdon, Brampton             (-1650)     I2327   1-15, 2-21, 987-21
Gurdon, John                 (1485-1556) I2378   987-24
Gurdon, John                             I2371   2-21, 987-22
Gurdon, John                 (1407-1451) I2387   987-27
Gurdon, John                 (-1487)     I2384   987-26
Gurdon, John                 (-1504)     I2382   987-25
Gurdon, Muriel               (1613-)     I2313   1-15, 2-20, 987-21, 1025-14
Gurdon, Robert                           I2374   987-23
Gurdon, Robert?              (-1440)     I2389   987-28
Gurnay, Melicent de          (1183-1260) I7318   37-33, 136-33, 324-32, 387-34, 
       388-33, 389-32, 636-32, 906-32
Guzman, Hugo Rodriguez de    (-1040)     I9710   496-41, 788-42, 800-42
Guzman, Rodrigo Nunez de                 I9712   788-42, 800-42
