Crater Lake NSDAR:Service Projects

Crater Lake NSDAR
Chapter Service Projects

Scholarship Fund - Each year the chapter presents a scholarship to a worthy recipient from a local high school.

SORCC / VA Domiciliary at White City - Chapter members volunteer on a continuing basis. In 1993, chapter members counted 178 volunteer hours at various functions at the Dom: help with the Christmas gift wrap, bake cookies, donate gifts and goodies, participate in the annual Stand Down. In 1993 Chapter members baked seventy-five dozen cookies for the hospitality table at the White City VA Domiciliary. Chapter members provide refreshments on each Sunday in May and December after the worship services held at the Interfaith Chapel. In 2004, the VA Domiciliary was renamed the VA Southern Oregon Rehabilitation Center and Clinics (SORCC). In 2007, chapter members helped fill "ditty" bags with tooth brushes and dental floss which were given at Christmas to the clients at SORCC and also participated in the Quilts for Vets project.

Memorial Day - The chapter takes part in the Memorial Day services at the National Cemetery located in Eagle Point, Oregon.

Veterans Day - The chapter participates in the annual Veterans Day parade in Medford or Eagle Point.

Other Activities: Money was given to help repair the Statue of Liberty replica in Hawthorne Park. Chapter members supported the soldiers in Iraq by sending care packages. Campbell's soup labels are collected and sent to one of the DAR schools. Cancelled stamps are collected for the Stamps for the Wounded project in Virginia. Christmas gifts are donated each year for women and children at the Magdalene House. Chapter members, individually and as a group, donate clothing and miscellaneous items to SORCC and the Gospel Rescue Mission on an ongoing basis.

The chapter also support several historic exhibits in northern Oregon, including the Robert Newell House and Pioneer Mothers Memorial Cabin Museum, as well as the Schminck Museum in Lakeview.

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