
 Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board


It is well to remember that this grand result, in the aggregate, was achieved only by the multiplication of small units such as represented by the Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board.
       At no time was it more important for us to remind ourselves as to how this has been brought about. It has been accomplished by long years of patient, persistent effort, by the combination of brains and hard work of many men who have, in many instances, responded to the leadership of a few who had a large vision of the opportunity and the future possibility. At this time, when there is a certain degree of restlessness abroad in the land, and when there is sometimes a disposition to change merely for the sake of a change, it may be in order to suggest that whatever changes time may bring about, they will not depart far from the broad, general principles which have been responsible for past success. I would be sorry to see any system adopted which would not give adequate rewards for energy, industry, thrift and ability, which have been the cardinal, if old-fashioned, virtues upon which success has been founded in the past. The record which you are preserving will, no doubt, emphasize these points and will therefore prove a guide and inspiration for the future.
       The Ontario Department of Agriculture expends upwards of $60,000 annually towards assisting in maintaining and developing the dairy industry of this Province, and the larger portion of this is devoted to the cheese branch of that industry. As is well known, we employ men to act as instructors and inspectors, whose duty it is to visit the cheese factories and creameries, and assist the makers, in an educational way, in turning out the very finest product. At the same time, through our system of local representatives, as well as in other ways, we endeavor to place before the producer the best methods available in assisting him, by better breeding and better feeding, in getting the. largest returns from his business. It is, perhaps, not too much to say that the work which has been accomplished in this way has helped greatly in maintaining the position which Ontario cheese commands on the export markets at the present time. Whatever changes may be brought about in the methods and systems associated with this industry, it is safe to say that the name and reputation of Ontario cheese, as well as Ontario products of all kinds, will be based upon its quality. The Department, therefore, invites the co-operation of producers, dealers and all others in its efforts to maintain the high quality of the product in order that the dairy industry, which has been so well established by the men who have gone before and whose records you are properly preserving, will be maintained and developed in future years.
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