The only idea that I have is what happened to some members of my family. Some of my family members disappeared for 10-20- and 30 years, and what we found by accident is that they were living with close family members. We believe that there must have been some sort of financial or social upheaval, and they ended up in other family households. My gggrandmother ended up at the Cap Taylor's farm the last 29 years of her life after my gggrandfather died. We have never been able to figure out exactly how Cap Taylor was related. If not related, they must have been the best friends that anyone has ever had. (smile) But, this might be an explanation for the disappearance. Just a thought! Jacquelyn PhelpsCheck the TAX Lists, they usually didn't miss anyone!
Power of Attorney
Ransom McBride: Migration as Shown In Powers of Attorney
North Carolina Genealogical Society Journal Vol 3 #1 p. 5
His article mentions that Power of Attorney (the legal authorizing of one person within a county to act in behalf of another who no longer lives in that county) can sometimes provide the entire migration pattern of families.He published in this issue the ones from Bertie County. He had obtained them from the Archives: Stack File # C.R. 10.911.1, Box 3)
These out of a Miscellaneous category, but mentioned that Powers of Attorney can also be found in Deed Books and Estate Papers.
I am researching Gaskins family, and have hit a wall at John, born 1810 in either Albermarle or Bertie Co., NC The 1850 census is the last proof I have of him, in Russell Co., KY, with his wife Nancy McKinley (b. 1811 at (?)) and my great-great grandfather, William Green Gaskins.
Kathy Norris [email protected]Be sure to look at our Migrations Page. You may locate some families moving to the same area of KY which would give you a clue.
Bertie 1840 Census does have a John Gaskins listed. Could this be him?Tip on 1920-1930 Census Search
Marianne Ordway ([email protected])
Some of these census are now indexed with the Search Engines ( - After trying all the "creative spellings" finally, I decided to search for just the first name of Doug's grandmother and looked for every "Eunice in Mandan, Morton Co., ND" [using no surname at all, and "poof" there was Doug's grandmother listed as Eunice L. "ANDWAY" - even with creative spelling that variation escaped me totally. Tried it with the 1920 which wasn't as easy, so searched for every "William" who was "32 years old" in the state of "North Dakota" no last name - "poof" there he was and the whole family listed as "DIDWAY"