"geeg"Nansemond County
Of interest is the fact that so many Bertie County names appear in these records. Also of note are places on current Suffolk maps such as Harrell Siding and Norfleet Pond which I interpret as indicating these families were on the Southside at one time. Of course Nugent's three volumes of Cavaliers and Pioneers contain the abstracts of many land transactions in the Upper Parish of Nansemond of families who later settled in Bertie. Among them Rhodes, Spivey, Parker, Norfleet. I have also found Cognets' English Duplicates of Lost Virginia Recordsto be of value. The 1704 Quit Rent Roll of the Upper Parish of Nansemond is particularly interesting. Jerry Larson -- Houston
BERTIE to and from other NORTH CAROLINA Counties
Greg SimmonsI am tracing my Simmons family through the following states and Counties. 1) Johnson and Pope Counties in Illinois 1836 to 1920 2) Cape Girdardeau County Missouri 1832 to 1836 3) Wayne County Tennessee 1820 to 1840 4) Burke County North Carolina 1815 to 1820 5) Bertie County North Carolina 1801 to 1815 6) Chatham County North Carolina 1790 to 1801 7) Franklin County North Carolina 1775 to 1790 8) Bute County North Carolina 1766 to 1775 9) Granville County North Carolina 1748 to 1766 10) Edgecombe County North Carolina 1743 to 1748 Greg Simmons ================================================ Marilyn Livingston sbtuscoffc@coastalnet My name is Marilyn Mejorado-Livingston, I am Tuscarora Indian.Some of my people also left Bertie Co. Start with the Smith's, descendants of Chief Samuel Smith died 1803, Berite Co. Indian Wods, some of them left and migrated to Five Nations, making it Six Nations...Some of these descendants married into the local people and stayed in the Bertie, Martin, Hertford region, some just vanished!!! Our Barney-Castles shortened to Barneycastle and Ellis's, as well as Parrots, and Jenkins left Bertie and followed the mill villages, this group went to Davie Township, the on to Meclenburg Va, then on to Meclenburg Co. NC, they now live in Gaston Co. NC, in a small quaint mill village. The Castiloe's/Castilows that are still here in Bertie are from the SAME Barneycastle name, they just dropped the Barney, A lot of the Barnes here, just dropped the Castle...Some Barneycastles are in Oregon, It appears James C Barneycastle left the area went to Alabama, his descendants went on to Oregon. James Barneycastle had children by Martha Butler (Tuscarora) but never married her....We still have some Butler kin from Winton NC to The Florida Keys, some Butlers were sent North (Along with a Lot of other Indian Families) called trouble makers, and forced into the Quakers communities, because the Quakers were neutral..... I'll stop for now, more later Marilyn ============================= belinda melton hughes My Hardy's split as to whether they stayed or left. Lemuel Hardy and Elizabeth Parrott stayed in Bertie Co. their children: Edward and Winifred Weston went to Putnam Co, GA Elizabeth and Thomas Speight stayed in Bertie Co Humphrey and Martha T Collins stayed in Bertie Co. Jesse and Elizabeth Rasor moved to Lincoln Co, GA John and Sarah Sutton moved to Lincoln Co, GA William and Sarah Sowell stayed in Bertie Co Benjamin and Mary Ann Howell moved to Dobbs Co, NC Frances and Michael Capehart stayed in Bertie Co Lemuel and Mary Elizabeth Sutton moved to Dobbs/Greene Co, NC ======================================== Carla Tate There was an early migration pattern from Bertie to Johnston Co. N.C. and into Granville/Bute/Franklin and Wake. My James Bolton was in Bertie in 1744 having come from Nansemond Co. VA but by 1754 was in Granville/Bute/Wake. Chamblees and Warrens also came that same route. By 1825 due to severe tornado-like storms' destruction of the topsoil, many of these families migrated to Pickens/Greene/Tuscaloosa Counties in Alabama when the land was opened up to white settlement. Later some of these same families moved northwest to Franklin Co. Alabama. Most of these children as late as the 1850's were still marrying into only families previously from the same areas in N.C. Carla Tate I suspect that there was an early land grant in Wake Co. to persons serving in the N.C. militia of 600 acres for service at the lowest levels, but the records I have seen are not totally clear on this point. ========= Glenn Norman Rogers S Here's what I know about my ggg grandfather, Benjamin ROGERS, family migration pattern: When Benjamin ROGERS died in Bertie Co. in 1778, soon after his widow and 4 children moved to Duplin Co., NC. Supposedly, she and youngest son, Jesse, moved to a place called Adams Run, SC, on Edisto River, between Charleston and Savannah--this was arond 1790. The other children stayed in Duplin/Sampson Co., NC. One of Benjamin's grandsons, Noah ROGERS, moved to Thomas Co., GA around 1840. My great grandfather, William Cooper ROGERS, moved to Moore Co., NC in 1849 to new settlement called Cranes Creek, and later very nearby to Cameron, NC, which is where I still live! Glenn
Carla TateThere was an early migration pattern from Bertie to Johnston Co. N.C. and into Granville/Bute/Franklin and Wake. My James Bolton was in Bertie in 1744 having come from Nansemond Co. VA but by 1754 was in Granville/Bute/Wake. Chamblees and Warrens also came that same route. By 1825 due to severe tornado-like storms' destruction of the topsoil, many of these families migrated to Pickens/Greene/Tuscaloosa Counties in Alabama when the land was opened up to white settlement. Later some of these same families moved northwest to Franklin Co. Alabama. Most of these children as late as the 1850's were still marrying into only families previously from the same areas in N.C. Carla Tate GEORGIA
"Kristina Simms"My ancestors migrated from Bertie County NC to Baldwin Co GA, Ezekiel Sewell (Sowell) was b. abt. 1776 in Bertie County NC. He married on 22 Dec. 1797 to Ann Layton (also spelled Layden??). They had two children that I know of. Mary Jane Sewell was b. in NC before they left, and Leighton (variant of Layton/Layden) Sewell was b. in Georgia. I am descended from Mary Jane who m. Robert Micklejohn in Baldwin County GA. I would be delighted to hear from anyone who has details on the Sewell/Sowell family or the Layton/Layden/Leighton family. Ezekiel's father and grandfather were both named Obadiah. One of them -- I guess the younger-- is listed as a Revolutionary soldier. I would love to have more concrete details and glad to share what I have too. [email protected] Kristina Moore Simms =============== belinda melton hughes My Hardy's split as to whether they stayed or left. Lemuel Hardy and Elizabeth Parrott stayed in Bertie Co. their children: Edward Hardy and Winifred Weston went to Putnam Co, GA Jesse Hardy and Elizabeth Rasor moved to Lincoln Co, GA John Hardy and Sarah Sutton moved to Lincoln Co, GA =========== [email protected] Virginia Crilley My James Ruffin family left Bertie County by 1830 and settled first in Jones Co, GA and then later in Upson, Talbot and Taylor Counties. ILLINOIS
"Arthur R. Seder, Jr."mine (Bryants and Whites--she was a Cowan) left Bertie County in 1837 and settled in Will County, Illinois, for a few years. They moved on to Neosho, Missouri, about 1840 and to Navarro County, Texas, before 1850. They obviously traveled as a group, as the birthplaces of the families show an identical pattern. I have heard it suggested that Illinois land was made available to veterans but would like to have more information on that subject. Art Seder [email protected] Greg Simmons My Thomas Simmons who was in Bertie County NC from 1801 to 1814 left Bertie County and went to Burke County NC. From There he went to Wayne County Tennessee about 1820, then to Johnson County Illinois in 1840 where he spent the rest of his life. Greg Simmons ====== Post Civil War ILLINOIS Gilbert Russell Baker, who fought in the Civil War as a Confederate. For some unknown reason he left Bertie County in the mid 1870's and went to Cass County, ILL. and married there in 1876 "Neil Baker" To KENTUCKY
"KHarrison" My Holloman ancestor is Wm Holloman, b ca 1775 Hertford Co. He married Nancy BAKER in NC ca1800. Nancy was the dau of James BAKER also of Hertford. Wm Holloman was the gr son of Charles KING of Bertie.Wm & Nancy left NC in 1804 for Ky. ========Kentucky Migration
I am researching Gaskins family, and have hit a wall at John, born 1810 in either Albermarle or Bertie Co., NC The 1850 census is the last proof I have of him, in Russell Co., KY, with his wife Nancy McKinley (b. 1811 at (?)) and my great-great grandfather, William Green Gaskins.
Kathy Norris [email protected] ============ "Jo Huddleston" Jo Huddleston My Wimberly-Moore line went to Trigg Co Ky(then Christian) ca 1814. the Wimberlys- John s/o Levi s/o John were of record in Bertie. The Moores- Penelope Moore Wimberly d/o Shadrack and Sarah ? were likely from Pitt Co but could be from Bertie,records in both counties for both families.. Charlotte Wimberly,d/o John & Penelope married George Savells SR,Savells from Norfolk Co Christian/Trigg approx same time. Marion Donaldson Christian KY (Trigg Co, KY) ===================== My ancestor, Christopher Hollyman, arrived (from ?) in Isle of Wight, Co, Va in abt 1650. His gr-son Christopher Hollyman migrated to Bertie Co, NC in abt 1728. My gggggrandfather, Wm Holloman, migrated to Hopkins Co., KY in 1804 along with his BAKER in -laws, also from Bertie/ Hertford.MISSISSIPPI
Thompson Family
M. Urquhart
Children of Lewis (1786 - 1814) and Elizabeth Hinton Thompson in Woodville, Bertie Co. who moved to Madison Co., Mississippi prior in the early 1840s were:
Mary Eliza Thompson
Noah Hinton Thompson
Margaret Louisa Thompson
Lewis Whitmell Thompson - came w/ his remarried (to William Sutton) mother there in 1846
Margaret Louisa Thompson was married to John Taylor Johnstone, from Hillsborough, NC., grandson of John Johnston and Elizabeth Whitmell Williams.. She was a primary force behind the building of the lovely Chapel of the Cross (see pictures/history on websites below) on land the Johnstone family owned. Margaret herself lived in a 3 story 40 room mansion, Annandale, nearby.
Noah Hinton Thompson's home was burned during the Civil War, and he with his wife Sarah Speller (also from Bertie Co.) moved to Bibb Co., AL to mine coal for the Confederacy, and never returned there..
These families were very influential in Madison, MS and their descendents still live there, many attending the Chapel of the Cross. my Powell relatives moved to Madison County, Mississippi.Dew Family
There is a Madison, Ms and it is near Chapel of Cross, whichis also in Madison County, Ms. Another family that migrated here was the Dew, Can't remember which one just that I noted the grave marker in Chapel of the Cross Cemetary. [email protected] Bobbie Hinman
Rutland Family
"J.W. and Whitmel Rutland settles in Alabama. Wells Rutland, W.J. Sutton, Lewis W. Thompson, and William Brittain settled in Mississippi. William and John Granbery settled in Tennessee. Dr. W.J. Sutton wrote Joshua Brown in 1852, there are more Bertians in Madison County, Mississippi than in Bertie itself!" Virginia P. Street [email protected]Johnston Family
My NC ancestors also migrated to Madison, MS. My gggggrandfather was John Johnston. He married Elizabeth Whitmel Williams. Their grandson, Gabriel Cathcart Johnson migrated to Madison, MS area. I don't know the time frame but would love to research.
Betty Robinson [email protected]Stephenson Family
I just discovered that a Lavinia Knox (dau of William Knox of Martin/Pitt Co.) m. Stephen Stephenson (possibly a Bertie family) family moved to Rankin Co. Mississippi (just south of Madison Co.) sometime after 1840 (see census info below).
1840 Martin County, NC census: Stephen Stephenson, p. 370, 6th Dist. 1860 Rankin County, Mississippi census: Stephenson, S.A., p. 893, Brandon P.O. Stephenson, Stephen, p. 882, Brandon P.O. 1870 Halifax County, NC census: Stephenson, Lavinisia, p. 298, Arcadia Twp. 1880 Rankin County, Mississippi census: Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father�s/Mother�s Birthplace Stephen STEPHENSON Self M Male W 65 NC Farmer NC NC Levina STEPHENSON Wife M Female W 67 NC Keeps House NC NC Ann STEPHENSON Dau S Female W 42 NC At Home NC NC Source Information: Census Place Cato, Rankin, Mississippi Family History Library Film 1254663 NA Film Number T9-0663 Page Number 441CStephen Scurletis, [email protected]From: nlinder [email protected] The Solomon Lee family and the Needham Coward family went to Barnwell County, SC. Some of their descendents went from SC to Early County Georgia. Some stayed in Georgia and others moved on to Mississippi.
Glenn Norman RogersBenjamin ROGERS, family migration pattern: When Benjamin ROGERS died in Bertie Co. in 1778, soon after his widow and 4 children moved to Duplin Co., NC. Supposedly, she and youngest son, Jesse, moved to a place called Adams Run, SC, on Edisto River, between Charleston and Savannah--this was arond 1790. The other children stayed in Duplin/Sampson Co., NC. One of Benjamin's grandsons, Noah ROGERS, moved to Thomas Co., GA around 1840. My great grandfather, William Cooper ROGERS, moved to Moore Co., NC in 1849 to new settlement called Cranes Creek, and later very nearby to Cameron, NC, which is where I still live! Glenn ========================== Buddy and Joyce Dunning Regarding Bertie migrations. I am so pleased to see that post that many of Bertie families migrated to Edgefield Dist. SC. My Hugh Britt got a land grant in what was then Orangeburgh Dist SC 1790, then another in Edgefield 1802. He is on the 1790 Census of Edgefield. I have tried for years to prove that Hugh came out of Bertie, Hertford, Northampton County Britts. Have several subtle clues and this message today just adds another to the list. Hertford being the burned out county seems to be the problem. Along with Hugh Britt in Edgefield County SC was John Britt. If anyone can add anything about the connection between Bertie families and Edgefield County families, I would love to see it. ========= Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 08:55:10 -0400 From: [email protected] in my research on the names of Asbell (Asbald/l), Day, Doolittle, Thomas and Todd, all came from bertie through Edgefield District, SC to Dallas Co. & Lowndes Co., AL =============== Judy Canant Families of the name of BOYKIN and DeLOACH ended up in Barnwell Dist, SC and later in Screven Co, GA TENNESSEE
FROM NORTH CAROLINA TO....TENNESSEEA brief synopsis: In 1776 the far western part of NC became the District of Washington, and in 1777 this became Washington County. In 1779 it split into Washington and Sullivan Counties. In 1783 Davidson and Greene Counties were split off, I think from Washington. In 1784 the settlers in this area started calling themselves the State of Franklin, but this state was never recognized by Congress. In 1787 Sullivan County was split into Sullivan plus Hawkins, and Davidson was split into Davidson and Sumner. In 1788 Tennessee County was formed from part of Davidson. In 1790 the NC government gave this entire area to the US Government, and in 1796 it became the state of Tennessee. So the Tennessee Counties that were once part of NC were Davidson Greene Hawkins Sullivan Sumner Tennessee Washington Note that NC subsequently created new counties named Davidson, Greene and Washington. These are completely different, and nowhere near the TN border. My understanding is that the early county records for the Washington District are all housed in Tennessee, but that the NC state archives does have a few state-level records. Schweitzer's guidebook on NC genealogy lists the following holdings: land entries SS436-9.1 (1783-4) land records SS737 (1777-1807) suspended land grants SS748 (1780-1801) land entries SS1080 (1783-1792) western land records T&C lands 9 (1784-1793) military land frands, T&C lands 9 (1798-1800) NC governor's and legislative papers microfilm (1777-1790) officers and magistrates, MC TR4 (1788) Morgan District Continental troops MC TR4 (1782) Glasgow land frauds @@753-6.1 (1798-1900) Elizabeth Harris For those of you interested in learning why many families from eastern North Carolina migrated to Tennessee, check out this address. The document is lengthy, but it contains some interesting information that may relate to why so many people left the Bertie County area. =========================================== I have a Bertie county connection through Harrells, Lee and probably many others. With the numerous land deals our ancestors seemed to be almost constantly making, and families spread across several counties, you might wish to include several counties in your search. My brick wall, so to speak, is a ggggggrandfather, Enos Harrell, who married Asenath (Sena or Cenith) Lee, and is listed on the 1790 Jones cty. census. After 1790 and before 1802, he and many other families of the area moved to the area of Smith county Tennessee (near present day Carthage, Tn.). I have older research from the '60s which refers to this migration as the 30 wagon loads, and indeed, several families became associated with this Harrell over time; including Granade, Lee, possibly Sanderson, and Harrison, and Killen. Gary Stella ============ "Carol Piper"I'm working on finding John Nichols who is said to be from Hertford Co., and there was John Nichols on the 1790 census. Jackson Nichols, the son of John Nichols was born in Bedford County, TN. The newspaper announcement of Jackson's birth in 1811 said John Nichols was "late of Hertford and Bladen Counties, NC". So far I have found nothing. But, yes, people did travel in groups. It has been my conjecture that perhaps my John Nichols was acquainted with Hardy Murfree, maybe as soldiers in the Revolution from Hertford, and that many veterans from this area traveled to Rutherford and Bedford Counties (adjacent) together. Unionville, TN is just a short distance south of Murfreesboro, TN. I also have William Stafford Taylor from NE NC who went to Rutherford County, TN. He also settled in Unionville, Bedford Co., after marrying Nancy Taylor, also from NC. Do you have the "History of Rover and the 10th District of Bedford Co., TN"? I will do some look-ups in that book, if possible. But keep in mind that it is a book written by members of the community and not everything is documented. There could be much error. Carol ================ "Carol Shrader" My Bertie/Hertford ancestors moved to Haywood Co, TN aft. 1828. Surnames involved were JONES & EASON with probable other related families including CHERRY, GARRETT, BASS, and others. Sarah EASON, widow of Col. William JONES, and daughter of Mary WALTON EASON CHERRY, removed with her entire family after the death of her husband. Are there any descendants of her sister Rachel EASON GARRETT who could confirm the move of that family to the same area of TN? I would like to correspond with any descendant of the above families or other families who moved to Haywood Co, TN or Montgomery Co, TN. Carol Shrader Virginia Beach, VA Bob & Mary Ann Pfennig I have a family by the name of SOWELL who relocated from Bertie to Maury Co, TN. Ryon SOWELL was born on 27 Aug 1799 in Bertie to Charles and Molly WYNN SOWELL (according to family tradition, but no proof has been found to support his parentage.) Ryon married Ann LETSINGER in Maury Co. in 1820. Can anyone supply any info on the SOWELL family? Thanks in advance. ====================== [email protected] My great, great grandparents, Kenneth Hope Bentley, b February 28, 1799, NC married Elizabeth Caroline Hopkins, b April 20, 1810, moved to Haywood County, TN from Bertie Co, NC around 1844. So did Hardy Bentley and wife Elizabeth.....I wonder if Hardy and Kenneth are brothers. They are buried in the same cemetery in Lauderdale County, TN. I have no clue what brought them to West Tennessee nor who their parents were. If anyone finds these names in your family, I'd appreciate hearing from you. Marsha Mississippi via Tennessee ===================== [email protected] I have a Power of Attorney dated January 1837 from John White, Peter White, Henry White, Thomas Layton, & Williamson Wells all of the county of Hardin and State of Tennessee appointing King White of Bertie County NC as their POA. I also have a copy of Thomas Layton's will from Hardin County TN dated 17 July 1838 listing his wife Priscilla, a daughter Mary Ann James," four other children" William, Thomas, George , & Martha. This will was witnessed by King White & Nancy White, so it appears they also moved from Bertie to Hardin TN. Anyone having information on the Layton's of Hardin TN please E-Mail me. ================== [email protected] To all, My Bertie NC family moved also to Tenn. then on to Ohio. They were John and Annie Stone Hindsley and children. They moved to Tenn. in 1823, then to Ohio in 1826. Finally settling in Darke Co. Ohio in 1827. Both Hindsleys and Stones possibly made the trip. I don't know if they traveled at the same time. There is a lost of mystery about this group before they settled in Ohio. The old tin types I have of this family shows that they are of darker skin curly haired. The old timers of the family were obsessed with fair skined people. So I too would love to know about the cause for the movement from NC to Tenn. and on. Many thanks Jacque ================= Carl Castellow" A part of the Castellow family moved to Haywood County Tennessee in the early 1800's. I have much more information if it helps. Carl Castellow "North Carolina Land Grants in Tennessee 1778-1791." Leister E. Presley. When North Carolina gave up her claim to Tennessee the Secretary of State of the United States requested a list of the lands that had been granted in that territory so the right of ownership could be protected. This is a copy of that List. DH5 ===================== [email protected] Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 20:15:40 EDT In researching my daughter-in-laws families, I have read that a large wagon train left Duplin Co. about 1807. All of her families had come from Bertie. These were Snell, Thomson, King, Thomas, Butler and others. A man by the name of King bought a large acreage and was instrumental in that migration to Rutherford Co., TN. Nula Tingleff ============================ Ford & Mary Ann Walton I am researching Walton, Norfleet, and Riddick from Bertie and Gates Counties. Also Hunter and Kinchen, but I haven't followed those lines. I have Waltons leaving that area of NC in the 1820s for Sumner Co, Tennessee, and in the 1840s for Alabama (Green Co.). Other Waltons not in our direct line went to Georgia at about the same time. Norfleets left a little later, winding up in Alabama, Tennessee, Missouri, and from there even further west. I believe, as Virginia says, that some of this was service entitlements. Others seem to follow a pattern of moving to new areas as they were opened for homesteading. Often it seems to be the younger sons who moved on. Mary Ann ============== Greg Simmons My Thomas Simmons who was in Bertie County NC from 1801 to 1814 left Bertie County and went to Burke County NC. From There he went to Wayne County Tennessee about 1820, then to Johnson County Illinois in 1840 where he spent the rest of his life. ===================== [email protected] I am VERY interested in this and hope that all of you who had family that moved from Bertie Co area to TN will post to the list. I am interested because I only have one lone couple that moved in 1828 to BEDFORD CO TN, from Gates/Hertford, but their familynames (MARSH/LANDIN,LANDEN/HARRELL) are in Bertie also. records suggest they also had family who moved to Lincoln Co TN. Childrens surname like names in the Bertie and NE North Carolina area include PATTERSON, BIDDLE and JORDAN. Two families they intermarried with in TN are ROBINSON and DAVIS. I know they didn't travel alone, but either with some other families or followed some other families. I am trying to get passed their crew of ancestors all probably b. ca 1770s. I don't know where except they were all present in Hertford and Gates in 1800. (We are talking about a George Marsh, Mills Landin and Mary (of course) Harrell. I am leaning toward some PA immigrant Quakers for Marsh, Patterson, Biddle and Jordan since their names are in many Quaker records....Especially Patterson and Jordan for the NE North Carolina area. Look forward to hearing from you all. Janet Hunter Madison, TN
Alice E McCollum [email protected]
James Freeman, son of Solomon and Martha Cherry (widow of James Ward) Freeman migrated to Madison County, Tennessee before 1830.
He died there, intestate, in 1842. The estate he left is quite impressive. There is a long list of notes due him. Bertie County names that are familiar to me include: Fleetwood, Watford, McGlohon, Jenkins, Mitchell, Dunning, Pruden.
There is listed an account due him from A. S. Watson plantation - total 968.29 for the years of 1839, 1840 and 1841. The statement about that: ..."the said Freeman, decd. was agent for Watson there being no person to make settlement with Watson, he living in North Carolina." There is mention of one gray horse not sold, saved for the plantation in Mississippi.
Other information from Madison County, Tennessee from works published by Jonathan K. T. Smith and available on the Madison County RootsWeb Page include:
Deed Book 2, p. 4: JAMES FREEMAN, Bertie Co., N. C., representing hrs of John Ramsey of N.C. who under the will of Allen Ramsey of Edenton, N. C. is entitled to a portion of lands left by Ramsey in Tenn. and do relinquish to Wm. Woodfolk interest in several warrants for land: 350 acres, 640 acres, 2074 acres "which belonged in part under the aforesaid will of Allen Ramsey to Etheldred Perry in right of his wife Rachel Perry, Joshua Ward by right of his wife Elizabeth Ward, George Mizell in right of his wife Nancy Mizell; Sally Ramsey and Allen Ramsey. Nov 4, 1820. Reg. March 26, 1828. Wits Robert C. Waton, Sterling H. Lester.
Deed Book 2, p. 38: JAMES FREEMAN, Madison Co., Tenn. conveyed to Dawson, Augustus, Mary Ann, Martha, Nancy, Caroline and George Mizel, children and hrs of Gray Mizel, dec., Madison Co., 281 acres on Hatchy River, part of 1000 acres granted to Freeman and Ramsey in SD 1, R 1, S10. November___,1827, Reg. April 8, 1828. Wits John D. Martin, John M. Johnson
Tombstone Inscriptions in Historic Riverside Cemetery in Jackson Tennessee:
Lot 319. JACKSON Susan A. wife of Dr. A. Jackson; daughter of James Freeman; born Bertie Co., N.C., October 7, 1816; died March 4, 1849. Her daughter, Martha,is probably buried beside her; she died March 5, 1851 aged 4 years.
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