Penobscot County Genealogical Society

A Chapter of Maine Genealogical Society


Adopted by Membership on December 18, 2002

Article I - Name

The name of the Society shall be Penobscot County Genealogical Society.

Article II - Purpose

The purposes of the Society shall be to promote and encourage interest in genealogy and family history, to assist fellow family researchers, to collect and exchange genealogical information, and to assist the Bangor Public Library and other area non-profit organizations preserve and make available genealogical information for research by the public.

Article III - Members and Obligations

1)  By accepting membership in this Society, the member agrees to be bound by these bylaws in his/her relations with the Society and with other members of the Society.

2)  Membership in this Society shall be open to all those interested in genealogy and family history who have paid their appropriate dues.

3)  At the Annual Meeting of the Society, any change in dues shall be determined by vote of the membership attending, based on the recommendation of the Executive Committee.

4)  A person must be a paid member in good standing before voting on Society business or serving as a member of any committee.

5)  A member may be suspended or expelled by the Executive Committee of the Society for conduct which, in its opinion, is or has been detrimental to the Society

Article IV - Officers and Directors

1)  The officers of this Society shall consist of:  President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Director and Program Director, all serving one-year terms.  Any member may volunteer to be a "Director-at-Large" to assist the Executive Committee with planning and special projects.

2)  The President shall, whenever possible, attend all meetings of the membership and of the Executive Committee, and shall be presiding officer at all annual, regular and special meetings of the Society and Executive Committee.

3)  The Vice-President, during the absence or disability of the President, shall serve in his/her place.  If the President cannot continue his/her other duties, the Vice-President shall become the President and serve until the next annual election.  It is expected that the Vice-President will work closely with the President and prepare to step up into that position.

4)  The Secretary shall be the make and/or keep accurate records of the proceeding of the Executive Committee, the Annual Meeting of the Society, and of other Society meetings.  The Secretary shall update membership records and make regular reports of the status of the membership.  He/She will have custody, except as otherwise provided, of all papers and reports that are ordered to be placed on file, and all documents and letters relating to the official business of the bodies.  All proceedings, documents and records shall be kept on file at a place designated by the Executive Committee.

5)  The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the Society and shall deposit the monies into the appropriate account.  He/She shall pay all bills submitted for payment by Society check in a timely manner.  He/She shall keep monthly financial records on the status of the Society and shall provide regular reports to the Executive Committee.  He/She shall give an annual financial report at the Annual Meeting of the Society membership.

6)  The Newsletter Director shall be responsible for the gathering of information and publication of the Society's membership newsletter at an interval to be determined by the Executive Committee.

7)  The Program Director shall be responsible for the planning of regular membership meetings and coordinating all aspects of arrangements.

Article V - Elections

Election of officers and directors shall be held in September of each year and shall be conducted by vote of the membership at the Annual Meeting.  The term of office of each officers shall run from October 1st through September 30th.  In case of resignation of death of an officer or director, the Executive Committee shall appoint a member to fill out the term of that office.

Article VI - Meetings

1)  The Annual Meeting of the Society shall be held in September of each year.

2)  Regular membership meetings shall be held monthly on the third Wednesday of each month, commencing at 6:00 p.m.

3)  Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

4)  Notices of all meetings shall be mailed in a timely fashion to the membership as a part of the Newsletter.    All meeting information will be posted on the Society's website.

5)  A quorum for the transaction of business at any membership meeting shall be twelve members in good standing in addition to three members of the Executive Committee.

Article VII - Executive Committee

1)  The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers and directors of the Society.  Four of the above shall constitute a business quorum.

2)  The Executive Committee shall meet at a minimum on a quarterly basis.  A summary of the Executive Committee minutes will be included in the Society's newsletter and posted on the Society's website.

3)  The Executive Committee is authorized to establish Standing Committees, and the President is authorized to establish temporary committees.  The Chairman of all committees shall be appointed by the Society President.

4)  Notices of all Executive Meetings shall be sent to Executive Committee members at least seven days prior to the scheduled meeting, either via e-mail or regular mail.  The seven day notice may be waived in the event that an emergency meeting is required.

Article VII - Donations, Bequests and Income

All sums received by the Society as donations or bequests (unless the donors or testators shall otherwise prescribe), all annual dues and other income may be applied to the current expenses of the Society at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

Article IX - Affiliation with Maine Genealogical Society

Penobscot County Genealogical Society will make application to the Executive Committee of the Maine Genealogical Society for recognition as an official chapter of that organization.

Once approved, Penobscot County Genealogical Society will function under policies and procedures consistent with those of the Maine Genealogical Society.

Article X - Organization

Penobscot County Genealogical Society is organized exclusively for fraternal and educational purposes.

No part of the net earnings of the Society shall inure to the benefit of any member, officer, or other private person.

Article XI - Dissolution

1)  In the event of dissolution, the assets of this Society will be distributed to a non-profit genealogical or historical organization, within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.

2)  No part of the assets upon dissolution shall inure to the benefit of any member, officer or other private person.

Article XII - Amendments

These bylaws may be amended at any lawful meeting of the Society by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided that a statement of the general nature of the amendments has been included in the notice of the meeting.