Special Lookups


I have created this Lookup entry on a trial basis. If the rules are followed and it isn't abused, it should provide an excellent extension of the regular lookup lists.


Your Lookup Request MUST be related to Saint George, Knox County, Maine.

The book you want the lookup done in must NOT appear on either the KNOX County or St. George Lookup Volunteers Lists. If the book is on either list, request the lookup from the person on the list.

Using the URL http://innopac.noblenet.org/search~/, do a search for the lookup book. If the book is located in either the Stoneham Library or the Lynnfield Library Genealogy Room, send me the Lookup Request with the library name and CALL NUMBER for the book.

Email: [email protected]

Remember, this is only for books NOT in the already created lookup lists. If the request is for a book in the list, it will be returned to you.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Dick Watts
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