World War One Draft Registrations Broward County Florida 1917-1918

In some cases the data is incomplete and many registrations have faded. In all cases more information can be found on the actual cards such as physical descriptions, occupations, reasons why one could not serve and relatives names. Due to variations in the draft registration forms, the birthplace was not always specified.  Where blanks, ? or ____ are indicated, the information was illegible. Note. Many of these registrations were signed by Paul C. Bryan. We assume no responsibility for errors.

Abbreviations: Af - African, C - Caucasian, N - Negro, Unk - Unk, W - White
? - hard to read (could be wrong), Cit - Citizen, Illeg - illeg, Nat - Naturalized Alien, NB - Native Born, NDA - Non declared Alien

F - Father, M - Mother, B - Brother, S - Sister, Ch - Child

Surname First Residence Age DOB Race Birthplace Occupation Relative
Quarterman Henry Pompano 22 18 APR 1895 Af Bushnell FL farm laborer T. Sal. Bevill Pompano single none listed
Quaterman James Pompano 21 16 JAN 1897 Af Bushnell FL W. C. Groves Bushnell FL Mack? Quaterman Bushnell
Quick? Henry M Dania 38 01 JAN 1880 W NB laborer Megathlin & Clark Cousin - Alice Carroll Chipley Washington

   A   B   C   D   E   F    G   H   I    J    K    L   M  N   O   P   Q   R   S    T   U   V   X   Y   Z