July 24, 1913

July 24, 1913

Saved from Drowning.

Carlyle Davies, aged four, the guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dickie, Canada Creek, nearly lost his life by drowning on Tuesday afternoon. Roy Hayes, aged eight, and his brother Willie, aged six, sons of Mrs. Walter Hayes, of Canada Creek, were bathing near the east pier. Little Carlyle who was playing nearby also ventured into the water; there was quite a sea and a strong undertow and the little fellow was carried out. From some driftwood the Hayes boys secured a long pole and after repeated efforts and dangerous ventures off shore were able to reach Carlyle and drag him ashore. The child was unconscious. As Roy expressed it; "I’d heard mamma say if anyone was nearly drowned you ought to turn them on their face and pound their backs and I did this for Carlyle and he threw up a lot of water. He looked just like dead." Willie Hayes hurried for help and Carlyle, still unconscious, was carried to his grandparents’ residence. Dr. Killam was reached by telephone but before his arrival Carlyle had regained consciousness and was rapidly recovering from the effects of his experience.

(same page, same issue ... Phil)

A New Charge.

Rev. Archibald MacKinnon was inducted into the pastoral charge of St. Matthews’ Church, Inverness, N.S., on Tuesday evening, June 24th. There was a large congregation present, and a glad spirit characterised the whole service. Our church at Inverness is one of the best equipped in the province. The church and manse buildings would do credit to any of our largest cities. The Sunday School, under the able management of Mr. Henderson, and an aggressive staff of officers and teachers, is doing excellent work. The people throughout are faithful in their attendance upon all the services. Mr. MacKinnon is one of the Lake Ainslie boys, and in coming back from Boston, where he successfully labored for upwards of two years, has reversed the usual order in receiving and accepting a call from his own native county, and his own kith and kin. He begins work in Inverness under very favorable conditions, and good things will be looked for – Presbyterian Witness.
