Our Cline Genealogy
Our Klein / Kline / Cline genealogy site is maintained on the WorldConnect RootsWeb server which you can access by going here.
When searching this site please keep in mind that lineage and personal information has not been proven for all individuals in the database.
There are several ways to search:
Search by surname only; search by surname, given; and, using the advance search menu.
Another option is to select from the alpha links on the main page--example, selecting "A" will return all surnames that begin with the letter A.
For each individual selected, you have the option of requesting a Descendancy, Register, Pedigree, or Ahnentafel report.  There is also an Index link that will list all individuals with that surname.  Finally, there is an option to "Add Post-Em" to an individual if you wish to add and/or correct the posted information.  The "Post-Em" will flag the individual and also send an email to the owner of the database.
For help on using the WorldConnect Cline database, click on the following link:  RootsWeb Help Index.  This index will explain all the search and report options.
There are approximately 29,000 names in the database, a majority of which are descendants and their spouses of Moritz Klein.  This database is refreshed weekly.