Trails to the Past


Uinta County

Trails to the Past

My name is Marie Miller and as your Uinta County Wyoming Administrator if you have any Obituaries, News clippings, Death, Marriage, Birth or any other information Feel free to email me with your contributions.

Uinta County

Uinta County was organized in 1869.
The Territory of Wyoming was organized by Act of Congress in the year 1868, with the boundaries of the present state. As originally divided, its four counties, extending from Montana on the north to the Colorado and Utah lines on the south, were Laramie, Albany, Carbon and Carter. In its derivation Carter County stood alone among not only the counties of Wyoming but of the nation as well, for it was composed of portions of the three great western accessions of the United States. That part northeast of the Shoshone range came from the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. From these mountains to the 42nd parallel is a tract acquired from the Oregon Territory, to which the claim of the United States was definitely established in 1846. The land south of this came to us from the Mexican Cession of 1848. The territories of Utah, organized in 1850; Dakota, in 1861, and Idaho, in 1863, contributed to the formation of Carter County. From the time of the organization of the Territory of Utah in 1850 to the establishment of our territorial government, the southern part was known as Green River County, Utah.
At the meeting of the first territorial legislature in 1869 Carter County was divided into Sweetwater and Uinta Counties. The original Uinta County was about fifty by two hundred and eighty miles in size. Within it lay nearly all of the Yellowstone National Park.


Adjacent Counties

Lincoln County

Sweetwater County

Summit County Utah

Rich County Utah


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