25dec1903 From:  The Webster Echo; Dec. 25, 1903.


  Isaac Mathews was at Clarksburg on business Saturday.... Perry Cottrill,
of Cedarville, is here visiting his brother Hance.
....W. W. Weese was at Upper Glade Sunday....H. D. Woods, the Cowen
blacksmith, visited his parents here Sunday....Rev. M. W. Perrine is
holding a revival meeting at Baker's Run....Judging from the number of
express packages arriving daily, we are going to have a lively time
Xmas....Revs. Worrel and Holcomb will begin a protracted meeting here the
first Sunday in January.  We hope that much good may be accomplished....A
fine lot of ice was put up here last week, the thickest in many years....J.
N. Johnson, of Sutton, is here visiting his daughter, Mrs. T. W.
McElwain....The people in this vicinity were surprixed the other day to
learn that Fred Valcourt, who has for some time been staying at N. A.
McElwain's, was nothing less than one of New York's celebrated detectives,
here in quest of a convict who had escaped from Sing Sing....On the 17th
inst., Addison Weese, one of our enterprising farmers, met with an
accident, the result of which we fear may prove fatal.  He was at work in
the woods and was struck on the head by a falling limb with such force that
he was knocked senseless, and at this writing three days later, he is still