Preserving Local History since 2000 -- 20 Years
For current information, follow us on Facebook.
Facebook SELHS
This website is being frozen by rootsweb, the host at the end of 2023. Our new
and improved website is at
New Website
SELHS hosts the Obsolete Media Laboratory -- the place where old audio, visual, paper, film etc.,
can be converted to digital." See
Obsolete Media Lab
Meetings: 3rd Thursday of April - October 2 pm Cushing Community Center -- around the back upstairs. Everyone Welcome
Museum: Open Mondays 10-2 year round except holidays. And by appointment
September 23th 18th Annual River Road Ramble
The 18th annual River Road Ramble is the 4th Saturday of September (23th in 2023). For more information on the Ramble follow the Facebook page
Facebook River Road Ramble
Online Map Ramble Map 2020
Historical River Road Tour guide Ramble Tour Guide 2020
Ramble Web Page Ramble Web Page 2020
Check out the new historical map of the local area. Over 200 sites identified with links, photos and information. A work in progress from SELHS! Sterling Eureka and Laketown Historical Map Link
Lots of local historical information, books, scans etc., can be found on our shared cloud drive. Just click this link to get started.
Local History information
The Annual Sterling Picnic is the Sunday after Father's Day each year at the Cushing Community Center. Noon Potluck. For more information on the picnic, started in 1939, follow the Facebook page
Facebook Sterling Picnic
SELHS has three new book for sale put together by member Russ Hanson. The history of Alabama Wisconsin, a community formed in 1869 between Cushing and Atlas from families coming to Laketown from NE Alabama, escaping the devastation of the Civil War.
For sale at the museum, the Luck museum and on Amazon or by mail order to SELHS ($15 includes shipping costs). The who, what, why, when, where and how of these settlers and what became of them.
Alabama Wisconsin
The second book is a reprinted memoir -- written in 1920 by Eric Englin. His family came from Sweden to the Sterling Barrens and homesteaded where Trade River joins the St Croix River in 1869 We have added many photos, documents and other research to go with the memoir.
Englin Memoir
For sale at the museum, the Luck museum and on Amazon or by mail order to SELHS ($15 includes shipping costs). The who, what, why, when, where and how of these settlers and what became of them.
The third, out March of 2020 is A History of Wolf Creek Wisconsin. 360 pages of everything we could find on Wolf Creek with hundreds of photos, documents, clippings and stories. $20 on Amazon or through the local history society museum.
Wolf Creek Wisconsin
More local books
SELHS headquarters are in Cushing, Wisconsin. The history group covers three townships in far northwest Wisconsin. We have a Memory Room museum in Cushing in the upstairs of the Community Center open by appointment Call 715 488 2416 and leave a message Rent the Cushing Community Center Large Meeting room and kitchen for a reunion, wedding, sale or other event by calling Betty at 725 488 2467 and include a visit to the Museum too.
Donate $10 to become a member for 1 year. $100 for lifetime membership. Secure payments made through paypal or credit card.