Sharon Karow is the owner of the Lincoln County mailing list - a discussion list where people who are interested in Lincoln County in Wisconsin can communicate - requesting and sharing information, sources and techniques - not only about our own family research, but also about broader matters that possibly affect genealogical research in general. We help each other out and we celebrate when one of us has a victory. The membership of this community is not limited only to individuals within this county. Everyone is welcome!
To subscribe to the mailing list for Lincoln County, WI, send an e-mail to [email protected] that contains the word
and nothing else! Turn off your signature file. To unsubscribe, send a message containing the word
and nothing else.
To post to WILINCOL-L, just send your message to [email protected].
Merrill, Wisconsin, 54452 Ph. 715-536-5652
Guided tours Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday 1:00 - 4:00 pm., except holidays.
Persons wishing to conduct local history research are welcome to make use of the Scott Resource Center and Library. It contains documents, books, photos, maps, videos, oral history materials and directories pertinent to the area. Write or phone 715-536-5652 The Historical Museum doen't have the resources to do look-ups for people, but anyone is welcome to visit and get the information for themselves. I have some limited information about Merrill, such as pamphlets about the early saloons, lodging places, schools and churches. E-mail me (Shelley Green) and put LINCOLN COUNTY WI in the subject line.
Register of Deeds, Jolene Callahan
1110 E. Main St.
Merrill, WI 54452
ph. 715-536-0318
They have all the birth, death and marriage records for Lincoln County. They will make copies if you can give them the location of the files needed. The cost is $12.00 for a birth record, and $7.00 for marriage and death records. You will need to give them your reasons for wanting the records (usually genealogy), and also full information - they need exact dates for example, and don't do look-ups.
T.B. SCOTT LIBRARY 106 West First St. Merrill, WI 54452 Ph. 715-536-7191
The library has the following microfilms:
U.S. Census
1850 census of LaPointe (Bayfield County), Manitowoc, Marathon and Marquette Counties: 1860 - Manitowoc and Marathon Counties: 1870 Marathon & Marquette Counties: 1900 Lafayette, Langlade, Marathon and Lincoln counties: and the 1890 Civil War Veteran's Schedules - Ashland, Clark, Florence, Forest, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Marinette, Oneida, Portage, Price, Shawano, Taylor, Waupaca and Wood Counties.
Wisconsin State Census
1885 - Iowa to Lincoln counties: 1885 Manitowoc to Monroe counties and Milwaukee's 3rd district, 4th ward: 1895 Langlade to Monroe counties: 1905 Langlade to Manitowoc counties, vol.4: 1905 Manitowoc, vol. 4, to Marathon counties. These state censuses list the heads of household only, with the exception of the 1905 census.
Lincoln County did not exist before 1874. It will be found as part of Marathon County census before that. There is a web page for Marathon County.
The library also has old newspapers - The Lincoln County Advocate (2/6/1875 - 10/10/1893) Northern Wisconsin News (7/20/1883 - 1/30/1890) Merrill Advocate (10/17/1893 - 8/17/1909) Merrill News: (9/18/1903 - 11/25/1904) Merrill Star Advocate (8/25/1909 - 7/2/1935) Merrill Daily Herald (1/1/1916 - 12/31/1974) The Daily Herald (1/1/1975 - 3/16/1985) Merrill Shopper & Foto News (4/3/1969 - 6/30/1983) Foto News (7/1/1983 to current) and the Wausau Daily Herald (3/17/1985 to current)
The Library also has other books and reference materials for genealogists.
NORTH PINES GENEALOGY GROUP P.O. Box 132 Merrill, WI., 54452
Sharon Karow , President
If you need specialized research done, please e-mail me for names of Lincoln County researchers - \Sharon Karow
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