Lincoln County WI look-ups

E-mail me at [email protected].

I have the Social Security Death Benefit Records for 1937-1993.   I also have marriage records for selected counties in the following states:

Illinois - 1763-1879       Indiana - 1800-1901     p;

Kentucky - 1722-1926    Ohio - 1789 - 1875      

< Tennesee -1720-1922

She also has the World Family Tree Volumes 1 & 2.


Immigrants to the New World, 1600-1800

Genealogical Records: New York, 1675-1920

Ohio Vital Records #2, 1750-1800

Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1538-1940

Family History, New Jersey Genealogies, Number 1, 1600-1800

The New Jersey Biographical Index - 1800

The Complete Book of Emigrants - 1607-1776

Genealogical Records: New York 1675-1920

The Compendium of American Genealogy - 1600-1800

She has the following resources at home - e-mail her -- Sharon Karow:

Lincoln County

Shelley Green has access to the following:[email protected]

The Handybook for Genealogists - United States of America - 8th Edition.

This is a well-known popular reference for family historians. There is general information on each state, its history, its records, its genealogical societies, libraries, and valuable publications on genealogy in the state. It has the listings for available census and mortality schedules for each state. It has the addresses of where to write for state vital statistics.

She also has the Family Tree Maker CD316 - Census Index: U. S. Selected Counties - 1840.

This CD contains indexes to census records for selected counties in Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexicao, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennesee, Texas, Virginia, Vermont, Washington DC, and Wisconsin.  It contains thefollowing: the individual's name, the Soundex code for their name, the census state and county, the microfilm record page number, and the census type and year.  The 1840 census usually only had the head of household's name.  You must contact the proper authorities for your own record.

I now have the Census Index: US Selected Counties, 1870 (FTW CD# 319).  It includes the District of Columbia, and the following states:  AL, AR, CA, CO, DC, DE, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MN, MT, NC, NV, SD, TX, VA, WA, WV, .  Sorry, NO WISCONSIN  and this is only SELECTED counties, however.

Shelley also has the FAMILY FINDER INDEX VOL. 1 & 2.  E-mail me for lookups.

Dawn has a list of men and women who served our Country in the Military and are buried in Tomahawk. Encompasses the Civil War, Spanish American War, Korea, WW1, WW2, Vietnam.


Dawn has several cemetery indexes -

1. Greenwood Cemetery, Tomahawk Wisconsin, Town of Bradley. Indexed to 2002.

2. Springbrook Cemetery, Town of Pine River. Copied 1982

3. Snow Hill Cemetery, Town of Scott. Copied 1982

4. St. Paul's Lutheran Cemetery, Town of Pine River. Copied 1982

5. St Paul's Cemetery. Town of Scott. Copied 1982

6. Faith Lutheran Cemetery, Town of Scott. Copied 1985

7. Latvian/ Martin Luther Cemetery, Town of Schley. Copied 1983

8. Chat Community Cemetery, Town of Birch. Copied 1984

9. Gleason Cemetery, Town of Russell. Copied 1986

10. Calvary Cemetery, Town of Bradley. Copied 1988

Please specify the cemetery.  The lists are not in alphabetical order.

She also has a copy of the History of Lincoln, Oneida and Vilas Counties, 1924, and the Standard Atlas and Plat Book of Lincoln County, 1914, the 1902 Tomahawk Directory, and the 1919 Tomahawk Telephone Directory, and a 1944 telephone book, And the Lincoln County Centennial Booklet 1874/1974, and will do lookups. She has the 1977 Plat Book for Lincoln County also.    E-mail Dawn for lookups.

DuWayne Bonkoski has volunteered to be a lookup person for us.  He has the World Family Trees volumns1 thru 7, CD#115 - The Genealogists All-In-One Address book, and CD #113 - Family History Collection - 217 genealogies.

Ralph Seefeld has copies of Tomahawk High School's annual, the Kwahamot, for the years 1922-1928.  Besides the usual kind of information found in an annual, these have lists of alumni that have kep in touch, showing their graduating class, where they lived, and what they were doing.

Give as much information as you can - especially full names, townships, years etc.  This will enable us to help you as much as we can.  We will give you the record numbers - it is up to you to write for the necessary information.

Beth Raasch has volunteered to help with lookups in several cemeteries.  She has some of the inscription books for Lincoln and Marathon Counties. These include Pine Grove, Trinty - Town of Berlin, Freidenshain - Town of Berlin, Salem - Town of Hamburg, St. Peter's - Town of Hamburg, Jehn - Town of Maine, Zion - Town of Maine, Maple Grove - Town of Maine, St. John's Town of Stettin ( All in Marathon County)

and -- St. John's - Town of Scott, Calvary (St. Lukes) - Town of Pine River, Oak Hill - Town of Skanawan, Faith Lutheran - Town of Scott, Woodlawn - Town of Rock Falls, Luther - Town of Russell, St. Paul's - Town of Pine River, Doering - Town of Schley, St. Paul's - Town of Scott, Snow Hill - Town of Scott, St. John Baptist Catholic (Catholic Bishop of Green Bay) Town of Schley, and Gleason, Josten and Chat - all of Lincoln County.  E-mail Beth with your requests.  (Keep them simple please!)

Diane has been working on her family names of Dorn, Uttech, Strege, Hartwig, Mueller. Her web page is on the Family Trees page of the Lincoln County Home page. [email protected] has volunteered to lookup obits from the Tomahawk Leader.

Ginger has access to US Census records.

Also, remember these are volunteers.  They will be glad to help AS TIME PERMITS.

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