La Crosse Area Genealogical Society

March 25, 2003


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm on Tuesday, March 25, 2003, by President Anita Palmquist.

Officer Reports

Secretary Greg Filbeck read the minutes of the February 25, 2003 meeting as prepared by Vice-President Terry Micks. The minutes were approved as read.

Treasurer Allen Nelson read the treasurer’s report. The beginning balance on hand as of February 25, 2003 was $1,842.44 with receipts of $260.90 and disbursements of $307.35, leaving a balance on hand as of March 25, 2003 of $1,795.99. The report was filed. .

Committee Reports


Earl Newton reported that the newsletters will be mailed out within a week.


Sue Page indicated the submissions are needed for the next edition of The Quarterly. The Quarterly will go out in May.


The April and May meetings will both consist of cemetery readings at the Morman Coulee Cemetery. Earl Newton will explore the costs associated with renting a facility to hold our April meeting in the accompanying Shelby Park at 6:00pm. You will be notified in the newsletter regarding the outcome of that search. In May, we will have a potluck dinner that will precede the actual recording.


Anita Doering reported the following:


The website is being updated on a weekly basis. Roxanne Munns mentioned that she is making good progress on placing information from the "Wedding Bells" on the website.


Kenneth Bernstein of "River City Image Works" discussed refurbishing and reprinting old photos.


The business portion of the meeting adjourned at 7:35pm.




Greg Filbeck, Secretary