La Crosse Area Genealogical Society

April 23, 2002


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm on Tuesday, April 23, 2002, by President Anita Palmquist.

Officer Reports

Secretary Greg Filbeck read the minutes. The minutes were approved as read.

Treasurer Allen Nelson read the treasurer’s report. The beginning balance on hand as of March 26, 2002 was $2,207.12 with receipts of $83.37 and disbursements of $10.00, leaving a balance on hand as of April 23, 2002 of $2,280.45. Allen Nelson also reported that correspondence had been received with requests for research on the following:

Committee Reports


Anita Doering announced that the 1930 census has arrived and is very easy to navigate. She also offered the following requests for purchases for the archives:

The total, including taxes, would be $347.90. Jane Radloff moved to approve to donate the funds from our treasury for these requests. The motion carried.

Anita Doering also announced that the book "Board of Genealogists Standards Manual" had been purchased in memory of Betty Jacobson, and the book "Producing a Quality Family History" had been purchased in the memory of Shirley Meir.


Earl Newton announced that the newsletter was distributed this month..


Earl Newton announced the any submission were due to Sue Page immediately.


Earl Newton reported that the May meeting would take place at 5:30pm at the Gun Club at Myrick Park Shelter just east of the zoo for a potluck dinner. At 6:30pm, the membership will go to the Catholic cemetery. .


Winona speaker Bruce Ramsdell presented the program on "Things I Have Discovered Despite Myself." .



The business portion of the meeting adjourned at 7:37pm.




Greg Filbeck, Secretary