
La Crosse Area Genealogical Society

September 22, 2015

La Crosse Public Library


Terry Micks gave a talk on her experiences with Ancestry DNA.


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:15pm by President Terry Micks.


Officer Reports

The minutes of the May 26 meeting were read by Ryan.  Motion and second to approve the minutes as read.  All in favor.  Motion carried.


The Treasurer’s Report was read by Denis Kuennen who reported a balance on hand of $2122.15.  Dues of $145 were collected and the bank service charge and La Crosse Mail were paid out.  Motion and second to approve the report.  All in favor. Motion carried.


Committee Reports

Archives – Anita reported that there are a couple “Footsteps of La Crosse” tours remaining.  There will be genealogy computer classes offered at the library in October.

Quarterly – Terry reported that February and May issues of the Quarterly are to be mailed and August and November are almost done.

Programs – Terry also noted that she will be giving a Beginning Genealogy workshop at the Black River Beach Community Center.  The program for October will be Irish Heritage, History and Genealogy by Bill O’Driscoll. The November program will be Ethnic Treat night and discussion on unique professions, military, or spelling variations.

Website – no report.


New Business

If people have not paid their dues for 1 year, they will no longer receive the Quarterly booklets.


There was discussion on possibly repeating the workshops that were offered in the spring.  We would need to have enough volunteers to cover all sessions.


Be sure to Like us on Facebook.


The next meeting will be October 27.  Susanne will bring treats.


The business portion of the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Ryan, Secretary

La Crosse Area Genealogical Society