
La Crosse Area Genealogical Society

February 24, 2015

La Crosse Public Library


Bill O’Driscoll gave a presentation on The Basics of DNA and how it can be used in genealogy.


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by President, Terry Micks.


Officer Reports

The minutes of the November 25 meeting were read by Ryan.  Motion and second to approve the minutes.  All in favor.  Motion carried.


The Treasurer’s Report was read by Nancy Hill, who reported a balance of $1319.29 as of February 24.  Motion by Roxanne, second by Bessie to approve the report.  All in favor.  Motion carried


Correspondence – Irishfest La Crosse will be held August 7, 8, and 9 this year and are looking for volunteers to work in the Genealogy Tent on August 8 and 9.


Committee Reports

Archives – no report.

Quarterly – February and May 2014 Quarterlies are out and it is hoped that August and November will be completed soon.  Terry is always looking for contributors.  It was questioned why we have quarterlies, when we don’t actually send it out that way.  Could we send semi annually?  We currently use bulk mail rates with 200 minimum pieces and send to 62 people (not all are current members), 84 organizations, with the remainder going to Anita in the archives.  The last time that it was checked, it was still cheaper to mail to 200 under bulk mail rather than regular postage.

Programs – A March topic has not been decided, possibly “Sources other than vital statistics and census. The meeting will be 4 days before the workshop.

Website – no report.


Old Business – Plans were discussed for the Genealogy Workshops - March 28 for beginners, April 18 for intermediates, and May 9 for advanced topics.  All will be held at the Onalaska Library, 9:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Volunteers: Greeter – Bessie, bars or desserts – Debbie Herbert and Roxanne.  We need someone to make sandwiches.  Those costs will be reimbursed.  There was a motion and second to approve purchase of 3 copies of Family Tree Maker 2014, with 1 to be given as door prize at each workshop.  Motion carried. Bessie contacted the Tribune but wasn’t able to get a specific cost on ads.  There was a motion and second to approve up to $150 for advertising in the Tribune.  Motion carried.


New Business

A reminder was given that annual dues are $20.  Check with Terry if you are not sure if dues are paid.


Denis reported for the Nominations Committee.  Terry stated that she only has 1 more year as President.

Anita Doering was nominated for Vice President and unanimously elected.

Denis Kuennen was nominated for Treasurer and unanimously elected.


The next meeting will be March 24, 2015.


The business portion of the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Ryan, Secretary

La Crosse Area Genealogical Society