
La Crosse Area Genealogical Society

September 23, 2014

La Crosse Public Library


Terry Micks gave a presentation on Who Do You Think You Are? with 10 Lessons to Learn.


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:12 p.m. by President, Terry Micks.


Officer Reports

There were no minutes from the May 27 meeting.

The Treasurer’s Report was read by Nancy Hill who reported a balance of $2266.29 as of September 23.  Motion and second to approve the report.  All in favor.  Motion carried. 


Correspondence – The 2nd Annual African-American Genealogical Conference will be held in Madison Oct. 18.


Committee Reports

Archives – Anita reported that cemetery work was done over the summer, although not as much as hoped.  The data base is being updated.  The Genealogy Computer classes have been full, as well as the Footsteps of La Crosse walking tours.

Quarterly – Terry is working on the newsletters.


Programs – October: work on planning 2015 workshops; November:  Ethnic Treat Night and Notorious Ancestors.


Website – no update.


Unfinished Business - none


Old Business – Irishfest was very appreciative of the Genealogical Society’s help during the festival.  There were 8 laptops donated for our use.


New Business

Treats for next meeting: Kathleen will bring.


Terry invited all to help her celebrate her 60th birthday this Friday in La Cresent.


The next meeting will be October 28.


Meeting adjourned 7:25 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Ryan, Secretary

La Crosse Area Genealogical Society