
La Crosse Area Genealogical Society

February 25, 2014

La Crosse Public Library


Terry Micks gave a presentation on Organizing Genealogy Materials.


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:17 p.m. by President Terry Micks.


Officer Reports

The minutes of the November 26, 2013 meeting were read by Kathleen Ryan and amended to read “Terry Micks agreed to serve as President for one more term . . . “, and were approved by those in attendance.


The Treasurer’s Report was read by Nancy Hill with revenue of $207 and disbursements of $106.39.  The balance as of February 25 is $2082.69. The report was approved. 



A thank you was received from the library for magazine subscriptions donated by the Society.


Committee Reports

Archives – none

Quarterly – August and November will come out together.

Programs –March 26: How to Develop a Research Log, April: Preservation of Photographs, and May: Expectations and Results of a Family History Tour.

Website – none


Unfinished Business

All members should check if their 2013 dues are paid.  Annual dues are $20 for individual and $25 for family. 


New Business

Our meetings will be announced in the senior newsletters.


The State Genealogy Society annual conference will be held April 4 and 5 in Manitowoc.


Nominations for Officers:

Denis nominated Kathleen Ryan for Secretary.  There were no other nominations.   Kathleen was unanimously elected as Secretary.

Denis nominated Terry Micks for President.  There were no other nominations.  Terry was unanimously elected as President for a two (2) year term.


The possibility of offering a beginning and an advanced workshop to the public was discussed.


Let Terry know if there are any topics you would like as programs or if you have any articles for the newsletter.


Susan Douglas volunteered to bring treats in March.


Next meeting will be March 25.


Meeting adjourned 7:40 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Ryan


La Crosse Area Genealogical Society