
La Crosse Area Genealogical Society

November 26, 2013

La Crosse Public Library


Members brought ethnic treats and shared special items, stories, documents, and pictures that they have found throughout their genealogy research.


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:25 p.m. by President Terry Micks.


Officer Reports

The minutes of the October 22, 2013 meeting were read by Kathleen Ryan and were approved by those in attendance.


The Treasurer’s Report was read by Nancy Hill.  There was revenue of $40 in dues, $2 donations, disbursements of $3 for a bank fee and $35 for the safe deposit box.  The balance as November 26 is $2003.08. The report was approved. 



The National Genealogical Society Conference will be held in Richmond, Virginia in May 2014.


Committee Reports

Archives – none

Quarterly – none


Programs – February: Organizing Genealogy Materials, March 26: How to Develop a Research Log, April: Preservation of Photographs, and May: Expectations and Results of a Family History Tour.


Website – none


Unfinished Business

All should check if their 2013 dues are paid.  Annual dues are $20 for individual and $25 for family. 


Terry will order the LDS microfilms.


New Business

Dues should be paid for 2014.


We received a request from the library to pay for renewal of ongoing periodicals.  The cost is $27.39.  Approved.


We were notified that the Tribune newspaper will no longer publish meeting notices in their “In Your Backyard” section.  Other options were discussed.  Will they allow us to promote the program portion that we hold prior to the meetings? It was suggested that we check with the senior newspapers to post notifications.  Bessie will investigate.


Elections for President and Secretary will be held in February.  Bessie Richardson and Denis Kuennen volunteered to serve as the nominating committee.  Terry Micks agreed to serve as President for one more year, and Kathleen Ryan agreed to serve another year as Secretary.



The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Ryan


La Crosse Area Genealogical Society