
La Crosse Area Genealogical Society

October 22, 2013

La Crosse Public Library


Terry Micks gave a very helpful presentation on “Common Genealogy Mistakes and How to Avoid Them”. 


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:25 p.m. by President Terry Micks.


Officer Reports

The minutes of the September 24, 2013 meeting were read by Kathleen Ryan and were approved by those in attendance.


The Treasurer’s Report was read by Nancy Hill.  There was revenue of $60 in dues, disbursements of $3 for a bank fee.  The balance as October 22 is $1998.58. The report was approved. 





Committee Reports

Archives – Anita reported that Roxanne has uploaded all of the cemetery pictures.  She extended an invitation to attend the Library’s “Give a Gift” night on November 8 at the main library.


Quarterly – Terry reported that she is working on the August Quarterly but is always looking for articles. 


Programs – It was decided that in place of a program for November, all members are invited to bring an item to “show and tell”.  The item might be a special picture, document or article related to their research.  All members are also asked to bring an ethnic treat.


Ideas for future programs were:  genealogy organization, how to develop a research log, and organizing and preserving photographs.


Website – none


Unfinished Business

There are still a number of members who have not paid their 2013 dues.  Annual dues are $20 for individual and $25 for family.  Check with Terry if you are unsure if paid.


The LDS microfilms haven’t been ordered yet, but Terry is working on this.


Bessie Richardson volunteered to handle publicity for the organization.  Many thanks to her!


New Business

There was discussion regarding sending the newsletter out digitally.  Issues with sending digitally are that some members are not computer savvy and in order to receive the bulk mailing rate, we need to mail 200 copies.  In the long run, it could end up costing more.



The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Ryan


La Crosse Area Genealogical Society