Necedah Election 1909


Odd Fellows and Rebekahs In Twin Ceremony
Odd Fellows Installed by District Deputy Grand Master D. W. Allaby -
Rebekahs by District Deputy Cora Crawford - Supper and Dance, Much Enjoyed

Juneau County Chronicle, January 6, 1910

The double installation of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs held at Opera hall, Monday evening, January 3, was a most decided success.  Practically the entire membership of both lodges attended and the ceremony of installation was a great credit to the installing officers, District Deputy Grand Master D. W. Allaby for the Odd Fellows and District Deputy Cora Crawford for the Rebekahs.  Harmny and good fellowship was typified by the throng gathered and it is safe to say that not a single person was dissatisfied.  The following list of officers were installed;

L. O. O. F.
J. T. Patterson, N. G.
J. C. Mossberg, V. G.
A. Heineman, Secy.
C. H. Stevens, Treas.
E. W. Towers, Warden
Aug. Paulus, Conductor
H. S. Spaulding, R.S. to N. G.
D. O. Lawton, L.S. to N.G.
D. W. Allaby, R.S. to V.G.
Will Hammond, L.S. to V.G.
O. Boraman, I.G.
Roy McMillan, O.G.
E. E. Petrie, R.S.S.
Ervin Thomas, L.S.S.
J. L. Barney, Chaplain

Mrs. J. T. Patterson, N.G.
Mrs. Ethan Allen, V.G.
Mrs. Orson Wright, R.S.
Mrs. E. F. Smith, F.S.
Mrs. R. D. Chamberlain, Treas.

At the close of the ceremony a bounteous supper was served in the Lodge hall and much enjoyed by all.  The party then adjourned to the Opera hall, where dancing was indulged in until a late hour.
That this was the best carried out and most pleasing lodge ceremony he had witnessed, was teh expressed opinion of a lodge officer who is well versed in fraternal societies.

donated by Joan Benner

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