Mauston, Juneau Co., Wi
Mauston High School
1927 Commencement Program - Front &
Back Photo & Middle
1927 Senior Class Officers -
1927 Senior Photos - Bergdorff, Carpenter, Peterson,
Haskins & Wells
1927 Senior Photos - Benson, Wells, Smart, Clark
& Klabuogh
1927 Senior Photos - Brown, Walsh, Cooke, Jannusch
& Carrig
1927 Senior Photos - Otto, Buglass, Foster, Carter
& Felland
1927 Senior Photos - Abuya, Michel, Silvernagle,
Seebacker & Pharo
1927 Senior Photos - Davis, Olson, Beckman, Lumby
& Zumstein
1927 Senior Photos - Kolba, Newberry, Burns, Zumstein
& Hoh
(name in parenthesis is the married surname)
1926 (complete)
Dorothy Alton
Lloyd Bauer
Pearl Cure
Francis E. Curran
Mildred J. Davis
Boyden J. Hammond
Mayta M. Heineman
Richard Herriot
Maurice Laufer
David Marachowsky
Irene A. Morley
Florence J. Pelton
Cephas Rowe
Thomas Shelton
Dorothy Smith
Helene Temple
Lyle Webster
Elma Wells
Blanche Wermuth
Ruth S. Wethall
Dorothy Wilcox
Ethelyn E. Williams
Harvey Wilson
1927 (complete)
Esther E. Abuya
Estella Beckman (Barnwell)
Selma C. Benson (Haske)
Dorothy G. Buglass (Wiles)
Bernice S. Burgdorff (Erickson)
Dorothy M. Burns (Tracy)
Mary E. Carrig (Schultz)
Edna E. Carter (Lewis)
Belle E. Cooke (Olson)
Pearl C. Cure
Howard R. Davis
Arlette O. Felland
Culver M. Foster
H. Louise Haskins (Weber)
Albert P. Hoh
Irma B. Jannusch (Kunz)
Marguerite Klabough (Knutson)
Julia Kolba (Sister Mary Thomas)
Gertrude A. Lumby (Larson)
Eleanor L. Michel (Roth)
Wyatt W. Newberry
Norma H. Olson (Palmer)
William A. Otto
Helen A. Peterson (Rausch)
Evelyn R. Pharo (Sparks)
Alethe G. Seebaker (Karas)
Gunnar Silfvernagle
Helen Smart (Jacobson)
William T. Walsh
Jeffrey D. Wells
Philip J. Wells
Helena A. Zumstein (Lorenz)
Luella Zumstein (De Martino) |
Myrtle M. Hawkins
Melvin E. Felland
Eugene Smart
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