Lisa Smalley Mon Jun 26 2000 11:55 am
I beleive that Lillian SMALLEY was in Grant co., WI in 1902. Does anyone know
if she was or who she may have married. She was the daughter of Samuel Cruise
SMALLEY and Julia Ann JEWELL who settled in Nebraska.
Could there have possibly been a school that Lillian may have attended in Grant Co at that time?
Lisa SmalleyKRIZ
Jerry Martinek Fri Jun 23 2000 11:25 pm
I am looking for information on the surname KRIZ. The Kriz family owned a
mill in Muscoda around 1880-1890. Respond to [email protected].
Deb Miller Wed Jun 21 2000 7:49 pm
I am trying to find any further information John Wesley Hammond born 1835 in Quincy, Adams, Illinois and on Sarah Jane Gleason-Hammond born 1845, unknown birthplace. Or I am interested in any information on the name Hammond and it's families.
I have information that they were married in Cassville Wisconsin on Oct. 20, 1861.
Thank You
Deb Miller
[email protected]
Donna Vogt Fri Jun 16 2000 1:53 pm
Researching the VOGT family. Could someone tell me where I should mail
requests for birth and death records for 1860's, 1870's, 1880's, and 1890's?
Thanks for your help.
Donna Vogt
Chris French Sat Jun 10 2000 9:33 am
I'm looking for information on Hannah Wells, she married Amos Chase.
They came up from Lewis county, Missouri. Their daughter Mary E.A
married John Barr and they lived in Glen Haven area. Hannah's death
record stated she died at her daughter's home and was buried at
Wintersett. Mary E.A had a brother George and Lucius. Any information on
any of this family would be appreciated. Also I'm wondering where
Wintersett would be, if its a cemetery or a town. The only Wintersett I
could find was in Iowa over by Des Moines.
Thanks, Chris
E-mail address
Chris French
[email protected]
Ken Martin Tue Jun 6 2000 12:53 am
I am researching the LEIGHTY surname in Grant Co., Wi. The following are the names and what information I have so far. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
B: 12/1/1837 - Pennsylvania D: ? Grant Co., Wisconsin
+ LEIGHTY, Mrs. Ledia
B: 1842 - Ohio D: Grant Co., Wisconsin
LEIGHTY, Joshua Solomon
B: 3/1/1864 - Ohio D: 1949 - Lancaster, Grant Co. Wisconsin
Married: 12/29/1883 Grant Co., Wisconsin
+ MOSES, Elizabeth (Bessie)
B: 12/1/1866 - Wisconsin D: 12/29/1883 Grant Co. Wisconsin
Married: 12/29/1883 Grant Co., Wisconsin
LEIGHTY, Laurel Eve B: 4/5/1899 D: 7/1/86
+WIDULE, Oscar Jr.
--Ken Martin [email protected]
Chris French Fri Jun 2 2000 9:58 pm
I'm searching for information on Edward Houghton and Maria Birch
families. Their daughter Isabelle was married to William T. Barr.
Iwould like to find out her grandparents names and if she had any aunts
and uncles. any information would be appreciated. Her parents lived in
the beetown and glen haven area.
Thanks Chris F.
Peggy Sours Fri Jun 2 2000 12:50 am
I'm searching for information about the HEATON family
which was in the Wyalusing area from the 1860s into the 1900 era.
The names in the family are THOMAS (father), THERESA(mother),
sons: ALVARIUS, ALONZO ... and daughter CLARA BELLE.
Thomas seemingly deserted the family in the 1880-90s; ClaraBelle died
in her 20s; Alonzo married Estella Root of Wyalusing; and Alvarius
moved out of the community. I only have "bits & pieces" and would
love to hear whatever information you can add to this family's existence
in the Wyalusing/Patch Grove area!! Do you know when THERESA
died, or where she is buried???
Thomas's brother, JACOB & wife HARRIET also lived in the same
area at the time of the 1860 census. Thereafter I have no information
for them, so if you have anything (even a brief mention of them) in some
form, it would certainly help!!!
~ Peggy
[email protected]
Jamie Peterson Wed May 31 2000 10:13 pm
I am looking for relatives of :
Agnus Williams
Nettie Williams
They were sisters.
Also maybe in this area (all Williams
NOT Sure of these names.
Maybe also a Ysais Espinosa.
Should be around Cassville, Grant County, Wisconsin
Lawrence L. Swan, M.D. Tue May 30 2000 2:32 pm
Request information on family of LINN A. WOODHOUSE and LAURA ESTHER
PERKY of Bloomington, WI.
Linn A. WOODHOUSE born 21 Feb 1890 Bloomington, WI
died Nov 1976 Lafayette, LA
Spouse: Laura Esther PERKY born 8 April 1892
died June 1980 Lafayette, LA
Both believed to be buried in cemetery in Bloomington, WI.
Sister of Linn Woodhouse:
NORMA WOODHOUSE born - unknown
married Harry Shearer
Searching for parents of Linn and Norma Woodhouse of Bloomington,
WI. Was there a Woodhouse-Bartley Bank in Bloomington ??
Lawrence L. Swan, M. D.
Lafayette, LA
Gary Patrick McKelvey Mon May 29 2000 4:39 pm
I am researching John MCKELVEY, Josesphine WACHTLER MCKELVEY, John Henry
Joni Leffler Mon May 29 2000 11:51 am
I would like to find out how to check the cemetery records for British Hollow
Cemetery near Potosi, Grant County, WI. I am researching the following
I'm interested in any burials of individuals with these surnames. Any info. is greatly
appreciated! Thanks!
Joni Leffler
[email protected]
Joni Leffler Mon May 29 2000 11:45 am
Seeking info. on Mary JEWELL. She was born Mary GOKEY about 1831 in IL.
She married John KENT (KNECHT) on 12-01-1851 in Jo Daviess County, IL.
They had 13 children. After John's death on 11-27-1897 in Byrd's Creek, Richland
Co., WI, Mary remarried. She married William JEWELL between 1905-1908.
In the 1910 Federal Census, they were living in Bloom Town, Richland County, WI
and were caring for her 2 grandchildren, Lilly KENT and George KENT. Mary died
on 7-15-1914. Mary GOKEY KENT JEWELL was perhaps buried in Greenwood Cemetery near
Blue River, Grant County, WI. Is this cemetery located in Grant County or Richland County?
I know that John KENT is buried there. Is William JEWELL also buried there? Any info.
on Mary and William is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Joni Leffler (Oklahoma)
[email protected]
Victor H. Bausch Mon May 29 2000 7:24 am
I'm looking for information about W.A. Henry. My grandmother, Grace M.
Day, named him as the father of my father, Marcus S. Bausch, who was
illegitimate, born October 30, 1908 in Dubuque, Iowa. According to the
delayed birth registration which she made in 1941, W.A. Henry was white,
age was unknown, and was a painter. Grace was from Lancaster.
Victor H. Bausch
[email protected]
Bob King Sat May 27 2000 9:54 pm
I am researching KING in Grant County, WI. My ggg grandfather, James KING
obtained land in Grant Co. on July 10, 1839. Several other KING individuals
(including William, Henry and Obed) obtained land in Grant Co. on or about
the same date. I'm assuming they are either James' sons or brothers. I
believe James' wife name was Sophronia BARBER (or SPRAGUE). A John BARBER
obtained land in Grant Co. on July 8, 1839 and Augustus BARBER obtained land
in Grant Co. on July 10, 1839. They could likely be brothers or cousins of
Sophronia. James and Sophronia's son, Philander KING, married Margaret
FLEHARTY, daughter of William Littleton FLEHARTY, who obtained land in Grant
Co. on July 10, 1839 and again on January 5, 1841.
I'll be glad to exchange information with anyone who is also researching
these names.
Bob King
PO Box 410020
St. Louis, MO 63141-0020
Helen Pratt Thu May 25 2000 10:34 pm
Looking for infromation on a CHESTER PRATT who married a SARAH JANE WAYNE in
Crawford '1862,( I sent for a copy of that marriage as it does exist)but is
beleived to be burried in Fennimore WI they had a son CHARLES ROCKWELL PRATT
who married a MARY ELEANOR POSEY IN 1894, Charles was born in WI but they
find no birth or marriage record in crawford, since Chester is beleived to be
burried in Fennimore maybe that is where Charles is born and I haven't found
a census for Grant Co so I can't check if they were there. Charles and Mary
moved to ND after they married and had 7 surviving children one of which was
my grandfather. I was also wondering because I was told by my dad that Mary
was Indian maybe they got married on the reservation if so would the county
have records? Anyone with any information?
Helen Pratt
[email protected]
Marilyn Fiske Thu May 25 2000 5:18 pm
I am seeking information about the children of Amund and Marie TORGERSON
JOHNSON, who were born in Norway and are buried in the Homer Cemetery in
Grant County. Amund lived 1842-1898 and Marie lived 1838-1925. Their children
were Chris and John (twins) born 1867; Lena born 1868, Andrew, Charles,
Susie, Anne, Bertha, Minea, and Sophia. (Lena was my g-g-grandmother). I am
interested in birthdates and marriages of any of these children. Thanks,
Marilyn Fiske [email protected]
Helen Pratt Tue May 23 2000 11:05 pm
Looking for CHESTER PRATT moved to WI date unknown... Burried in Fennimore
(Grant) WI in 1852/1853
Also his son CHESTER PRATT also burried in Fennimore (GRANT CO.)
Alida Nattress Tue May 23 2000 1:52 pm
Cuthbert NATTRASS m. Sara Jane Fleming. 1848 Grant Co. Wisc Land Records states he owned 80.0 acres. Trying to find specifics on Cuthbert and Sara Jane - parents, siblings. I have the names of his children which for the most part were born in CA. Cuthbert went to CA in 1848, struck gold, purchased his wood from Wisc., packed up family & moved to CA permanently. 1850 Lafayette census shows him in the T/O Shullsburg (would like info the specifics of this too).
Roger F. Roth Tue May 16 2000 3:49 pm
I am looking for the familys of Delbert collumbus Elliot b1869 Grant county Who was married to Bertha may Carlton And his Father William
Elliot There are indactions that he was married to Celia Breedlove
Jo Ann Loghry Mon May 15 2000 8:12 pm
I am now in search of the Stewart family John Stewart was a witness to the wedding of his sister in law Susannah J. Powell to Jesse A. Ferrel in 1852 in Fennimore Wi. not known to me at that time that he was a brother in law. John was m. to Rachel Powell,
it states on the census that John came from PA.& Rachel b. in Ill. they were in the Fennimore dist. census taken 19th day of Oct. 1850.I do not have the
1860 census but at the age of 16 one dau. Adaline Stewart married 16 Dec. 1861 to Robert Casey. the other dau.Evaline Stewart m. Daniel Rogers 04 July
1863. where are these family's? they had two sons as well . in 1850 Evaline is 5 Adeline is 3. But the sons Gilford is 6 & Norman is 1yr. old. would
like to know if these families stayed in the area or if anyone knows where they moved to I would love to know the whereabouts of them.
thanks Jo Ann Loghry...
Peggy Sours Sat May 13 2000 10:57 am
I'd like to know more about THOMAS HEATON, his wife THERESA (HENNESSY), and their children ALVARIUS, CLARA BELLE, and ALONZO while they lived in the Wyalusing/Patch Grove area during the
years approximately 1860 through 1910. Thomas was a "master carpenter", as was his brother, JACOB HEATON (wife HARRIET), who was also in the area in
ALVARIUS & ALONZO moved to WY about 1900, but Theresa stayed in Grant County (according to census records).
I'd like to hear more about "their story" of life during that time, if you should know! Are you a descendant of Thomas or Jacob Heaton???? Do you happen to know when/where THOMAS or THERESA HEATON died, were buried?
~ Peggy SoursBARTOW
Kathy Brown Sun May 7 2000 4:14 pm
Looking for JOHN H. & BETSEY BARTOW in Grant County.
Kathy Brown
[email protected]
Joni Leffler Fri May 5 2000 3:00 pm
I am researching the descendants of Henry Nichols/Nicholls and
his wife, Elizabeth Richards. Henry immigrated in 1847 from Gulvall,
St. Ives Parish, in Cornwall, England. He initially settled in Mineral Point,
Iowa Co., WI. He later purchased a farm in British Hollow (near Potosi in
Grant Co., WI) and sent for his wife and their 7 children. They lived on the
farm for about 7 years before moving to Eagle River, Houghton Co, MI on
August 11, 1855. Henry was employed at the Central Mine and, unfortunately,
was killed in a mining accident on April 10, 1856.
I would like to request a census look-up for the 1850 Federal Census of British Hollow, Grant Co., WI and am interested in finding Henry and his family enumerated at that time and place.
Any info. is most appreciated! Thank you! Joni Leffler [email protected]
Pam Klein Tue May 2 2000 12:36 am
I am seeking information regarding Emily RICHARDS who married Samuel Emory
DIXON abt early 1860's in or near Platteville, Grant County, WI. They had 3
sons, the youngest being Orris Lester DIXON. They also lived in the Mineral
Point, WI area. Any info appreciated.
Imo Lee Card Greenwood Wed Apr 26 2000 9:28 pm
Isaac Slater and wife Mary W. ( Card ) Slater are on 1850 census, Grant
Co., Platteville, WI.. Randy Black, states Isaac Slater was a
Minister of a church in Platteville, WI. I would like to know more
of this couple and their family. Mary W. is daughter of Joseph Card.
Mary and Isaac Slater married in Pike Co., IL. 1846.
Thanks for your help and time. Contact me ; Imo Lee Card Greenwood at : [email protected].
Imo Lee Card Greenwood
Bob Archibald Sun Apr 23 2000 10:45 am
Good day
Your people have been most helpful over the years in putting together a family from Grant county who came here in 1844 and has turn into a file off over 750 people.
I am just starting on the last leg of the original family and wondering if you have any preliminary information on these people. Wilcox is the Surname were working on.
J B Sellors ( Sellers )(sellars) who married Abigail Wilcox in the early 1850's he died the seventy's I think they were married in Louiseburg Grant county
If possible a list of there children too. In the 1870's Abigail Wilcox Sellors married Jackson Pace
any information on these people would be Appreciated or forwarded to someone who can.
The key to this puzzle is were the came from in NY
I'm intending on donating this to your cause when finished.
Bob Madison WI
Go to next WILCOX queryDAACKE
Robert Quesnel Fri Apr 21 2000 7:40 pm
Looking for anyone researching DAACKE in Cassville. August DAACKE died 1895, Dora DAACKE died 1895 in Cassville. Some children born there. Children: Henry, Christian, Augustus, Annie, Mary, Otto, & Frank. [email protected]
Steven James Mon Apr 17 2000 8:27 pm
I am searching for information on Stephen Elliott and his wife Nancy
Spanogle. They were natives of Pennsylvania and lived at Mt. Ida, Grant
County, Wisconsin for a number of years. They had six children: Samuel,
Jacob (lived in Fenimore, WI in 1915), Sarah Kephart (lived in Werley, WI in
1915), Stepehn (lived in Chippewa Falls, WI in 1915), Lillie Reed (lived in
Marionville, MO in 1915) and Hannah. Samuel and Hannah were deceased when
their mother Nancy died 14 June 1915. She was living with her sister,
Catherine Neff in Marionville, MO when she died, but she was brought back to
Mt. Ida for burial. He husband Stephen Elliott was deceased by 1900. Can any
one help me with information on this family.
Steven James
[email protected]
Vicky Chapman Lowe Sun Apr 16 2000 11:32 pm
I am looking for descendants related to ELISHA WILLIAM CHAPMAN,
born in Morgan County Ohio May 10,1841 , He served in the civil war ,
mustering out in New Lexington, Ohio in Perry County. He married there
to RHODA KINDER September 25, 1866. He moved to Crawford County
Wisconsin and died April 24,1898, of stomach disorders he suffered from
the diet he had as a prisoner in the civil war. RHODA his wife died in
Boscobel, Wisconsin Grant County , on May 20,1929. Their daughter MARY ALICE CHAPMAN,
married ROBERT JOHN JONES. Anyone having information on these fine
people, please contact me. Thank You.
Gary Cooke Sun Apr 16 2000 9:42 am
I am researching the John Brooks line around 1840 to 1880. The Brook's
moved in from New York. Lucy Brooks married Benjamin Cooper and lived
in Grant with John's Child Jennie who shows up on the 1870 Census. Any
information would be helpful
My email Address is [email protected]
Thanks, Gary
Cynthia Burchell Hoffman Fri Apr 14 2000 1:45 pm
I am looking for any information on the surname BURCHELL and the family of
Elizabeth BURCHELL, who died in Lancaster on 20 Feb 1893. Please reply to
Cynthia Burchell Hoffman @ [email protected].
Sharon Bryars Wed Apr 12 2000 5:24 pm
I am looking for any information on the above subject names. I know
that Catherine Yost married William Althaus/Holthaus on May 17
1863 in Wyalusing Twp.I would like to know who Catherine Yosts father
was and also siblings if anyone knows. I would also like to have b.
date and d. date of either of these two people. If anyone can be of any
help please E-Mail me at the above E-Mail address.
Sharon Bryars
Luana Bauer Sat Apr 08 2000 5:38 pm
Luana Bauer is seeking information on her gggrandmother, Rebecca KEIFER SIMMONS who died at the home of her daughter in Smelser Township, Grant County, Wisc on 29 jan 1885. At time of death she was widow of Jacob SIMMONS( 1791-1868). Couple had lived in lafayette County, Wi. Had the following children, Julia Simmons ( Mrs George WYMEN). Rebecca (Mrs Alfred BRAY). Emily (Mrs Robert RAY) Sarah Jane (Mrs Samuel MILES). Lydia(Mrs Wm ANDREWS) John W. Simmons and Thomas Simmons. All help appreciated. Seeking other KEIFERS of the area E-mail to [email protected]
LaVeryl Andrews Tue Apr 04 2000 5:37 pm
Elizabeth BASS & David RICH were married and lived in Platteville, Wisconsin
1839-1867. Looking for information on the BASS and RICH family. LaVeryl
Andrews, [email protected]
Jeani McDermott Tue Apr 04 2000 1:53 pm
Hi, I'm running into brick walls searching for info on my GreatGrandFather:
William (Rickety) Redmond who was born May 1, 1870 in Arthur, Wis. and died
June 5, 1953 in Plattesville, Wis. I can't seem to find any kind of info on
William. He was married to Edith Kinyon who died in Dec. 1942..But they were
divorced and she remarried. Thank you for any help you can give me and I'll
gladly share any info on the Redmonds after they left Wis. and Iowa. Thanks
[email protected]
Sharon Bryars Mon Apr 03 2000 7:15 pm
I am looking for more information on the above referenced subject.
Charles E. Gee married Sarah Runk 26, June 1862 in Lancaster Grant Co.
Wi. They lived in the Village of Patch Grove. They had three daughters.
Myra G., Minnie, and Lydia. I would appreciate any information that anyone might
know about these two families in Grant Co. Wi. Thanks a bunch and happy
Sharon Bryars
Joyce Urban Sat Apr 01 2000 11:31 pm
Searching for information on Patrick ENRIGHT and family. He is listed
as a hotel keeper in Boscobel on the 1880 Census. He is 40 and from
Ireland. With him are his wife Mary, 53, and children John, 18,
Cathrine 9, and George 1. An obituary notice in the Prairie du Chien
paper and quoted online states he died in 1881. We believe he was a
brother to the Enright immigrants who settled in the Seneca area of
Crawford County.
Thank you for any help you can give concerning Patrick and/or his
Roberta Pyles Sat Apr 01 2000 9:48 pm
Looking for information on the DAVIS-MERWIN families. Charles DAVIS, b.
1865 in WI married Jane Edna MERWIN, b. 1866. I am interested in their
son, Ray William DAVIS, b. 1894 in Grant Co., WI. Jane MERWIN's father
was Daniel G. MERWIN who died 1908 in Boscobel, WI. Daniel married Mary
Thank you,
Roberta Pyles
[email protected]
Brenda Ericsson Sat Apr 01 2000 1:28 am
According to the IGI, Hugh PRENTICE m. Blanche Florence BOUCHER on 6 Mar 1900 in Mount Ida, Grant, WI. I had previous information that Hugh m. a Blanche KNIGHT in WI. Does anyone have any information that would show Blanche BOUCHER had been m. before she m. Hugh?
Thanks so much for any clues.