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The Crank, Vol. 1 No. 13 Pardeeville, Wis. June 22, 1898

Fourth of July Program.

Commencing at 10:30 a.m., parades; 11:00 a.m., exercises in parks and an oration by W.S. Stroud of Portage; 2 p.m., marriage - gift of a bedroom set; 2:30 p.m., baseball game for a purse of $50. Other games take place immediately after ball game as follows: Foot race, prize $1.00; potato race, price $1.50; slow bicycle race, $1.00; tug-of-war, County vs. Village; 4 p.m., horse racing, purse $15.00; 8 p.m., ladies' and gents' bicycle parade, prizes to best decorated wheels, two silk umbrellas, value $5.00 each, and is open to all regardless of age.

The Pardeeville Brass band of 12 pieces will furnish music throughout the day.

Grand electrical illumination of the village and a grand ball at music hall in the evening.

Committee on games and races - L. Crump, T. Baillies, H.D. Burrows.

Committee on locations and privileges for stands, etc. - F.L. Carpenter and R.O Spear.

Wyocena Cogs.

Mrs. C.D. Strong returned to her home at Packwaukee Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Purvis visited with relatives at Rochester, Minn., and returned home Saturday.

Earle Moore has a very badly poisoned face.

John Gilner acted as section foreman on Friday last on account of sickness in G. Siewert's family.

Milo Shackley, a popular freight conductor, visited Friday with A.W. English.

Miss Nina Towner is visiting her aunt and relatives in Rio this week.

Mrs. Thos. Purvis is recovering from an attack of tonsillitis.

Health Officer Hammond has placed a diphtheria placard on G. Siewert's residence, and on Sunday quarantined the house. Mrs. Siewert, the effected one is not in any danger.

Mrs. James Babcock was somewhat indisposed Monday with neuralgia.

Miss Anna Thomas leads the B.Y.P.A. with the subject "Divine Retribution."

W. Deakin is awaiting orders on the Lake Superior Division of the St. Paul road.

Mrs. Harriet Thornton, for the past month at the old homestead, Springvale, is at her daughter's, Mrs. Walter Dunning.

Mrs. Ida Wright returned to her family Monday morning at Milwaukee after attendance here at Mrs. Clara Murphy's funeral.

Mrs. J.O. Whiting left Friday for Stevens Point to attend the graduating exercises of her daughter, Leonia.

The Rev. T.C. Peterson, '98 graduate of "Wayland," is at his brother-in-law's, Simon Hanson, for a two weeks' visit.

H.R. McMillan will visit in the southern part of this state from Thursday until the following Sunday.

H.E. Patchen lost a couple days last week, not feeling well.

Miss Mina Thompson, one of Rio's efficient clerks, Sundayed here.

The town board meets at J.H. Cutsforth's on the 25th, inst., to decide on the application form the freeholders for a road to commence on the N. and S. quarter section 30, 12 and 10 to run nearly north, intersecting the Wyocena and Portage road at O.A. Kellogg's residence.

S.A. Hunter, wife and sister-in-law, Mrs. Leonard of Ashland, were here the first day of this week.

Miss Ella Lawn and Master Hugh were callers on Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Curtis of Rio on Saturday.

The W.B.H. and F.M.S. meets at Mrs. O.A. Kellogg's Saturday afternoon.

Coapman & Irwin have bills out for a clearing sale, which means a change in business. Mr. L.N. Coapman retires from the mercantile part of the concern.

Violet Lawn is staying in Rio at her sister's, Mrs. H.H. Curtis, until after the diphtheria has disappeared.

Miss Adah Green is home from an extended state agent trip in the state.

L.N. Coapman had business in Portage last Monday.

Cambria Murmurs.

John Williams had a stroke of paralysis last Monday and is very ill with but little hopes of recovery.

Adam Schliesman has sold his old building which stood in the street while his new store was being completed, to some parties in the country, who removed the same Monday. It looks much better since it was removed.

E.J. Hughes came down from Portage to spend a few days this week with his parents.

Edith Davies returned Saturday evening from Oshkosh, where she has been attending Normal since January.

Edith Evans went to Ripon Tuesday for an extended visit. She will attend commencement exercises.

Dr. Meacher was here Monday on professional business.

Mrs. Percy McLaughlin of New York is visiting her sister, Mrs. W.G. Jones.

E.O. Jones is home from Portage for a few days' lay-off.

Sue Ap. Jones of Wabasha is visiting friends here.

Mary Davies has returned from Lake Emily, where she has been since last May.

David R. Jones has been confined to the house for the past week owing to illness.

Miss Kate McDonald of Chicago is visiting friends in town.

Mrs. E. Morgan is so far recovered from her long illness to be able to walk about.

Hayden Adams of Springvale was in town last Saturday. He has recently closed a successful term of school in Dane county.

John Campbell of Marcellon had business in town Monday.

Marcellon Maladies.

Andrew Stores, a prominent farmer and stockman of Swaledale, Ia., visited relatives here last Tuesday.

H.H. Adams, who has been teaching in Deerfield, Dane County, the past year, returned to his home in Springvale last Tuesday.

E.A. Cannon was a Fox Lake visitor Tuesday.

President Hughes and a gang of men are at work hauling clay north of Pardeeville.

Tommie Vradenburg had the misfortune to lose his watch and chain Sunday evening, June 12. The watch was found the next day.

Frank Wilcox of Mauston, president of the State Association of the Mutual Insurance Company officers, called on local insurance men Thursday.

Frank Cuff has moved into his new residence.

Emory Kohler, Pearl Gage and Anna Neiring are the measle patients.

Mrs. Boomer of Fox Lake is visiting her uncle, George Cook.

Mrs. Wilkins and daughter called at the fruit farm Monday.

Mr. Spear of Wyocena was seen on our streets Sunday.

Mrs. Blaisdell and Miss Davis of Wyocena visited friends here Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Herreman visited relatives at Lodi last week.

Mrs. Young is once more with us.

Warren Griffin spent Sunday in Marcellon.

Payne and Heath passed through here Monday with a large drove of cattle.

The children of Wm. Smith have the measles.

North Springvale Sprockets.

Rev. and Mrs. Millar were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. David M. Thomas last Wednesday.

Dudley Damp has purchased a buggy from Tommy Vradenburg.

Miss Winnie Thomas was the guest of her sister, Miss Lizzie of Courtland, last Tuesday.

D.M. Thomas is improving the looks of his large barn by giving it a new coat of paint. Jas. B. Whittingham is doing the work.

Mr. Olrick informs us that he has seen a "Wolf" in the forest adjoining the farm on which he resides. This matter should be investigated as damage may result from the delay.

Geo. H. Eggleston and wife attended church at Marcellon Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Healy and family spent the Sabbath with Mrs. Healy's parents.

Fred Stollfus made a business trip to Cambria last week getting the top for his buggy which he recently purchased from L.F. Crandall.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hopkins of Scott spent the Sabbath with Mrs. Hopkins' mother, Mrs. Parker.

Miss Lizzie A. Thomas closed a very successful term of school in District No. 1, Town of Courtland, last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Stollfus transacted business at the County Seat Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Heath, son and daughter, spent Saturday and Sunday with Chas. Atkinson at Ft. Winnebago.

Mr. and Mrs. Moses Stone of Marcellon were the guests of Mrs. Green last Sabbath.

Mr. Keopke received injuries last Friday morning by having a horse fall on him.

North Scott Zephyrs.

Mrs. J. Burton and Miss Carrie Morley intend to go to Baraboo this week for a short visit with friends.

Mrs. Payne is somewhat better at this writing.

John Haskey called at the County Seat last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Orris Force of Chicago are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Barden.

The Rev. Thos. Clithero failed to keep his appointment last Sunday.

Mrs. Newell and daughter Jane were calling on friends in this vicinity last Sunday.

Miss Maud Humphrey returned to Columbus last Tuesday.

August Bobholz was flying around on the streets of Pardeeville on his bicycle last Tuesday.

One of the attractions in Pardeeville at the grand Fourth of July celebration will be a bowery dance. Music furnished by the Bobhoz & Newell band. There will be a social dance at the home of Wm. Bobholz on the bowery Friday night. Music will be furnished by the Bobholz & Newell band.

Fred Grover is slowly improving. He is at the home of his sister, Mrs. John Parish.

Miss Mamie Grover is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Parish.

Mrs. Arthur Moore and son Claude were seen on our streets Saturday last in a bran new top buggy.

Mr. and Mrs. James Keech of Briggsville are expected here Saturday to visit their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Haskey.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stone of Marcellon visited Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway last Sunday.

Pickups by a Crank.

Anna Moran has the measles.

Miss Gertie Smith is reported as slowly gaining.

Mrs. Ed Woodward contemplates a trip to Germany soon.

L.B. Moore of Fall River passed through town yesterday.

Geo Briffett is so as to be out again after several days sickness.

S.J. Lang, who is to run The Times, arrived in town yesterday.

James Scott was the first to report new potatoes last Friday, June 17.

A small child of Robert Alexander passed over today and will be buried Thursday.

A.C. Yelick, they tell us, has his hook bated for something larger than a catfish.

House for rent, garden for sale and also a cook stove for sale. Inquire of the Rev. Walter Smith.

Mrs. E. Douglass of Chicago is visiting J.W. Campbell and friend at Marcellon; arrived last Wednesday.

Chas. Kruger's team ran away yesterday. The team was caught by our efficient marshal. No damage done.

T. Baillies and wife have been rusticating in the vicinity of Reedsburg for a few days. They return home Monday.

Mrs. Shave, the proprietor of the Briffett house, had electric lights placed in the house and also in the barn yesterday.

We are in receipt of a fine bunch of strawberries from Asa Smith. One bunch contained twenty-seven very fine berries. Thanks.

A. Perry of Kingston called at The Crank office yesterday. Mr. Perry is one of the first settlers of that section, having settled there in 1845.

G.H.Cotter has organized a Pants club and the first ten to join will have an opportunity to draw upon him at sight for a high-grade collar button.

Fred Wheeler has the agency here of the American Steam Laundry of Beaver Dam.

Mrs. F.A. Healy of Ironwood, Mich., is expected here this week for a visit with her relatives and friends.

Louise Hartley who has been clerking for Hughes, has been detained from her position by the sickness of her mother, Mrs. Robert Alexander.

Alpha Smith got his foot caught in the planter last Saturday and was badly hurt, although there were no bones broke. He is not able to get around.

Mrs. Fred Parmlee and Mrs. Geo. Polkenhorn of Iron Mountain, Mich., arrived here this evening for a visit with their mother, Mrs. Fayette Elliott, and friends.

Levi Dates of Conowanda spent Thursday here having repairs done on his engine for the mill. He could not resist the opportunity to call and give The Crank a turn.

I hereby notify all persons to keep out of my blueberry and huckleberry patches. All persons so trespassing upon the same will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. - Wm. A. Booth.

Mrs. Nettie Boomer of Fox Lake will be permanently located here after June 27th, and will be prepared to do all kinds of dressmaking. Mrs. Boomer can be found at the old Irvin Grover residence.

We expect there will be a great rush at 12 o'clock Saturday to register for the marriage, to take place the Fourth. Remember that the first one to apply to Z. Merrill upon that date will be the lucky one.

Shot and Killed His Wife.

Last Sunday Edward Sherbart, living in the First ward of Portage, killed his wife by shooting her through the brain. She died instantly. The weapon used was a 32 caliber revolver. Sherbert claimed to be shooting at a mark and accidentally shot her.

The coroner's jury found the following verdict: That Mrs. Sherbert was killed by a bullet from a revolver in the hands of her husband, Edward Sherbart, intently and on purpose. (Signed) D. Flynn, Foreman, Wm. Harding, John Raimer, Wm. Kreckel, Wm. Scherbert, Jas. N. Monugeg

The "Devil's" Pick-Ups

Williams & Grover completed Dalton's house last Saturday.

The Rev. Walter Smith leaves this week for Iowa, where he will remain.

Jesse Cobb arrived home last week from Chicago, where he has been working.

R.E. Mitchell of Portage was in attendance at his regular appointment here Monday.

The first green cucumber of the season was brought in by the Rev. Walter Smith last week Friday.

Mrs. W.G. Robinson of Poynette and daughter, Mrs. S.E. Shirk of Glenwood, Wis., visited friends here Monday.

We had the pleasure Monday of grasping the hand of an old friend and teacher, Mr. Joseph Blodgett of Davenport, Ia.

W.B. Graham of Buffalo, thinking that The Crank perhaps needed a little oil, dropped in and oiled up the machine for another turn.

Geo. Bain of Portage, a candidate for sheriff, called at The Crank office Monday. He came down on the morning train and went back on the 11 o'clock.

All those in this section that wish to purchase government bonds can now do so by applying to Frank Smith, postmaster. He has the necessary blanks.

It is reported the "Wolves" are getting very troublesome in and around Rio of late, even committing depredations right in the city. A messenger was sent here to secure the services of a pack of blood hounds to run them down, but with what success we have not learned at this writing.

Curtis Colburn came driving into town last Thursday from Lodi, where he had been in attendance upon the G.A.R. encampment. He reports a grand time and a large crowd.

Mrs. W.G. Robinson has received word from California that her nephew, Glen Dusenbury, has enlisted in the heavy artillery, California volunteers, and is stationed at Ft. Camby, Wash., on the coast defense.

Conowanda Grieflets.

J.M. Kelley of Portage visited friends here Tuesday and Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Jerred entertained friends with ice cream Saturday night.

Mrs. John Wilcox transacted business in Pardeeville last Friday.

The Misses Mae and Amy Dates spent Saturday in Portage.

Mrs. Charles Berry visited at W.W. Dates Saturday and Sunday.


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