Burlington Genealogical Society: Search Our Site

Burlington Genealogical Society

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You can use the search engine form below to search the BGS site for any word or combination of words. Search for surnames, locations etc.

Match: Format:

Using the search engine:

NOTE:  Searches are not case-sensitive.

Format = LONG - Displays the search results with a title and a few lines of text from the page. It often shows the name and context of use.

Format = SHORT - Displays the search results with only the title.

Match = ALL + Search = Jeffrey Jeffery Geoffrey  - This example will find the pages where both Jeffrey and Jeffery and Geoffrey appear.

Match = ANY + Search = Jeffrey Jeffery Geoffrey - This example will find pages where either Jeffrey or Jeffery or Geoffrey appear.

Match = BOOLEAN + Search = Jeffrey not Geoffrey. - This example will find pages where Jeffrey appears and Geoffrey does not.

Burlington Genealogical Society
Post Office Box 593
Burlington, WI. 53105-0593