Burlington Genealogical Society

Burlington Genealogical Society

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Article I 

The name of this organization shall be BURLINGTON GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY and it shall be governed by the following By-Laws.

Article II 

The object of this society is to help members with their genealogical research through having special programs, being informed of other places where help is available and learning methods of preserving genealogical material.

Article III 

Membership shall be open to all individuals interested in the purpose of this society as set forth in the By-Laws. An individual becomes a member by applying for membership and paying the necessary dues. Annual dues shall be determined by the membership from time to time. The membership year begins on 1 January and runs through 31 December of that year. Individuals or families joining after 1 November will have membership from November of the current year through December of the following year. These new members will not receive back issues of the newsletter.

Membership Renewal: Dues are due no later than 1 April of each year.

Article IV 

(1) The officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Refreshment Chairman and Co-Chairman. A term shall be two years.

(2) The Board of Directors shall be the above officers and two directors. The appointed positions of Librarian, Newsletter Editor and Program Chairman automatically become members of the Board of Directors. The immediate Past President becomes an Ex-Officio member of the Board of Directors.

(3) Officers and Directors shall be elected at.the Annual Meeting, the third Wednesday of January, by a majority of the members present. The President, Treasurer, one (1) Director and one (1) member of the Refreshment Committee shall be elected in even numbered years. The Vice-President, Secretary, one (1) Director and one (1) member of the Refreshment Committee shall be elected in odd numbered years. No officer shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.

(4) The Refreshment Committee shall consist of two (2) elected members. One (1) member will be elected every year for a two (2) year term. The newly elected member shall serve as Co-Chairman while the former member becomes Chairman.

(5) The Newsletter Editor, Program Chairman and Librarian shall be appointed by the President. As this is an appointive office their tenure may remain indefinitely. Upon resignation, a new Newsletter Editor, Program Chairman and/or Librarian will be appointed by the presiding Officer as deemed necessary.

Article V Duties of Officers and Directors

(1) The Board of Directors shall meet at least four times a year when called by the President.

(2) The Board of Directors shall define policies and activities for the society and have general management of its affairs. They shall approve expenditures and arrange for the auditing of the Treasurer's accounts annually.

(3) A quorum shall be five board members.

(4) The President shall appoint various standing committees and special committees with the approval of the board.

Article VI 

Meetings shall be held the third Wednesday of each month unless a change is agreed to by the majority of the members, with the exception of the December meeting.

Article VII 

The President shall appoint a nomination committee of three at the August board meeting to prepare a slate of Officers and Directors to be presented at the November Membership meeting. Nominations may be made from the floor with the consent of the nominee. Election of officers will take place at the January meeting. Their term of office will begin at the close of the meeting at which they were elected.

Article VIII 

Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority for use in all matters and procedures not specifically covered by these By-Laws. 

Date By-Laws proposed: 3 September 1996 

Date By-Laws accepted: 20 November 1996 

Date By-Laws amended: 21 July 1999

Date By-Laws reviewed, amended, and accepted: June 2013

Burlington Genealogical Society
Post Office Box 593
Burlington, WI. 53105-0593