What is the American Local History Network?
The American Local History Network is a non-profit, incorporated
association of historical and genealogical researchers and volunteers. The
purpose of this network is to link together various local history web sites that
would like to participate in free association. The purpose of the American
Local History Network (ALHN) is to furnish students, educators, and genealogical
researchers with historical and genealogical information. To accomplish this
mission, we believe that volunteer efforts are indispensable, and solicit
volunteers to develop information which will be made available electronically to
a wide audience. ALHN also will gratefully accept donations of information in
electronic format to be made available on the same terms as for any active
participant. The donor of the information shall retain copyright to the donated
information, and may rescind permission to use it at any time, for any reason,
although we as an organization would hope that would not happen.
For further information you can:
-View the ALHN main pages
-Read ALHN By-laws
-Read ALHN Mission Statement
How can I contribute informtaion for Wisconsin?
Simple. E-mail either the state coordinator (at left) or the county coordinator
(see county index) with any submissions you may have. If the information you have needs to be
scanned/transcribed you can use the US Postal Service and mail to: Marcia Ann Kuehl, P. O. Box 7326 Capistrano
Beach, CA 92624-7326. If you would like your documents returned please provide a
self-addressed envelope with proper postage.
I have information to submit, but it doesn't fit
in the categories listed on the main page.
Send it anyway! This website is always growing and changing. If the
information you have is concerning history and or genealogy for Wisconsin it
would be wonderful to see it here. If it is for another area you can do one of
two things. Either send it to the location that it belongs or send it to Susan
Fanning and ask that she forward it to the proper person.
How can I help?
There are several ways to help. First of all, since you are on the
Wisconsin State page, you probably have an interest in the area. You may have
done some research already. Send it in for others to see! Perhaps you
know what kind of content you would like to see. Make a suggestion.
Participate. Perhaps you absolutely dislike the style of something on this
page. Have a voice. Say something. Perhaps you have interest in
another area that has no coordinator yet. Volunteer to design a page.
Perhaps you have a reference material but no time to transcribe it. Let me
know. I will see it gets done. Perhaps you have time and would love to
help but you are not sure what to do. Let me know. There may be some
projects we need extra help with.
I have a page with another organization, can I
link to ALHN also?
Yes. ALHN members are independent sites. As long as your current
organization does not prohibit dual memberships you are more than welcome to
join ALHN. In fact the WI State Coordinator encourages this. The more doors
you have open for your information -- the better for your site!
I would like to coordinate a county in
Wisconsin. Tell me more.
Coming soon! Until then, just click on email WI SC at the left and drop us a line.
Brought to you by members of Wisconsin
Other sites of interest
[WI Migrations]
[WI Archives]
Some graphics created by SuziQ for:
Page Last Updated - All rights reserved.
Site maintained by
This site is affiliated with the American Local History Network,
Inc. (ALHN). No claim is made to the copyrights of individual submitters. .