Snoqualmie Pass Road, 1883

(This article was written as a single paragraph. I have taken the liberty of dividing it into smaller paragraphs for ease of reading.)

from the Yakima Weekly Record, March 17, 1883

The Snoqualmie Pass Wagon Road

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   One of the most important enterprises yet started in the interest of the northern section of our county,
is the proposed wagon road from Kittitas Valley over the Cascade mountains to Seattle, via the Snoqualmie
Pass. Two years ago we agitated its importance, and urged its practicability to the utmost. But nothing was
done till last winter, when a single man, in the face of doubts as to success, fully proved its practicability.
Wagon roads generally precede railroads. We are isolated. Desire communication with the outside world.
Capital will not help us to develop our resources unless we first seek to help ourselves. This road, if built
as proposed, will be another step in development to the northern portion of our county, and will more or less
indirectly benefit the southern or more remote districts. Its completion will create a route of land travel
through our county to all parts of Eastern Washington, and hence would be of direct benefit to us all. Last week in noticing the project, we promised our readers something like a practical estimate of the cost
of the undertaking. Since then we have interviewed Mr. S. R. GEDDIS, a resident of Kittitas Valley, and who
is familiar with the route proposed to be established. He informs us that the first twenty-eight miles of
road out of Kittitas Valley is good, and but few streams to cross. The worst of these is the Tanum, which by
this time has a substantial bridge across it. This twenty-eight miles of good road brings it to THORP's cabin,
and in this distance a number of settlers are located. From THORP's cabin, the difficult and expensive portion
of the road commences. A great portion of it will have to be planked, say one-fourth, if built on the north
side of the Yakima. To do this, a bridge is required across the Yakima. The road on the north side is six
miles nearer than upon the south side of the river, and where it is proposed to bridge the river, the banks are
solid and the stream very narrow. The route proposed on the south side of the Yakima is longer, a number of
streams are to be bridged, and a greater length of the road would have to be planked. It will be thus seen
it would be the part of economy to build on the north side of the Yakima, without taking into consideration
the shorter distance to be traveled. On each side of the road there is all the timber necessary to be used in building or planking. It is
estimated the bridge across the Yakima will cost from $1,200 to $1,500. Some portions of the road will have
to be planked. This will cost $300 per mile, and the balance $150 per mile. As the distance from THORP's
cabin to the Summit, the point where King county proposes to meet it, is only twenty-four miles, it will be
seen at a glance that the expense of Yakima's share of the proposed road is not very great. Indeed by the
closest figuring, we cannot see how it will cost over six or seven thousand dollars. This amount is a mere
bagatelle, and should be raised in no time. The benefits to be derived from its completion will be of
incalculable benefit to our brethren in Kittitas Valley. In addition, the road would open up a large scope of desirable land suitable for settlement. Kitcheless
Lake, near the Summit, would make a magnificent place of summer resort. The scenery around it, and other
numerous lakes near, is unsurpassed in beauty and loveliness. In the clear and limpid streams, fish abound,
from the beautiful mountain trout down to the despised sucker; while the forest and undergrowth of the
mountain sides about in all kinds of game. Near to the road are also located a number of rich silver and
gold ledges, which, during the present summer, will be developed. All these have a tendency to create travel.
The road will soon be a necessity from these facts, and hence we want to see the thing pushed through.

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