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Clark County Cemeteries
Clark County is located in the southwest
corner of Washington state, USA.
This web site has been created by members of the
Clark County Genealogical Society
(library located at: 717 Grand Boulevard)
PO Box 5249
Vancouver, WA 98668
See our web page at:
You can reach us by e-mail at:
waclacem at
(remove "space at space" and replace with @ )
Click on the Heritage Award below
to see more information about the award
and other sites also being awarded the honor.
Including your photos on the Cemetery Pages
Several people have asked lately how to include their photos on the Clark County Cemeteries web pages.
A disk (3.5" floppy, CD, or DVD) can be left at our library or mailed to
CCGS, Attn. Cemetery Project
P.O. Box 5249
Vancouver, WA 98668-5249.
Please either rename each file with the entire name(s) of the person
buried there (last name, complete first name & initials) or include
a list showing the complete names.
If you have only one or two photos to send, they can be e-mailed to waclacem at They should be in a JPG format.
We look forward to receiving any photos that you wish to share with us.
Including your obituaries on the Cemetery Pages
If you want to write an obituary for a loved one, we would be glad to post it here.
Just send it to us in a text file with all the pertinent information.
This can be someone passing away many years ago or recently.
We just ask that the person have some connection (either now or in the past) with Clark County.
Please send the obits to
waclacem at
Below is a link with helpful information about writing an obituary.
Abandoned or Unknown Cemeteries
The Columbia Memorial Mausoleum
is included here.
Published in 1981 in The Columbian, this story shows many things never change.
Put a surname into FreeFind below to search
all the cemeteries on this site or linked to this site.
Use only the surname and try various spellings.
FreeFind will search out the pages for that name, exactly
as it is spelled in our records.
We are providing information via this database as a public service.
Users of this database are responsible for checking the accuracy &
completeness of all information themselves. We tried to be accurate in
transcriptions and extractions, but we do not make any representations or
guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness provided via our indexing
other than typing errors that are brought to our attention. (If the original
document or copy of documents had the typo then it will not be changed).
Some of our graphics
are from Rhio's Sampler.
Click above to visit her site.
Thanks to Rootsweb for
hosting our web page.
Last modified on Sunday, August 30, 2009