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Weber Cemetery

The E. Jane Weber Arboretum is located on approximately six acres of land located on the Columbia River. The land was donated to the Clark College Foundation upon the death of Vinson M. Weber of Vancouver. The smallest legal cemetery in Clark County is located here. It will never grow in size.

There is a granite bench which serves as the gravestone for Dr. & Mrs. Weber. They are both buried in the one grave plot and their names are engraved on the bench. No other burials will be allowed on the site.

One of the requirements for the bequest was that a burial place for Dr. Weber and his wife be allowed on the property. This was made into a private cemetery and was legally approved by the Land Use Hearings Examiner. You can see the entire legal process by clicking on the link below.

Link to the legal documents


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Last modified on Friday, November 10, 2006