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Burial Records
This cemetery has been adopted by:
Chris Eldred
Cemetery District 6
P.O. Box 2906
Battle Ground, WA 98604
(360) 667-9902
E-mail to:
The Lewisville Cemetery is located at 122nd Ave. & 269th Street near
Lewisville Park, Battle Ground, Washington.
Mr. Rowland deeded two acres for a cemetery in 1892 and the Lewisville
Cemetery Association was subsequently formed in 1897. Mr. W. T.
Hammond presided with other officers being, I. W. Rowland, S. A.
Hammond, Charles Jenkins, W. F. Potter and W. T. Miller. The cemetery
is located at the southwest corner of Charles Johnson Road and Hwy. 503.
This list was previously posted on Pat Hanning's cemetery site. This message was included there:
I would like to thank The Clark County Geneaological Society for
allowing me to use their cemetery publication, "Clark County Washington
Cemetery Records, Volume 4" to submit the names and dates of the people
interred in this cemetery.
The US GenWeb Archives provide genealogical and historical data
to the general public without fee or charge of any kind. It is
intended that this material not be used in a commercial manner.
ABBEY, C. H. no dates Com. Sgt. 2nd OHIO Cav.
ABBEY, Julia A. 1878-1904
ADAMS, Aminda 1869-1961
ADAMS, John F. 1874-1958 (shares stone with Rose)
ADAMS, Rose 1888-1951
ADAMS, Stephen A. 1900-1973 Dad
ADAMS, William R. Apr. 29, 1904-Sept. 1, 1929
ALLEN, Infant Girl 1979
ANDERSON, Marjorie K. Sept. 23, 1916-Apr. 17, 1947
ARNOLD, Abner D. "Wally" 1913-1978
ATHERTON, Elegnah 1856-1908
ATHERTON, Emmett J. 1890-1898
AUCOIN, Gwendolyn 1908-1972
AUCOIN, Peter 1907- 19--
BACCUS, John B. 1861-1939 Father
BACCUS, Lizzie 1868-1962 Mother
BACCUS, Lena E. 1902-1961
BACCUS, Otis 1903-1905
BACCUS, Wynford 1901-1973 (shares stone with Lena E.)
BAILEY, Etta Mabel Feb. 14, 1882-May 22, 1913
BAKER, George L. Infant son May 1900
BAKER, Jessie L. 1882-1960 Mother
BAKER, Lewis E. Aug. 28, 1879- Jan. 23, 1948
BAKER, Rachel N. 1907-1979 Mother
BAKER, Walter W. 1905-1959 Son
BATCHELDER, Belinda May 2, 1846- Apr, 13, 1929
BATCHELDER, Della 1877-1921
BATCHELDER, Edwin H. July 17, 1838- Aug. 11, 1921
BATCHELDER, Justus Virgil 1882-1936
BATCHELDER, O. L. died Apr. 6, 1922
BATCHELDER, Oliver 1874- 1962
BATCHELDER, M. D. 1867-1915
BERTSCH, George H. 1899-1956
BEST, James 1853-1937 (shares stone with Margaret)
BEST, Margaret A. 1864-1919
BLAIR, Clara B. 1885-1932 Mother (shares stone with Paul)
BLAIR, Paul 1868-1932
BLAIR, Donald P. 1915-1933 Son
BLAKER, Albert M. 1888-1974
BLAKER, Elizabeth 1887- 19--
BOLTON, M. L. 1918-1940
BOLDEN, John F. 1909-1953
BRADLEY, Iredell 1833-1898
BRADLEY, Rebecca 1833-1906
BRIDGE, B. E. Mar. 30, 1890- Feb. 16, 1919
BRIDGE, Ethel Gertrude 1886-1916
BRIDGE, Lola 1913-1919
BRIDGE, Bertha Rhodie ?
BRIDGE, Sarah E. 1864-1950 (shares stone with Schyler)
BRIDGE, Schyler E. 1857-1928
BROTHERS, Charles O. 1887-1921
BROTHERS, Charles "Snipe" 1905-1964 Father
BROTHERS, Fay L. 1894-1963 Mother
BROTHERS, Mabel M. 1890-1940
BROTHERS, Theodore F. 1893-1973
BURLEY, Clara 1854-1922 (shares stone with Clara, Drusilla
and Thomas)
BURLEY, Clara 1890-1892
BURLEY, Drusilla 1881-1892
BURLEY, Thomas 1846-1921
BURLEY, Sanford 1879-1942 Brother
CASTRO, Terry W. 1954-1977
CHASE, Drusilla (Mrs.) died Feb. 15, 1892 aged 50 years
CHILLEMS, Rosie 28 Jan. 1901-21 Feb. 1920
CLOONEY, Patricia M. 1975-1975
CONDON, Helen A. 1922- ____
CONDON, Herbert W. 1918-1969
COTTONWARE, Juia M. 25 May 1881- 7 Apr. 1959 Wife and Mother
In Loving Memory Of
COTTONWARE, Mike T. 1892-1975
COZAD, John A. 1899-1962
COZAD, Mary E. 1899- ___
CRAMPTON, Carrie E. 1895-1922
CRAMPTON, Joseph H. 1876-1957
CROCKER, (no name or dates)
CROSNO, Curtis M. 1900-1970 Father
CROUTEAU, Baby Crouteau (no dates)
DAFOE, Elmer V. 1886-1961
DAVIS, Rose 18 Apr. 1888- 30 June 1961
DAY, Ida Jan. 5, 1864- Feb. 8, 1912 Beloved wife of Roscoe
"Asleep in Jesus Peaceful Rest, Whose waking is
supremely blest."
DAY, Leta 5 Jan. 1864- 8 Feb. 1912
DEAN, Clara Ellen 1868-1954 Mother
DEAN, Mahala (blank)
DEAN, William C. (blank)
DE LAY, Edward L. 1894-1976
DE LAY, Sara J. 1900- ___
DEMING, Reese 1898-1942
DISTENHOFF, Frank 1844-1903
DIXON, Frances J. 1910-1976
DIXON, Hubert 1856-1955
DIXON, Ruth Orton 1873-1967
DOBBINS, Victor M. 1913-1978
DOBBINS, Winifred J. 1916- __
DORLEY, Grace A. 1888-1964 Mother
DOUTY, Baby Wilbur Jan. 1-2, 1921
DOUTY, Caroline R. 1893-1951 Mother
DOUTY, O. I.1883-19__ Father
DYER, Ed M. 1916-1975 Husband and Father
EATON, Alice C. 11 Jan. 1861- 3 Apr. 1909
EATON, Birt E. 1896-1970 Dad
EATON, George R. 1891-1956 Father (shares stone with Hattie)
EATON, Hattie M. 1898-19__
EATON, Jerry W. 1886-1960 In Loving Memory of Father
ELDRED, Stephen M. 1884-1968
ELMER, Anna W. 1859-1959 Grandmother
ELMER, Irme A. 1891-1979
ELMER, William T. 1886- ____
EVES, Harry Sept. 23, 1829- Aug. 16, 1906 born: Yorkshire, England
EYLE, Frank Dec. 14, 1918- 2 Apr. 1972 "Washington" PFC U.S. Army
EYLE, Henry 13 Feb. 1919- 16 Oct. 1949 "Washington" GLI FA Bn WWII
EYLE, John Thomas 2 Aug. 1882- 8 June 1873 Wash. F1 U.S. Navy WWI
FEYMA, Clarence G. 1909-1975 Father
FEYMA, Mabel E. 1911- 19__ Mother
FORD, William Wylie 1889-1980
GATES, Carrie M. 1875-1951
GATES, Hile 1892-1921 "Now Sleep the Brave Who Sink to Rest, By All
Their Country's Wishes Blest (M.C.C. emb)
GATES, John H. 1865-1954
GATES, Richard 1879-1955
GILLETTE, Almon F. 1916-1977 (shares stone with frances)
GILLETTE, Frances 1912-1976
GOHEEN, Albert Newton 1862-1930 In Loving Memory
GOHEEN, Grover C. 8 Mar. 1892- 7 Dec. 1967 Wash. SN U.S. Navy WWI
GOHEEN, Lawrence L. 21 Dec. 1923- 2 Aug. 1958 Wash.
S. Sgt. 18 Fld Main't Sp. WWII Korea A.F.
GOHEEN, Lucy I. 1872-1922
GOLDBECK, Harry A. 1972-1972
GOULETT, John 1877-1968
GREEN, Albert E. 1864-1935
GREEN, Bruce C. 27 May 1916- 20 Apr. 1944 M/Sgt. WWII
GREEN, Larry D. 1955-1980
GREEN, Letha V. 1880-1968
GREEN, Marie C. 1863-1948 In Loving Memory
GREENE, Vernon Van Atta 12 Sept. 1908- 5 June 1965 Wash.
Sgt. 1050 Base Unit WWII
GREGORY, Dallas R. Oct. 22, 1918 Oregon Pvt. 62 Inf. 8 Div.
GROSS, A. Raymond 1913-1966
GROVE, Marie E. 1979
GUARD, J. Dayton 1905-1979 Husband and Dad
HALL, T. N. (no dates) Co. D 32nd Illinois Infantry
HAM, Frances C. 1885-19__ Mother At Rest
HAM, Lewis A. 1885-1968 Father At Rest
HAM, Linda K. 20 June 1948- 17 July 1950 Our Baby
HAMMOND, Bird May 8, 1876- Aug. 12, 1910 aged 34 yrs. 3 mos. 4 da.
Gone but not forgotten
HANCE, Blanche A. 1880-1975 Mother
HANCE, Maurice D. 1882-1964 Father
HANSEN, Michael C. 1952-1969 Beloved Son- Brother
HARRELL, Byron E. 1925-1972
HARRELL, Emily E. 1890-1964
HARRELL, Laura M. 1883-1969
HARRELL, Ora Delbert 1881-1963
HARRELL, Willis Milton 1872-1956
HARRIS, Robert G. 1940-1977
HARRISON, Warren E. 16 June 1926- 19 Oct. 1958 Wash. Pfc. Btry.
HARRISON, William E. 1884-1957
HASORT, Bernard 1905-1955
HAUMESER, Bennie 1890-1911
HAUMESER, Catherine M. 1898-1972
HAUMESER, Florence 1864-1902
HAUMESER, Ira John Sept. 27, 1895- Feb. 1, 1963 Pvt. Co. H 18 Inf.
HAYWORTH, Marshall A. 1884-1966 Father
HAZEN, Elsie K. 1885-1968
HAZEN, Scott W. 1875-1957
HEATH, Alvin J. 1832-1927 Father (shares stone with Mary)
HEATH, Mary M. 1835-1924 Mother
HEISEN, Allen A. 1890-1972 (shares stone with Margaret)
HEISEN, Margaret J. 1886-1972
HERREL, John J. 1874-1960
HONSOWETZ, Jack D. 23 June 1947- 9 Feb. 1978 Proud Daddy-
Loving Husband- Beloved Son When the Roll is
Called up Yonder I'll Be There
HOWARD, Emma M. Dec. 28, 1875- Jan. 17, 1958 Mother Dear
HOWARD, Jackson 19__- 1969
HOWARD, Marion R. 1911-1974
HUDSON, Carrie 22 Apr. 1871- 4 May 1929
HUDSON, James Owen 1870-1941
HUDSON, Jessie M. 10 May 1908- 3 Sept. 1909 Our Dear
HUFFMAN, Kevin May 30, 1974- June 2, 1974 Our Baby
HURD, Chancy 1874-1947
HURD, C. J. 29 June 1881- 22 Dec. 1949
HURD, Coleman L. 1884-1962
HURD, Dora B. 1902- ____
HURD, Edith 1860-1939
HURD, Irene 1890-1953
HUTCHINSON, Hamilton 1840-1915
HUTCHINSON, America J. 1841-1925
HUTCHINSON, Louisa J. 24 Sept. 1876- 1Sept 1888
HYATT, Anna A. 1869-1945 Wife & Mother
JOHNSON, Al. J. 1883-1965 (F.L.T. insignia)
JOHNSON, Amelia J. 1887-1964 Mother
JOHNSON, Edna Adams 1908- ____ Mom
JOHNSON, James B. Johnson Aug. 20, 1913- Feb. 11, 1978 WWII
SF 3 U.S. Navy
JOHNSON, Jay R. Feb. 16, 1919- Jan. 1, 1976 Sgt. U.S. Army WWII
JOHNSON, Lillian Jane 1921-1975 Wife & Mother
JOHNSON, Wilma L. Feb. 21, 1925 - -
JONES, Vincent Dale 1913-1975
JULIAN, Gunnar 1916-1975 Dad
KAPFER, Blanche 1905-1951
KAPFER, Joseph July 7, 1879- Nov. 29, 1957 Pvt. COM 15 Regt. Minn. Inf.
Spanish American War
KEITH, Leona 1900-1902
KENNEDY, Minerva 1863-1937
KENNON, Joseph W. Sr. 1886- 1962 Dad Born in Missouri
KIGHT, E. Elease 1918-____ Mother
KIGHT, Raleigh H. 1918-1976 Father
KIGHT, Susan (Fich) and Baby 1949-1967
KIRBY, B. F. Died 16 June 1922
KIRBY, George (no dates)
KITTELL, Baby 1909-1909 Our Baby
KITTELL, Bertha C. 21 Apr. 1864- 14 June 1946
KITTELL, Charles 23 Jan. 1889- 3 Aug. 1945 Wash. Pvt. 1 C1 346
Field Arty 91 Div.
KITTELL, Gardner L. 2 Feb. 1855- 3 May 1926
KITTELL, May 21 Jan. 1902- 17 Dec. 1979
KITTELL, Robert C. 15 Jan. 1902- 2 Jan. 1976 Army Air Forces
KLINE, Edwin W. Kline 1866-1933
KLINE, Mollie 1877-1946
KNAUS, Evelyn C. 1916-1980 (shares stone with William)
KNAUS, William E. 1905-19__
KNOBLE, Emma D. 1891-1974 In Loving Memory
KOITZSCH, Charles H. 1888-1979
KOITZSCH, Evelyn Jean 1947-1980
KOITZSCH, George A. 1892-1969 Father
KOITZSCH, Henry 1855-1921 (shares stone with Lena & Sophie)
KOITZSCH, Lena 1852-1935
KOITZSCH, Sophie 1836-1920 Henry's Mother
KOITZSCH, H. F. July 26, 1894
KOITZSCH, Lena A. 1894--1966
KOITZSCH, Maude W. 1894-1958 Mother
KOITZSCH, O. Jan. 20 1947
KOITZSCH, V. L. Oct. 18, 1928- Feb. 21, 1933
KUNKEL, Albert 1887-1971
KUNKEL, Amanda _____
KUNKLE, Frederick J. 1846-1896
LEYN, Carlina 1829-1922 Mother of John (shares stone with John Wm.)
LEYN, John Wm. 1864-1946 Son of Carlina
LIEBMAN, Marion A. 1902-1931 Father At Rest
LIEBMAN, Marion A. Jr. 1922-1943 Son US Navy
LIEBMAN, Warren W. 1923-1980
LISCOM, Art "Whitey" Sept. 20, 1929- May 23, 1978
LOOMIS, (only mark on this stone)
LOOMIS, Frances E. 1878-1962 Mother
LOOMIS, James A. 1868-1926
LOOMIS, Jim Jr. (this stone broken and laying on a stump)
LOWE, Bertie A. Mar. 2, 1876- Sept. 30, 1907
LOWE, Isabelle Florence died Sept. 1921 (shares stone with Jasmes)
LOWE, James Allen died March 1887
LYON, Lula May 1888-1891 Our Darling
MAGERS, Eldon Lee 1938-1966 Son
MAGERS, Gladys Ruth 1906-1980
MARKENEN, Lucy 1923-1976
MARRIOTT, George C. 1873-1967
MARRIOTT, Hannah S. 1883-1957
MARSH, Joyce Marie 1934-1946 Daughter
MARSH, Margaret B. 1911- ____
MARSH, Orville A. 1906-1975
MASON, Lester E. 1917-1980 (new burial Aug. 1980)
MASON, Raymond E. 1891-1962
MASSIE, Jane E. 1897- 19__ Mother
MASSIE, Robert P. 1903-1980 Father
MATHEWS, John W. 1869-1915
MEYERS, Cora M. Dec. 7, 1904- Feb. 12, 1967 Mother
MEYERS, Fred 1905-1961
MEYERS, Fritz F. 1872-1954 Father
MEYERS, Henry E. Feb. 12, 1903- Nov. 25, 1944 Father
MEYERS, Marjorie June Nov. 2, 1927- Nov. 5, 1957
MEYERS, Rose M. 1879-1957 Mother
MEYERS, Tom D. 1910-1974
MEYERS, William W. 1900-1974
MEYERS, Wilma L. 1914- ___
MICHALIS, Hans K. 1882-1964
MICHELSON, Anna L. 1877-1960
MICHELSON, Esther T. 1906-1923
MICKELSON, Paul W. 1897-1980 (spelling)
MICKELSON, Thomas E. 1872-1946
MILLER, William T. Co. H 36 Indiana Inf.
MITCHELL, Barbara E. 1925-1972 Beloved Mother
MITCHELL, Frank B. 1901-1965
MOORE, Bryan Edward 1957-1977 Son
MOORE, Chester 1862-1918
MOORE, Earl J. Apr. 1923
MOORE, Emily 1862-1943
MOORE, Henry W. 1889-1932 Father
MOORE, Infant son of T. J. and M. J. Moore died Dec. 11, 1892
MOORE, Manely F. Nov. 17, 1892- Dec. 8, 1954
Wash. Pvt. Co. K 44 Infantry Regt. WWI
MOORE, Mary 1900-1916
MOORE, Michael Dec. 11, 1892
MOORE, Rolf J. Sept. 28, 1959- Jan. 29, 1978
Beloved Son Brother Friend
MC FADDEN, Baby McFadden
MC KINSTRY, Thomas E. 1891-1927
NEMITZ, Jennie Brady Watt 1889-1969
NICHOLSON, Tom C. 1925-1975 US Navy WWII
NIELSON, Venoy L. 1921-1967 Daddy
OETKEN, Estella B. 6 May, 1893- 23 Mar. 1968
OETKEN, Henry F. 30 June 1896- May 30, 1961
Oregon F2 USNF WWI
O'KEEPE, Claire Wooldridge 1899-1979 Mother
OLSON, Arthur William 21 Aug. 1911- 10, Nov. 1975
MM1 U.S. Navy WWII
O'PHINNEY, Baby or O. Phinney (no dates)
OTTERSON, Linda 1954-1978
PARKER, Jane 1842-1913 (shares stone with Oscar)
PARKER, Oscar 1831-1908
PARTLOW, Frederick V. 1888-1964
PARTLOW, Pearl 1890-1962
PEARCE, Emily A. 1907- ___
PEARCE, James E. 1900-1977
PEPIN, Laurence R. Mar. 26, 1907- Dec. 31, 1907 Son of John &
Eva Pepin (Statue of Lamb on top of stone)
PERSON, (no names on 2 concrete stones)
PERSON, Clarence A. Dec. 19, 1918- Dec. 22, 1975
PERSON, Gerhard 1877-1970 (no dates on stone, only on record)
PERSON, Minnie M. 1885-1947 (dates not on stone, only on record)
PHILLIPS, Emma 1894-1975
PHINNEY, Baby O. or O'Phinney (no dates)
POMEROY, Alice B. 1900-1970
POMEROY, Herbert O. Sr. 1900-1962
POSCHEN, Algie Joseph 14 Feb. 1920- 9 Apr. 1964
Oregon Tech. 4 591 Engrs D&S Regt. WWII
POTTER, Edith R. 1876-1973 Mother
POTTER, Herman J. 1873-1937 Father
POTTER, Lola Verona Jan. 4, 1900- March 28, 1900
To You the child was only lent while mortal it was
Thine The child tho dead is yet alive and lives
forever mine.
POTTER, Sarah A. May 24, 1841- 26 Aug. 1908 (shares stone with
William F.)
POTTER, William F. Aug. 27, 1834- Feb. 6, 1911
POTTER, Stella I. 1885-1952 (shares stone with Thomas)
POTTER, Thomas Z. 1880-1936
POWELL, (the following three names were all on one stone)
POWELL, Baby Powell
POWELL, Baby Powell
POWELL, Pauline 1910-1911
PRATT, Laurel L. 1970-1972
PRATT, Scott Thomas 1975-1977
PUCKETT, Emma C. 1854-1937
QUACKENBUSH, Frank S. 1908-1975
RAMON, Lena E. 1910-1960
REBARCHEK, Clifford 1910-1978 Husband & Father
REBARCHEK, Grace H. 1912-1976 Loving Wife & Mother
RHODIE, Bertha died 82 yrs. 8 mos. 27 days (shares stone with
B.E. Bridge and Ethel Gertrude and Lola)
RICHARDSON, Corrine 1932-1980
RICHTER, Adelheid A.T. (or RIGHTER) Aug. 2, 1856- Feb. 8, 1900
Born in Germany, aged 43 yrs. 6 mos. 6 days
RICHTER, August H. 1849-1928
RICKER, Martin O. 1907-1975 Father
RIDGEWAY, Frances S. 1905-19__ Mother
RIDGEWAY, Joanne 1949-1968
RIDGEWAY, John Cal 1905-1972 Father
RITZAU, Frieda 1904-1974 Beloved Wife & Mother
RITZAU, Karl 1898-1980 Beloved Husband & Father
ROHDE, Bertha K. 1867-1950
ROSS, Hazel C. 1926-1973
ROWLAND, Isaac W. 1837-1907
ROWLAND, Mary E. 1838-1930
SALLEE, Clydia A. 1908-____
SALLEE, Raymond V. 1908-1958
SCHIERMEISTER, Cole T. 1957-1975 In loving Memory
SCHOLUND, Elsie V. 1918-1978 (shares stone with Henry)
SCHOLUND, Henry C. 1911-19__
SCHONBROD, Walter May 5, 1882- Mar. 13, 1978
SCHRAM, Douglas Leroy 1924-1924
SCHRAM, Henry E. 1921-1942
SCHRAM, Karl B. 1895-1925
SCHRAM, Noma Rose 1919-1919
SHRIVER, Marilyn J. 1948-1979 Mother
SIVITS, Louise R. 1912-1979 Beloved Mother Always Thomas Honkala
SMICK, Amy Myra 1914-1969 Wife and Mother
SMITH, Earl H. Sept. 12, 1889- May 11, 1958
Nebraska Sgt CAS DET 1588 DEMOB GP WWI
SMITH, Esther R. Feb. 1, 1906- Sept. 24, 1979 Our Beloved Mother
SMITH, James B. 1893-1978 Father
SMITH, Lovie L. 1901-1972 Mother
SNIDER, Bertha 1893-1976 Wife of William
SNIDER, Joseph 1836-1917 (shares stone with Pheba)
SNIDER, Pheba 1841-1912
SNIDER, Paul H. Jan. 6, 1920- May 7, 1945
Wash. Staff Sgt. Air Corps
SNIDER, Roy E. Jan. 28, 1915- May 2, 1936
SNIDER, William 1874-1957 Husband of Bertha
SNYDER, Reynold W. 1901-1974
SODERLIND, Harry 1911- ____ Dad
SODERLIND, Hilding L. 1905-1979
SODERLIND, Josephine M. 1909-1980 Mom
SODERLIND, Mabel E. 1913- ___
SONNTAG, Emma L. 1903-1975 (shares stone with Karl)
SONNTAG, Karl C. 1915- ___
SONSTEBY, Clarence 1890-1968 (shares stone with Della)
Wash. CPL
SONSTEBY, Della G. 1898-19__
SPENCER, Fred I. 1870-1942
SPENCER, Kyle R. 1901-1960
SPENCER, Mary A. 1872-1953
SPITZNOGLE, Rose E. 1913-1964
STANGLAND, Baby 1956
STANLEY, Dad Mar. 31, 1928
STELZER, O. Gustaf 1884-1953
STETSON, Henry C. Oct. 27, 1897- Jan. 3, 1898 Son
of C.H. & H.F. Stetson Gone but not forgotten
STEWARD, Sarah M. 1914- ___
STEWARD, Raymond O. 1899-1977
SUMPTION, Angeline K. 1924- ___
SUMPTION, Lyle B. 1919-1973
TESTER, Harry M. 1901-1968
TEWKSBURY, Guy 1877-1975
THOMPSON, Alice V. 1909-1976 Beloved Mother
THOMPSON, Annie 1877-1940 (shares stone with Harrison)
THOMPSON, Harrison 1866-1940 (scenery of Mts. trees and lake
on stone)
THOMPSON, Henry 1877-1913
THOMPSON, Lillie M. 1885-1960 Mother
THOMPSON, Pierce F. 1907-1929
THOMPSON, Sam 1879-1946
TIPTON, C. N. June 1938
TURLOCK, Baby Turlock 4-16-44 4-22-44
TRUMBO, Charles A. June 15, 1908- July 25, 1973
TUSTIN, John F. 1908-1975 Together Forever
VAN GORDON, Fannie 1890-1968
WALLACE, Clara Jane 1888-1955 Mother (shares stone with Dannie)
WALLACE, Dannie 1888-1973 Father
WALTERS, Lloyde J. 1905- ___ Father
WALTERS, Rachel E. 1915- ___ Mother
WANKE, Amy Michelle 1967-1968
WATSON, David H. 1910-1951 (drawing of cowboy hat on the stone)
WEBB, Bessie 1883-1942 Mother
WEBB, D. W. (no dates)
WEBB, Elbert Taylor 1877-1931 Father
WEBB, Lloyd 1902-1973
WEBB, Velva Bessie 1917-1920 Sister
WEISENBORN, Steven E. May 2, 1945- Apr. 17, 1979
Son, Father, Brother, Sweetheart
WELLS, Helen C. 1908-1947
WHEELER, Curtis Allen 1940-1944 Son
WHEELER, John W. 1900-1959 Father
WHEELER, Mildred E. 1903-1972 Mother
WHITNEY, Arthur F. 1867-1949
WHITNEY, Christina C. 1835-1924 (shares stone with Elias)
WHITNEY, Elias F. 1835-1915
WHITNEY, Garold L. 1900-1969 In Loving Memory of
WILLIAMS, Minnie Newakas Boyles 13 Nov. 1913- 28 Dec. 197?
Beloved Mother
WILLIAMS, Othal H. 1915-1980
WOMELSDORF, Anna Jane 1856-1920 Mother
WOMELSDORF, John H. 1856-1930 Father
WOMELSDORF, Nellie Naomi 1890-1965 Daughter
WOMELSDORF, William J. 1879-1961 Father
WOODSINE, Samuel Clifton 8 Mar. 1978 Forever Spring
WOOLDRIDGE, Ivan L. 1887-1948
WOOlDRIDGE, Joyce Renee Baby May 26- June 21, 1959
WOOLDRIDGE, Marguerite (no dates)
WOOLDRIDGE, Milton C. Carl 1894-1971
YELSA, Joe 1888-1961
ZINTZ, Mary B. 1885-1975
Family Records of Rose Marie Harshman, of Clark County Genealogical
KIGHT, Elise Born 22 Sept. 1918 in Vancouver, Washington.
Died 20 May 1986 of cancer, in Beaverton, Oregon. Survivors
are two sons, Lawrence and William Kight. Brothers, Robert and
Thomas Parmentier and a sister Mabel Beise.
RIDGEWAY, Joanne born 1945 and died 7 Oct. 1968, age 23. She
is buried in Lewisville Cemetery. Survivors are her husband
John Ridgeway and her parents Raymond A. and Margaret Delay
Some of our graphics
are from Rhio's Sampler.
Click above to go to her site.
Last modified on Wednesday, August 15, 2007