NAME INDEX LINKS:  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  XYZ 


Labaree, Rev. Benjamin, Pres. of Mid­dlebury college, i. 55²; iii. 1014, 1019²

in Weybridge, i. 110

La Barron, Patty, m. Maj. Tilly Gilbert, iii. 727²

Labdail, Jerome B., of St. Albans, ii. 434²

Laberee, Peter, ii. 936²

Labouchire, Francis, of Montpelier, iv. 329²

Laboulaye, M. Edward, of France, iii. 393

Labounty, ____, of Charleston, iii. 121

Labour, Rev. Robert, in Huntington, i. 827²

Lacey, ____ of Vergennes, boat builder, i. 688(2)

Daniel, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824

Lack, Rev., in Bloomfield, i. 951

Edmond, of Roxbury, iv. 758²

Lackey, ____, of Swanton, iv. 998²

Andrew, iii. 1038²

Isaac, pensioner, 1818, ii. 393

of Swanton, iv. 997², 1003(2), 1093²

Isaac 2d, of Swanton, iv. 1003

Jennette (Riche), wife of Andrew Lackey, iii. 1038²

Samuel Eugene, in St. Albans raid, ii. 304

Silas, of Swanton, ii. 445; iv. 1061

Thomas, of Swanton, ii. 444²; iv. 1060

William, of Swanton, ii. 445; iv. 1060²

Lackie, Andrew, of Barnet, i. 275(2), 286

William, of Barnet. i. 275²

La Clare, Francis, of Swanton, iv. 1059²

Joseph, of Berlin, iv. 1189

La Clear, ____, of Colchester, i. 762

La Croix, Ferd, of Montpelier, iv. 356

Lacy, David, grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note, 563

Henry A., iii. 729²

Isaac, of Conn., pioneer of Dorset, 1768, i. 182, 2d ed. 183

Julia A. (Witherell), wife of Henry A. Lacy, iii. 729²

Ladam, Joseph, of Montpelier, iv. 531²



NAME INDEX                                       543


Ladd, ____, of East Montpelier, iv. 584²

of Hubbardton, iii. 769(2)

m. Enoch Blake jr., v. pt. 34, 31

Judge, of Haverhill (N. H.), ii. 921

Mrs., of Haverhill (N. H.), wife of Judge Ladd, ii. 921

Rev., in Cambridge, ii. 620, 621

A., of St. Albans, ii. 434²

Rev, A., of Roxbury, iv. 751²

in Waterville, ii. 769²

Aaron, of Middlesex, iv. 232², 236²(2), 237², 243², 244

Abiel R., of Benson, iii. 408

Abner, of North Hero, town clerk, ii. 566

Rev. Alden, of Berlin, iv. 1190

Aldin, of Roxbury, iv. 760

Alexander, of Worcester, iv. 890(2)

Alfred, of Dorset, i. 259²

Alphonso, of Roxbury, iv. 758², 759², 760²

Alverado (Alvarado), of Grand Isle, ii. 525(2)

Amasa, grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548², 551²

of Pittsford, iii. 948²

Andrew, of Grand Isle, ii. 522

Anson, of Chittenden, iii. 549²

Anson S., lawyer, ii. 95

Asa, of Enosburg, ii. 155

Asel Bradstreet, of Worcester, iv. 901

Mrs. Benoni, of Benson, iii. 410

Burroughs, of Newbury, ii. 946²

Calvin P., of Coventry, iii. 152²

Clark, of Charleston, iii. 121

Rev. Daniel, of Burke, missionary, i. 311², 976²

Dolly, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 43

Dolly (Whitney), wife of Pere G. Ladd, iii. 420²

Edward, of Richford, ii. 279², 282

Eliza (Baldwin), wife of Jedediah P. B. Ladd, iv. 901

Ephraim, of Calais, iv. 173², 176

of Wolcott, ii. 783(2)

Ezra, of Middlesex, iv. 237

Ezra W., of Montpelier, iv. 531²

George, of Brattleboro, v. 190

Sgt. Guilford S., of Bennington, i. 259

Harriet N. (Russell), wife of Dr. Thaddeus B. Ladd, iv. 892²

Helen M., poem, ii. 566²-7

Ira, of Monkton, i. 819

Jabez, of Grand Isle, ii. 479(2), 480(2), 481, 525, 530, 532²(2), 533(2)

Jacob S., of Middlesex, iv. 236² (2)

Jed P., of Alburgh, ii. 481, 503²

Jedediah P., of North Hero, ii. 475(2), 565(2), 566(2), 567(2), 568

from Franklin (Conn.), of North Hero, sketch, ii. 568²-9

Grand Isle co. officer, ii. 478, 479(2), 480

Jedediah P. B., of Worcester, iv. 887, 888², 892², 893², 897², 901, 906

John, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 20², 33², 43, 45

John jr., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 33², 44, 46

John, of St. Johnsbury, i. 404²

John W., in Civil war, iv. 523, 524

Lewis, of Grand Isle, ii. 479, 532², 533(2)

of South Hero, ii. 578²

Linda, of North Hero, ii. 569²-70

Marcia E., m. Charles C. Abbott, iv. 911²

Maria, of North Hero, ii. 569

Marie S., from North Hero, of Anawauka (Minn.), poems, ii. 586

hist. of North Hero, ii. 563²-70

Mark P., of Worcester, iv. 892, 902², 908

Marsell L., m. Dr. Job E. Macomber, iv. 892²

Moses, of Newbury, ii. 946²

N. G., of Charleston, iii. 108²

Nathaniel, of Calais, iv. 176

grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548², 549(2), 550(2), 551(2), 552²

Dr, Nathaniel J., of Morgan, iii. 285², 288²

Oliver, of Strafford, ii. 1088²

P. N., of Newbury, ii. 944²

P. W., of Newbury, ii. 945

Peabody W., Orange co. officer, ii. 807(2)

Pere G., from Pittsford, of Benson, sketch, iii. 420²

Polly, m. Oramel L. Smith, iv. 896²

Polly (Colby), wife of John Ladd, v. pt. 34, 33²

Rebecca (Hazen), of North Hero, wife of Jedediah P. Ladd, ii. 568², 569²

Roger, of Pittsford, iii. 944

Sarah, of Newbury, ii. 947²(2)

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44²

Sumner E. R., Grand Isle co. officer, ii. 480

Dr. Thaddeus B., of Worcester, 891²(2), 892², 896²

Timothy, of Essex co., i. 1006²

Tyler, of Northfield, iv. 672

Ladue, John, of Alburgh, ii. 485

Rev. John, in Alburgh, ii. 487²

Joseph, of Montpelier, iv. 525

Sylvanus, of Grand Isle co., ii. 508

La Duke, Amarvale, of Northfield, iv. 671³

Mary, of Northfield, iv. 672



544                                          HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Lafayette, Gen., i. 231, 2d ed. 230, 544, 588, 612, 616², 634², 779²; iii. 85²; iv. 33, 497², 557, 872; v. 81², 103; v. pt. 2, 725²

in Burlington, i. 497², 503, 523

Lafetau, J. F., French missionary, iv. 980²

Lafferty, Mary, m. Augustus Burt, ii. 470²; iv. 1052

Laflame, John, of Highgate, ii. 420

La Fleur, Joseph, of Elmore, ii. 627

Laflin, Abel, of Fairfax, ii. 402²

Abner, pensioner, ii. 393

Abraham, of Georgia, ii. 240, 249

James, of Georgia, ii. 240

Samuel, of Georgia, ii. 240, 249

pensioner, ii. 393

Dr. Uriah, from Georgia, of New York, ii. 243²

La Flower, Edward, in Vt. militia, ii. 512²

La Ford, Corydon, of Castleton, iii. 521²

Lafort, ____, of Cambridge, ii. 603

Lagotte, Dr., of Burlington, i. 504

Lahay, Thomas, ii. 392²

Lahiel, Thomas, of Fairfax, ii. 403²

Lain, Daniel, of Danby, iii. 869²

Laing, Thomas, of Pawlet, iii. 905

Laird, Rev. Andrew, of Randolph, ii. 999²

J. P., of Calais, iv. 171²

James, of Valais, iv. 172

John, sketch, i. 38

Robert, of Barnet, i. 286

Roswell, of Cabot, iv. 103², 104²

Samuel, of Warren, iv. 801², 802, 807², 811²

Laisdell, Joshua, of Hinesburg, i. 801

Lake, Abigail, of Danby, iii. 630

Ann (Barnum), wife of William Lake, iii. 612, 630

Anna, of Danby, iii. 630

Benoni, of Swanton, iv. 946²

Betsey, of Danby, iii. 630

Catherine, m. James M. Tainter, v. pt. 2, 719²

Daniel, grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548²

Daniel C., of Charlotte, i. 744²

Daniel G., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 696

Ephraim, of Charlotte, i. 669²

George, grantee of Chittenden, 548²

Gershom, grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 683(2)

from Woodbury (Conn.), of Castleton, iii. 506²-7, 512, 513, 525²

Mrs. Gershom, of Castleton, iii. 507

Henry, grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548²

of Danby, iii. 630

of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 499²

Henry jr., of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 499²

Israel, of Pittsford, iii. 946²

John, of Danby, iii. 630

Jonathan, grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548²

Mary, of Danby, iii. 630

Mary A., m. Harvey Stickney, v. pt. 2, 714²

Perry, of Swanton, iv. 1059²

Phineas, Rev. soldier, of Charlotte, i. 737

Sarah, of Danby, iii. 630

Sarah A., m. Charles Brigham, v. pt. 2, 716²

Seviah (Chatfield), wife of Gershom Lake, iii. 506²

Thomas, Brit. officer, iii. 629²

William, of Danby, iii. 612, 653

from England, of Danby, iii. 629²

Willard H., of Danby, iii. 630

Lakeman, Amos, of Woodbury, iv. 880

Laken, Mary, m. Henry Willard, v. pt. 2, 180²

Lakin, Nathan, v. pt. 2, 31

Lalemant, G., French missionary, iv. 980²

Lallement, Fr., iv. 982

Lamb, ____, of Georgia, ii. 247

of Montpelier, iv. 262

of Williston, i. 905

son of Rev. Dana Lamb, ii. 252²

Dr., of Montpelier, iv. 199², 264², 478², 725²

Eld., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 9²

Mrs., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 230

Rev., of Westfield, iv. 65

A. S., poem, i. 6

Aaron, of Calais, iv. 136², 146, 165², 172², 173(2), 175²

Abijah, grantee of Calais, iv. 130

Alfred S., hist. of Sheffield, i. 412²-23

Amherst, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 53²

Rev. Amherst, of Guilford, v. pt. 2, 703

of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 723(2), 724²

Amos, of Granville, i. 40

Anna (Garfield), wife of Phineas Lamb iii. 1203

Col. Anthony, ii. 194

Arad, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 718²

Arlow, of Pittsfield, iii. 935²

Betsey, of Wells, iii. 1203(2)

Betty, of Wells, iii. 1203

wife of Joseph Lamb, iii. 1203

C. & L. L., of Montpelier, iv. 279

Center, of Barre, iv. 33

of Montpelier, iv. 531²

Charles, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629

of Middletown, iii. 835²(2)

of Wells, iii. 1197




NAME INDEX                                       545


Lamb, Chester, from Granville, of N. Y. City, i. 42

Clark, of Wells, iii. 1203

Mrs. Clark (née Hyde), iii. 1203

Rev. Dana, in Bridport, i. 18

of Georgia, ii. 242², 250, 251²-2

Dolly, of Wells, iii. 1203

Ebenezer, grantee of Calais, iv. 130

Dr. Ebenezer, of Huntington , i. 816²(2)

Edmund, of Georgia, ii. 249, 251²

Edward, of Montpelier, iv. 270², 272², 273

Dr. Edward, of Montpelier, iv. 13, 278, 328², 358², 359, 387², 511, 554²

from Leicester (Mass.), of Montpelier, sketch, iv. 433-4

Effa, m. Osmyn Preston, v. pt. 2, 718²

Elizabeth, m. Benjamin Hinman, iii. 185²

Eunice, wife of Amos Lamb, i. 40

m. Daniel Parris, iii. 640²

G. B., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 727²

George, of Georgia, ii. 249

of Stamford, i. 237²

of Wells, iii. 1203

Hannah, of Wells, iii. 1203

Harriet, of Wells, iii. 1203

Harriet (Potter), wife of Samuel Lamb, iii. 1203

Harvey, from Granville, of Penn., i. 42

Henry L., of Montpelier, iv. 574²

Henry Lingan, of Montpelier, iv. 551

Jacob, of Calais, iv. 175²

James, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 189

of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 189

built church in Shoreham, i. 95²

of Wells, iii. 1198²

Lt. James, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 471

Lt. James C., iv. 522, 523, 524

Jarius, of Wells, iii. 1203

John, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629

John David, grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222

grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²

Jonathan, author, i. 557²

Rev. Jonathan, of Granville, i. 42

Joseph, of Granville, i. 40

of Sheldon, ii. 393²

of Wells, iii. 1196²

from Norwich (Conn.), of Wells, iii. 1203

pensioner, ii. 393

Col. Larned, of Montpelier, iv. 143, 262², 266², 276, 296², 316, 351, 387², 433²

Laura, m. Elisha Wales, iii. 1205²

Leonard, of Middlesex, iv. 236²

Levi, of Wells, iii. 1194², 1196, 1203

Lucy, of Wells, iii. 1203

Lydia, of Montpelier, iv. 327²

of Stowe, ii. 706²

Dr. M., of Waterbury, iv. 839

Martha (Preston), wife of Arad Lamb, v. pt. 2, 718²

Mrs. Martha (Preston), m. Martin Stickney, v. pt. 2, 714

Mrs. Mary, of Granville, i. 40²

of Montpelier, iv. 337

Mary, m. Luke Graham, v. pt. 2, 190²

Mary (Butterfield), wife of James Lamb, v. pt. 2, 189

Nancy, of Wells, iii. 1203

Nathan, of Sheldon, ii. 393²

Olive, m. Daniel Kathan, v. pt. 2, 15, 18

Osmond, of Georgia, ii. 244

Peter, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109

of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 432²

Phineas, of Wells, iii. 1197, 1203

Polly, from Fairfax, of Fletcher, ii. 210²

of Wells, iii. 1203

Polly (Butterfield), wife of James Lamb, v. pt. 2, 189

Polly (Witherell), wife of Edward Lamb, iv. 433²

Reuben, in Barre, iv. 41

of Montpelier, iv. 350²

Russell, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232²

Sally, of Calais, iv. 166

Samantha, of Warren, iv. 806²

Samuel, of Wells, iii. 1197, 1203

Sarah, of Wells, iii. 1203

Shubael, of Wells, iii. 1196², 1203; iv. 573²

Rev. Shubal, from Litchfield (Conn.), of Wells, iii. 1194

Silas, of Lowell, iii. 269²

of Westfield, iii. 351

Rev. Silas, from Berkshire, of West­field, iii. 351²(2), 352²

in Eden, ii. 797²(2)

Susan, of Wells, iii. 1203

William, grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222

of Wells iii. 1196(2), 1203

son of Mrs. Mary, of Granville, i. 40²

Capt. William of Wells, iii. 1203(2)

William K., of Fletcher, ii. 202²

Lamb & Peek, of Montpelier, iv. 280

Lambert, ____, Brit. officer, commanded ship Lord Rochford, ii. 786²

Rev. A. B., of Rupert, v. pt. 35, 103

Gershom, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Michael, of Whitingham v. pt. 2, 696

Rev. Nathaniel, of Newbury, i. 1023²; ii. 820², 902², 922, 943²

Lamberton, ____, of New Haven (Conn.), i. 607² note

Nathaniel of Marshfield, iv. 204

Obed, of Marshfield, iv. 205



546                                          HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Lambkin, Sgt. A. M., of Highgate, ii. 421²

Lamekins, Newcomb, of Highgate, ii. 265

Lamedeu, Henry, of Swanton, iv. 1003

Lamkin, Joshua R., of Brunswick, i. 961(2)

Thomas, of Bloomfield i. 950

Lammoris, David, grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²

Lamonday, Lewis, of Belvidere, ii. 593²

La Mothe, see La Mott

Lamothe, ____, chief of Montreal police, ii. 308

La Mothe, Capt., French officer, named Isle La Motte, ii. 554², 560²

La Motto, Capt., built first fort on Lake Champlain, i. 2, 659² note, 754

Lamphear, Mrs., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 692²

Rev., of Fletcher, ii. 210²

Erastus, carpenter, iv. 332

Marcius, of Windham v. pt. 3², 25

O. T., in Brookfield, ii. 862

Rev. O. T., of Derby, iv. 732, 733²

of Milton, i. 841

Reuben, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 693

Lampher, Benijah, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 690²

Lamphere, ____, of Montpelier, iv. 531²

Dea. Clark O., of Albany, iii. 58

Jabez, of West Fairlee, ii. 914

John, of Swanton, ii. 444²; iv. 1060

Rev. L. A., in Cambridge, ii. 605²

Mary, m. Samuel Flint, ii. 1022²

O. F., of Swanton, iv. 1103

Rev. Orpheus T., of Corinth, Derby and Exeter (N. H.), ii. 882

Sabin, of Corinth ii. 882

Shubael, of Mendon, iii. 786

Theron, of Montpelier, iv. 330²

Lampkim, Filo, of Swanton, iv. 1003

Lampman, ____, settled in Highgate, ii. 254²

Henry, of Swanton, iv. 994²

Jane (Aseltine), wife of Matthew Lampman, iv. 1106²

Matthew, of Swanton, iv. 1106²

Michael, of Swanton, iv. 994²(2)

Mikel, of Highgate, ii. 252²

Peter, of Highgate ii. 256², 258

Stephen, of Swanton, iv. 994², 996², 1132

Lampsom, John jr., of Pittsford, iii. 944

Lampson, ____, proprietor in Brandon, iii. 441

Benjamin F., of Plainfield, iv. 727²

Benjamin P., of Plainfield, iv. 719, 720

Charles, boat builder, i. 694

Daniel, of Plainfield, iv. 717, 720, 731

John, grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²

of Pittsford, iii. 943²

Joseph, of Plainfield, iv. 720(2)

Lewis, of Middletown, iii. 831

Ober, grantee of Arlington, i. 2d ed. 122

Parnel, of Plainfield, iv. 720²

Sarah grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²

Silas, grantee of Brandon, iii. 444

Lamson, A. C., of Stowe, ii. 712², 714²

Mrs. Crandall, wife of Jonathan Lamson, iv. 741

D. B. & D. J., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 727²

D. J., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 729²

David B., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 729

Elizabeth, of Fayston, iv. 188

George, of South Hero, ii. 586

George C., of Stowe, ii. 768²

sketch ii. 755²

Harvey, of Randolph ii. 998²

Hester Ann, of Stowe, ii. 715

Ira, of Randolph, ii. 1039

J. F., of Boston, iv. 861²

of Waterbury, iv. 840

J. P., of Cabot, iv. 82², 102², 105², 119², 122(2)

John of Northfield, iv. 687

Jonathan, of Fayston, iv. 183, 188, 741

Joseph M., of Randolph, ii. 994

Judson, lumber dealer, i. 518

Lucien, of Stowe, ii. 755²-6

Lucy, of South Hero, ii. 572²

M. J., of Randolph, ii. 995²

Richard, of Essex, i. 781²(2)

Sabrina, of Randolph, ii. 1000²

Samuel, in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Thomas, of Randolph, ii. 999, 1001

William, grantee of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 520²

Capt. William, of Albany (N. Y.), iii. 576², 577

Lance, B. J., of Cabot, iv. 102²

Cynthia M. (Tucker), wife of Joseph Lance, iv. 113²

Joseph, of Cabot, iv. 87², 95, 99²(2), 100, 103², 105, 112²

Mrs. Joseph. of Cabot, iv. 81, 82

Joseph, of Calais, iv. 173, 174(2), 175

from Chester (N. H.), of Cabot, iv. 113²

Robert, of Cabot, iv. 90², 99², 103², 104²

from Chester (N. H.), of Cabot, iv. 86²

T. H., of Cabot, iv. 87², 103

Theron H., of Cabot, i. 82², 100, 104², 105²

William, of Cabot, iv. 99, 103²

Landen, John, grantee of Arlington, i. 2d ed. 122

Lander, David, of Randolph, ii. 999

Samuel, of Mt. Holly, iii. 862²

Landers, Mrs. Freeman, of Plainfield, iv. 716²



NAME INDEX                                       547


Landers, J. Wilson, of Brattleboro, v. 49

Landon, ____, m. Franklin Robinson, ii. 573²

Rev., in Huntington, i. 827²

Abner Baldwin, of South Hero, ii. 573², 575²

Asahel, of South Hero, ii. 485

Rev. Asahel of South Hero, ii. 487², 574²

Benjamin, of South Hero, ii. 573

Bird, of South Hero, ii. 481

Buel, Grand Isle co. officer, ii. 479

Charles, of South Hero, ii. 577²

Charles C., of South Hero, ii. 586

Daniel, of Stowe, ii. 717

Capt. Daniel, of Hinesburg, ii. 756

of Stowe, ii. 743²(2)

Dorcas, m. Grindal Reynolds, ii. 540

Mrs. E. P., of Warren, iv. 806²

Edwin, Grand isle co. officer, ii. 480

Fred, of South Hero, ii. 571

Jesse, of South Hero, ii. 573, 575²

John, of South Hero, ii. 573(2), 575²

Milo, in Grand Isle, ii. 526²

Orrin V., of South Hero, ii. 586

Proctor, of South Hero, ii. 577², 586

Rev. S., in Shelburne, i. 883²

Sarah T., poem, i. 196²

Rev. Seymour, in Charlotte, i. 742²

in South Hero, ii. 487²(2), 574²(2)

of Swanton, iv. 1087

Thaddeus, of South Hero, ii. 572², 574²

sketch, ii. 573

Thadeus, of Grand Isle co., ii. 475²

Zebina, of South Hero, ii. 576², 577, 586

Lane, ____, of Burlington, ii. 640², 646

m. Derastus Richardson, v. pt. 2, 586

professor in Wesleyan Univ., i. 348²

Rev., in Marshfield, iv. 207

A. D., of Montpelier, iv. 355²

Ann, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 620²

Anna, of Strafford, ii. 1177

m. Eliakim Rice, v. pt. 2, 618², 620²

Anna (Wright), wife of Jonathan Lane, v. pt. 2, 598, 615, 620

Rev. Benjamin I., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 547²

Burrell, of Burlington, i. 509²

Cephas R., of Coventry, iii. 150², 159²

Culver W., of East Montpelier, iv. 584

D. H., of Danby, iii. 666

David M., of Northfield, iv. 613², 614², 615²

from Strafford, of Northfield, iv. 633

surveyor, iv. 749²

Dennis, of Montpelier, iv. 280, 549, 554², 574

of Plainfield, iv. 730

Edwin, of Montpelier, iv. 277²

Edwin B., of Plainfield, iv. 734

Eleanor, m. Derastus Richardson, v. pt. 2, 619, 620²

Elisha, of Burlington, i. 495², 505, 509

Erastus, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 620²

Esther, m. Daniel Upton, v. pt. 2, 620²

Fanny (Dickinson), wife of Erastus Lane, v. pt. 2, 620²

George, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 620²

Dr. George E., of Williamstown, ii. 1149

George L., of Montpelier, iv. 353²

George R., of Newport, iii. 305²

Rev. Gershom, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 20(2), 24²

Gilbert Cook, of Weybridge and Cornwall, i. 25², 111; iii, 490²

poem, i. 115

H. C. of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 635²

Mrs. Hannah, of Starksboro, i. 103²

Henry C., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 620, 624², 625²(2), 626, 668²

Rev. Henry, of Brattleboro, v. 33²

Hetta, of Newport, iii. 296

Hezekiah, grantee of Wolcott, ii. 777²

Hiram B., of Newport, iii. 305²

Hyman, of Burlington, i. 509

Ithamar, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 620, 668²

James, grantee of Cabot, iv. 75

of Highgate, ii. 421

Rev. James P., in Westfield, iii. 352²

Jane, m. Nathaniel W. Powers, v. pt. 2, 374²

Jedediah, of Jericho, i. 829²

from Killingworth (Conn.), of Jericho, i. 833

Jedediah jr., of Jericho, i. 833²

John, from Hadley (Mass.), of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 598, 620, 668²(2)

Mrs. John (née Jennings), v. pt. 2, 620

John M., of Colchester, i. 761²

Jonathan, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 582, 584, 586, 598, 615, 620

Joseph, of Plainfield, iv. 723, 730(2)

Joshua, of Berlin, iv. 1189²

from Chichester (N. H.), of Northfield, iv. 633, 683


548                                          HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER



Lane, Josiah, of Northfield, iv. 633, 672

of Wheelock, iv. 573²

L. L. of Jericho, i. 934

Louiza, in Middlesex, iv. 245

Lucinda (Clark), wife of Ithamar Lane, v. pt. 2, 620, 668²

Maria, m. Peres Clark, v. pt. 2, 620²

Martha, m. Samuel Dutton, v. pt. 2, 41², 213

Mary (Nutting), wife of Henry C. Lane, v. pt. 2, 620

Moses, of Northfield, iv. 621², 633(2), 712²

of Strafford, ii. 1177

Olive (Jennings), wife of John Lane, v. pt. 2, 668²(2)

Rebecca, m. Otis Smith, v. pt. 2, 620

Richard, of Fair Haven, iii. 710

Roger, grantee of Wolcott, ii. 777²

Samuel, of Burlington i. 465², 466², 490, 493(2), 494, 495², 505, 509(2)

Samuel, of Addison co., i. 6²

grantee of Wolcott, ii. 777²

Samuel jr., of Burlington, i. 495², 505

Sarah (Woolson), wife of Joseph Lane, iv. 723

Seymour of Newport, iii. 296(2), 297, 304, 305

Sybil, v. 160

Dr. T. of Lunenburg, i. 1018²

Willis, of Marshfield, iv. 205

of Orange, ii. 969²

Zedediah, grantee of Wolcott, ii. 777²

Lane, Pitkin & Brock, of Montpelier, iv. 261², 276², 277², 280

Lanfair, Emily L., m. William Stickney, v. pt. 2, 146

Lang, ____, of Georgia, ii. 247

Alexander, of Barnet, 286

Andrew, of Barnet, i. 275, 286

Andrew J., of Charleston, iii. 122(2)

David, of Topsham, ii. 1114

George, of Charleston, iii. 122

George E. & co., of Williamstown, ii. 1140

Jacob, pioneer of Charleston, iii. 122

Jacob H., pioneer of Charleston, iii. 108², 122(2)

John jr., of Topsham, ii. 1114

Matthew, from St. Armand (P. Q.), at Richford, ii. 284²

Patrick, of Ryegate, i. 376, 377

Peter, of Barnet, i. 274(2), 275

William, of Barnet, i. 275, 286

of Barton iii. 80²

Woodbury, of Barton, iii. 75²

Langbien, J. C. Julius, of N. Y. City, on Lt. Col. Kimball, iv. 123²-8

Langdon, see Blanchard & Langdon

Rev., in Orange, ii. 957

Maj., of Montpelier, iv. 309

Abby, of Montpelier, iv. 329

Albert, of Castleton, iii. 509, 513²

Amon, of Montpelier, iv. 435

B. F., of Castleton, iii. 515², 525, 996²

of Rutland co., iii. 519

Barnabas, built first jail at St. Albans, ii. 92

Barnard, of Montpelier, iv. 233

Benjamin F., iii. 520², 521², 524², 1062

Mrs. Benjamin F., of Castleton, iii. 527

Caira R., m. ____ Nicholas, iv. 435

Charles, of Castleton, iii. 519², 522, 526²

Chauncey, of Castleton, lawyer, i. 166, 2d ed. 168; iii. 423, 515²(2), 517, 519, 520², 523, 524(2), 525, 526², 996², 1062², 1110²; iv. 270², 271; v. pt. 2, 610²

Ebenezer, of Castleton, iii. 509, 513²(2), 515²

Edmund H., of Montpelier, iv. 327²

Elizabeth Whitcomb, of Montpelier, iv. 504², 544²

George, of Montpelier, iv. 233, 411², 414², 435, 533, 591

sketch, iv. 502

portrait, iv. opp. p. 502

Mrs. George, iv. 591

Dr. H. H., of Burlington i. 504

of Sheldon, ii. 378

Hart, of Castleton, iii. 513²

Dr. Henry H., of Shelburne, i. 868

Harriet Frances, of Montpelier, iv. 504²

J. Barnard, of Montpelier, iv. 425

Col. James H., of Montpelier, iv. 12, 275, 278, 281², 300, 339, 387², 502², 504², 518, 528²(2), 544, 548, 568, 591, 592

portrait, iv. facing p. 434

sketch, iv. 434-6

Mrs. James H., of Montpelier, iv. 591

James R., of Montpelier, iv. 273, 275, 279², 281², 282, 304², 305², 306², 316², 335², 336(2), 337, 341, 435, 503, 562, 591

portrait, iv. opp. p. 544

sketch, iv. 544

Mrs. James H., iv. 544²

sermon on, iv. 316²

John, of Corinth, ii. 880

John jr., grantee of Poultney, iii. 997

John Barnard, of Montpelier, iv. 435, 528²

John B. jr of Montpelier, iv. 528²

Jonathan, of Highgate, ii. 257²



NAME INDEX                                       549


Langdon, Lucy, wife of Chauncey Langdon, iii. 524²

m. Joel Mead, iv. 528²

m. (1) ____ Mansfield, (2) Schroeder, iv. 544²

Lucy Green, m. ____ Williams, iii. 527

Lucy Pomeroy (Bowen), wife of James R. Langdon, iv. 503-4

Lucy Robbins, of Montpelier, iv. 504²

M. G., of Castleton, iii. 513(2), 520²

Mark, v. pt. 2, 574²

grantee of Bloomfield, i. 950 note

Mary, m. John Meacham, iii. 509, 674²

Nabby (Robbins), wife of James H. Langdon, iv. 435, 544

portrait, iv. facing p. 434

Peter jr., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 696

Dr. S. W., of Sheldon, ii. 378

Pres. Samuel, of Harvard, v. 87²

Sarah Sumner (Upham), wife of George Langdon, iv. 456², 502²

Dr. Seth W., of Swanton, iv. 1058

Rev. Solomon, of Barre, iv. 51², 375²

William, grantee of Lunenburg, i. 946

Woodbury, grantee of Poultney, iii. 997

Langdon & Ainsworth, of Castleton, iii. 516²

Langdon & Barnard, of Montpelier, iv. 278²

Langdon & Forbes, of Montpelier, iv. 278, 434²

Langdon & Spalding, of Montpelier, iv. 278², 487

Langdon & Wright, of Montpelier, iv. 279

Langdon, Spalding & co., of Montpelier, iv. 278²

Langdons of Fair Haven, iii. 702

Langmaid, Henry, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Samuel, of Danville, i. 314²

Solomon, of Danville, i. 314² (2)

Langmayd, Parker, of Charleston, iii. 125

Langworthy, Asahel, of Burlington, ii. 480

of St. Albans, ii. 321²(2), 434

lawyer, ii. 93²

Capt. Asahel, ii. 295

Joseph, of Waltham, selectman, i. 108², 109

Lanier, Frank, of Montpelier, iv. 356, 524²

Lankton, Daniel, grantee of Tinmouth, iii. 1148²

Lanphear, O. T., on Orem Newcomb, iii. 187-9²

Rev. O. T., in Barton, iii. 88

Rev. Orpheus T., of Derby, iii. 179², 189²

Lanphier, Luke, from Woodstock, of Johnson, ii. 671²

Lansing, Abram G., of Albany (N. Y.), i. 688(2)

Samuel T., of Albany (N. Y.), i. 688(2)

Lansingh, Isaac G., grantee of Mont­pelier, iv. 255

La Paige, C., of Barre, iv. 36

Lapelle, A., of Swanton, iv. 1129²

Lapham, Anson, from Danby, of Skan­eatles (N. Y.), iii. 630

Cynthia, m. John C. White, iii. 652

D. P. & co., of Richmond, i. 845²

Daniel, of Danby, iii. 599², 601, 602, 630²

David, of Danby, iii. 601 607(2), 630, 639², 649²

Edward, of Danby, iii, 604

Elisha, of Danby, iii. 595, 600; 602(2), 603², 630²

Elizabeth, m. Stephen Rogers, iii. 644

Elizabeth (Griffeth), wife of Jessie Lapham, iii. 630

Evander, of Richmond, i. 846

George, of Danby, iii. 630²

Henry, of Danby, iii. 630²

Henry G., of Brooklyn (N. Y.), iii. 706

Jesse, of Danby, iii. 593², 603, 650², 651, 664², 665

Jessie, of Danby, iii. 602, 630(2)

Joseph, of Danby, iii. 602, 630 (2)

Lewis of Danby, iii. 630²

Margaret V., m. Edwin Staples, iii. 649²

Nathan, of Danby, iii. 592, 630, 652

of Peru (N. Y.), iii. 630(2)

Nathan 2d, of Danby, iii. 630²

Oliver, of Danby and N, Y. City, iii. 630²

Paulina, m. Harris Otis, iii. 639²

Rhoda (Button), wife of Elisha Lapham, iii. 630²

Semantha (Vail), wife of Henry Lapham, iii. 630²

Silas, of Danby, iii. 630²

Sophronia, m. A. R. Vail, iii. 630², 651

Lapham & Vail, of Wallingford, iii. 650

Lanham, Vail & co., of Danby, iii. 651

Lapish, Robert, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

La. Place, Capt., see Delaplace, Capt.

La Porte, Count, of Harvard, v. 174

Larabe, Timothy, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 25², 26

Larabee, ____, of Barre, iv. 716²

m. Phineas Page, of Fairfax, ii. 176²




550                                          HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Larabee, Artemas B. jr., of Franklin co., ii. 94

John S., pioneer of Shoreham, i. 94(2)

Joshua, of Fairfax, ii. 171²

Capt. L. C. on Lake George, i. 693

Martin, of Danby, iii. 663

Sally (Freeman) (Thompson), iv. 716²

Samuel, grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²

grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²

Sylvester, of Montpelier, iv. 278²

Voranus, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 179

William, pensioner, ii. 393

Dr. William; of Shoreham, i. 94²

see also Larrabee

Larama, Capt., Brit. officer, i. 860²

Lard, Rebecca (Hammond), author, i. 557²

Large, Edith P., m. Alfred Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 289

Lark, Jonas, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

Larkin, Hannah (Winslow), wife of Joseph Larkin, iii. 448

Joseph, of Brandon, iii. 440(2), 447-8, 455²

Mrs. Joseph (née Winslow), of Brandon, iii. 440

Loren, of Brandon, iii. 444²

Lorin, of Brandon, iii. 432², 433, 448, 451², 455², 467, 468

Matthias, grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²

Oliver, iv. 1156

of Groton (Mass.), iv. 1155

Peter, grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²

Sarah, of Brandon, iii. 448, 463²

Simon, of Groton (Mass.), iv. 1155

of Pepperell (Mass.), iv. 1155²

Larkins, Louisa, m. Roswell Carpenter, iv. 640

Russel, in War of 1812, ii. 392²

Larnard, Abijah, of Guildhall, i. 999(2)

Larned, James, of Lemington, i. 1014(2)

John, on Capt. Samuel Robinson's roll, i. 158², 2d ed. 160²

Sarah, m. John S. Luce, v. pt. 2, 447

Sylvester, in New Orleans, v. pt. 2, 240²

Thomas J., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 696

Larose, Antoine, of South Hero, ii. 577², 586

Larrabee Abiah, m. Jonathan Child, v. pt. 2, 189²

Rev. Benjamin, i. 257-8

Mrs. J. of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109

James, v. pt. 2, 187²

John, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109, 110²

Julia (Bennett), wife of Voranus Larrabee, v. pt. 2, 187²

Lucy (Bennett), wife of James Lar­rabee, v. pt. 2, 187²

Melinda, m. Nehemiah Colby, iv. 552

Voranus, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 187²

see also Larabee

Lascell, John, grantee of Chelsea, ii. 870²

Lasdell, Capt., of Franklin co., in Rev. war, ii. 390

Isaac, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 339², 342², 346

see also Lazell

Lasell, Dr., of Swanton, iv. 1113²

Mrs., of Swanton. iv. 995

A. B., of St. Albans, ii. 434²

Mrs. Anna, wife of Dr, Lasell, m. Ezekiel O. Goodrich, iv. 1113²

Anna, wife of Brigham Lasell, iv. 1055²

Azariah, iv. 1007

of Swanton, iv. 1016²

Bingham, of St. Albans, ii. 336

of Swanton, iv. 1003, 1185²

Brigham, of Swanton, iv. 1055², 1132²

Elias, of Swanton, iv. 1016², 1106²

John P., of Swanton, iv. 1132²-3

L., of Swanton, iv. 1028, 1039(2)

Laban, of Swanton, iv. 1002²

Lemuel, of Swanton, iv. 995, 996², 997, 1003, 1016², 1058², 1132(2), 1185²

sketch, iv. 1105-6

Lorenzo, of Swanton, iv. 1114

Luther, of Swanton, iv. 1059

N. A., of Swanton, iv. 1038², 1185²

Ralph, of St. Albans, ii. 434²

Uriah, of Swanton, iv. 1106

Laselle, A., of Swanton, iv. 1020

Lorenzo, of Swanton, ii. 145; iv. 1020, 1022, 1025, 1060²

Norman, of Swanton, iv. 1020, 1089

Laskin, Edith, m. Henry Herrick, v. pt. 2, 102

Hugh, of Salem, v. pt. 2, 102

Lassel, Thomas, early physician in Bakersfield, ii. 108

Latham, ____, of Hyde Park, ii. 649

Rev., in Bloomfield, i. 951²

Abigail, m. Isaac Griswold, iii. 421

Almon, of Northfield, iv. 627²

Arvilla, of Northfield, iv. 627²

B., of Lyme (N. H.), in Corinth, ii. 881

Bathany, of Northfield, iv. 627²

Benjamin, of Swanton, iv. 1003

Cynthia, of Northfield, iv. 627²

Daniel, of Northfield, iv. 627²



NAME INDEX                                       551


Latham, Edward, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629²

Eli, of Northfield, iv. 627², 651

Ezra, of Northfield, iv. 627², 672

Ezra jr., of Northfield, iv. 627²

Harvey, of Northfield, iv. 627²

Hollis, of Northfield, iv. 627²

James from Chesterfield (N. H.), of Northfield, iv. 627, 672(2)

James jr., of Northfield, iv. 627

Leonard, of Northfield, iv. 627²

Loran, of Northfield, iv. 627²

Luther, of Swanton, iv. 1059

Marshall, of Northfield, iv. 627²

Mary A., of Northfield, iv. 627²

Nancy, of Northfield, iv. 627²

Nancy L., of Northfield, iv. 627²

Orrin, of Northfield, iv. 627²

Patty R., of Northfield, iv. 627²

Polly, of Northfield iv. 672(2)

Polly (Jones), wife of Ezra Latham, iv. 627²

Polly (Robinson), wife of James Latham jr., iv. 627²

Seth W., of Northfield, iv. 627²

Susanna, of Northfield, iv. 627², 1199

Susannah, of Northfield, iv. 708

Susannah (Brit), wife of James Latham, iv. 627

William, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629

Capt. William H., of Thetford, ii. 1093, 1096²

Lathan, E., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542²

Peter, grantee of Chelsea, ii. 870²

Lathe, ____, of Westfield, iii. 360

Asa, of Salem, iii. 308(2)

David, of Salem, iii. 308²

Edson H., of Salem. iii. 309²

Henry S., of Pawlet, iii. 907

Hubbard, of Charleston, iii. 119(2)

Moses, of Salem, iii. 308²

Orin, from Croydon (N. H.), of Salem, iii. 308(2)

Samuel, of Irasburg, iii. 385²

Zephaniah, ii. 1081

Lathrop, ____, of Conn., m. Nathaniel Niles, ii. 911

Dr., of Conn., ii. 911

of Groton, i. 322²(2)

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 547²

Rev. Dr., of West Springfield (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 244

Capt., at Deerfield (Mass.), v. pt. 3, 76²

of Hyde Park, ii. 633²

Benjamin, of Worcester, iv. 893²

Bethiah, m. Dr. Socrates Hotchkiss, iii. 1202

Betsey, m. Benjamin F. Carlton, iv. 500

m. Rev. Elisha D. Andrews, v. pt. 2, 244

Charles, of Norwich (Conn.), i. 930²

Charlotte (Button), wife of Zacha­riah Lathrop, iii. 1203

Lieut. Daniel, of Stowe, ii. 741

Elisha, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629²

grantee of Chelsea ii. 870²

Elkanah, of Fairfax, ii. 173

Ezra, of Swanton, iv. 1094²

George, of Warren, iv. 808

Capt. Gideon, i. 692², 700, 703, 704, 706

H. N., of Cambridge, ii. 601²

Harriet W., m. Rev. Myron Winslow, i. 930²

Hope, grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²

Isaac A., of Montpelier, iv. 550

John, of Bethel and Berlin, iv. 53, 54

of Waterbury, iv. 840²

Rev. Joseph, grantee of Brookfield, ii. 855²

of West Springfield (Mass.), iii. 1018²; v. pt. 2, 243²

Joseph jr., grantee of Brookfield, ii. 855²

Joshua, of Chelsea, ii. 871

Leonard E., of Castleton, iii. 520², 521², 524

of Rutland co., iii. 519

Lucas, of Fletcher, ii. 215

M. & J. H., of Waterbury, iv. 834²

Samuel, grantee of Brookfield, ii. 855²

grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629

of Lebanon (N. H.), ii. 666

of Wells, iii. 1193, 1196(2), 1203

Septimus, of Groton, iv. 1164

Seth, grantee of Brookfield, ii. 855²

Solomon, grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²

Dr. Stephen Pearl, from Weybridge, i. 110²-11

Thomas, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 521²

of Wells, iii. 1196²

Zacarias, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 652

Zachariah, of Hyde Park, ii. 632

of Wells, iii. 1203

Zacheus, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629

Zebulon jr., grantee of Randolph, ii. 976

Latimer, of Eng., v. pt. 2, 681²

Latimore, Bezalul, grantee of Westmore, iii. 365

Laton, Isaac, of Stowe, ii. 697²

Latrobe, Maj., Gettysburg battle, i. 718; iv. 21


552                                          HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER



Latten, Richard, of Danby, iii. 587², 592

Lattimer, George, of Warren, iv. 807²

Lattingham, Joseph, of Pittsfield, iii. 944

Laudt, ____, of Waterbury, iv. 833²

Lauflin, Fredrick, of St. Albans, ii. 433²

Laughlin, Hugh, of Ireland and Ryegate, sketch, i. 381

of Caledonia co., v. pt. 34, 40

Mary Jane, elegiac extract on Rev. David Goodwillie, i. 386

Laughton, Almira, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 61

Amos, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 58

Ann, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 58²

Mrs. Anna, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 27

Anna, m. Parmenas Temple, v. pt. 2, 90²

m. Jonathan Tenney, v. pt. 2, 103²

Mrs. Anna (Spaulding), of Dum­merston, v. pt. 2, 25²

Anna (Spaulding), wife of Samuel Laughton, v. pt. 2, 26(2), 59², 86, 152, 205²

Asa, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 60², 75, 90, 152², 204

Capt. Asa, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 215

Asa E., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 204²

Augustine, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 215

Aurilla, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 204

Austin, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 58, 71², 159, 204

Betsey, m. Benjamin Butterfield, v. pt. 2, 59²

m. Peter Butler, v, pt. 2, 57², 90

Catherine, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 204

Charles D., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 204²

Charles J., son of Thomas Laughton, v. pt. 2, 204

David, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26, 58, 86, 88, 109, 210

Diantha, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 204

Electa, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232²

m. Rodney Laughton, v. pt. 2, 59²

Elizabeth, m. Isaac Boyden, v. pt. 2, 37²(2), 58², 86

Ellen m. Ozro Miller, v. pt. 2, 169, 204

Ephraim, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 61, 149, 204

Esther, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 58, 84

m. Benjamin Hadley, v. pt. 2, 57²

m. Ezekiel Hagar, v. pt. 2, 58²

Esther (Davis), wife of John Laughton, v. pt. 2, 58

Eveline, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 204

Fanny (Knapp) (Field), wife of Morris E. Laughton, v. pt. 2, 204

Fausta (Wheeler), wife of Ransom Laughton, v. pt. 2, 204

Francis, of Dummerston v. pt. 2, 204

Franklin, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 60

Fred H., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 204

George H., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 204²

Hannah (Cook), wife of James Laughton, v. pt. 2, 58

Harriet D., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 58

Henry H., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 228

I. Agostine, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 204

Jacob, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 28, 58(2), 60-1, 71², 73², 86, 88, 109, 110², 117, 122², 159, 169, 204

James, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 58(2)

Mrs. James (née Gates), v. pt. 2. 58²

Joel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 61

John, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 50², 57², 58, 59(2), 61, 110², 152, 215

Lt. John, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109

John jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 57², 58² 59, 60, 90²

John 3d, of Dummerston and Newfane, v. pt. 2, 60

John W., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 204²

Jonathan, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 61

Laura, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 61

Lestina, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 204

Lovice (Knapp), wife of Ephraim Laughton, v. pt. 2, 149, 204

Lucy (Chase), wife of John Laughton 3d, v. pt. 2, 60

Lucy (Dutton), wife of Asa Laughton, v. pt. 2, 204

Lucy L., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 204²

Lucy (Melvin), wife of Amos Laughton, v. pt. 2, 58

Lydia, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2. 61

m. Asa Davis, v. pt. 2, 57²

Lydia (Bosworth), wife of Jacob Laughton jr., v, pt. 2, 61², 204

Lydia (Crosby), wife of Jacob Laughton, v. pt. 2, 58, 61, 86

Margaret, m. Thomas Boyden, v. pt. 2, 37², 59²



NAME INDEX                                       553


Laughton, Maria, m. Leavitt Sargeant, v. pt. 2, 204

Martha M., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 204²

Mary, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 58, 204

Mrs. Mary, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 210

Mary, dau. of David, v. pt. 2, 210

m. Joseph Temple, v. pt. 2, 57², 90²

m. Silas Gates, v. pt. 2, 86

wife of David Laughton, v. pt. 2, 210

Mary (Crawford), wife of John Laughton, v. pt. 2, 57², 58

Mary F., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 204²

Mary Jane, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 60

Mary (Spaulding), wife of David Laughton, v. pt. 2, 26, 58, 86

Morris E., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 204(2)

Nathaniel, from Rutland (Mass.), of Dummerston, v. pt, 2, 61

son of Thomas Laughton, v. pt. 2, 57²

Paschal, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 204

Lt. Paschal S., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 202

Persis, m. Nathaniel Bixby, v. pt. 60

Ransom, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 204

Rebecca, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 77²

m. Abel Butler, v. pt. 2, 57², 90

wife of Nathaniel Laughton, v. pt. 2, 61

Rebecca (Derby), wife of Thomas Laughton, v. pt. 2, 57²

Rodney, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 59², 61

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232

Mrs. Rosanna, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 152²

Rosanna (Knapp), wife of Thomas Laughton, v. pt. 2, 149, 204

Roswell, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 59²

Ruth (Melvin), wife of James Laughton, v. pt. 2, 58

Sally, of Dummerston, v. pt, 2, 58, 60

m. Solomon Cook, v. pt. 2, 58²

Sally (Black), wife of John Laughton, v. pt. 2, 60

Sally (Miller), wife of John Laughton, v. pt. 2, 58, 61

Samuel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26, 58(2), 59(2), 60, 71², 73², 78², 84, 86, 90², 110², 116², 152, 178², 186², 205²

of Warwick (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 57²

Samuel jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 58(2), 59(2), 71², 88, 109

Samuel 2d and Thomas, of Dummer­ston, v. pt. 2, 109

Sarah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 58, 204

Sarah J., of Dummerston v. pt. 2, 204²

Sarah (Miller), wife of John Laughton, v. pt. 2, 50²

Solomon of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 58²

of Newfane v. pt. 2, 60

Susanna, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 59², 84

m. Samuel Gates, v. pt. 2, 57²

m. William Chase, v. pt. 2, 59²

Mrs. Susanna, v. pt. 2, 84

Susanna (Melvin), wife of Samuel Laughton, v. pt. 2, 58(2)

Susannah, m. Samuel Gates, v. pt. 2, 86

Thomas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 58(2), 73, 77², 84², 88², 90, 110², 149, 204

of Warwick (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 57²(2)

Dea. Thomas, v. pt. 2, 76²

sketch v. pt. 2, 60-1

Warren, of Dummerston v. pt. 2, 204

Wealthy, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 59²

William, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 204

Laupumnsapeat, Moses, Indian, iv. 197²

Laurence, ____, addressed Franklin co. inst., ii. 99

Laurens Henry, of S. C., v. 72²

Laury, Tilley, in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Lauton, Israel of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 13, 14

Lavigne, Isaac, of Montpelier, iv. 328

Josephine, of Montpelier, iv. 329²

Laviolette, Eugene, of Montpelier, iv. 356

Law ____, atty. in Fairfield, ii. 197²

Isaac, see Low, Isaac, of N. Y.

Lt. J. F., of Lamoille co., ii. 591²

John of Colchester, i. 761², 762, 763

near Colchester point, ii. 475²

of Greensboro, iii. 212(2), 213

from New London (Conn.), of Colchester, i. 763²

Joseph H. of Fletcher, ii. 202

Michael of Putney, v. pt. 2, 220², 229, 234²

Michal, v. pt. 2, 574²

Mikel, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 24(2)


554                                          HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER



Law, Mrs. Stephen, of Burlington, i. 571

William H., of Cambridge, ii. 606

Laware, Alexander, in militia, ii. 514

John, in militia, ii. 514

Lawes, Francis, v. pt. 2, 211²

Mary, m. John Neale, v. pt. 2, 211

Lawrence, ____, i. 575

of Burlington, ii. 643

of Canaan, ii. 639²

pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 150

of Worcester, iv. 905²

Mohawk chief, i. 2

m. Joshua Stoddard jr., v. pt. 2, 619

Mrs., of Albany, iii. 66

A. T., of N. Y., iii. 602²

Abbott of Mass., iv. 256²

Abel grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19

Albert, of Charleston, iii. 114², 115(2), 120(2)

Almon, in St. Albans, ii. 470²

of Franklin co., ii. 98

Angeline (Towle), wife of Jonathan Lawrence, i. 1046²

Anna, m. Amos Fassett, iii. 949

Anna Eliza, m. Frederic W. Hop­kins, iii. 1099

Asa, from Canaan (Conn.), of Sal­isbury, i. 91

B., of Swanton, iv. 1130

Bartomy, of South Hero, ii. 577, 586

Betsey, m. Rev. Nathan B. Ashcroft, iv. 624

Capt. Bigelow, in Rev. war, ii. 390

Maj. Bigelow, of Shaftsbury, i. 232

C. F., of Swanton, iv. 1080 1129

Charles, of Montpelier, iv. 531²

Charles C., of Brattleboro, v. 172²

Charles G., of Brattleboro, v. 175²

Chester, of Swanton, iv. 1007

Daniel, from Troy (N. H.), of Albany, iii. 51(2), 66, 68(2)

Daniel jr., of Albany, iii. 68²(2)

David of Montpelier, iv. 531²

of Swanton, iv. 1043², 1088, 1113

Rev. Ed. A., from Craftsbury, of Marblehead (Mass.), iii. 170

Eleazer jr., grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²

Elias, of Enosburg, ii. 141², 142, 155

Elizabeth, of Brattleboro, v. 123²

m. Philip Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62

Elmer H., of Windham, v. pt. 3², 25

Frances E. (Root), wife of George C. Lawrence, v. 123²(2)

Rev. George W., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 484²

Gideon, grantee of Poultney, iii. 997

H. A., of Swanton iv. 1036, 1129², 1185

Henry, of Swanton, iv. 1038

hist. of St. George, i. 851-4

Henry R., of Brattleboro, v. 123²

Herbert, engineer, iv. 563

Hubbard, of St. Johnsbury, i. 405

Isaac, of Canaan (Conn.), and Hinesburg, i. 794

grantee of Castleton, iii. 503

Mrs. Isaac, of Hinesburg, i. 794²

Isaac, of Montpelier, iv, 531²

grantee of Poultney, iii. 997

Capt. Isaac, of Canaan (Conn.), iii. 970

James, i. 585²

Jesse, grantee of Huntington, i. 813

Jirah S., of Plainfield, iv. 734

John, grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note

grantee of Essex, i. 778²

grantee of Morgan, iii. 282²

Jonathan of Derby, iii. 181²

of Victory, i. 1046², 1047²

Joseph, grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

of Wells, iii. 1191², 1195²

Joshua, of Plainfield, iv. 716, 724², 730, 734

Katharine (Bigelow), wife of Abbott Lawrence, iv. 256²

M. B., in Barre, iv. 46

Mrs. Margaret Woods, i. 192 note, 2d ed. 193 note

on Mrs. Henrietta (Jackson) Hamlin, i. 194², 2d ed. 195²; iii. 1165(2)

Micah, grantee of Putney, v. pt. 2, 221

Rev. Micah, of Winchester (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 631

Nathan, on Capt. Samuel Robinson's roll, i. 158², 2d ed. 160²

Nehemiah, grantee of Albany, iii. 46²

grantee of Westmore iii. 365

Richard, of Brattleboro, v. 123²

of Mt. Holly iii. 845

Russell, of Highgate, ii. 420

Samuel, grantee of Morgan, iii. 282²

Spencer, of Marshfield, iv. 204(2)

of Plainfield iv. 731

Mrs. Spencer, of Plainfield, iv. 731

Stephen, pioneer in Chittenden co., i. 456², 457, 466², 493(2), 495², 496², 498, 505, 509(2), 938²

of Essex i. 781²

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

of Sheffield (Mass.), i. 491²

of St. Albans ii. 434

of Swanton, iv. 1132²

grantee of Westmore, iii. 365

grantee of Wolcott, ii. 777²

Stephen jr., of Swanton, iv. 1134



NAME INDEX                                       555


Lawrence, Stephen R., of Swanton, iv. 1035², 1130

T. H. & Son, of Poultney, iii. 1001

Capt. Thomas, v. pt. 2, 28²

of Groton, iv. 1153(2), 1154², 1155

W. & S. R., of Swanton iv. 1130

William, grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19

of Grand Isle, ii. 522

grantee of Morgan, iii. 282²

of Swanton i. 445; iv. 1035², 1060², 1103², 1134

Zimri, of Weybridge, iii. 1099

Laws, Jane, of Fayston, iv. 183²

Lawson, Mrs., of Montpelier, iv. 328

Abigail, of East Montpelier, iv. 583², 584²

Benson J., of Poughkeepsie (N. Y.), iv. 1196

Daniel, of Woodbury, iv. 880

George, of Barre, iv. 716²

Israel, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 7²

Jane, of Montpelier, iv. 327².

Jonathan, of Woodbury, iv. 880

Lois P., of Montpelier, iv. 328²

Lucy, of Barre, iv. 37

Lucy (Freeman), of Barre, iv. 716²

Martin, of Woodbury, iv. 880

Nathaniel, of Barre, iv. 37

Rufus, of Woodbury, iv. 875²

Samuel, of Barre, iv. 42

W. E., of Montpelier, iv. 355²

Lawton, ____, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 16

Mrs., of Montpelier, iv. 328²

Rev., in Greensboro, iii. 215²

in Windham, v. pt. 3², 9

Abigail (Wilder), wife of Solomon Lawton, v. pt. 2, 167

Asa, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 34, 167, 172, 205², 213

Rev. Christopher, of Guilford, v. pt. 3¹, 19

Fanny (Knapp) (Field), wife of Morris E. Lawton v. pt. 2, 215²

Jacob, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 287²

John, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 107

Rev. John, of Barnard, v. pt. 3², 9

of Dover, v. pt. 2, 349

Lucy (Dutton), wife of Asa Law­ton, v. pt, 2, 213

Morris E., v. pt. 2, 215²

Sally, m. Cyrus Belknap, v. pt. 2, 107

Solomon of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 167

Taylor, pioneer of Fairfax, ii. 175

Thomas, grantee of Northfield, iv.612²

William, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 528

Lay, Amos, of Fair Haven, iii. 690²

from N. H., of Pawlet, iii. 919²

Betsey, m. Rev. John Griswold, iii. 915²

Daniel, of Georgia, ii. 247², 249

Nathaniel, of Georgia, ii. 249²

Lazel, Dr., of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 17²

Lazell, Isaac, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 339, 348

Isaac W., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 343(2)

Nathan, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 352

Oscar A., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 342, 343², 344

Stillman H., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 343²

Dr. W. F., from Brookfield, of Plain­field, iv. 725²

Lazelle, Dr., in Brookfield, ii. 863

Stillman H., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 342

Leach, ____, in Grand Isle, singing.teacher, ii. 526²

of Irasburg, iii. 249

of Ohio, iii. 612²

Dr., of Swanton, iv. 1123

Amy (Barsley), wife of Lovell Leach, iii. 919²

Andrew, of Pittsford, iii. 944

Rev. Beriah N., of Middletown (Conn.), iii. 821²(2), 823², 834², 835

Sgt. C. B., of Bradford, ii. 841²

Mrs. C. H. (Hogle), wife of Dr. C. S. L. Leach, iv. 1058

Dr. C. S. L., of Swanton, iv. 1058, 1129², 1186

Caleb, pioneer of Irasburg, iii. 241(2), 242(2), 243(2), 244, 245(2), 246², 249, 250², 254

Chester K., of Fletcher, iv. 1191

Chloe (Benson), of Danby and Ohio, iii. 612²

Cynthia (Sherman), wife of Robert Leach, iv. 802

Cyril, of Middletown, iii. 835

Cyrus, of Fairfax, ii. 166

David, of Montpelier, iv. 353

E. A., of Irasburg, iii. 45²

Ebenezer, of Pawlet, iii. 919² (2)

Elisha, of Danby, iii. 665

Rev. G., of Bennington, i. 162², 2d ed. 164²

H. N., of Swanton, iv. 1042

Dr. Henry W., of Pawlet, iii. 893-4, 919²

Isaac, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232²

J. B., of Fletcher, ii. 215²

James, pioneer, of Irasburg, iii. 241(2) , 212, 213(2), 215(2), 246(2)

of Pawlet, iii. 874, 880², 881(2), 907, 910, 911, 919², 925

Mrs. James, of Pawlet, iii. 895

James jr., of Pawlet, iii. 881, 919²

John, from New Fairfield (Conn.), in Fairfield (Vt.), ii. 192

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 577², 585

Jonathan, of Kirby, sketch, i. 337(2)

Mrs. Jonathan, of Kirby, i. 337


556                                          HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER



Leach, Joseph, of Elmore, ii. 626², 627

of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 512

Jude, m. Gideon Adams, iii. 907

Mrs. Laura (Hiel), of Bakersfield, ii. 199(2)

Lovell, of Pawlet, iii. 879², 919²

Dr, M. S., of Lunenburg, i. 1018²

Marcena, of Eden, ii. 626

Martin, of Pittsford, iii. 944

Moses, of Middletown, iii. 808, 820, 821²

Moses W., of Clarendon, iii. 560²

Peter, of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528

Priscilla (Barber), sister of Jervis Barber, iii. 829²

Robert, of Randolph, iv. 802

of Waitsfield, iv. 787²

S. L., of Swanton, iv. 128²

Sarah Jane, of Fletcher, m. Norman F. Wood, ii. 204

Silas I., of Sutton, v, pt. 34, 41²

Stephen, of Waterville, ii. 769

Stephen H., of Belvidere, ii. 593²

Willis D., of Fletcher, ii. 201², 209²

Zephaniah W. A., of Belvidere, ii. 593², 594²

Leaches of Waterville, pioneers, ii. 770²

Leage, Rev. John, in Highgate, ii. 335

Leahy, John, of Northfield, iv. 672³

Leaman, see Seaman

Leano, Moses, of Irasburg, iii. 244²

Learnard, ____, of Columbia (N. H.), i. 1039²

Carlton, of Fairfax, ii. 403²

Henry S., of Fairfax, ii. 403²

Irene, m. Maj. Hains French, i. 1039²

Joseph M., of Fairfax, ii. 403²

Dea. Moses, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 413²

Mrs. Moses (née Pratt), of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 413²(2)

Nathaniel, of Fairfax, ii. 402²

Nathaniel N., of Fairfax, ii. 403²

Learned, ____, of Waitsfield, iv. 780

Dr. Eli, of Danby, iii. 630², 869

Elijah, of Montgomery, ii. 278

Hepsy (Crouch), wife of Dr. Eli Learned, iii, 630²

Dr, John, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 284

Joseph, of Fairfax, ii. 171, 175²

Joseph D., of Franklin co., ii. 93²

N. M., in Stowe, ii. 716

W. A., of Swanton, iv. 1099

see also Leonard

Learnerd, Oscar E., of Georgia, ii. 243²

Lease, George W., of Waterbury iv. 832

Gerdin, of Montpelier, iv. 531²

J., of Montpelier, iv. 280

John 2d, of Williamstown, ii. 1145²

Leason, Solomon, on Capt. Samuel Robinson's roll, i. 158², 2d ed. 161

Leatherby, Timothy, grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 567²

Leavens, Ira, of Morgan, iii. 112, 284², 285²(2), 286

from Montgomery, of Morgan, sketch, iii. 291²-2

Leander C., of Berkshire, iv. 1194²

M., of Morgan, iii. 290

Marson, of Morgan, iii. 286, 292

Moses, of Morgan, iii. 292

P. F., of Hinesburg, i. 795²

Paschal Paoli, of Berkshire, ii. 90

Penuel, of Berkshire, ii. 120

Phalla (Cobb) , wife of Ira Leavens, iii. 291²

Philo F., of Stowe, ii. 744²

Leavenworth, ____, of Charlotte, i. 748²

of Derby, iii. 183²

Maj., of 9th regt., i. 575

A. E., of Hinesburg, i. 795²

Abel, of Charlotte, i. 800², 809

Burke, of Charlotte, i. 744²

Charlotte, of Charlotte, i. 749²

Rev. Eben W., of Hinesburg, i. 796

Henry, of Burlington, i. 473, 504, 510

of Hinesburg, i. 796

Mrs. Jennie L., poem, i. 750²

Jesse, grantee of Danville, i. 313², 315

Mrs. Lucy, of Charlotte, i. 749

Mrs. M. E., of Hinesburg, poem, i. 810²

Nathan, of Hinesburg, i. 794², 795², 798²

councillor, i. 472²

Gen. Nathan, of Hinesburg, i. 807²

Gen. Nathan jr., of Hinesburg, i. 794²(2)-5

sketch, i. 802²-3

Leaver, William H., of Benningon, i. 260²

Leavett, Gideon, of Wheelock, i. 432²

Dr. Harvey, of Hartford, iv. 156²

Lucius, of Warren, iv. 802

Seth, of Warren, iv. 801², 802

Leavings, Rev. C. W., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 672

Leavingsworth, Jesse, grantee of Vershire, ii. 1132

Leavitt, Eld., of Williamstown, ii. 1145

Mrs., of Middlebury, iii. 803

Capt., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 133²

Abigail, m. Moses Cheney, i. 419²

Asaph, pioneer in Rupert, i. 228²(2), 2d ed. 227

Aseph, grantee of Windham, v. pt. 3³, 6²

David, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110, 157

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 225²(2)

Dudley, of Bethlehem (Conn.), i. 526

Eliza Coit (Winslow), wife of Henry M. Leavitt, i. 930²



NAME INDEX                                       557


Leavitt, Elizabeth, m. Rev. Daniel Haskel, i, 526

George W., of Worcester, iv. 892

H. C., of Swanton, iv. 1094

Rev. H. F., of Strafford, ii. 1177

of Vergennes, i. 107

Henry M., i. 930²

Rev. J., of Vergennes, i. 883

Jane Maria, m. Jonathan Hunt, v. 139

m. Jonathan Hunt 3d, v. pt. 2, 290²

John, of Brattleboro, v. 118

grantee of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 6²

Capt. John, of Brattleboro, v. 48

Rev. Jonathan, of Heath (Mass.), v. pt. 3, 77²

Dea. Joshua, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 236

Rev. Joshua, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 224²

Julia Ann, m. Gardner C. Hall, v. 131²

Moses, of Sanbornton (N. H.), i. 419²

Rev. S., of Corinth, ii. 887², 888

Sheldon, grantee of Holland, iii. 231², 232

Smith, of Corinth, ii. 887²

Stephen, from Meredith (N. H.), in Corinth, ii. 887²

of Woodbury, iv. 882

Rev. Stephen, of Corinth, ii. 887²

of Topsham, ii. 1108²

Thaddeus, grantee of Warren, iv. 801

Tirzah (Field) (Ashley), wife of Jonathan Leavitt, v. pt. 3, 77²

W. H., of Bradford, ii. 824²

Leazer, Abraham, of Montpelier, iv. 524²

Lebanon, Ansel, of Fairfax, ii. 402

Lebaron, Alma (Hathaway), wife of James Lebaron, iv. 139²

David, from Killingworth (Conn.), of Benson, iii. 408²

Francis, of Calais, iv. 175²

James, of Calais, iv. 139²

Lebarron, Ansel, of Calais, iv. 147²

Francis, of Calais, Rev. soldier, iv. 147

Ira, of Worcester, iv. 909

Isaac, of Montpelier, iv. 298²

T., of Calais, iv. 136

William, of Calais, iv. 176²

of Richford, ii. 279², 284

Mrs. William, of Richford, ii. 279²

William jr., of Calais, iv. 176²

Le Caron, Fr. Joseph, missionary, iv. 981²

Le Clair, Francis, of Colchester, iv. 1194²

Le Clear, Thomas, artist. iv. 325²

Ledgard, Francis, of Milton, ii. 345(2), 346², 347(2)

Ledue, Philip, of Charleston, iii. 119

Ledyard, ____, of Hyde Park, ii. 649

Col., at Fort Griswold, iv. 432

Francis, of Milton, i. 467²; iv. 1006

John, ii. 955

William, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629

Lee, ____, m. Samuel D. Blake, v. pt. 34, 30²

Dr., of Grand Isle, ii. 520 note

from N. Y., in Randolph, ii. 1006

Miss, m. Daniel Lyman, i. 940

Mrs., in Barton, wife of Dr. Lee, teacher, iii. 374

Mrs. ____ (Boot), of Brattleboro, v. 110

Rev., of Salisbury (Conn.). i. 563²

Midshipman, of the Confiance, i. 678² and note, 679 and note

Capt., at Valcour battle, i. 664²

Gen., v. pt. 3, 46

Dea. Albert, of Jericho, i. 833²

Amanda, m. R. S. Wood, v. pt. 2, 258², 315²

Amherst, of Pittsford, iii. 943², 944

Andrew F., published Vermonter at Bennington, i. 252²

Asa, of Charleston, iii. 115²

Azariah, from Saybrook (Conn.), of Jericho, i. 833²

Benjamin, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 285², 451²

C. J., of Rutland, iii. 1067²

Caleb, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 314, 315

Carden, grantee of Milton, i. 889²

Charles, of Waterbury, iv. 867

Gen. Charles, ii. 543², 793; iii. 1091²

Rev. Chauncey, of Sunderland, i. 240(2), 2d ed. 239²

Rev. Chauncy, of Burlington, i. 776²

Chester, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 285, 312, 313²(2), 321²

Mrs. Chester, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 321²

Corden, grantee in Fairfax, ii. 166²

Cyrus, from Vernon, of Hampden (Mass.), v, pt. 2, 315

Daniel, grantee of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 520²

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 13, 42

Daniel jr., grantee of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 520²

David, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 287²

David jr., grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548²

Deborah (Morgan) (Underwood), wife of Benjamin Lee, v. pt. 2, 451²

Diana, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 288²

Diana E., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 315²

Dorcas (Bird), wife of Col. Noah Lee, iii. 505

E. O., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 285

Dea. Eben, of Jericho, i. 833²



558                                          HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Lee, Editha, m. Addison Whithed, v. pt. 2, 288², 315², 323, 332², 336

Eli, of Vernon, v. 191; v. pt. 2, 285(2), 301, 305², 306², 313², 315, 318²

Maj. Eli, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 288², 321, 323, 332²

Dr. Elihu, of Barton, iii. 75², 86(2)

Mrs. Elihu, of Barton, iii. 86

Elisha, grantee of Albany, iii. 46²

Elizabeth (Lyman), wife of Mar­shall Lee, v. pt. 2, 288²

Elmina (Bennett), wife of Rev. John S. Lee, v. pt. 2, 288²

Elmira (Bennett), wife of Rev. John S. Lee, v. pt. 2, 317

Dea. Elon, of Jericho, i. 833², 837²

Eunice, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320

wife of Jesse Lee, v. pt. 2, 315

Ezra, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 41²

Gen. Fitzhugh, v. pt. 3, 45(2)

Florence Josephine, from Canton (N. Y.), of Galesburg (Ill.), v. pt. 2, 317²

Frank, iv. 602²

Frederic Schiller, of Canton (N. Y.) and N. Y. City, v. pt. 2, 317²

George M., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 278

George W., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 301, 308², 321²

Hannah, of Ira, iii. 780

Hattie R., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 315²

Henry, of Waterbury, iv. 867

of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 690²

Gen. Henry, v. pt. 2, 681

Henry G., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 287

Mrs. Huldah, of Jericho, i. 838²-9

Ira, of Stamford, i. 238²

J. S., of Montpelier, iv. 279²

Prof., J. S., v. pref. p. v.

Rev. J. S., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 311², 313²(2), 315

Jane, of East Saybrook (Conn.), m. Samuel Hyde, ii. 635(2)

Jared, grantee of Tinmouth, iii. 1148²

grantee of Wells, iii. 1191

Jesse, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 285, 305², 313², 315, 320

Rev. Jesse, in Barre, iv. 29(2)

in Montpelier, iv. 377

in St. Albans, ii. 333², 334

pioneer of Methodism, iv. 374², 576²

Joel, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 462²

grantee of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 520²

Joel C., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 380²

John, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 340(2), 342², 344, 346

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

of Ira, iii. 780²

of Jericho, bear story, i. 838²-9

from Saybrook (Conn.), of Jericho, i. 833²

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 319², 320²

Dea. John, from Killingly (Conn.), of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 301, 305², 308², 314 (2)

John Clarence, from Woodstock, of Galesburg (Ill.), v. pt. 2, 317²

Rev. John S., of Montpelier, iv. 408²

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 279²

of Brattleboro, v. 179(2)

Rev. John Stebbins, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 325

sketch, v. pt. 2, 315-18

Rev. Jonathan, of Weybridge, i. 110

Joseph, grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²

in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Rev. Joseph, of Royalston (Mass.), i. 974

Mrs. Josephine, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 28

L. C., of Fletcher, ii. 215²

Leslie Alexander, from Woodstock, of Brunswick (Me.), v. pt. 2, 317²

Loren C., of Fairfield, ii. 200², 206²

Lucy, m. Heman Lowry, i. 602

Lulu Gertrude Lottie, from Canton (N. Y.), of Fredonia (N. Y.), v. pt. 2, 317²

Rev. Luther, author, iv. 320

Marshall, of Canton (N. Y.), v. pt. 2, 315²

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 288²

Mary, m. Allen Graves, iii. 741², 888²

Melinda, of Ira, iii. 780

Michael, of Highgate, ii. 421

Miss Minnie, v. pt. 2, 313²

Nathan, of Ira, iii. 779(2), 780, 783

of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 690²

Col. Noah, from Salisbury (Conn.), pioneer of Castleton, iii. 501²(2), 502(2), 505(2), 529

P., of Marshfield, iv. 205²

Penelope, of Ira, iii. 780

Peter, iv. 602²

Phebe (Messinger), wife of Dea. Reuben Lee, i. 834²

Polly, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 42²

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320² (2)

Polly (Peeler), of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 321

wife of John Lee, v. pt. 2, 301(2), 308²

Rebecca, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320²

Rebecca (Stebbins), wife of Eli Lee, v. pt. 2, 288², 315², 316², 323

Reuben, of Ira, iii. 780

of Swanton, iv. 1003




NAME INDEX                                       559


Lee, Dea. Renben, of Jericho, i. 833², 834²

Gen. Robert, iii. 383; iv. 1011², 1126²

Gen. Robert E., Gettysburg battle, i. 708(2), 713, 718², 719(2); iv. 196², 854, 984, 1182²; v. pt. 2, 652²

in Maryland, ii. 387(2)

Roswell, of Waitsfield, ii. 1053²

Sally, m. Bradbury M. Richardson, v. pt. 34, 32

Samuel, of Cabot, iv. 81

grantee of Castleton, iii. 503

of Poultney, iii. 991(2)

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 321

of West Haven, iii. 682²

grantee of Wolcott, ii. 777²

Dea. Samuel, of Poultney, iii. 991²

Sarah, of Ira, iii. 780, 783

Solomon, grantee of Westmore, iii. 365

Corp. Theodore, of Albany, iii. 49

Theodore S., of Albany, iii. 57, 67²

Thirza, of Burlington, i. 532², 535

Thomas of Lincoln, i. 49²

grantee of Putney, v. pt. 2, 221

of Rutland, iii. 1079(2), 1080

Capt. Thomas, of Rutland, iii. 1083²

in Rev. war, ii. 390

Col. Thomas, in Rev. war, ii. 389²

William, grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19

of Danby, iii. 588, 592

of Poultney, iii. 698²

William R., iii. 1117(2), 1118

Zebulon, grantee of Northfield, iv. 612²

of Waitsfield, iv. 770²

Lee family of Jericho, i. 833

Lees of Ira, iii. 780²

Leech, John, in Fairfield, ii. 191²(2)

Leet, Allen, of Benson, iii. 406², 407², 408², 417

Lefferts, Abram, grantee of Essex, i. 778²

Abram jr., grantee of Essex, i. 778²

Derick, grantee of Essex, i. 778²

Leffingwell, Mrs., iii. 835

Dyer, of Middletown, iii. 815², 823²(2), 833, 838(2)

Mrs. Dyer, dau. of John Sunderlin, iii. 805²

Harvey, of Middletown, iii. 805², 823², 833

Jeremiah, of Middletown, iii. 810, 836², 907²

Julia, m. Nathan Allen, iii. 609, 907²

Leffinwell, Isaac, of Poultney, iii. 977²

Lefford, Harmon, grantee of Burlington, i. 488

Legate, Rev. O. M., of Waitsfield, iv. 782²

Otis M., of Plainfield, iv. 727²

Leggett, Charles, of Danby, iii. 588, 630²

James, grantee of Stowe, ii. 695

Oliver, grantee of Stowe, ii. 695

Legraft, Christopher Codwain, grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²

George, grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²

James, grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²

John, grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²

Viner, grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²

Viner 2d., grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²

William, grantee of Fairfax, H. 166²

see also Legroft

Legroft, Christopher, pioneer of Fair­fax, ii. 169

James, pioneer of Fairfax, ii. 169(2)

Viner, pioneer of Fairfax, ii. 169

William, pioneer of Fairfax, ii. 169

see also Legraft

Lehigh, Mary, m. John Hilliker, iv. 972

Rebecca, wife of William Lehigh, iv. 972

William, iv. 972

Leighton, Melvin A., of Elmore, ii. 627²

Leisler, Gov. Jacob, sent expedition to Chimney Point, i. 2

Leith, Charles A., iv. 855

Leland, ____, of Guildhall and Derby, i. 1005²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 624

Eld., iii. 864²

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 9²

Rev., in Hardwick, i. 327²

in Stamford, i. 238

Lt. Gov. Aaron, v. pt. 2, 542

Rev. Aaron, of Chester, iii. 848²; v. pt. 2, 671²

Albert, of Barton, iii. 84²

Alexander, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 29

C., of Lowell, iii. 269²

Charles, of Lowell, iii. 278

Mrs. Elizabeth, in Middlesex, iv. 244²

George, of Middlesex, iv. 236², 237

George 2d, of Middlesex, iv. 236²

James, of Middlesex, iv. 224(2)

of Montpelier, iv. 531²

grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²

Jarvil C., of Middlesex, iv. 236²(2)

Jeremiah from Charlestown (N. H.), of Middlesex, iv. 224, 234², 244²

Jeremiah jr., of Middlesex, iv. 224²

Joseph B., of Barton, iii. 74(2)

Rev. Luther, of Derby, iii. 41², 86²(2), 107, 115², 156, 179, 180, 194, 205², 254², 287², 323²

in Eden, ii. 797²

Mariam, of Moretown, iv. 603

Marian, in Middlesex, iv. 244²

Otis, of Lowell, iii. 270, 277²

of Middlesex, iv. 224

Mrs. Otis (née Chapin), iv. 224

Phineas, grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²


560                                          HEMENWAY 'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER



Leland, Rufus, of Middlesex. iv. 224(2), 250

Simeon, of Brattleboro, v. 172²

Simon, of Landgrove, i. 198²(2), 2d ed. 198

W. L., of Middlesex, iv. 236², 335²

Leland & Ashley, of Waterbury, iv. 840

Leland Brothers, of Landgrove and N. Y. City, i. 198

Le Mercier, F., French missionary, iv. 980²

Leming, Jeremiah, grantee of St. George, i. 851 note

Lemoine, Peter, of Montpelier, iv. 331, 523, 525

Le Moyne, S., French missionary, iv. 980²

Lemwin, Rock, of Montpelier, iv. 525

Lenard, Nathan, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596

Lendor, Bishop of, see London, Bishop of

Lengfeld, Dr. Bramar E., of Grand Isle, ii. 557

Lennon, Rev. Henry, in Fairfield, ii. 384

Lenord, William, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 87²

Lenox, Amos, pioneer of Shoreham, i. 94²

Lent, Hercules, of Highgate, ii. 257²(2), 258, 265

Leofric, Mercian Earl, iii. 1013

Leonard, ____, v. 186²

of Orwell, ii. 645²

of Poultney, iii. 975

Dr., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 354²

of Pittsford, iii. 950²

Mrs., iii. 1039²

Capt., i. 674², 675(2)

Aaron, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 421

Abigail, m. Rev. Waltham Williams, iii. 1039

Alfrida, of Calais, iv. 166²

Amos, from Worthington (Mass.), of Hinesburg, i. 807²

Anna, of Fair Haven, iii. 726

Anna (Haskell), wife of Ira Leonard, iii. 726²

Anna (Witherell), wife of Gamaliel Leonard jr., iii. 726

Benajah, grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

Betsey of Fair Haven, iii. 726

Betsey (Colburn), wife of Charles Leonard, iii. 726

Bion M., of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 531

C. H., in Stowe, ii. 716

Mrs. Calvin, of Middletown, iii. 821

Capen, of Pittsford, iii. 946²

Capen jr., of Chittenden, iii. 549

Catherine, of Fair Haven, iii. 796

Charles, of Fair Haven, iii. 711², 726

of Roxbury, iv. 763

from St. Johnsbury, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 33, 37

from Worcester (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 72

Rev. Charles, in Fairfield, ii. 199²

in Highgate ii. 269²

of Swanton, iv. 1087²

Charles H., of Waterbury, iv. 839²

Cromwell, pioneer of Charleston, iii. 118

D., of Brattleboro, v. 176

D. G. & Sons, v. pt. 2, 350²

D. Green, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 343²

D. Pitt, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 343², 352, 355²

Daniel, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 343(2)

Dr. Daniel, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 353

Rev. Daniel, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 348²

of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 529²

of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 704²

David, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 355

of Orwell, i. 73²

David H., of Fair Haven, iii. 726²(2)

David P., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 344²

De Witt, of Fair Haven, iii. 706², 710², 711(2), 726²

son of Ira, iii. 710

Dolly A. (Rich), wife of Joseph W. Leonard, iv. 161²

Ebenezer, from Newtown (Conn.), of Arlington, i. 123, 130

grantee of Vershire, ii. 1132

Eliphalet, grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 564, 576²

Elliot, of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 531

Elliott, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 350²

Enos, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 152, 183², 205

Eugene, of Fair Haven, iii. 726

Farris, of Worcester, iv. 892, 895², 907, 908

Ferris, of Worcester, iv. 888

Fred M., of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 29

Gamaliel, from Pittsfield (Mass.), of Fair Haven, iii. 685²(2), 687²

of Raynham (Mass.), iii. 726

Gamaliel jr., from Raynham (Mass.), of Fair Haven, iii. 726

George, of Fair Haven, iii. 726²

of Shoreham, i. 94²

Gilbert of Fair Haven, iii. 726²

Hannah, m. Philo Hawley, i. 2d ed. 134

Harriet, m. Gen. Heman R. Smith, i. 807²

Helen A. m. Welcome Manchester, iii. 726²

Henry L., of Brandon, iii. 472², 473, 475

Hiram, of Pittsford, iii. 948

Hiram D., of Pownal, i. 260³

Rev. I., in Highgate, ii. 269²



NAME INDEX                                       561


Leonard, Ira, of Fair Haven, iii. 707. 710, 726², 745

J. Warren of Calais, iv. 173², 174(2), 175

Jacob, in Enosburg, ii. 146

of Worcester (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 21

Rev. Jacob of Alburg, ii. 485²(2)

of Grand Isle, ii. 535²

of Montgomery, ii. 276²

of Pawlet iii. 904²

in Richford, ii. 284²

in Sheldon ii. 380²

of Swanton, iv. 1087

James, from Eng., iii. 726

grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 564

James 2d, grantee of Westminster, v. pt, 2, 564, 576²

James 3d, grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 564

Joel, of Fairfax, ii. 174²

of Plattsburg (N. Y.), i. 2d ed. 135²

John, of Fair Haven, iii. 726

of Northfield, iv. 671², 683

John K., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 164², 175, 183², 194, 205²

Joseph W., of Calais, iv. 161²

Joshua, of Fair Haven, iii. 726²

Josiah, of Barre, iv. 42

Katy, of Fair Haven, iii. 726²

L. William, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 152

Lucretia, of Brattleboro, v. 85²

Lucy (Meech), wife of Amos Leonard, i. 807²

Rev. M. R., of Brattleboro, v. 180

Martin, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 343², 350

of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 675²

Marvin, of Hinesburg, i. 798², 807²

Mary, of Montpelier, iv. 327

Mary E., m. Isaac Jennings jr., v. pt. 35, 102

Mrs. Mary M., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 175

Mary (Miller), wife of John K. Leonard, v. pt. 2, 183²

Matilda, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 152

Matilda (Keep), wife of Enna Leonard v. pt. 2, 183²

Mehitable, m. Elisha Barney jr., iv. 1109²

Dea. Moses of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 408²

Nathan, grantee of Braintree, ii. 845

grantee of Orange, ii. 956

of Shaftsbury, i. 232, 233, 2d ed. 232²

Noah, of Glover, iii. 198²

O. C., of Derby, iii. 298²

Ophir, of Worcester, iv. 888², 891², 893, 902²

Rufus, of Taunton (Mass.), iv. 1109²

Samuel, of Poultney, iii. 967

Rev. Samuel, of Poultney, iii. 991²(2)

Seth, author, i. 557²

Rev. Stephen C., of Rushville (N. Y.), v. pt. 35, 102

Terzah (Ashley), wife of Gilbert Leonard, iii. 726²

Thomas J., of Chittenden, iii. 549

Urania, m. Andrew Hawley jr., i. 2d ed. 134²

Willard, of Clover, iii. 199²

William, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109

see also Learned

Leonard & Bogle, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 353

Leonard & Day, of Bradford, ii. 824

Le Powers, Sir Roger, of Eng., v. pt, 2, 370²

Lereaux, John, of Brandon, iii. 500²

Lerngdon, Ebenezer, of Castleton, iii. 515

Lervey, Peter, of Rogers' rangers, i. 264², 272

Lescarbot, Marc, Histoire de la Nouvelle France, ii. 89 note

Lesley, Rev. David, in Northfield, iv. 650(2)

Leslie, ____, of Grand Isle, ii. 525²

Charles B., Orange co. officer, ii. 806²(2)

Rev. D., of Barre, iv. 52

Rev. David, circuit preacher, iv. 376², 377(2)

George, of Wells River, ii. 953², 955

George W., iv. 283

Mary P., m. Samuel Wells, iv. 487

William, of Tunbridge ii. 1128

Leslie & Robinson, Misses, of Wells River, ii. 955²

Leslie & Rogers, of Wells River, ii. 944², 955²

Lesquereux, M. Leo, opinion of, concerning Brandon fossil fruit, ii. 44

Lessing, Karl F., painter, v. 139(2)

Lessingwell, Col., of Hyde Park, ii. 649(2)

Christopher, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629²

of Norwich (Conn.), ii. 666²

Lessor, Ralph, in militia, ii. 514

Lester, Andrew, grantee of Albany, iii. 46²

Daniel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 124

Edward, of Enosburg, ii. 399

grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²

George, grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²

Moses, of Rutland, iii. 1081

Lesure, Lydia, m. Nathan Green jr., v. pt. 2, 708²

Leunou, Rev. Henry, in St. Albans and Mass., ii. 339




562                                          HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Leutze, ____, artist, of Dusseldorf (Germany), v. 139

Levaque, Augustus, of Dolton, i. 482², 484²

Levens, Phalla, of Morgan, iii. 287

Levensworth, Squire, of Danville, iii. 211²

Levenworth, Frederick, grantee of Cabot, iv. 75

Jesse, iii. 211²

grantee of Cabot, iv. 74², 75(2)

Capt. Jesse, of Cabot, iv. 77², 81, 83

Mark, grantee of Cabot, iv. 75

Nathan, grantee of Cabot, iv. 75

William, grantee of Cabot, iv. 75

Levering, Rev., of Franklin, ii. 226²

Leverton, Rev. C. H., of Waitsfield, iv. 792²

Levett, Samuel, of Cabot, iv. 86

Levey, Mrs., of Montpelier, iv. 328

James, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Levings, Rev. C. W., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 349

Rev. Chester, in Bloomfield, i. 951²(2)

in Northfield, iv. 650

Rev. N., in Shelburne, i. 883²

Noah, author, i. 557²

Rev. Noah, of Burlington, i. 546

of Charlotte, i. 742²

of Middlebury, sketch, i. 58

Levitt, Gen., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 651²

Levy, Heman, buried in Barre, iv. 46

Lewa, Indian squaw, of Newbury, ii. 924²(2)

Lewelder, James, in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Lewis, ____, of Concord, i. 969

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 223

Dr., of Moretown, iv. 264²

of Norwich, iii. 925

Mrs. of Northfield, iv. 671

Adj., i. 680² note

Col. iv. 1126², 1128

Aaron, of Wells, iii. 1203²

Abner, of Clarendon, iii. 561²

of Wells, iii. 1204

Adelia S., m. Franklin D. Youngs, 1203²

Alfred, of Wells, iii. 1196²

Artemas of Wells, iii. 1196², 1203²

Asa, of Bolton, iv. 485

of Swanton, iv. 996(2), 1003, 1098, 1132, 1185²

Benjamin, of Wells, iii. 1190², 1196

Mrs. Bethiah, m. John C. Hopson, iii. 1202

Bradley, of Wells, iii. 1197, 1204

C. J., of Middlesex, iv. 237

of Morristown, ii. 690²

of Lamoille co., ii. 590²

Caleb, of Wells, iii. 1193², 1195², 1196²

Caroline, of Fair Haven, iii. 742

Caroline (Davey), wife of Dr. Ed­ward Lewis, iii. 742

Charles, of Fair Haven, iii. 742

Col. Charles H., Pres. of Norwich Univ., iv. 673(2)

Cron, of France, v. pt. 2, 297

Mrs. Cron (née Howe), v. pt. 2, 297

Rev. D., in Richford, ii. 285

in Shelburne, i. 883²

Daniel, of Rutland, iii. 1045²

of Wells, iii. 1196

Rev. Daniel, of Grand Isle, ii. 535²

David, of Cambridge, ii. 611²

of Montpelier, iv. 531²

of Rutland, iii. 1045²

of Wells, iii. 1195², 1196², 1203

Rev. David, of Brandon, iii. 473²(2)

in Charlotte, i. 742²

of Danby, iii. 606 (2)

of Grand Isle, ii. 535²

David B., of Wells, iii. 1195, 1196(2), 1203², 1207

Deborah (Potter), wife of Dr, Reu­ben Lewis, iii. 1204²

E., of Montpelier, iv. 387²

E. C., of Montpelier, iv. 279²

Ebenezer, of Montpelier, iv. 329

Edward, of Hampton (N. Y.), iii. 742

Dr. Edward, of Benson and Fair Haven, iii. 414², 739, 742, 743

Edward C., of Fair Haven, iii. 742

Edward H., of Fair Haven, iii. 710

Edward P., of Fair Haven, iii. 742

Edwin, of Wells, iii. 1203²

Edwin C., of Montpelier, iv. 528², 549²

Edwin F., of Wells, iii. 1197²

Elizabeth, m. Gideon Miner, iii. 802²

Emeline, of Montpelier, iv. 330, 396

Enos, of Wells and Harmony (N.Y.), iii. 1204

Ephraim, of Georgia, ii. 250²

Ethelbert, of Wells, iii. 1204

Eunice W., m. William Crossman, iii. 1207²

Fanny, of Montpelier, iv. 396

Francis, of Swanton, iv. 1003

G. W., of East Montpelier, iv. 575²

George H., of Middlesex, iv. 236², 237(2), 244²

Mrs. Hannah, in Middlesex, iv. 245

Harlan P., of Wells, iii. 1197²

Haskell, of Fairfax, ii. 403²

Henry, of Clarendon, iii. 560² note

of Danby, iii. 588, 630², 653

Hiram W., of Wells, iii. 1197(2)

Homer H., pioneer of Charleston, iii. 122

Hugh, of Fair Haven, iii. 704²

Isaac, of Roxbury, iv. 735²(2), 739², 757(2), 758(2), 759, 762²

grantee of Wolcott, ii. 777²



NAME INDEX                                       563


Lewis, Israel, of Fair Haven, iii. 742

Rev. J. J. of Boston, iv. 25, 26

Jacob, of Danby, iii. 592

Jairus, of Poultney, iii. 1204

James, of Charleston, iii. 119³

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

Jariah, of Georgia, ii. 249

John, of Berkshire, ii. 120²

of Danby, iii. 592

of Middletown, iii. 806², 820

of Richford, ii. 428

of Swanton, iv. 1003

of Wells, iii. 1204

of Franklin co., ii. 94²

Ens., John, of Richford, ii. 427

Rev. John J., of Williston, i. 903²(2)

Jonathan, of Concord, i. 967², 968(2), 971²

of Kirby, i. 337(2)

Joseph, in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Dr. Joseph, of Middlesex, iv. 237², 243²

of Waterbury, iv. 839

Josiah, in Granville, i. 40²

of Poultney, iii. 965, 971(2)

grantee of Tinmouth, iii. 1148²

Judah, iii. 681

Lathrop, of Middlesex, iv. 226, 240², 244²

Laura, m. Seth Geer, iii. 1208

Levi, of Middlesex, iv. 244²

of Wells, iii. 1194², 1203²

Levi jr., of Wells, iii. 1203²

Lorenzo D., of Wells, iii. 1204

Mrs. Lucinda, in Middlesex, iv. 245

Lucy D., of Fair Haven, iii. 742

Mary, of Fair Haven, iii. 742

of Montpelier, iv. 328

Mehitable, in Alstead (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 67²

Meriwether, Rocky Mts. exploration, iii. 757

Merrit of Wells, in. 1190²

Moses, of Williamstown, ii. 1144²

Rev. Moses, of Barre, iv. 52

Nathaniel, of Wells, iii. 1194, 1204

Nathaniel C., of Wells, iii. 1204

Noadiah, grantee of Fairlee, ii. 889²

Norman, of Wells, iii. 1203²

Norman & Son, of Ripton, i. 86(2)

Orlando F., of East Montpelier, iv. 335², 586

Orlin, of Wells, iii. 1196, 1203²

Paulina, wife of Ethelbert Lewis, iii. 1204

Peter, of Danby, iii. 590², 592, 599(2), 600², 630², 653

Phebe, of Wells, iii. 1203

Mrs. Polly, of Middlesex, iv. 244²

Polly, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128²

Reuben, of Wells, iii. 1196²

Dr. Reuben, of Wells, iii. 1204(2)

Richard, of Fair Haven, iii. 706

Rev. Robert W., in Sheldon, ii. 380

Rodney, of Wells, iii. 1196

Rodney M., of Wells, iii. 1196², 1206²

Sally, of Concord, i. 967²

Mrs. Sally, in Middlesex, iv. 243²

Shubael, of Calais, iv. 147²

Simon, of Enosburg, ii. 398²

Solomon, of Middlesex, iv. 222², 226, 245

of Montpelier, iv. 387²

Susannah, in Middlesex, iv. 245

of Montpelier, iv. 387²

Theodore F., of Wells, iii. 1197²

Dr, Theodore, of Wells, iii. 1203²

Theodore 2d, of Wells, iii. 1203²

Thomas, in Alstead (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 67²

Timothy, of West Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 179

W. F., of Brandon, iii. 500

Wilder, of Wells, iii. 1196

Willard C., of Fair Haven, iii. 742

William, of Danby, iii. 591²

of Middlesex, iv. 226, 240², 244², 245

of Poultney, iii. 974(2), 989

grantee of Randolph, ii. 976

of Swanton, iv. 1003

William C., of Montpelier, iv. 337

Lewis family of Danby, iii. 647

Lewis & Fox, of Rutland, iii. 1041

Lewiston, Benjamin, grantee of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528²

Lewy, Indian, in Westfield, iii. 354²

Leyden, James, of Bennington, i. 260

L'Homedieu, ____, son of Dr. Samuel L'Homedieu, ii. 115²

Samuel, of Richford, ii. 282

Dr. Samuel, of Berkshire, ii. 115²

Mrs. Samuel, see Butler, Mrs. Sam­uel S.

Libbe, Sally, of Greensboro, iii. 215

Libbee, Joseph, of Danby, iii. 665²

Libbets, J. C., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 21²

John C., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 21

Libbey, Lotan, of Northfield, iv. 670²

William, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 190²

Libby, Esther, m. William Allen, iv. 641

Isaac, of Boston, v. pt. 2, 101

of Northfield, iv. 672²

Sophia (Pierce), wife of Isaac Lib­by, v. pt. 2, 101

Liddell, Edward W., of Fair Haven, iii. 708²

Liddle, Henry, grantee of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 3²

Lightfoot, ____, an English highwayman, v. 64; v. pt. 2, 383 note

Lighthull, William, ii. 391²



564                                          HEMENWAY 'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Lilley, Aaron, of Calais, iv. 155, 166

Benjamin, of Strafford, ii. 1080², 1082, 1088²

Elisha of Randolph, ii. 989²

Joshua, of Calais, iv. 136², 137, 161, 165², 173², 175²

Samuel jr., grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548²

Mrs. Susan E., m. Dr. Julius Y. Dewey, iv. 470

W., of Calais, iv. 136²

Lillie, ____, m. Edward Dewey, iv. 479

Anna (Smith), wife of Capt. Elijah Lillie, iii. 631

Capt. Elijah, from Windham (Conn.), of Danby, iii. 630², 653, 663²

Elisha, of Randolph, ii. 1049²

Erwin, of Tinmouth, iii. 1149

Erwin E., of Danby, iii. 608², 630²

Ezra T., of Danby, ii. 600², 601

George H., v. pt. 35, 53²

Capt. Hiram, of Danby, iii. 663²

Col. Hiram, of Danby, iii. 663²

Lovina, m. Enoch Hebard, ii. 1049²

Mary, of Strafford, ii. 1084

Roswell, of Tinmouth, iii. 631

Samuel L., of Montpelier, iv. 427²

Lillis, Mary Mortell, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 321

Liman, Phineas, grantee of Fairlee, ii. 889²

Lincoln, ____, m. Alonzo Bucklin, iii. 615

Gen., ii. 1095; iii. 979

Pres. Abraham, i. 355², 356, 472, 508², 627, 745², 850; ii. 308², 382², 386², 530², 713², 799², 800, 1155²; iii. 485, 639², 704, 772, 804, 964, 1001²; iv. 13², 17, 270, 312², 314², 318², 515, 587, 634², 635², 1101; v. pt. 2, 397²; v. pt. 3, 70²; v. pt. 35, 38(2)

Albert E., of Greensboro, iii. 226

Allen, from Westminster, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 103²(2)

Allen M., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 104

Mrs. Almira, m. John Phelps, v. pt. 3, 69

Amasa, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 727²

from Walpole (N. H.), of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 103²(2)

Dr. Benjamin, of Burlington, i. 524²

Prof. Benjamin, from Me., of Burlington, sketch, i. 648-9

bibliography, i. 648

Gen. Benjamin, i. 129, 155², 544², 648, 2d ed. 157²; ii. 580, 928, 936²; iii. 171; v. 89(2), 90, 91²; v. pt. 35, 16

Deborah (Wooster), wife of Luther P. Lincoln, iii. 932²

Dorothy, of Greensboro, iii. 215

Elisha, of Danby, iii. 590², 629, 631, 653

Enos, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²

Fanny D., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 104

Fanny (Davis), wife of Allen Lin­coln, v. pt. 2, 103²

Gooding of Dover, v. pt. 2, 352

Goodwin, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 10

Harvey, of Chelsea, ii.            373²

of Danby, iii. 631

Heman, from Boston, of Derby, iii. 181²

James, of Danby, iii. 602, 631

John, of Danby, iii. 631

John H., of Pittsford, iii. 943²

Capt. John H., of Brandon, iii. 496

Jonah, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 7, 10²

Josiah, grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 564

Lettie T., of Pawlet, iii. 887

Levi, grantee of Concord, i. 967 note

Lewis, of Pawlet, iii. 893

Lucy (Richardson), wife of Amasa Lincoln, v. pt. 2, 103²

Lydia, m. John Morse jr., v. pt. 2, 618²

Mary (Hastings), 2d wife of Amasa Lincoln, v. pt. 2, 103²

N. W., of Northfield, iv. 681²

Newall, of Danby, iii. 631

Polly, of Danby, iii. 631

Rhoda, m. Ezra T. Cone, v. pt. 2, 616²

Robert W., author, i. 558

Sally, of Danby, iii. 631

m. Capt. William Johnson, iii. 629

Samuel, of Chelsea, ii. 1167(2)

of Danby, iii. 631

Stella S., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 104

Sumner, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 426²

Theodore, of Dennysville (Me.), i. 648

W., of Greensboro, iii. 226

Rev. Warren, of Bennington, i. 162, 2d ed. 164

Willard, of Greensboro, iii. 213(2)

William, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1037, 1128

Mrs. William, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128

William R., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 104

Lincoln & Mattocks, of Danby, iii. 612

Lindsay, Peter, of Barnet, i. 445², 449

Lindsey, ____, of Maidstone, i. 1032²

David, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537², 538

John, of N. Y. City, iii. 182²

Lindsley, ____, of Brighton, i. 953



NAME INDEX                           565


Lindsley, Charles, of Swanton, iv. 1187²

Jacob, of Weybridge, i. 114²

Rev, John, in Montpelier, iv. 377

Timothy, from Conn., of West Haven, iii. 682²

Ling, Robert, grantee of St. George, i. 851 note

Linsey, Rev. John, Presiding elder, iv. 98²

Linsley, Charles, of Rutland, iii. 1055², 1062, 1112, 1113(2), 1114, 1115 (2) ; iv. 323²

admitted to Franklin co. bar, ii. 94

poem, i. 30

D. C., author, iv. 316

J. H., of Poultney, iii. 999²

Joel, sketch, i. 27

Rev. Joel H., sketch, i. 29²

Rev. Joel N., author, i. 558

Linton, Mrs., of Marshfield, iv. 204

Lintott, Benjamin, grantee of Milton, i. 839²

Lionnett, Rev. I. L., of Swanton, in Highgate, ii. 384²; iv. 1090

Lippingwell, Reuben, of Burke, i. 305

Liscom, ____, of Albany, iii. 58²

Rev. C., iii. 35²

Liscomb, Charles W., of Irasburg, iii. 36

Rev. Cyrus, in Newport, iii. 297

of Waitsfield, iv. 782²

Fanny, m. Crispus Shaw, ii. 685²

Francis, of Moretown, iv. 597²

Hirum, of Irasburg, ii. 36

John E., of Irasburg, iii. 36

Liscombe, Rev., of Calais and Wis., iv. 165

Rev. C., of Cabot, iv. 101

Liscum, Solomon, in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Thomas, grantee of Milton, i. 839²

Liston, Robert, of Penn., v. pt. 2, 64, 177²

Litchfield, Earl of, i. 127, 2d ed. 128

William, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 321

Littell, Eliphalet, of Holland, iii. 384

Nathaniel, grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²

Little, ____, in Enosburg, ii. 150²

of Hebron (Conn.), iv. 371²

Rev., of Concord (N. H.), i. 952

in Strafford, ii. 1083

Amon S., of Corinth, ii. 862², 883

Betsey, in Enosburg, ii. 141

David, grantee of Morgan, iii. 282²

Deborah D., of Calais, iv. 166²

Edward, of Newburyport (Mass.), ii. 660²(2)

Elizabeth (Norton), wife of Dr. Ephraim Little, ii. 318²

Ephraim, of Berkshire, ii. 99²

Dr. Ephraim, from Cummington (Mass.), of St. Albans, ii. 100, 320

sketch, ii. 318-9

Ezekiel, of Irasburg, iii. 245(2), 251², 252, 253

George, of Barre, iv. 30

of Swanton, iv. 1187

Hazen A., of Northfield, iv. 643²

Isaiah, of Barre, iv. 36², 41²

Rev. J. H., of Calais, iv. 146²

Rev. J. S., in Groton, iv. 1167²

Jerusha (Richardson), wife of Walter Little, iv. 643²

John, of Irasburg, iii. 245²

grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222

John 2d, grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²

John S., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 701²

Lt. Joseph, in Rev. war, ii. 391

Juliett, m. Rev. N. Clark, iii. 181²

Mary Ann, m. Rev. Worthington Smith, ii. 320

Moses, grantee of Danville, i. 313²

grantee of Newbury, ii. 944

grantee of Worcester, iv. 883²

petition concerning Dunmore, i. 388

Nathaniel, grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222

R. H. of Northfield, iv. 681²

Rev. R. M., of Burlington, i. 546

of Waterbury, iv. 839²

Richard H., of Northfield, iv. 615²

Samuel, pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 133(2), 155

Samuel 3d, grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222

grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²

Sarah H., of Northfield, iv. 643²

Stephen, grantee of Newbury, ii. 944

of Portsmouth (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 71²

W. S., of Plainfield, iv. 731²

Walter, of Montpelier, iv. 351, 352², 353

of Northfield, iv. 618, 642², 648, 683

Walter S., of Northfield, iv. 643²

Dea. William, of Morgan, iii. 283², 288²

William W., of Irasburg, iii. 251², 253

Littlefield, Daniel, of Burlington, i. 655

Elijah, of Manchester, i. 203, 2d ed. 202

Dr. Elijah, of Berkshire, ii. 114², 115

of Manchester, i. 204, 2d ed. 203²

Rebecca, m. Simeon Bullock, iii. 738

Sophronia, of Clarendon, iii. 570²

Littleton, Samuel, of Montpelier, iv. 531²

Livermore, Rev. A. A., of Keene (N. H.), iv. 408²

Abijah, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 432²


566                                          HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER



Livermore, Benjamin, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 106

of Jamaica, v. pt 2, 425, 432²

Calvin, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 106

David, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 106, 152

Edmund, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 23

Ezra, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 432²(2), 433

Jonas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 75, 77², 86, 87²

Jonas jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 87², 106

Jonas 2d, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110²

Mary, m. Tilly Wilder, v. pt. 2, 167

Mather, grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19

Matilda, m. Josiah Tenney, v. pt. 2, 106

Matthew, grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²

Olive, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 152

m. David Livermore, v. pt. 2, 106

Parks, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 106

Sally, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 106

Sarah, of Dummerston, -v. pt. 2, 77²

Sarah (Woodbury), wife of Jonas Livermore, v. pt. 2, 86, 106

Livermore & Howard, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 524

Livingston, ____, of N. Y. iii. 276

Dea., of Potton (P. Q.), iii. 332

Alice (Kent), wife of Col. J. O. Livingston, iv. 153, 160

Rev. B. F., in Richford, ii. 284(2), 285(2)

of Swanton. iv. 1087²

Brockholst, of N. Y. City, i. 608², 609

Edward, of N. Y. City, i. 608²

Hannah, m. Samuel Duncan, v. pt. 2, 93

Harvey, of Mt. Holly, iii. 849

J. H., of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 43

J. O., of Topsham, ii. 1107²

Capt. J. O., iv. 160

John, of Poultney, iii. 1001²

land in Colchester, i. 756²

Josiah, of Albany and Topsham, iii. 65²

Col. Josiah 0., of Montpelier, iv. 153; iv. 355²-6

L. D., of Newport, iii. 297

Laura, m. John N. Hight, iii. 61²

Peter R., of N. Y., ii. 946

Peter Van Brugh, grantee of Brad­ford, ii. 809²(2)

Robert, interest in steamboats, i. 686, 688², 706²

Seth, of Mt. Holly, iii. 862

Rev. W. W., of Potton (P. Q.), iii. 332

Wheaton, of Albany, iii. 65²

William, of N. Y., ii. 893², 894

Rev. William, of Concord, i. 975²

Livingston & Salmon, of Montpelier, iv. 279²

Livingstons of N. Y., iii. 313

Livingstone, J. 0., attorney, iv. 277²

Lloyd, Byfield, of N. H., v. pt. 2, 568

Ellis, of Fair Haven, iii. 705², 706

Eunice (Rowley) (Johns), wife of Maj. John L. Lloyd, i. 823²

Evan E., of Fair Haven, iii. 705², 706

James, of Burlington, i. 655

Maj. John, of Huntington, i. 823²

Lobdel, Anna, of Danby, ii. 632²

Betsey, of Danby, iii. 632²

Betsey (Signor), wife of Rev. Jared Lobdel, iii. 631

Cata, of Danby, iii. 632²

m. Caleb Parris 2d, iii. 640¹

Darius, of Danby, iii. 578², 600, 631, 653

Darius jr., of Danby, iii. 631

Eunice, of Danby, iii. 632²

Eunice (Hulett), wife of Henry Lobdel, iii. 628

Hannah (Hulett), wife of John Lobdel, iii. 628

Henry of Plattsburg (N. Y.), iii. 628

Huldah (Parris), wife of Jared Lob­del jr., iii. 632²

Jared, of Danby, iii. 634², 635, 647, 665(2)

Rev. Jared, of Danby, iii. 605, 631-2, 640²

Jared jr., of Danby and Pawlet, iii. 632²

John, of Danby, iii. 593, 600, 628, 631, 665 (2)

Mary, of Danby, iii. 632²

Sarah, of Danby, iii. 631, 632²

Lobdell, Rev., of Wallingford, iii. 1176²

Darius, of Danby, iii. 578, 588, 592, 600², 605

Dennis jr., of Danby, iii. 588

Ebenezer, from Bridgefield (Conn.), of Fairfield, ii. 192, 200

Jared, of Danby, iii. 592², 593²

John, of Danby, iii. 588

Nathan, pioneer of Fairfield, ii. 192², 198(2)

Lobdill, ____, of Middletown, iii. 795

Lochlin, David, pioneer of Charleston, iii. 120

Dennis, of Putney, v. pt. 220², 225²

Jacob, pioneer of Charleston, iii. 120

Lochren, William, of Franklin co., ii. 94²

Lock, ____, of Colchester Point, ii. 641(2)

Col., iii. 1148

Henry, of Roxbury, iv. 756

Josiah, of Fairfax, ii. 402²



NAME INDEX                           567


Lock, Obedience, of Roxbury, iv. 756

Simon K., of Irasburg, iii. 242²

Stephen A., of Belvidere, ii. 593²

Locke, ____, of Brandon, iii. 441, 450

of Westfield, iii. 358

Abraham, of Danby, iii. 593², 594², 595, 632²

Dr. Abraham, of Danby, iii. 629

Lt. Abraham, from Acton (Mass.), of Danby, iii. 632², 653

Abraham jr., of Danby, iii. 633(2)

Abram, of Danby, iii. 665²(2)

Rev. Americus, of Winhall, i. 246²

Betsey, of Danby, iii. 633

Betsey (Johnson), wife of Dr. Abraham Locke, iii. 629, 633

Dana A., of Derby, iii. 183², 184

Daniel, of Danby, iii. 633

Dr. Daniel, of Acton (Mass.), and Warren (Me.), iii. 632²

E. S., of Richford, ii. 281

Edwin O., of Little Valley (N. Y.), iii. 633

Francis, of Mass., iii. 632²

G. J., of Danby, iii. 596², 597², 600²

G. L., of Danby, iii. 633

G. T., of Danby, iii. 602²

Galen J., of Danby, iii. 595², 596, 598², 599, 600, 601, 603², 633(2)

Hannah, m. Lt. Abraham Locke, iii. 632²

Hannah L., of Danby, iii. 633

Isaac, of Danby, iii. 633

James, of Danby, iii. 633

John, author, i. 558

Eng. philosopher, ii. 324²

John B., of Corinth, ii. 882²

John G., iii. 632²

John M., of Danby, iii. 633

Joseph, of Charleston, iii. 109

Capt. Josiah, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 8(2)

Julia (Bucklin), wife of William S. Locke, iii. 615, 633

Mary, of Acton (Mass.), iii. 632²

Rebecca G., of Danby, iii. 633

S. O., of Danby, on Johnson family, iii. 628²

Sophia O., of Danby, iii. 633

Dea. Timothy, of Kirby, i. 337²

Varnus P., of Waterville, iv. 1192

Rev. W. B., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 672

Rev. W. T., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 238²

William, of Woburn (Mass.), iii. 632²

William L., of Irasburg, iii. 254

William L. jr., of Irasburg, iii. 263

William S., of Crown Point (N. Y.), iii. 615

Dr. William S., of Danby, iii. 633

Rev. William S., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 349

Locke family, iii. 632²

Lockie, Andrew, laid out East Haven, i. 985²

Locklin, C. W., of Northfield, iv. 695²

David, of Charleston, iii. 109, 115

Dennis, see Sacklin, Dennis

John A., of Fairfield, ii. 756

Lockling, Levi, of Lyndon, i. 344

Lockwood, ____, of Burlington, i. 495²

George, of Westfield, iii. 357²

Horace C., of Woodstock, iv. 1192²

J., of Sunderland, i. 240

Joseph, of Manchester, i. 201

Josiah, of Manchester, i. 205(2), 2d ed. 204(2)

Levi, of Fairfax, ii. 403

of St. Albans, ii. 434

Nathan, of Burlington, i. 505

of St. George, i. 852

Reuben, of Burlington i. 505

of St. George, i. 852(2), 853²

Loewenthal, Dr., of Brattleboro, i. 60²

Logan, ____, at Shelburne Point, i. 456(2) and note, 661², 877²

Emily (Thayer Newell), of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 321

James, of Ira, iii. 784²

Michael, of Sherburne, iii. 1123

Silas, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320²

Thomas, of Shelburne, i. 858²(2)

Sir William E., Director of Canadian geol. survey, ii. 22, 40 note

Logan & Pottier, of Shelburne, iv. 967²

Loid, James, in War of 1812, ii. 392

Thomas P., of Alburg, ii. 503(2)

Lombard, ____, of Westfield, iii. 344

B. F., of Randolph, ii. 996

Benjamin F., of Randolph, ii. 994

Loring L., of Vershire, ii. 1137

Roswell, of Westfield, iii. 347, 351²

Lomborger, Rev. Stephen, of Danby, iii. 605²

Lomis, Beriah, grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²

Hezekiah, grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²

Jacob, grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²

John, of Georgia, ii. 249

Noah, of Georgia, ii. 249(2)

Roger, of Georgia, ii. 249²

Roswell, of Georgia, ii. 249²

see also Loomis

London, Bishop of, i. 127, 2d ed. 128

Lonergan, Capt., of Burlington, iv. 17², 18

Long, ____, of Guildhall, i. 1000

Dr., iv. 73²

Maj., i. 113²

C., of Swanton, iv. 1034

C. C., of Swanton, iv. 1045², 1080², 1129 (2)

Clement, of Randolph academy, ii. 995


568                                          HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER



Long, Douglas, of Pittsfield, iii. 935²

Isaac G., of Peru, i. 212², 2d ed. 211²

Mrs. Isaac G., of Peru, i. 212², 2d ed. 211²

Jared, of Mendon, iii. 786

John, Indian, iii. 1037²

Joseph, of Peru, i. 212², 2d ed. 211

L., of Rutland, iii. 1037

Matthew, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 9², 14

Myron, of Middlesex, iv. 231

Pierce, grantee of Strafford, ii. 1084

Rufus, of Mendon, iii. 786

of Rutland, iii. 1081²

Samuel, of Danville, i. 314²

Dr. Stephen, of Sudbury, iii. 1137²

William of Vershire, ii. 1138

Long & Blake, of Swanton, iv. 1036²

Longbottom, John, grantee of Strafford, ii. 1084

Longcraft, Lt., commanded gondola Royal Consort, i. 663²

Longee, Isaac, see Lougee, Isaac

Jonathan, of West Fairlee, ii. 1169²

Longfellow, Henry W., v. 174; v. pt. 2, 144²

Ursula, m. Randolph A. Knight, v. pt. 2, 144

Longley, Thomas, of Enosburg, ii. 135²

Longstreet, Gen. James, i. 708², 709(2), 711, 712², 717, 718; ii. 387²(2); iv. 18, 19, 21, 1182², 1183²; v. 155

Longworth, Nicholas, of Cincinnati (O.), v. 153

Loomer, Dr. Joseph, of Pawlet, iii. 894

Loomeris, David, grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222

Loomis, ____, of Montpelier, iv. 283²

master of boat Eagle, i. 582²

Judge, of Thetford, v. pt. 35, 100

of Washington co., iv. 55²

of Worcester, iv. 890²

Mrs., of Worcester, iv. 902

dau. of Col. John Chapman, i. 51

Lt., commanded boat Eagle, i. 672²

Gen., ii. 1183²

Abner, from Conn., of Pawlet, iii. 919²

Adaline, of Northfield, iv. 620

Amanda, m. Zoeth Holton, v. pt. 2, 615²

Amanda (Brown), wife of Gideon A. Loomis, iii. 919²

Alding, of Roxbury, iv. 753²

Rev. Aretas, of Bennington, i. 162², 2d ed. 164²; v. pt. 35, 43²

Augustine, in War of 1812, ii. 392

Austin, of Worcester, iv. 902

Azro, of Montpelier, iv. 357², 524, 528²

attorney, iv. 277²

B. Newbury, of Pawlet, iii. 894²

Beriah, of Thetford, ii. 804², 805, 1093, 1183; iii. 72²

Charity, of Montpelier, iv. 396

m. ____ Dana, iv. 436

Charity (Scott), 2d wife of Jeduthan Loomis, iv. 436

Charles, of Montpelier, iv. 436, 551

Lt. Charles S., in Civil war, iv. 523, 524

Chauncey, of Montpelier, iv. 436

Cutes, grantee of Stratton, v. pt, 2, 520²

Cynthia, of Northfield, iv. 620

Daniel, of Bennington, i. 139², 2d ed. 141²; v. pt. 35, 38

of Roxbury, iv. 758, 760²

Deborah, m. Henry Wooster jr., iii. 932²

Dyer, of Hinsdale (Mass.), iv. 619

from Hinsdale (Mass.), of Northfield, iv. 619²

of Montpelier, iv. 327

of Northfield, iv. 615², 672²

Edward C., of Burlington, i. 495, 499

Edwin B., of Whitehall (N. Y.), i. 706

Elam, of Waterbury, iv. 821, 829²

Eleazer, of Berlin, iv. 67

from Hinsdale (Mass.), of Northfield, iv. 619-20

of Northfield, iv. 613², 614², 615², 671²

Eleazer jr., of Northfield, iv. 620

Elijah, from Clarendon, of Georgia, ii. 238

Dr. Elijah, from Georgia, of N. Y., ii. 243²

Mrs. Elijah, of Georgia, ii. 238

Elijah M., of Pawlet, iii. 919²

Elverton, of Montpelier, iv. 349

Enos, from Clarendon, of Georgia, ii. 238

Eunice (Brewster), wife of Fitch Loomis, iii. 802²

Fitch, iii. 802²

of Middletown, iii. 820, 821², 831

Fitch jr., of Middletown, iii. 802², 821²

Dr. G. H., of Montpelier, iv. 278, 359, 396

George C., of Ripton, i. 86²

Gideon A., of Pawlet, iii. 878, 880², 919²(2)

Capt. Gideon A., of Pawlet, iii. 879

Dr, Gustavus, iv. 567, 571

Gen. Gustavus, of Thetford and Montpelier, iv. 297, 351

Dr. Gustavus H., of Montpelier, iv. 391², 436

Dr. Gustavus S., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 224²



NAME INDEX                                       569


Loomis, H. S., of Montpelier, iv. 49, 279², 409

Mrs. Hannah, sermon on, iv. 321²

Hannah (Hinckley), wife of Jedu­than Loomis iv. 436

Haris, grantee of Westmore, iii. 365

Rev. Harmon, from Georgia, of N. Y., ii. 238, 242²

Henry, of Burlington, i. 511

Rev. Henry jr., in Guildhall, i. 1011²

Horace, of Burlington, i. 494², 495-7, 499, 509, 539², 543², 545(2), 638², 639, 660 note, 754² note, 755, 761; ii. 615²

sketch, i. 626-7

of Ripton, i. 86²

Horatio S., of Montpelier, iv. 528²

Rev. J. N., of Craftsbury, iii. 41

of Hardwick, i. 327², 328

Jacob, of Northfield, iv. 672³

of Roxbury, iv. 757, 759²

Rev. Jacob, in Greensboro, iii. 215²(2)

Rev. Jacob Noble, of Charlotte, i. 738, 744²

of Craftsbury, iii. 175, 381²

of Hardwick, iii. 87²

James, of Northfield, iv. 671³

Jeduthan, of Montpelier, ii. 1183²; iv. 235², 274, 277², 321², 351, 352, 357², 374, 387², 391², 548, 568(2)

sketch, iv. 436-7

Capt. Jeduthan, of Montpelier, iv. 297²

Jerusha, of Pawlet, iii. 919²

Jonah, from Clarendon, of Georgia, ii. 238

Jude (Adams), wife of Oliver Loomis, iii. 919²

Louis, of Roxbury, iv. 756²

Louisa, of Northfield, iv. 620

Louisa (Bullock), 2d wife of Eleazer Loomis, iv. 620

Lucy L., of Montpelier, iv, 327

Luther. of Burlington, i. 495, 496², 506², 509², 510, 543², 595², 693², 694(2), 695², 705²; iv. 304

of Thetford, ii. 1091²

of Williston, i. 638², 639

Lydia, m. Truman Galusha, i. 833

Maria, of Burlington, i. 496²

Mariette, of Northfield, iv. 620

Martha. m. Asa Wells, i. 1048²

Mary, of Pawlet, iii. 919²

Mercy, wife of Roswell Loomis, iii. 919²

Noah, of Georgia, ii. 235², 238

Oliver, from East Windsor (Conn.), of Pawlet iii. 919²

Orla, of Pawlet, iii. 919²

Orlin, of Stowe, ii. 746

Orlin W., of Waterbury, ii. 756

Owen, of Pawlet, iii. 878, 919²

Phineas, of Burlington, i. 496², 499, 543² and note

grantee of Westmore, iii. 365

Phinehas, of Burlington, i. 509(2)

Polly, m. Jesse Averill, iv. 619

Polly (Buck), wife of Eleazer Loomis, iv. 619²

Rachel, m. Samuel Moulton, iii. 506²

Rebecca, of Montpelier, iv. 396

Reuben, of Middletown, in. 802², 820, 821², 832², 833, 836²

Reuben 2d, of Middletown, went West, iii. 821²

Roger E., of Georgia, ii. 238

Roswell of Pawlet, iii. 919²

Mrs. Roswell, of Pawlet, iii. 895

Roxanna, of Northfield, iv. 620

Silas, of Montpelier, iv. 298²

of Waterbury, iv. 821, 829²

Mrs. Silas, of Waterbury, iv. 840²

Sophia, m. Mathias Day, v. pt. 35, 100

Sophia B., of Montpelier iv. 329

Sophia (Brigham), 3d wife of Jedu­than Loomis, iv. 436

Vernon L., in Civil war, iv. 524

Warren, of Burlington, i. 498², 504

of Franklin co., ii. 93²

lawyer, i. 468² note

William of Northfield, iv. 620

William H., of Northfield, iv. 615², 616, 620

Rev. Wyman B., of Georgia, ii. 242²

see also Lomis

Loomis family of Middletown, iii. 808

Loomis & Camp, of Montpelier, iv. 279

Loomis & Gillett, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 352²

Loop, Philyer, of Alburg, ii. 478(2), 503²

Philyer L., of Alburg, ii. 508

Lopez, Aaron, of Leicester (Mass.), iv. 430²

Narciso, ii. 358

Lord, ____, iii. 1026

of Cambridge, ii. 603

of Norwich (Conn.), ii. 638²

of Shrewsbury, iii. 1137

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 602

Dr., of St. Johnsbury, i. 397, 400², 411

Eld., of Waterbury, iv. 841

Judge, v. pt. 2, 32

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 24²

Mrs., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 230²

Rev., of Montpelier, iv. 283²

Capt., v. pt. 2, 241

of Brattleboro, v. 50²

Col., iv. 68² 1179

Abner, of Charleston, iii. 120

Alva A., of Stowe, ii. 744², 756

Benjamin, of Rutland, iii. 1013², 1080², 1081


570                                          HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER



Lord, Bessie, dau. of W. H. Lord, iv. 332, 585

Charles H., of Montpelier, iv. 393²

Dan, of Roxbury, iv. 753²

David G., of Fairlee, ii. 902²

E., of Albany, iii. 66²

Elias, grantee of Albany, iii. 47

Elizabeth, from Barton, of Charles­ton, iii. 122²

Elizabeth (Dickinson), wife of Samuel Lord, v. pt. 2, 618

Elvira (Brigham) (Goodnow), wife of Nathaniel J. Lord, v. pt. 2, 716

Harriet Adams (Aiken), wife of Dr. William H. Lord, iv. 393²

Hezekiah, grantee of Albany, iii. 46²

J., pioneer of Charleston, iii. 122

Rev. J., of Barre, iv. 52

James, grantee of Albany, iii. 46²

Jane A., m. Dr. George W. Sargent, iv. 393²

John, of Peacham, i. 360

grantee of Randolph, ii. 976

Eld. John, of Barton, iii. 80²

Rev. John, in Bloomfield, i. 952

in Newbury, ii. 951

in Northfield, iv. 650

of Plainfield, iv. 727²

of Strafford, ii. 1080

circuit preacher, iv. 376², 377(2), 378, 381²

Rev. John King, hymn, iv. 396²

Joseph, v. 4, 9

of St. Johnsbury, i. 304², 390², 391, 393², 395², 396², 400, 404²

grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 23²(2), 24²

Dr. Joseph, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 220

Rev. Joseph, of Charlestown (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 240

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 255

Joseph jr., of Chatham (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 255²

grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²

Dr. Joseph jr., of Putney, sketch, v. pt. 2, 240

Jotham, of Westmoreland (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 240²

Lucy I., m. Rev. Augustus Chandler, v. pt. 2, 155²

Dr. Marcus, of Albany, iii. 66²(2)

Mary, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 609

Mary E., m. William R. Burleigh, iv. 393²

Rev. Nathan, Pres. of Dartmouth, iv. 392

Col. Nathan jr., i. 440(2)

of Montpelier, iv. 299, 520²

Nathaniel, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128(2)

Nathaniel J., of Athol (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 716

Phillip, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128², 1137

Mrs. Phillip, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128²

Porter, pioneer of Orange, ii. 956²

Robert, from Ipswich (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 255²

Ruth, m. Isaac Phillips, iii. 641

Rev. S. J. M., in Brookfield, ii. 860², 562²

Samuel, of Barton, iii. 71², 72(2), 85, 86², 122²

of Morgan, iii. 286(2)

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231, 618

in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Mrs. Samuel, of Barton, iii. 85²

Rev. Samuel, in Huntington, i. 827²

of Waterbury, iv. 839², 841

Sarah, m. Thomas Chandler, v. pt. 2, 255²

Sarah A., m. Rev. M. D. Kneeland, iv. 393²

Thomas, of Charleston, v. pt. 2, 255²

grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²

Capt. Thomas C., of Brattleboro, v. 48, 62, 174, 185

William, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128²

of Stowe, ii. 706²

William A., of Montpelier, iv. 357, 393², 553

Rev. William Hayes, iv. 288, 316, 322(2), 324, 325², 332, 388², 389, 390², 391(2), 470², 502², 503, 507², 512², 533, 536, 537, 538², 539, 542², 553, 585, 591; v. pt. 2, 259²

portrait, iv. opp. p. 392

sketch, iv. 392-3

essay, iv. 407

sermon. iv. 396-406

Zenas, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 618

Mrs. Zenas (née Goold), of West­minster, v. pt. 2, 579²

Lord & Goddard, of Rutland, iii. 1039²

Lorimer, Rev. J. G., of Derby, iii. 182, 306²

in Orleans co., iii. 35²

Loring, ____, Brit. soldier, in Rev. war, ii. 786², 789

Rev. F., of Hinsdale (N. H.), v. 178², 179

Rev. Freeman, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 202²

George B., of Mass., v. pt. 35, 73²

Rev. H. H., of Brandon, iii. 478²

Ira, in War of 1812, ii. 392

Levi, of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 629²

Rev. Levi, of Charleston and Hol­land, iii. 117

Nicholas, grantee of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 3²

Thomas, of Stowe, ii. 706²



NAME INDEX                                       571


Loro, Joseph, grantee of Highgate, ii. 256

Lossing, Benson J., iv. 256² note

author, i. 181, 2d ed. 182²; v. pt. 35, 19

Lotbiniere, Michel Chartier de, exchanged grant on St. Lawrence for claim in Addison, i. 4

Lothian, Daniel, of Stowe, ii. 712²

Lothrop, Rev., of Springfield, v. pt. 2, 14²

Adgate, of Pittsford, iii. 944

Henry F., of Pittsford, iii. 951(2), 954²

Isaac, of Braintree, ii. 851

Lott, Abraham, grantee of Bradford, ii. 809² (2)

Lottridge, J. H., of Hoosic Fails (N. Y.), i. 259

Loudon, Jonathan, of Highgate, ii. 255

Lougee, Elisha, of Tunbridge, ii. 1128²

George, of Fairlee, ii. 842

Isaac, of Albany, iii. 47², 48

Philander, of Thetford, ii. 842

William, of Calais, iv. 176²

Loughlin, Bishop F., of Brooklyn (N.Y.) iii. 1049²

Louin, William of Danby, iii. 592²

Louis XVI, of France, iii. 1039

Louis XVII, of France, v. pt. 2, 495

Louis, Bishop, of Burlington, see Goesbriand, Bishop Louis de

Dr., see Law, Isaac

of Paris, iv. 482

Capt., St. Francis Indian, i. 454(2); iv. 999(2), 1000

Phillipe (Philippe), ii. 356; iv. 482

Louisbury, Isaac, grantee of Stowe, ii. 695

Michael jr., grantee of Stowe, ii. 695

Thomas, grantee of Stowe, ii. 695

Louiselle, Marcus, of Montpelier, iv. 356

Louk, Henry, of Highgate, ii. 269²

Loukas, Capt., in Greek war, iv. 461(2)

Loukes, L. M., of Swanton, iv. 1129²

Louks, Ezekiel, of Highgate, ii. 421

Henry, of Highgate, ii. 420

Matthew, of Highgate, ii. 421

Lounette, Joseph & co., of Fletcher, ii. 202²

Lounsberry, Nathan M., of Wells and Rutland, iii. 1204

Lounsbery, Nathan, of Clarendon, iii. 560, 571

Lounsbury, ____, of Hartford (Conn.), iv. 447

Mrs. Isabella (Spalding), iv. 447

Nathan M., of Pawlet, iii. 874, 919²

of Wells, iii. 1197

Love, David, of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 33²

Elizabeth (née Sprague), wife of John Love, v. pt. 2, 25²

John, of Providence (R. I.), v. pt. 2, 25²

Margaret, m. Ebenezer Sparks, v. pt. 2, 339

m. Leonard Spaulding, v. pt. 2, 25²

Robert, from Killingly (Conn.), of Dover, v. pt. 2, 338²

Sally, m. Timothy Nightingale, ii. 523

Thomas, of Bennington, v. pt. 2, 25²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 24²

of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²

Lovegrove, ____, from London, ii. 177

Edgar, of Fairfax, ii. 402²

Edward, of Pottsdam (N. Y.) , ii. 177²

Hampton, of Fairfax, ii. 169(2), 171, 174(2), 175(2), 177, 403(2)

Reuben, of Fairfax, ii. 402²

Seviah (Story), wife of Hampton Lovegrove, ii. 177

Loveitt, Rev., in Mendon, iii. 789²

Lovejoy, Mrs., m. Asa Averill, v. pt. 2, 590

Abijah, of Westminster, v. 11(2) ; v. pt. 2, 590(2)

Asenath (Pettey), wife of John Lovejoy, v. pt. 2, 584, 590, 613, 616

Belinda, of Westminster v. pt. 2, 613

Benjamin, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 590(2)

Betsey, m. ____ Wyman, v. pt. 2, 590

C., of Moretown, iv. 598²

Columbus, of Stowe, ii. 717

Cornelius, of Stowe, ii. 698, 712², 715, 717

George, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 613

Hannah, m. ____ Hunt, v. pt. 2, 590

John, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 584, 590(2), 613(2), 616

John 2d, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 613

Joseph, of Westminster v. pt. 2, 590 (2)

Lucy (Edwards), wife of Samuel Lovejoy, v. pt. 2, 613

Peter, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 590, 613

Mrs. Peter, in. Asa Averill, v. pt. 2, 577²

Maj. Peter, v. pt. 2, 577²

Peter C., of Mansfield, ii. 680(2)

Peter S., of Montpelier, iv. 299

of Stowe, ii. 698², 733(2), 742², 743

Samuel, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 590(2), 608², 613

Sarmie R., of Stowe, ii. 717

Mrs. Thankful, of Stowe, ii. 717

Lovel, Rev. Samuel, of Wells, iii. 1194²


572                                          HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER



Loveland, ____, iii. 744²

in Cambridge, ii. 605²

of Fletcher, ii. 210²

in Glover, iii. 207

A. H., of Huntington, i. 815²

Aaron, of Strafford and Norwich, ii. 1071²

Allen of Fairfax, ii. 403

Asa, of Berlin, iv. 1189

of Irasburg, iii. 260²

Bassett, of Pittsford, iii. 941(2), 951

D. H., in Enosburg, ii. 146

Rev. D. H., in Richford, ii. 284²

D. B., of Marshfield, iv. 209

Daniel, of Marshfield, iv. 204

pioneer of Richford, ii. 280, 282

Rev. Diodorus H., of Brandon, iii. 474(2)

Francis, of Marshfield iv. 204

Henry, of Woodford, i. 260²

Henry G., v. pt. 35, 53²

Homer E., of Swanton, iv. 1039²

Hosea, iii. 909²

Rev. J. S., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 238²

Jonathan, pioneer, of Goshen, i. 39

Julian M., of Castleton, iii. 521²

Leman E., of Huntington, i. 815²

Lydia, m. John Betts, iii. 909²

Mary, of Berlin, iv. 1188²

Capt. Nehemiah, Rev. soldier, iii. 210

Robert L., of Pittsford, iii. 944

Rev. S. C., iii. 207²(2)

Samuel C., editor, i. 558

Rev. Samuel C., of Clarendon, iii. 562²

of Strafford, ii. 1082

Sarah, of Berlin, iv. 1188²

Sylvester, of Marshfield, iv. 206²

Z., of Grand Isle, ii. 532²

Lovell, Dr., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 543²

Mrs., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231²

Capt., of St. Johnsbury, i. 395²

Rev. Alexander, of Vergennes, i. 107

Catharine, m. John Taplin, iv. 57

Elijah, of Rockingham, v. 15

Elijah jr., lawyer, ii. 93²

Enos, of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 556²

Frank, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231

Capt. John, see Lovewell, Capt. John

L. S., of Mich., iii. 1105

Martin L., of Moretown, iv. 597²

Michael, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 494, 504²

N., grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

Nehemiah, grantee of Groton, iv. 1145

Col. Nehemiah, of Newbury, iv. 57

Oliver, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 499², 507²

Robert, of St. Albans, ii. 297, 434

Timothy, of Grand Isle, ii. 475², 522²

Zacheus, of Cabot, iv. 117²

Lovely, I., of Montpelier, iv. 337

Noble, of Burlington, i. 509²

of Charlotte, i. 744²

Lovering, Ellis Fay, of Boston, iii. 1118

Ira, of N. H., v. pt. 2, 718²

Jeremiah, in War of 1812, ii. 392²

John, with Stevens' Rangers, ii. 946²

Polly (Preston) wife of Ira Lovering, v. pt. 2, 718

Lovett, F. T., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 701²

John, of Bennington, i. 167, 2d ed. 169

Joseph, of Warren, iv. 806

Mrs. Joseph, of Warren, iv. 806

Lovewell, ____, m. Betsey Hazelton, ii. 918

Col., exploring party, ii. 916²

Betsey (Hazelton), of Newbury and Haverhill (N. H.), ii. 918

Henry, on Newbury muster roll, ii. 946

Capt. John, iii. 316 note

Nehemiah, of Corinth, ii. 874², 882², 1169

of Newbury, ii. 1074

Capt. Nehemiah, in Rev. war, ii. 390

Nehemiah jr., on Newbury muster roll, ii. 946

Low, Rev., in Greensboro, iii. 215²

Capt., of Franklin co., in Rev. war, ii. 390

A. A., of Brooklyn (N. Y.), v. 157

A. A. & Brothers, of Brooklyn (N. Y.), v. 157

Asa, of Bradford, ii. 824², 830²

Cornelius jr., grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note

Dr. Frank S., of Castleton, iii. 522

Henry, of Groton, i. 321²

Isaac, of N. Y., v. 10 (2) ; v. pt. 2, 538², 569², 570

Jeremiah, of Georgia, ii. 245²

Nathaniel, Almanacs, v. pt. 2, 15²

Obadiah, of Groton, iv. 1164

Lowder, Benjamin, grantee of Dummers­ton, v. pt. 2, 3²

William, grantee of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 3²

Lowe, Rev. Asa, of Cabot, iv. 94²

Charles, of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 529²

Ephraim, of Groton, iv. 1167

Henry, of Montpelier, iv. 354²

Henry & Son, of Montpelier, iv. 281

Isaac, of Strafford, ii. 1176²

Rev. Isaac P., in Corinth, ii. 880

of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 19

James, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 224

Jane, m. Nathaniel W. Powers, v. pt. 2, 372²

Polly, of Groton, iv. 1166²



NAME INDEX                           573


Lowe, Thomas, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537², 541

Lowel, Willobee, grantee of Morgan, iii. 282²

Lowell, Rev., in Pawlet, iii. 905

Dr. Abraham, of Chester, iii. 950

Charles, of Charleston, iii. 122(2)

George, of Calais, iv. 150²

James, of Greensboro, iii. 226

Jennie B., see Cook, Mrs. J. B.

Martin, of Braintree, ii. 852²

of Bristol, i. 20²

Sally, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 230

Lowhorn, Charles, in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Lownsbury, Daniel, in War of 1812, ii. 392

Lowrey, Heman, of Burlington, i. 497²

Lowry, ____, from North East (N. Y.), of Jericho, i. 602

Abner B., of Burlington, i. 509

Dr. Curtis, of Charlotte, i. 744²

Heman, of Burlington i. 509²

of Jericho, i. 468², 472

from North East (N. Y.), of Burlington, sketch, i. 601-2

Lucy (Lee), wife of Heman Lowry, i. 602

Margaret (Campbell), 2d wife of Heman Lowry, i. 602

Mrs. Phebe (Benedict), i. 602

Loyd, John, of Northfield, iv. 1199

Lucas, Isaac, Orange co. officer, ii. 804²

James, of Maidstone, i. 945, 947², 1029², 1030(2), 1031, 1045

case tried, 1800, i. 1006(2)

Mrs. James, of Maidstone, i. 1038

Maj. James, from Rochester (N. H.) of Maidstone, Rev. soldier, i. 1037²-8

Mary, of Maidstone, i. 947²

Mrs. Nancy, case tried, 1800, i. 1006

Luce, ____, iii. 770

pioneer of Stowe, ii. 684²

A. & Son, of Montpelier, iv. 281.

A. B., of Lamoille co., ii. 590

Adonijah, of Stowe, ii. 707

Mrs. Adonijah, of Stowe, ii. 707

Alanson, of Stowe, ii. 712²

Albert, of Mansfield, ii. 680

Almira, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 447

Andrew, of Stowe, ii. 706², 728(2), 742²

Mrs. Andrew, of Stowe, ii. 702²

Anna B., of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 447

B. H., of Stowe, ii. 715

Betsey E., of Stowe, ii. 715

C. O., of Brandon, iii. 500²

Chester, of Montpelier, iv. 299

of Stowe, ii. 707, 742²

Mrs. Chester, of Stowe, ii. 707

Curtis, of Stowe, ii. 712²

Delevan, of Stowe, ii. 712²

Edna, of Stowe, ii. 720

Elihu, of Hartland, iv. 818

George W., of Stowe, ii. 737, 736, 768²

Grafton, of Stowe, v. pt. 2, 103

Hannah (Gale), wife of Samuel S. Luce, iv. 855

poem, iv. 855²

Harry, of Stowe, ii. 697

Hiram A., of Stowe, ii. 756², 768²

Hubbard, of Montpelier, iv. 531²

Rev. I., in Newport, iii. 297²

in St. Albans, ii. 335²

Isaac of Fairfield, ii. 191², 192²

Israel, of Waterbury, iv. 839²

Ivory, of Mansfield, ii. 680(2), 695²(2)

of Stowe, ii. 742², 743

Rev. J. D., Methodism in St. Albans, ii. 333²-5

John jr., of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 447

John L., of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 447

John S., of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 447

Jonathan, in Corinth, Rev. soldier, 874²

of Stowe, ii. 742²

Joshua, of Mansfield, ii. 680, 756²

from Pittsfield (Mass.), of Moretown, iv. 599², 600²

of Stowe, ii. 745

of Lamoille co., ii. 591

Lydia (Herrick), wife of Grafton Luce, v. pt. 2, 103

Moses, of Mansfield, ii. 680

of Stowe, ii. 706²

Mrs. Moses, of Stowe, ii. 706²

Oliver, from Hartland pioneer of Stowe, ii. 697(2), 699, 706²

Orange, of Stowe, ii. 712². 742², 743

P. E., of Stowe, ii. 701, 712²

Roxana, of Moretown, iv. 599²

Samuel S., of Stowe, iv. 712², 855

Samuel Slayton, poem, iv. 855-6

Sarah (Larned), wife of John S. Luce, v. pt. 2, 447

Stella V., of Stowe, ii. 715

Susannah, wife of Oliver Luce, 697

Thomas, of Stowe, ii. 756²

Timri, of Mansfield, first settler, ii. 686

Warner, of Stowe, ii. 742²

Warren, of Stowe, ii. 697²

William, of New Salem (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 447

Zebina A., of Stowe, ii. 756²

Zimri, of Stowe, ii. 707

Lucia, Mrs. Elizabeth Burnap (Reed), wife of Col. J. H. Lucia, iv. 513

Col. J. H., of Vergennes, iv. 513

Lucie, Frank, of Montpelier, iv. 356

Luck, William, Englishman, v. pt. 2, 104



574                                          HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER



Lucuzthm, Sir James, see Lumsden, Sir James

Luddon, James, of Brownington, iii. 72²

Ludlow, Cornelius, grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222

grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²

Ludlum, Rev., in Hubbardton, iii. 771²

Rev. M., of Montpelier, iv. 381²

of Rutland, iii. 1047²

Rev. Mathias, of Brandon, iii. 474 (2 )

in Fair Haven, iii. 717

Lufkin, Benjamin, of Rumford (Me.), v. pt. 2, 199

D. M., of Bradford, ii. 842

Joseph, v. pt. 2, 199

Orrin, of Bradford, ii. 842

Luke, Samuel, of Montpelier, iv. 550²

Lull, Deborah (Winslow), wife of John Lull, iii. 460

Francis, of Montpelier, iv. 298²

H. C., of Montpelier, iv. 355², 550

John, of Brandon, iii. 440, 460

Mrs. John (née Winslow), of Brandon, iii. 440

Timothy, of Hartland, iv. 770²

Capt. Timothy, from Ipswich (Mass.), of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 213

Lumbard, Capt. Abner, of Pawlet, iii. 879², 885, 920, 927

Mrs. Abner, of Pawlet, iii. 895

Benjamin, of Wells, iii. 1196

Chester, of Pawlet, iii. 885

Clark, of Montpelier, iv. 299

Joseph, of Wells, iii. 1196²

Roswell, of Westfield, iii. 357

Sarah (Andrus), wife of Capt. Abner Lumbard, iii. 920

Lumpkins, Sgt. Martin, of Highgate, ii. 421

Lumsden, Calvin E., of Greensboro, iii. 226

J. J., of Greensboro, iii. 226

Sir James, of Glasgow (scot.), i. 703²-4

Lund, Betsey, m. James Tarbox, ii. 1051

H. M., of East Haven, i. 986(2)

Hattie Tryphena, m. William H. Hack, v. pt. 2, 331²(2)

Henry C., of Nashua (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 331²

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 334²

Jeremiah, of East Haven, i. 986(2)

Lena (Wilcox), wife of Louie H. Lund, v. pt. 2, 331²

Louis Henry, of Nashua (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 331²(2)

Nellie Lucretia, m. William Johnson, v. pt. 2, 331²(2)

Noah, pioneer of Corinth, ii. 887

Rodney, from Montpelier, of Boston, iv. 357²

attorney, iv. 277²

Roxana (Wright), wife of Henry C. Lund, v. pt. 2, 331²

Silas of Groton, i. 321; iv. 1148

Thomas, of Corinth, ii. 883

Lundy, Benjamin, v. pt. 2, 139²

Lunno, Maj., agent of Gen. Haldimand, i. 918

Lunt, Elias, of Charleston, iii. 119

J., of Charleston, iii. 118

Luonahant Joseph, Indian, iv. 197²

Lupeer, Nelson, of Bradford, ii. 842

Lupton, William, iii. 1091

Lurk, Dr. Alvin, of Richford, ii. 287

Lusk, Dr. Alvin, of Richford, ii. 284(2)

Mrs. Alvin, of Richford, ii. 284²

Samuel, pioneer of Montgomery, ii. 275²

Lusher, Dr. Alvin, of Montgomery, ii. 276²

Luther, ____, of Strafford, ii. 1075

James, of Maidstone, i. 1028², 1029, 1032²

Rev. R. M., v. pt. 35, 54²

of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 44

William, of Northfield, iv. 683²

Lutherloh, Col. Henry E., grantee of Albany, iii. 46²

Lutterloh, Col., of Albany, iii. 52

Lutwyche, Edward G., grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note

Lydius, Rev. John, bought Dellius' grant, i. 2²

John, of Albany (N. Y.), and Schenectady (N. Y.), iii. 572

land claims in Addison, i. 5

Col. John Henry, bought land from the Mohegans, i. 120²

of Albany (N. Y.), iii. 553², 572 and note, 573, 1014, 1015

land claim to Clarendon, iii. 405

Lyell, Sir Charles, quoted, ii. 24 note, 28 note, 29 and note, 43², 48² note, 50 note, 52² note

Lyfford, see Lyford

Lyford, ____, of Cabot, iii. 210(2)

Mrs., of Cabot, i. 99

Lt., of Cabot, iii. 211²

explored Orleans co., iii. 313²

Celinda, of Cabot, iv. 110

David, of Cabot, iv. 86², 87, 97², 105-8, 119

Dorcas A., of Woodbury, iv. 877²

Fifield, of Cabot, iv. 79, 94, 103, 119

Lt. Fifield, from Exeter (N. H.), of Cabot, Rev. soldier, iv. 87

sketch, iv. 109²-10

H. W., of Montpelier, iv. 354²

of Warren, iv. 810, 811²

Hazen, of East Montpelier, iv. 586

of Warren, iv. 810

Horace W., of Warren, iv. 355



NAME INDEX                                       575


Lyford, John, of Cabot, iv. 77²

Judith, in Cabot's bear story, iv. 105²-8

Mrs. Judith (Heath), iv. 86²

Martin, of Woodbury, iv. 882

Moses, in Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542²

Peter, of Cabot, iv. 86, 103², 119

Thomas, pioneer of Cabot, iv. 74², 75, 76, 91, 94, 116²

Lt. Thomas, of Cabot, Rev. soldier, i. 426; iv. 75², 77(2), 78², 79, 81, 97², 103(2), 104, 109², 119

Thomas jr., of Cabot, iv. 81, 104(2)

Thomas 3d, of Cabot, iv. 75²

W. W., of Cabot, iv. 102²

Lyle, ____, English geologist, iii. 482²

Lyman, ____, of Brookfield, iv. 820

brothers of Brookfield, ii. 864

Dr., of Lancaster (N. H.). i. 947

Rev., of Brookfield, iii. 215²; iv. 199, 206², 630², 781

Col., ordered to Claverick, ii. 639²

A. P., iii. 1113

of Bennington, i. 249²; v. 138; v. pt. 35, 35, 37

Abel, of Brookfield, ii. 858², 859

of Roxbury, iv. 736², 762

Abner, grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²

Abner jr., grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²

Anna, of Burlington, i. 537

Caleb, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 276

Calista (Stebbins), wife of Charles Lyman, v. pt. 2, 289

Charles, of Montpelier, iv. 273, 278², 307², 331, 891²

of Northfield (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 289

Charles W., of Montpelier, iv. 559², 560²

Mrs. Clarissa, of Burlington, i. 537, 655, 938²

Capt. Cornelius, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 43, 44², 45²

Daniel, of Jericho, i. 940

Mrs. Daniel (née Lee), i. 940

David, grantee of Wells, iii. 1191

Rev. E., in Berlin, iv. 65²

of Brookfield, iv. 64²

Rev. E. R., of Williston, i. 905

Ebenezer, of Bennington, i. 144, 2d ed. 146²

of Burlington, i. 537

of Fair Haven, iii. 727

of Pittsford, iii. 942, 943, 952

Edward H. R., of Brooklyn (N. Y.), v. 157

Eleazer, of Oswayo (Pa.), iii. 917²

of Pawlet, iii. 897

Eleazur, of Fair Haven, iii. 727

Elias, of Burlington, i. 509²

of Hartford, iv. 308

grantee of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 520²

Elijah, of Brookfield, ii. 849²

from Brookfield, in Derby, iii. 179

Rev. Elijah, of Barton, iii. 80

of Brookfield, ii. 860(2), 861², 862², 866, 880²; iii. 86²; iv. 316², 751, 796

in Northfield iv. 654(2)

Elisha, of Derby, iii. 179(2)

Mrs. Elisha, of Derby, iii. 179

Elisha, grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²

Elizabeth, m. Marshall Lee, v. pt. 2, 288²

wife of Ebenezer Lyman, iii. 952

Emily, m. Albijence Ainsworth, iv. 630²

Erastus, grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²

Esther, m. Dr. Thomas Smith, v. pt. 2, 447

Gad, from Weybridge, i. 111

George, v. pt. 35, 30²

George Lee, of Hinesburg, i. 795²

Dr. George Lee, hist. of Jericho, i. 829-39, 940

Rev. Gersham, v. pt. 2, 643²

Rev. Gershom, of Marlboro, v. pt. 3³, 15²

Rev. Gershom C., of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 445², 447, 522

Rev. Gessham, of Dummerston, pt. 2, 88²

Henry, attorney, i. 473

Hiram, of Fair Haven, iii. 727

Isaac, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 691, 724

James, grantee of Arlington, i. 2d ed. 122

Jasper, of Tunbridge, ii. 1124²

Jeptha and Jeptha jr., v. pt. 2, 350

Jeptha jr., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 343, 353

Maj. Jesse, of Monkton and Ver­gennes, i. 66²

Joel, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 342, 343(2), 344

John, pioneer of Brookfield, ii. 857²(2)

grantee of Orange, ii. 956²

grantee of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 520²

Joseph, grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²

Dr. Joseph, of Hatfield (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 416²

Rev. Joseph, of Hatfield (Mass.), in Bradford, ii. 820²

in Marlboro, sketch, v. pt. 2, 441²-2

Josiah, of Williamstown, ii. 1140², 1141, 1142


576                                          HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER



Lyman, Mrs. Josiah, of Williamstown, ii. 1141, 1142

Julius B., of Brookfield, ii. 858²

Justin, of Hartford, iv. 308

Laura A., m. Justin M. Adams, ii. 1038²

Lewis, of Hartford, iv. 304

Lura, m. ____ Weston, iii. 727

Mabel Almina (Field), wife of George Lee Lyman, i. 940²

Martha, m. William S. Severance, v. pt. 2, 284

Mary Clarinda (Boynton), wife of George Lee Lyman, i. 940²

Mary (Hollister), wife of Eleazer Lyman, iii. 917²

Mehitable, of Duxbury, iv. 1199²

Micah J., of Bennington, sketch, v. pt. 35, 30-2

Nathan, grantee of Arlington, i. 2d ed. 122

grantee of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 520²

Nelly E., m. John V. Hall, v. pt. 3 92²

Oliver, grantee of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 520²

Phineas, of Burlington, i. 468² note, 472², 545²; ii. 480, 585²

grantee of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 6²

Gen. Phineas, in London, i. 167², 2d ed. 170

grantee of Readsboro, i. 219², 2d ed. 218²

Phinehas, grantee of Brookfield, ii. 855

of Burlington, i. 504

Priest, of Brookfield, ii. 1049

Mrs. Ruby. from Northfield, of Glover, iii. 196²

Rufus, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 519², 522

Sally, m. Roman Fyler, i. 307²

Mrs. Sarah F., of Burlington, i. 655

Simeon, of Hartford, iv. 304²

of Montpelier, iv. 531², 537

Rev. Solomon, of Poultney, ii. 1160²; iii. 995²

Susan, m. Obed Averill, v. pt. 2, 626²

Thomas, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 29

Timothy, grantee of Brookfield, ii. 855

of Glover, iii. 198²(2)

William, grantee of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 520²

grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²

William H., of Alburg, ii. 498², 500, 507²

of Grand Isle co., ii. 479(2), 514

Wyllys, of Burlington, i. 509², 510, 655²; iv. 304

of Hartford, iv. 447

Wyllys jr., attorney, i. 473²

Lyman family of Hartford (Conn.), iv. 441²

Lyman & King, of Montpelier iv, 279(2), 312

Lymans, ____, of Troy (N. Y.), iii. 185

Lyme, Rev. E H., of Weybridge, i. 110

Lymington, Thomas & co., of Baltimore, iii. 602²

Lynch, Rev., in Richmond, i. 849

Ann C., see Botta, Mrs. Anne Charlotte (Lynch)

Marcus, of Montpelier, iv. 550²

Patrick, of Moretown, iv. 601²

Bishop Thomas, hist. of Castleton Catholic church, iii. 539

Rev. Thomas, of Burlington, i. 551

of Rutland, iii. 997², 1049², 1050

Lynd, Daniel, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 4², 20(2)

Lynde, Benjamin, grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19

C. C., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 64²

Charles, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 50²

of Williamstown, ii. 1148²

Cora A., m. Alonzo W. Green, v. pt. 2, 710

Cornelius. iv. 736

of Montpelier, iv. 351

of Williamstown, ii. 859, 1140² note, 1141(2), 1142, 1143², 1144, 1148(2), 1149(2), 1152; iii. 72²; iv. 199², 261, 612²

Orange co. officer, ii. 804²(2)

Maj. Cornelius of Williamstown, ii. 1145²

Daniel jr., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 25²

Emma (Gates), wife of Lewis H. Lynde, v. pt. 2, 56

Gratia (Field), wife of Thomas Lynde, v. pt. 3, 78

Isaac, of Northfield, iv. 613

James, of Williamstown, ii. 1149(2), 1154²

attorney, iv. 277²

John, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 64, 68

of Plattsburg, i. 694

of Williamstown, ii. 1148(2) ; 468²

on Cornelius Lynde, ii. 1152

Orange co. officer, ii. 806²(2)

Johnson, of Brattleboro, v. 57²

Jonathan, of Fair Haven, iii. 675(2), 677²(2)

Joshua, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 31², 34², 36

Lewis H., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 56, 162², 205²

Rebekah (Davis), wife of Cornelius Lynde, ii. 1141, 1152²; iv. 261

Thomas, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 58, 78

W. W. of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 443²

Gen. W. W., v. pt. 35, 72

Lyndes, Polly, of Roxbury, iv. 756²



NAME INDEX                                       577


Lyndes, Samuel, of Roxbury, iv. 757

Lyndon, Leila, pseud. of Susannah S. Burt, i. 356

Lynds, Luther, of Corinth, ii. 882²

Lyndsey, Harriet (Briggs), wife of Robert Lyndsey, v. pt. 2, 185²

Robert, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 185²

Lynn, Agnes, m. James Henderson, i. 378

Alexander, of Ryegate, i. 376

Rev. John, of Ryegate and Md., i. 380

Lynsen, Abraham, grantee of Bradford, ii. 809²(2)

Lynson, Abram, grantee of Essex, i. 778²

Lyon, ____, of Pawlet, iii. 905²

m. W. B. Machen, iii. 723²

Mrs., m. Henry Blodgett jr., ii. 1018²

Rev., in Belvidere, ii. 594²

of Fletcher, ii. 210²

in Huntington, i. 827²

in Waterville ii. 769²

Col., in Rev. war, ii. 389²

Gen., of St. Louis, v. pt. 2, 467

A., of Charleston, iii. 118

of Swanton, ii. 444²; iv. 1060

of Waterbury, iv. 840

Rev. A., in Cambridge, ii. 605²

of Swanton, iv. 1087²

Abial, grantee of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²

Abigail, of Grand Isle, ii. 550

Anna, of Fair Haven, iii. 720², 723

Araunah, of Waterbury iv. 840²

Rev. Aruna, in Huntington, i. 827²

Rev. Arunah, of Charlotte, i. 742²

of Grand Isle, ii. 535(2)

Asa, of Grand Isle, ii. 478(2) ; iii. 1160²

Mrs. Asa (née Newell), of Grand Isle, ii. 551

Asa, of Shelburne, i. 859

of South Hero, ii. 475(2)

portrait, ii. opp. p. 473

Rev. Ada, of Burlington, i. 655 note

from Pomfret (Conn.), of Grand Isle, i. 604, 631; ii. 523, 524², 525, 526², 530, 533(2), 534², 541², 547², 548², 578, 584², 586; iv. 1054

sketch, ii. 550-4

Asahel, of Fairfax, ii. 402

of Montpelier, iv. 299

Aurelia, m. Dr, H. Skinner, iii. 723²

Azel, of Calais, iv. 147²

Rev. B. A., in Highgate, ii. 269²

Benjamin, of Plainfield, iv. 718²

Beulah (Chittenden) (Galusha), wife of Matthew Lyon, i. 907²; iii. 720²

Chancey, of Swanton, iv. 1088

Chauncy, of Shelburne, i. 856

Chester, of Waterbury, iv. 840²

Chittenden, of Fair Haven, iii. 718, 720², 723(2)

Dan, of Burlington, i. 511

Capt. Dan, of Burlington, i. 691, 693², 696(2), 703, 704, 706

Daniel, of N. Y., v. pt. 2, 389²

Deborah (Steele), wife of Dr, Philip Lyon, ii. 980

Ebenezer, of Plainfield, iv. 727²

Edson, of Charleston, iii. 109, 114², 118, 395²

Capt. Edward, of Detroit (Mich.), i. 706

Elisha, of Woodford, i. 248, 249

Eliza, m. John Roe, iii. 724

Eliza Ann, of Ill., iii. 723²

Rev. G., in Shelburne, i. 883²

George, of Northfield (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 7²

of Tenn., v. pt. 2, 389²

Gershom, of Shelburne, i. 859, 866²

Gilbert, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 701²

Rev. Gilbert, in Charlotte, i. 742²

in Sheldon, ii. 380²

Giles, of Ky., iii. 723²

Gen. H. B., of Eddyville (Ky.), iii. 724

Hannah, m. Samuel Capron, iii. 454²

Rev. Harris, in Fairfield, ii. 199²

Harvey, of Swanton, iv. 1033²

Hattie Bell, m. Arthur B. Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 389²

Isaac, of West Fairlee, ii. 913², 914

J., of Salem, iii. 308²

Jabez, of Brandon, iii. 447², 454

Jacob, of Danby, iii. 665²

James, of Fair Haven, iii. 693², 694², 695, 697(2), 698(2), 720², 723², 724

of Tunbridge, ii. 1115, 1118²

of Westmore, iii. 365²

James jr., of Tunbridge, ii. 1115²

Jemima, wife of Stephen Lyon, iii. 724

John, of Colchester, i. 763

of Fair Haven, iii. 724

Jonathan, from Reading (Conn.), of Shelburne, i. 867²

of Shelburne, i. 856, 941²

Jonathan 2d, of Shelburne, i. 867²

Joseph, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 191

Josiah, of Salem, iii. 125, 309²

of Troy, iii. 41², 320²

Laurin, of Fair Haven, iii. 720²

Lemuel, of Waterbury, iv. 840²

Lucius, of Mich., i. 698

Lucy, m. Samuel B. Spaulding, iii. 454²

Mary, of Ipswich (Mass.), ii. 862

m. ____ O'Harn, iii. 723²

Mary (Atwater), wife of Rev. Asa Lyon, i. 655 and note



578                                          HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Lyon, Mary P., of Burlington, i. 655²

Mason, of Charleston, iii. 108²

of Salem, iii. 308²

Mathew, grantee of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 423²

Matilda, m. William Dodge jr., iii. 447²

Matthew, of Arlington, i. 500, 911² note, 942², 943; iii. 163², 1075, 1079, 1080; iv. 253², 256, 323, 324²

grantee of Fair Haven, i. 908; iii. 672²(2), 710(2), 745², 746, 1064², 1096

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

grantee of Montpelier, iv. 254²

grantee of Orange, ii. 956

grantee of Vershire, ii. 1132

of Wallingford, iii. 1183²

Lt. Matthew, at Jericho block house, i. 457

Capt. Matthew, in Rev. war, ii. 390

Col. Matthew, of Arlington and Fair Haven, i. 129², 130, 135, 177, 572², 573; 2d ed. 130², 131², 137, 179; iii. 413². 414(2). 674², 675, 676, 679(2), 680(2), 681(2), 682, 684, 685(2), 686(2), 687(2), 688², 689(2), 690, 692, 693², 694(2), 695, 696, 697(2), 698(2), 699, 700, 702, 703, 714(2), 715, 718(2), 719, 720(2), 727², 729², 730(2), 734², 745

sketch, iii. 720-4

Matthew jr., of Fair Haven, iii. 720², 723(2)

Matthew M., of Eddyville iii. 724

Matthew S., of Evansville (Ind.), iii. 723²

Minerva m. Dr, Catlett, iii. 720, 723

Nancy. m. Lyman Farr, iii. 454²

Nehemiah, of Craftsbury, iii. 165²(2), 167(2)

Newall, of Burlington, ii. 586

Newel, of South Hero, ii. 574²

Newell, of Hinesburg, i. 799

Noah, of Fair Haven, iii. 720²

P. & co., of Waterbury, iv. 840

Pamelia, m. Dr. George Cadwell, iii. 720², 723

Dr. Philip, of Randolph, ii. 980, 1005

Polly, of Brandon, iii. 454²

Polly (Cole), wife of Josiah Lyon, iii. 125

Porter, of Salem, iii. 309²(2)

Robert, of Shelburne, i. 856, 859, 867²

Dea. Seth, of Peru, i. 209(2), 212², 2d ed. 208, 211²

Mrs. Seth, of Peru, i. 209, 2d ed. 208

Stephen, from Fair Haven, of Hanover (N. Y.), iii. 724

Thompson A., of Louisville (Ky.), iii. 723²

Titus, of Danby iii. 602, 663²

William, from Reading (Conn.), of Shelburne, i. 867²

grantee of Warren, iv. 801

William H., of Craftsbury, iii. 167 (2)

Zebulon, grantee of Northfield, iv. 612²

Lt. Zebulon. v. 13

Lyon & Daley, of Montpelier, iv. 281

Lyons, Hatsel P., of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 531

Sophia, m. Asa Simonds, i. 211², 29 ed. 210²

Thomas, v. pt. 35, 54²

Lyons, Arms & co., of Waterbury, iv. 840

Lyscomb, Rev. C., of Peacham, i. 361²

Lysimachus, tutor of Alexander, iii. 1039²

Lyston, Edward, of Rutland, iii. 1029