New Hampshire State Papers, V29 Table of Contents

 New Hampshire State Papers





































JOINT RESOLUTION relating to the preservation and publication of portions of the early state and provincial records and other state papers of New Hampshire.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:

That Hie Excellency the Governor be hereby authorized and empowered, with the advice and consent of the Council, to employ some suitable person —and fix his compensation, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated—to collect, arrange, transcribe, and superin­tend the publication of such portions of the early state and provincial records and other state papers of New Hampshire as the Governor may deem proper ; and that eight hundred copies of each volume of the same be printed by the state printer, and distributed as follows : namely, one copy to each city and town in the state, one copy to such of the public libraries in the state as the Governor may designate, fifty copies to the New Hamp­shire Historical Society, and the remainder placed in the custody of the state librarian, who is hereby authorized to exchange the same for similar publications by other states.

Approved August 4, 1881.




In the introduction which preceded the principal text in volumes twenty-seven and twenty-eight of this series of state publications, which were also designated as Masonian Papers, particular attention was called to two ele­ments in New Hampshire history, viz.:— the controversy over the boundary between this province and the colony of Massachusetts Bay, and the con­troversy over the Masonian claim in its various forms and aspects. No less essential to an apprehension of correct theories as to the develop­mental history of the province is a recognition of the inter-relation of these two controversies, the identity of interests involved in them and which were constantly moving upon events, and were potent in the accomplishment of the most important results exhibited in the building of this commonwealth. A collection of the documents relating to the for­mer subject, the boundary line controversy, is given in volume nineteen of this series. The papers there presented and the authorities cited afford the material for the study of this subject, or direction as to where it is accessible, with reference to the probable requirements of investigators.

A similar collection of documents relating to the Masonian claim, its origin, its persistent prosecution in varying degrees of vigor and success, both in the courts of the province and in those of the mother country, its status and character as a factor in political and business affairs, the changes in its proprietorship, the eventual qualified recognition of its validity, and its relations with the fundamental titles to a large part of the territory included within the present boundaries of the state, has long been a recognized desideratum in the documentary history of the province and state.

In so far as this deficiency had been already met in the volumes of this series previously published, the result was necessarily fragmentary and desultory. Documents presented in the earlier volumes, edited by Dr. Bouton, were for the most part those found in the state archives. Inci­dentally with the material of later volumes, largely legislative and executive journals, papers relating to the Masonian claim are incorporated, and are of unquestioned importance as constituting parts of the entire body of Masonian documents. The editors of the early volumes containing these




iv                                          PREFACE.


papers were at a serious disadvantage owing to the fact that a considerable part of the documents which may be described as Masonian, were in pri­vate custody and inaccessible as regards public examination and use.

In 1746, if it be permissible to recite here facts of such common knowl­edge, a number of gentlemen of the province obtained a conveyance of the Masonian title by purchase from John Tufton Mason, an heir sixth in descent from John Mason, the original proprietor. With the muniments of title, a valuable and interesting mass of documents passed to the new proprietors. They were not a corporation in the sense in which the term is now used, but rather an organized association of joint owners. They had a recording officer, and a record of their transactions was continued until all the lands of the proprietary had been disposed of and their business concluded. The early history of this title includes a number of patents. The collection of these papers given in this volume is as complete as mod­ern investigation in American and foreign archives has made practicable. For convenience and completeness of record the charter to the Council of Plymouth is given first place in the order of arrangement, The body of this volume is divided into two parts, the first containing the several patents and other instruments above referred to as constituting the basis of the title of John Mason to that portion of New England established as the province of New Hampshire, and the second containing the records of the associated proprietors, with accompanying documents of a general nature relating to the title in its various stages and conditions of progress in its own history and in the history of the province and state.

It will be noted that many papers relating to this subject, which have appeared in previous volumes of the state publications and which are accessible in other places of reference and custody, are described and cited in their proper consecutive order. It must be remembered that the early history of the Masonian title is largely involved in the history of the begin­nings of the settlement of the New Hampshire towns and of the province. Hence all the histories of that period, so far as they relate to New Hamp­shire distinctively, or to New England, with any special reference to this province or to its early towns, are indispensible as commentaries on and treatment of the principal subjects of these documents. Equally impor­tant, in the same connection, are a number of conspicuous biographies of men of large influence in the early years of New England and New Hamp­shire. Of the former class the work of Dr. Belknap is still without a rival as an authority upon the period of which he treats; and, of the latter class, are the admirable biographies of John Mason and John Wheelwright, the former the work of Mr. Tuttle and Mr. Dean, and the latter from the pen of Governor Bell. Upon an examination of these narratives and of the




                                            PREFACE.                                       v


Masonian documents, it will be observed that the history of the title is traced through periods in which it was a remarkably active element in the progress of events, while in other intervening periods it would seem to have been comparatively quiescent and obscure. Such an interval fol­lowed the death of John Mason in 1635. In the years immediately prior to the establishment of the province in 1679 and until the death of Robert (Tufton) Mason, grandson of the proprietor, in 1688, this subject was of overshadowing importance in the political concerns of the people, in their courts, and indeed in respect to the immediate title to and possession of the homes which they had established.

The establishment of the province government was due to the activity and influence of Robert (Tufton) Mason in the revival of the Masonian claim. This influence dominated the selection of royal appointees for the administration of the province and their conduct in office. The heirs of Robert Mason, being minors, allowed the people a respite from the agita­tion and further enforcement of their rights for the time being. This period, however, was of short duration. In 1691 their title was trans­ferred to Samuel Allen by a valid conveyance, as it was considered, the formality of docking the entail by fine and recovery in the court of king's bench in England having been observed and pursued, the lands which were the subject of the proceeding being considered by a fiction of law as lying in England, in the parish of Greenwich.

Many years later the validity of this proceeding was questioned, and it was treated as invalid, both on technical and material grounds.

Mr. Allen procured a commission as governor of the province in 1692. The prosecution of his claim (for a time after that date known as the Allen title) was thereupon energetically renewed and persistently continued dur­ing succeeding administrations in the province until the death of Thomas Allen, in 1715, son and heir of the governor. Another interval of subsidence of the agitation of this interest ensued. The forceful activity of the Masons seems to have been transmitted from generation to generation. The next revival of their efforts to enforce the title emanated from John Tufton Mason, advantage having been taken of the defect in the Allen title before adverted to, and the entail having now been docked in the local courts of this jurisdiction. A sequence of this movement on the part of Mr. Mason was the sale to a number of gentlemen, who, in the parlance of the present day, might, perhaps, be termed a syndicate. The personal character, the financial resources, the social and political connections of these men, and the well-conceived method of their association afforded the Masonian title a status which it had never before gained and occupied with the people and with the several departments of government in the province. The associ‑




vi                                          PREFACE.


ation controlled resources which enabled them to formulate far-reaching plans and to carry them into successful execution. They manifested sing­ular wisdom and tact in their dealings with the people, both in individual and political relations. It was inevitable that they should sooner or later encounter antagonisms of a potential and dangerous character. Men of less influence, less wealth, and less steadfastness of purpose, men less closely identified with the various forces which moved upon the opinions of the masses and influenced the attitude of courts and the action of legis­latures, would have failed in this enterprise, long discredited and still burdensome, hazardous, and unpromising. Their administration of their rights as successors to the Masonian interest was judicious and concilia­tory.

However promising the outlook may have been for the new proprietary in the early years of their administration, the future was pregnant of diffi­culty. The historic line which was supposed to bound their grant on the west and northwest may be traced on the map which accompanies volume twenty-six of this series.

In almost forty years succeeding 1746, the course of affairs with them was comparatively uneventful. Soon after the Revolution, however, and at almost one and the same time, they were assailed from two directions. The Allen claim was revived with much apparent determination, and an­other and adverse construction of the terms of the patent in relation to the specifications of boundaries was asserted on behalf of the state. The nature of both claims is fully disclosed in the records and documents which follow. The proprietary did not resort to protracted litigation, or prolong the issue in the legislature. Compromises were effected, both with the state and the Allen interests, but only by a very large outlay on the part of the proprietary. The state's contention, advanced in the gen­eral court, was that there was no warrant for the assumption that the Masonian boundary on the northerly and westerly sides was a curved line. The running of a straight line between the two terminal points of this curved line marked off a considerable area, which, in the state's construc­tion of the terms of the patent, would belong to the public instead of to the proprietary. The deed of the state to the proprietors, June 18, 1788, and the deed of the Allen heirs to the proprietors, January 28, 1790, will be found hereinafter on pages 340 and 345, respectively.

From this time onward to the conclusion of the record, the history of the proprietary and of the Masonian title pertains mainly to the routine of business, resulting finally in the disposal of their holdings and a practi­cally complete execution of their undertakings with respect to the territory included in the Masonian patents.




                                            PREFACE.                                     vii


A few years since, Mr. William M. Sargent of Portland, Me., who was engaged in the examination and transcription of records for the publica­tions known as "York Deeds" and "Maine Wills," discovered, in the cus­tody of Moses A. Stafford of Kittery, an ancient sheep-bound folio manu­script of eighty-four pages, which, for nearly two centuries had been in the custody of descendants of Lieut.-Gov. John Usher. The book contains certified copies of many documents relating to the Masonian claim. Mr. Sargent is of opinion, based on careful investigation, that these papers were used in the trials of the cases, Mason v. Waldron, at New Castle, 1683, Allen v. Spencer, at Wells, 1704, Allen v. Waldron, at Portsmouth, 1707.

This collection contained several valuable additions to be made to the published literature of subjects of which they treat. Several of these papers are incorporated in this volume, with special designation of the source from which they were obtained.

No record or copy of the conveyances made in mortgage or in some other form for the security of Lieut.-Gov. Cranfield, of which mention is made by Dr. Belknap (History of New Hampshire, Farmer's edition, p. 96), has been discovered, though diligent search has been made in the land and court records in this country and in England.

The greater part of the documents here presented are from the collection which came to the custody of the state from Robert Cutts Peirce of Ports­mouth in 1891. This has supplied material which has been the basis and principal feature of the three volumes now published and designated as "Masonian Papers." Two of these volumes were devoted to the township charters issued by the Masonian proprietary, while the papers of a more general nature, pertaining to the subject, were reserved to this, the third volume of the Masonian series.

In relation to the two grants of New Hampshire and Masonia to Capt. John Mason, both of date April 22, 1635, the student of these documents should read the note of explanation on pages 216-218 of Tuttle and Dean's life of "Capt. John Mason," published by the Prince Society, 1887.

The plan adopted for this work has not contemplated the incorporation of numerous or extensive explanatory and historical notes. It has, how­ever, required methodical and logical arrangement of the material, fidelity in the transcription and in the imprint, and the addition of accurate and exhaustive indexes, whereby every feature of the collection, every material fact, and every name, may be readily and certainly found and made avail­able to those who have occasion to consult the work.





                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS.


Council of Plymouth Established, Nov. 3, 1620                                   3

Grant of Mariana, March 9, 1621-2                                                  19

Grant of Maine, Aug. 10, 1622                                                         23

Wheelwright Deed, May 17, 1629                                                    28

Grant of New Hampshire, Nov. 7, 1629                                             28

Grant of Laconia, Nov. 17, 1629                                                       33

Description of Laconia                                                                     38

Letter, Thomas Eyre to Ambrose Gibbons, May, 1631                        38

Grant of Piscataway, Nov. 3, 1631                                                    39

Note of Patent to Gorges and Mason, Nov. 4, 1631                            43

Invoice of Goods, Nov. 17, 1631                                                        44

Invoices and Accounts                                                                     45

Invoice of Goods, April 18, 1632                                                       45

Letter to Ambrose Gibbons, Dec. 5, 1632                                          47

Names of Mason's Stewards and Servants                                        48

Letter from Ambrose Gibbons, June 24, 1633                                   49

Property at Newichwannock, July, 1633                                           49

Covenant between Walter Neal and Charles Knill, July 1, 1633        50

Letter, Gibbons to the Company, July 13, 1633                                51

Four Towns Laid Out, August 13-20, 1633                                        52

Agreement for Division of Property, Dec. 6, 1633                              55

Allotment of Capt. Mason's Part by the Council of New England,

     Feb. 3, 1634                                                                               55

Gorges and Mason to Wannerton and Gibbons, May 5, 1634              55

Capt. Mason to Ambrose Gibbons, May 5, 1634                                 56

Gibbons to Mason, Aug. 9, 1634                                                       57

George Vaughan to Ambrose Gibbons, Aug. 20, 1634                        59

Lease of New Hampshire to John Wollaston, April 18, 1635              59

Grant of New Hampshire and Masonia, April 22, 1635                      62

Grant of New Hampshire and Masonia, April 22, 1635                      64

Transfer from Wollaston to Mason, June 11, 1635                            66

Royal Charter to Mason, Aug 19, 1635                                             69

Deed, Gorges to Mason, Sept. 17, 1635                                            85




                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS.


John Mason's Will, Nov. 26, 1635                                                     88

Vaughan to Gibbons, April 10, 1636                                                 96

Lease to Francis Matthews, Oct. 1, 1637                                         97

Anne Mason to Ambrose Gibbons, May 22, 1638                               98

Richard Rogers to Ambrose Gibbons, March 2, 1647                         98

Joseph Mason's Protest against Richard Leader, July 4, 1651           99

Deposition of Biles and Mason, May, 1652                                        99

Petition of Robert Mason                                                                100

Abstract of Mason's Title                                                                104

Report on Mason's Petition                                                            104

Opinion of Sir Geoffrey Palmer, Nov. 8, 1660                                  106

Summary of Mason's Title, March 5, 1674-5                                   107

Report of Attorney and Solicitor General, May 17, 1675                  108

Judges' Report                                                                              109

Letter from King to Massachusetts Government, March 10, 1675-6 111

Depositions of Edward Johnson and William Seavey, Aug. 25 and

     Sept. 3, 1676                                                                            112

Extract of Letter from Gov. Leverett to the Lord Chancellor, Oct.

     22, 1677                                                                                   112

Petition of Mason and Gorges for Separate Government, Jan. 9,

     1677-8                                                                                     112

Letter from the King to the Massachusetts Government, July 24,

     1679                                                                                        112

Petition of Robert Mason, Aug 6, 1680                                            116

Letter from the King to the Massachusetts Government, Sept. 30,

     1680                                                                                        116

King's Instructions, Oct. 1, 1680                                                    118

Appointment of Richard Otis as Steward, March 22, 1680-1            120

Richard Chamberlain's Report to the Lords of Trade, May 16,

     1681                                                                                        120

Letter, Council of New Hampshire to the King, May 31, 1681          120

Petition of Robert Mason against the Council, Nov. 10, 1681           120

Mason's Offer to the King, 1681-2                                                  647

Surrender of Revenues to the King, April 1, 1682                           648

Extract from Gov. Cranfield's Commission, May 9, 1682                  120

King's Proclamation, June 23, 1682                                               121

Answer of Elias Stileman, Nov. 15, 1682                                 123, 649

Answer to Mason's Claim                                                               651

Nathaniel Weare's Complaint                                                        123

Statement of Richard Chamberlain, 1683                                      124

Letters from Gov. Cranfield to the Commissioners                         124




                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS.                            xi


Deed, Mason to George Broughton, April 12, 1683                          124

Certificate of Gov. Cranfield, Sept. 24, 1683                                   126

Mason vs. Vaughan, 1683                                                              127

Conveyance, Mason to Lyford, Oct. 29, 1683                                   129

Robert Mason's Waiver, Dec. 5, 1683                                              131

Proclamation about Deeds, Feb. 17, 1683-4                                    131

Statement of Walter Barefoot, Nov. 6, 1684                                    132

Petition of Inhabitants against Mason, 1685                                   132

Papers in Mason vs. Wiggin and Nutter, 1685                                 132

Deed, Wonalancet to Jonathan Tyng, Oct. 10, 1685                        132

Depositions about Mason Property, 1685                                        134

Deed, Mason to Usher, Lidgett, and McCarty, April 15, 1686           138

Verdict against William Vaughan Confirmed, Nov. 19, 1686            141

Judgment for Costs against Vaughan, Dec. 10, 1686                      142

Samuel Allen's Agreement, Oct. 14, 1690                                      143

Fine, &c., against John and Robert Tufton Mason                          145

Sale of Mason Possessions to Samuel Allen, April 27, 1691             148

Robert Tufton Mason's Will, Oct. 21, 1692                                      153

Robert Talton Mason's Commission as Attorney-General, May 28,

     1695                                                                                        155

Fine and Recovery in the County of Kent                                       155

Statement of Henry Langster, May 10, 1699                                   157

Letter, Bellomont to Lords of Trade, June 22, 1700                        158

Complaint against James Menzies, Feb., 1700-1                            158

Permission to Withdraw Papers in Horn vs. Dow, Aug. 13, 1700      158

Mortgage of New Hampshire, Allen to Usher, Oct. 14, 1701            159

Governor's Speech and Answer, Feb. 10, 1703-4                             162

Deposition of Robert Pike, May 29, 1704                                         163

Meeting of Committee on Allen's Claim, June 4, 1704                    164

Convention to Consider Allen's Claim, May 3, 1705                        164

Deed, Allen to Hobby, Aug. 28, 1706                                               167

Case, Allen vs. Waldron, Aug. 12, 1707                                          172

Address of the House to Queen Anne, 1707-8                                172

Address of the Governor, Council, and House to the Queen, Dec.       

     6, 1709                                                                                    172

Record of Birth of John Tufton Mason, 1713                                   172

Mason Genealogy                                                                          172

Letter, Oliver Noyes and Elisha Cooke to Lt.-Gov. Vaughan, Jan.

     30, 1715                                                                                   173

Extract from Lt.-Gov. Vaughan's Speech, 1716                               173

Council and Assembly Records, Jan. 11, 1716-17                           173




xii                               TABLE OF CONTENTS.


Council and Assembly Reoords, Jan. 12, 1716-17                           174

Council Records, Jan. 17, 1716-17                                                 174

Council and Assembly Records, Jan. 17, 1716-17                           174

Council and Assembly Records, May 15, 1717                                174

House Journal, Oct. 12, 1717                                                        175

Council and Assembly .Records, May 7, 1718                                 175

Memorial of John Hobby, Nov. 22, 1726                                          175

Council and Assembly Record, Nov. 23, 1726                                  176

House Journal, Nov. 24, 1726                                                        176

Council and Assembly Records, Nov. 24, 1726                                177

House Journal, Nov. 29, 1726                                                        177

Council and Assembly Records, Nov. 30, 1726                                177

Memorial of John Tufton Mason, June, 1738                                  177

Opinions of John Read and Robert Auchmuty, June 16, 1738         178

Deposition of Mary Manfield, June 27, 1738                                   181

Depositions of Martha Trefethen and Deborah Jones, June 27,

     1738                                                                                        182

Certificate and Depositions, 1738                                                  183

Certificate and Depositions, 1738                                                  187

Mason's Quitclaim Deed to Massachusetts, July 1, 1738                189

Josiah Willard to Francis Wilke, July 24, 1738                               193

Tripartite Agreement, April 6, 1739                                                193

Massachusetts Committee to Interview John Tufton Mason, June

     29, 1739                                                                                   197

Council and Assembly Records, Oct. 30, 1744                                197

House Journal, Dec. 19, 1744                                                        197

Memorial of John Tufton Mason, Feb. 18, 1745                               198

Council and Assembly Records, Feb. 22, 1745-6                             199

House Journal, May 7, 1746                                                          199

Lease, Mason to Wibird and Solly, May 16, 1746                             200

Indenture for Docking the Entail, May 17, 1746                             202

Recovery by John Wentworth, 1746                                                205

House Journal, July 29, 1746                                                        212

House Journal, July 30, 1746                                                        213

Council and Assembly Records, July 30, 1746                                213

Deed, Mason to Proprietors, July 30, 1746                                     215

Proprietors' Quitclaim to Towns, July 31, 1746                               216

House Journal, July 31, 1746                                                        218

Council and Assembly Records, July 31, 1746                                218

House Journal, Aug. 1, 1746                                                          219

House Journal, Aug. 1, 1746                                                          219




                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS.                          xiii


House Journal, Aug. 2, 1746                                                          219

House Journal, Sept. 19, 1746                                                       220

Report of House Committee, Aug. 12, 1746                                     220

Answer of Proprietors to Committee, Sept. 4, 1746                         221

Council and Assembly Records, Sept. 6, 1746                                 224

House Journal, Dec. 8, 1746                                                         224

House Journal, Dec. 11, 1746                                                        225

List of Legislative Events                                                               225

Draft of Deed of Sale to the Province, May 15, 1747                        226

House Journal, Aug. 20, 1747                                                        227

Answer of Proprietors to the Assembly, June 1, 1748                      227

House Journal, June 4, 1748                                                         230

Information from Joseph Blanchard, 1748                                      231

Deposition of Margaret Pastree, July 25, 1748                                232

Joseph Blanchard's Obligation, Nov. 5, 1748                                   232

Letter from Joseph Blanchard, Nov. 30, 1748                                 233

List of Petitions for Grants, Dec. 7, 1748                                        234

Letter to John Tufton Mason                                                          237

Thomas Packer's Protest, March 1, 1748-9                                     247

Power of Attorney to Jackson, Livermore, and Parker, June 14,

     1749                                                                                        247

Letter from Joseph Blanchard, June 26, 1749                                249

Motion for Amendment of Writ                                                       249

Letter from John Tufton Mason, Sept. 15, 1749                              251

Story of the Purchase from Mason                                                 253

State of Mason's Title                                                                    263

Deed, Mason to Proprietors, Sept 30, 1749                                     274

Benjamin Pratt Asks for Information, Jan. 5, 1749-50                    277

Report of Committee on Importing Settlers, July 2, 1750                278

Mason's Power of Attorney to Proprietors, Dec, 12, 1750                 279

Letter to John Thomlinson, March 7, 1750-1                                  280

Letter, Gov. Wentworth to the Board of Trade, March 23, 1750-1    281

Letter, Thomlinson to Peirce, July 24, 1751                                   281

Letter about Masonian Title, Oct. 16, 1751                                     283

Letter, Atkinson to Thomlinson, Oct 19, 1751                                 283

Letter from John Thomlinson, March 6, 1752                                 288

Receipt for Papers, Sept 4, 1753                                                    289

Lords of Trade to the King, 1753                                                    289

Opinions of Nicholas Fazakerley, May 21, 1754                              300

Judgment, Buswell vs. Ordway, June 5, 1754                                301

Letter, Atkinson to Thomlinson, Jan. 27, 1758                               302




xiv                               TABLE OF CONTENTS.


Mortgage, Clements to McHard, Sept. 22, 1758                              302

Letter, Atkinson to Thomlinson, May 18, 1763                                304

Letter, Atkinson to Thomlinson, 1763                                            305

Deed, McHard to Proprietors, Aug. 13, 1766                                   305

John Quigley's Certificate, Sept. 17, 1767                                      306

James Richey's Request                                                                306

Deposition of Jonathan Farwell and John Kendall, Oct. 13, 1767    307

Instructions to Robert Fletcher, June 1, 1769                                308

House Journal, March 21, 1771                                                     309

House Journal, March 22, 1771                                                     309

Letter from John Quigley, March 26, 1771                                     309

Minutes of Meeting, May 1, 1771                                                   310

Report from John Shepard, Jr., Aug. 24, 1773                                310

Proxy, Peirce to Atkinson, Sept. 30, 1773                                       311

Directions for Surveyor                                                                 312

Jonas Minot to George Jaffrey, May 3, 1780                                   313

Defence against Allen Title, April 12, 1785                                    313

Rough Drafts of Warning to Allen Heirs                                         320

History of the Title, and Caution                                                    327

Request of Elijah Frink, Aug., 1785                                                334

Protest against the Curve Line, Sept. 1, 1785                                 334

Petition of Towns in Hillsborough County, May, 1786                      335

Petition of Inhabitants, June, 1786                                                335

Petition from the Heirs of Allen, June 12, 1786                              335

Report of Committee on Unimproved Lands, Jan. 19, 1787              335

Act for Ascertaining Waste Lands, Jan. 15, 1787                            335

Act to Quiet Land Purchasers, June 28, 1787                                336

Protest of Masonian Proprietors                                                     338

List of George Jaffrey's Lots, March 21, 1788                                 338

Terms of Compromise with the State, June 2, 1788                        340

Act for Sale of Lands to the Proprietors, June 17, 1788                   654

Deed, State to the Proprietors, June 18, 1788                                340

Act for Levying Taxes, June 18, 1788                                             655

Report of Proprietors Committee, Sept. 5, 1788                              342

George Jaffrey's Bond, Feb. 20, 1789                                             343

Deed, Allen Heirs to Proprietors, Jan. 28, 1790                              345

Draft of Memorial of George Jaffrey, Jan. 3, 1791                           351

Petition of Mary Tufton Mason, Dec. 7, 1791                                   361

John Peirce's Statement, Aug. 30, 1792                                         361

Vote of the House, Dec. 15, 1792                                                   363

George Jaffrey to William Plumer, June 5, 1794                             363




                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS.                           XV


Oliver Peabody to George Jaffrey, July 12, 1794                             372

Deed, Woodbury Langdon to the Proprietors, Aug. 15, 1795             372

N. Dane to George Jaffrey, Feb. 5, 1798                                         373

Jeremiah Smith to George Jaffrey, April 29, 1800                          374

Act for Holding Meetings in Portsmouth, June 10, 1803                  374

Deposition of Ebenezer Towle, Oct. 6, 1803                                    376

Depositions of Jeremiah Bacon and Samuel Gunnison, Oct 6,

     1803                                                                                        378

Deposition of Joseph Blanchard, April 7, 1804                                381

Deposition of John Stearns, April 13, 1804                                     384

Joseph Blanchard to John Peirce, April 15, 1804                            375

Jotham Rindge's Journal                                                               385

Records of the Meetings of the Proprietors                                     401




Mason's Offer to the King, 1681-2                                                  647

Surrender of Revenues to the King, April 1, 1682                           648

Answer of Elias Stileman to Mason's Claim, Nov. 15, 1682              649

Answer to Mason's Claim                                                               651

Act for Sale of Lands to the Proprietors, June 17, 1788                   654

Act for Levying Taxes, June 18, 1788                                             655


Index                                                                                            659