Caledonia and Orange Counties, Vermont

Caledonia and Orange Counties

Select the town of your choice by clicking on the name.

Note: The Stannard website has been updated to show town information.

Barnet   Burke   Danville   Groton   Hardwick   Kirby   Lyndon   Newark   Peacham   Ryegate   Sheffield   St. Johnsbury   Stannard   Sutton   Walden   Waterford Wheelock

Towns of Orange County
Bradford   Braintree   Brookfield   Chelsea   Corinth   Fairlee   Newbury   Orange   Randolph   Strafford   Thetford   Topsham   Tunbridge   Vershire   Washington   West Fairlee   Williamstown

Other Links
Caledonia_County   Orange_County   VT_History   Janice Boyko's Listings   1858 Map   Deweysburgh (Deweys Gore)   Cyndi's List for Vermont  

Note: I have not visited all of the cemeteries in Orange County. Where I have not yet personally visited the cemetery, the GPS coordinates given for each cemetery are from the Libremap project. Such coordinates have been found in some instances to differ from the measurements obtained in actual visits so viewer beware. GPS locations are given in the format DDD.DDDD as this format is most commonly used by Garmin or Magellan mappers. I chose not to provide UTM coordinates as those coordinates tend to be confusing at best. For those cemeteries which have been visited (except for Chelsea), photographs are shown. In the case of Chelsea, I was given permission by the author to use photographs from his DVD on Chelsea Cemeteries.

Links to external web sites are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or approval of any of the products, services or opinions contained in any external web site. Please direct your research questions to the appropriate Town Offices as listed on the town pages or to the Vermont State Archives and Records Administration at Vermont State Archives

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Please do not ask me to perform research as I am not able to do so.