Vital Statistics
Monroe County, Tennessee Vital Statistics 1908-1912 1914-1925

This book contains death records for 1908 through 1912 and death certificates for 1914 through 1925 for Monroe County, Tennessee. No records are available for 1913.

The original record is available in the Monroe County archives in the basement of the Monroe County Courthouse in Madisonville, Tennessee.

Data provided are name, place of birth, place of death, district, and age.

This valuable genealogical reference is provided in paperback and contains 209 pages and a 25 page fathers' index. This book may be purchased for $25.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Please submit check or money order to:

The Vonore Historical Society
C/O The Vonore Library
611 Church Street
Vonore, TN 37885
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