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SEPT. 14, 1854
JUNE 9, 1907
Thy will be done


3/25/2001 Inventory found the headstone previously broken in 2 pieces and now repaired. Cracks and open spaces are developing where the stone meets its base.

1/7/2004 Stone is broken at a previous repair and now top section is on ground.


THE PRINCESS SONIA by Julia Magruder, as it appeared in The Century, a popular magazine of the time. The Century published this novel in 5 installments from May 1895 to Sept 1895.

Her Condition Very Serious
The Daily Progress  June 6, 1907
Miss Julia Magruder, the American novelist, lies desperately ill at St. Luke's 
Hospital, this city, says the Richmond Journal.  It is feared she may not 
live through the day. 
Miss Magruder enjoys an international reputation in the field of letters and 
was only on Monday apprised of the distinguished honor conferred on her by 
the French Academy in conferring on her the "Order of Palms." 
Miss Magruder is an intimate friend of the Princess Amelie Troubetzkoy.  She was 
born at Charlottesville, in 1854.

Distinguished Authoress Passes Away
After Illness of Many Months.
The Daily Progress  June 10, 1907
     After an illness of several months Miss Julia Magruder, the distinguished authoress, 
died yesterday morning at 9 o'clock at St. Luke's Hospital in Richmond.  For the 
past ten days the end had been expected hourly, Miss Magruder's physician entertaining 
no hope of her recovery.  Bright's disease was the cause of her death, and for more 
than six months she had known that she could not survive its inroads.  Her last 
moments were peaceful and calm, such as she had wished, without pain and without 
     No woman of letters in America was better known than Miss Julia Magruder.  Not 
only had she written a great number of novels and stories, but she had taken an 
active part in the thoughtful work of life, in the education poblems of the South, 
and especially in the "child labor" situation in North Carolina, which State she 
defended against the ignorant attacks of Northern writers.  As a talker and a thinker 
she had few equals, and no one enjoyed a larger acquaintance with people who "do 
things" than did she.
     The daughter of Hon. Allen B. Magruder, a distinguished lawyer of Charlottesville, 
Va., and of his wife, who was Miss Sarah Sawyer, Miss Magruder was born in 
Charlottesville on September 14, 1854.  She received the greatest part of her 
education at home, her people being among the most scholarly and cultured of the 
Virginia type, and from them she early ____ a taste for the best in literature.

Remains Laid to Rest in Maplewood Cemetery Beside the Graves of Her Father and Mother

The Daily Progress    June 11, 1907
     The remains of Miss Julia Magruder, the author, who died Monday morning 
in St. Luke's hospital, Richmond, were interred in Maplewood cemetery, this city, 
beside the graves of her father and mother.  The burial service was conducted by 
the Rev. H. H. ___, rector of Christ Church, at __ o'clock yesterday afternoon.
     Miss Magruder made her first attempt at literary work at the age of eighteen, 
a serial story, which she submitted to the Baltimore Sun, receiving their first 
prize of $300.  The receipt of this was a great urprise to the members of her family 
and though the story was never afterward republished, from that time may be dated 
her desire for a literary career.  Thereafter she published sixteen volumes of fiction, 
all of which met with general approval, and ___ of which have been widely read, 
both in this country and in England.
     Among her best known boks are "Across the Chasm," "A Beautiful Alien," 
"A Realized Ideal," "The Child Amy," "Sketches from George Eliot for Children," 
"The Princess Sonia," "Dead Selves," "The Violet" and "A Heaven Kissing Hill."  
Her first published book, "Honored in the Breach," met with a ____ reception
immediately at its publication.
     In recent years Miss Magruder had written very little.  Beyond ____ 
contributions to the magazines her work has generally been of a more serious 
and thoughtful character.  During the months of her illness she completed the 
manuscript of a book as yet unpublished, which she regared as her masterpiece, 
having frequently stated that it was the mature work of her best years.  She 
also wrote a number of sketches and papers of a more serious nature, bearing 
on the problems of the day.  A series of papers in "Colliers" on the problems 
of child labor, in which she replied is the ignorant criticisms of Northern 
writers on Southern problems, produced considerable comment.
     About a year ago the Frence government nominated Miss Magruder to the 
French Academie for the "Order of the Palms," a decoration which is conferred 
only on those distingushed in the literary world, and which has but two or three 
times come to Americans.  After a great delay, ____ by a change of cabinet in
the French administration, the decoration reached Miss Magruder last week, the 
final recognition of a well-spent life.
     Though traveling ______, Miss Magruder always maintained her home in 
Washington.  A considerable part of her time, however, was spent with her sister, 
Mrs. Gibson, in Concord, N. C. and it was in Concord _____ all of her literary 
work was done ___, principal books having been written there.  Miss Magruder
also spent much time with her friend, Princess _____ Troubetzkoy, at her home, 
"Castle Hill" in Albemarle county.  The Princess Troubetzkoy, who ___ her maiden 
name of Amelie Rives, is a well-known authoress, was a close friend of Miss 
Magruder, as was Mrs. Virginia _____ _____ and Mrs. ____ De Korves.  Her charm
_____, the ____ and kindness of her character, and her wide and liberal charity, 
drew to her all ___ and _____ of people.  Her heart always went out to those in 
distress and her generosity was ______.
     With Miss Magruder at the time of her death was her sister, Mrs. Emily Gibson 
of Concord, N. C.  She is survived by a nephew, Mr. Allan Magruder Gibson of Concord, 
N. C., and one sister, Miss Ellen Magruder, now in a Catholic ____ at Newark, N. J.   
Miss Magruder was a niece of the ___ General John Bankhead Magruder of Charlottesville.