

Newport News - Warwick Historical Preservation
Association of Virginia, Inc.

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Section 1.  Any person or organization interested in the purpose and goals of the Association is eligible for membership upon application.  There are no specific qualifications for membership to be considered by the Board except the payment of required dues.

Section 2.  The membership shall consist of Active, Honorary, Student, Life and Patron members.

Section 2(a).  Active and Student members shall be persons who are interested in the objects and purposes of this Association and who are approved by the Board of Directors for membership.  They shall have voting privileges provided they pay annual membership dues of ten dollars ($10.00) and five dollars ($5.00) respectively.

Section 2(b).  Honorary members shall be proposed by the Board of Directors and approved by vote of those present at a regular meeting of the Association.  They shall have the privilege of active members but pay no dues and have no vote.

Section 2(c).  Life membership in the Association may be conferred by the Board of Directors upon any member of the Association who pays two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00).  Such members shall be entitled to all the privileges of active membership.

Section 2(d).  Patron membership in the Association may be conferred by the Board of Directors upon any member of the Association who pays five hundred dollars ($500.00).  Such members shall be entitled to all the privileges of active membership.

Section 3.  A former member may be restored to membership by a vote of the Board of Directors upon such terms and conditions as they may deem appropriate providing the former member pays any current year’s dues.


Section 1.  The elected officers shall be a President, a First Vice President, a Second Vice President, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, and a Treasurer.

Section 2.  The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors.  The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.  The President shall appoint all special committees.

Section 3.  The First Vice President shall act for the President when required and shall be Chairman of the Program Committee.

Section 4.  The Second Vice President shall be Chairman of the Membership Committee.

Section 5.  The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of the meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors.  An attendance card shall be kept at Board meetings.

Section 6.  The corresponding Secretary shall conduct official correspondence of the Association and issue notice of meetings.

Section 7.  The Treasurer shall receive all money belonging to the Association; shall deposit and disburse funds by order of the Association and/or Board of Directors; shall keep a record of such funds; and shall keep a record of members of the Association to include date joined, and amount and date dues were paid.  The Treasurer shall keep the Publications Chairman advised of the members who are eligible to receive the Bulletin and the Corresponding Secretary advised of those to be notified of the meetings.  The books of the Association shall be audited every two (2) years by an Auditing Committee appointed by the President.  The Treasurer’s position shall be bonded by a corporate surety.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of the Association shall consist of the officers of the Association, the immediate Past President, and the Directors-at-Large.  The Board of Directors shall meet upon the call of the President or upon the request of five (5) members and shall transact necessary business of the Association.  Seven (7) members shall constitute a quorum.

Nominations and Elections

Section 1.  At the first annual meeting (to be called by the initial Board of Directors), the members shall elect not less than nine (9) nor more than thirty (30) directors, for terms to begin upon election.  Seven (7) shall be elected for a term of one (1) year; seven (7) shall be elected for a term of two (2) years; and seven (7) shall be elected for a term of three (3) years.  At each annual meeting thereafter, the members shall elect seven (7) directors to serve for terms of three (3) years beginning to succeed those directors whose terms will have expired.  An elected director may succeed himself but shall not serve for more than two (2) full consecutive terms.  Any director may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors.

Section 2.  A nominating committee shall be appointed by the President at the April meeting to present a slate of officers in odd years and a slate of directors for election at the July annual meeting of the Association.  The immediate past President shall serve two (2) years as a member of the Board of Directors.

Section 3.  Nominations for any office may be made from the floor, provided the consent of each nominee has been obtained.

Section 4.  Officers shall take office following the July meeting after election.

Section 5.  A vacancy in any office or additional board members may be elected by the Board of the Directors at any time.

Section 6.  The term for the Officers shall be for two (2) years.  An officer shall be elected for two (2) consecutive terms, or more, if it be the wish of the membership of the Association.


Section 1.  There shall be the following fifteen (15) standing committees:  Archeology, Bylaws, Cemetery, Colonial Era Revolutionary and Civil War Sites, Finance, Genealogy, Hospitality, Long-Range Planning, Membership, Nominating, Picture Collection, Program, Publicity & Publications, Special Events, and Ways and Means.  They shall be appointed by the President, at his discretion.

Section 2.  Special Committees to advance the work of the Association and to be responsible to the Association for specific activities and projects may be authorized and established by the President and/or Board of Directors of the Association.


Section 1.  Annual dues shall be due and payable at the first regular meeting of the fiscal year, which shall be July 1 of each year through June 30 of the following year.  The Board of Directors shall determine the amount of annual dues.

Section 2.  Life membership dues shall be invested in a special fund as determined by the Board of Directors, and the income from this fund may be used for the current expenses of the Association.


The Association shall hold an Annual Meting in July as well as General and Special Meetings authorized by the Board of Directors.  The meetings of the Association shall be held at a central location in Newport News, Virginia, or at such other place as may be determined by the President.


The Association shall issue a semi-annual publication containing material related to the purpose of the Association.


Section 1.  These bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Association by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting, provided prior notice of the proposed amendment has been given.

Section 2.  Amendments shall be effective upon adjournment of the meeting at which they were adopted.

Parliamentary Authority

The Association shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised where applicable and not in conflict with these bylaws.

Bylaws Committee:  Wilson T. Ellis, Chair
                                Russell Parrish
                                Sally McGehee
                                Westa Morris
                                Ann Williams
                                Susan Wilmoth

(Adopted December 1, 1994)