William Bentley Meredith, son of J. W. and H. S. Meredith, was born in Pulaski county, Virginia, April 30, 1887, and died November 18. l901, aged 14 years, 6 months and 18 days.


He was a kind and obedient child in our home, and was kind to his friends, and loved by all who knew him. His whole desire was to go to church and to be among good people. He always remembered the regular meeting days and always wanted to go there. He loved the Primitive Baptist people and loved to hear them sing. One of his favorite songs was, "0 when shall I see Jesus, and reign with him above?


He died of Diphtheria. He told us; after he had taken sick that he would never get well. Yet we did not think that we should be parted from one whom we loved so dear so soon. Dear little darling, I often think of the happy hours we have spent together. I believe he is in a better world than this. And, though we have been parted on earth, I pray that we may live together in that happy home above where parting shall be no more.


Bentley often talked about that died in infancy, because he was the only brother that we had at that time. He would often say, to mama, "I wish little brother could have lived to have been with me," We can only hope that Bentley has gone to his bright resting place where there will be nu more sickness and pain.


It seems so hard to have to give him up, but God knows what is best; his will be done. not ours, He was taken away for some purpose, unknown to us, and we should not grieve, but desire to be Prepared to meet him in heaven, when our days on earth shall end.


I have been a reader of the "Messenger" for three years. I am no member of the church; but I love to hear the Primitive Baptists preach, and love to read their sweet experiences, as written in the “Messenger."


I would have written this sooner but waited for mama, who is a member, to do so, This is the first time I have written of this kind I am not yet seventeen years old,


I cannot say enough in remembrance of my dear brother. I can only add that he is gone forever. Please pray for us in our sad troubles.


His loving sister


Vera A. Meredith

 Snowville, Va.