Sister Sarah E. Turner, a member of the church at Union, Patrick Co., Va., one among the best of our people, was born in

Patrick Co, Va., Dec. 4, 1855, and died in Franklin Co., May 23, 1907. .


She was a daughter of Wm. And Nancy Martin and married Mr. Robert Turner, May 20, 1872. To them were born 4 girls and 10 boys; but four sons proceeded her to the grave. She left her husband, 6 sons, 4 daughters, 3 sisters and 2 brothers, with a number of other relatives to mourn her loss. But we mourn not, as for those who have no hope. She united with the church at Union April 23, 1887, and there remained until death. She was confined to her bed for three months. When she was first taken sick she told her children that she did not, believe that she would get well. She wrung her hands saying Oh, how awful it is to know that I am bound to die and leave my children behind! She asked them to pray for her to get wel1, if it was the Lord's will; but, if not, that she might get easy, go home and be happy. Then she seemed to be in deep trouble as to what would become of her children. Then she said, to them. "A voice seemed to say to me, ; If God be for you, who can be against you?" Then she said that burden and trouble left her, and there was such a love of God with her that she did not fear to die, the sufferings she bore cannot he expressed. She told her husband, children and physician that they had done all they could for her and if the Lord did not cure her she would be bound to go. About ten o’clock one morning she asked them to raise her up, then to lay her back, that she believed she was dying', When they layed her back, she seemed to go into a trance. I believed she viewed her father (Elder Wm. Martin): for about that time, some of her neighbors and children came in and asked to know if she was better. She looked up at them and requested all to, sit down and be still for she wanted to see what her father would tell her. Then she seemed to be gone again for a little while. Then she asked that one of them that could hear what she said, come and listen and she would tell what he said and that one could tell the rest of them. One of her sons sat down on her bed, and she asked him if he could, hear her, and he said he could. She then said 'hat her father told her not to be afraid, fur she was not ready to die yet, and that the angels in heaven did not know when one on earth would die, and not to dread death, for her home was in heaven. And that she replied, "I fear it is not there, for I am so sinful. He replied to her what Jesus said to Peter the night that he was betrayed, and told that he (her father) had no doubt of her, for he knew that her home was in heaven. This was about, three weeks before her death. -


The night before she died, she seemed to pray all night, But we could only understand her to say, "0 Lord, have mercy on me." She was suffering greatly. About one hour before she died, I believe she viewed her three babes that had died: for she looked up smiling, and waving her hands, as she said, "The pour little babes; they are smiling at me," She then called her husband and all her living children, turned with her face toward her husband and said, to him, "This is the last day, He replied, "Is it'' And she said  "Yes, this is the last day that I am ever to stay at home, and then I am going home, and 1 want you all to go home with me," These were her lust words, And she fell asleep in Jesus, as we humbly trust. She is done with trials and afflictions.


To the children and neighbors, I would say, Try to follow her good examples, Her husband, who feels so lonely, and one of her daughters are members of the church to which she belonged. How sadly her children do feel when they enter the old home. for there is none that can fill the place of A mother's love to them. 0, that it could be the will of the Lord for her children all to meet her in that heavenly love where there will be no more parting.


F. M. Janney.


The Messenger of Truth







Dobson, Va,