Columbus Nester was born July 12, 1873, and died April 27, 1910, aged 32 years, 9 months and 17 days. He was a son of Aaron and Elizabeth Nester, and was married, in the year 1903, to Miss Oma L. Semones, daughter of .J. P. and Elizabeth Semones, Three small children; two girls and one boy are left to morn the loss of a dear father.


Columbus, as he was called, never professed religion, but he was a good citizen, neighbor, and a loving father and husband, and he was strictly honest in all his dealings. I have known him since childhood, and he always seemed to be in a deep study.


He was clerking in his store when death came and took him from this world of sin and sorrow. His death was a great shock, as he died suddenly of heart trouble. It was hard for us to give him up, but we must be reconciled to God's will; for the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, and blessed he the name or the Lord.


I will say to the dear wife and fatherless children, Grieve not, for he has only paid the debt that we all must pay. I can sympathize with the heart broken widow in her sad hours of bereavement.


Written by her sister,




Laurel Fork, Va.