Will of James Gilliam
Co., Virginia
1774; Will Book 2, page 154
I James Gilliam of the Parish of Littleton & County of Cumberland do make my last Will and Testament, as follows
I give unto my son James and his heirs forever the tract of land purchased from Jacob Cox, containing one hundred and twelve acres or thereabouts, whereon the said James now lives. I also give to my son James my Negro man, great Will, my Negro Sue and her child Delpe, but if my son James should die without issue lawful of his body, I give the said land and Negros to be divided among the rest of my children, to them and their heirs forever.
I desire that a line be run from a stooping marked white oak, near where my path leaves Daniels road to go a little above my plant patch to Woodsons line and all that part of my land that will lie on that side, the line whereon my dwelling house stands, I lend to my wife during her life, and at the death of my said wife I give the same to my grandson Charles Manning Gilliam to him and his heirs forever. I also give to my grandson one Negro girl named Cloe.
I give to my grandson Robert Gilliam the remainder of the tract of land I now own, to him and his heirs forever but I desire that my son James shall have the use of the said land during the minority of my said Grand Son only that he shall not be at liberty to cut down or clear any ground upon the upper side of Cannons branch. I also give to my grand son Robert Gilliam one Negro girl named Mary Daughter of old Phebe, and one Negro girl named Betty daughter of old Jenny but if said grand son shall die without lawful issue of his body I give the said Negro girls and their increase to be divided among all of my children.
I give to my Son in law Joseph Taylor one Negro boy named Will now in the possession of my son James also one Negro girl named Dell, daughter of old Jenny.
I give to my son in law Martin King and his wife for their life the use of old Phebe and her daughter Sary and at the death of the surviyor of the said Martin and his wife I give the said negroes and their increase to be equally divided among all the children of the said Martin and his wife.
I lend to my said wife the use and labour of my negroes Joe & London, and Jenny, a black blazed face horse purchased of Martin King my grey horse, as many of my cattle, hogs, and sheep as she thinks to be sufficient for her use, and all the household and kitchen furniture & plantation utensils, crop of corn (except what shall be otherwise disposed off) for her life and at her death I give the said negroes and personal estate hereby lent to her to be equally divided among all my children.
I desire that my said wife shall have the care of Betty before given to my grandson Robert Gilliam, to be in the house with her until the said grand son shall come to twenty one years of age if she shall so long live and if she die before that time I desire the said Negro Betty shall be in the care of James Gilliam and Joseph Taylor to whom I also leave care of the other Negroe given to my said grand son Robert Gilliam during his minority.
I give to my grandson Gilliam King one Negro boy named Jacob.
I give to my sonin law Joseph Taylor two cows and their calves to be delivered this fall.
I give to my son James Gilliam a sorrel colt in lieu of seventeen pounds I owe him.
I give to my daughter Sally Gilliam one Negro girl named Phebe(purchased of Samuel Manning) & her child Jack, and a Negro girl named Jenny (daughter of old Jenny now at James Gilliams) one good feather bed and furniture and a black colt raised on the plantation and a side saddle.
I give to my grand daughter Sarah Taylor one Negro boy name Lowe.
I desire my daughter Sally Gilliam to live with my wife as long as my said daughter shall be a single woman.
I appoint my son James Gilliam and my son-in-law Joseph Taylor, Executors of this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty eighth day of September, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-four.
(Signed) James Gilliam. (He signed with "his mark" = J.G.)
Signed sealed published and declared by the testator as his last will and
testament in presence of us the subscribers who in his presence and at his
request subscribe as witnesses
G. Carrington Jr, Lucy Mannin, John Creasey
At a court held for Cumberland County Virginia on the 24th day of October 1774. This last Will and Testament of James Gilliam deceased was exhibited in Court by James Gilliam and Joseph Taylor, the executors therein named and the same was proved by George Carrington Jr and John Creasey two of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and on motion of the said executors who made oath according to law certificate is granted them for obtaining probate thereof in due form giving security whereupon they together with John Murray, Thomas Fearn and Samuel Taylor their securities entered into bond according law.
Test: Thompson Swann, Clk.
Copy teste: Betty R. Walton, DC Circuit Court, Cumberland County, Virginia.
Submitted by: Anne Baker
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