Holmes-Yarbrough Marriage (1821)

Fire at Big Lick (1871)

Sale of McChesney Farm (1857)

            (***Note that the farm is in Roanoke but McChesney lives in Botetourt County.) 

Sale of “Waverly” of “Roanoke Barrens” (1857)

Probate Court Notice – Sale of New London, CT, Property (1847)

Murderer sent to Penitentiary (1884)

Roanoke College Advertisement (1872)

Falger Copperwork Ad (1880)

Will of John Randolph (1833)


The New York Evening Post, New York, NY, June 7, 1821, Page 2, Col 6


Married at Salem, Virginia, on the 7th February last, Mr. Curtis R. HOLMES of Colchester, Connecticut, to Miss Sarah B. Yarbrough, of the former place.



Petersburg Daily Index, Petersburg, VA, Feb 15, 1871, Page 2


Fire Near Big Lick


The Lynchburg News learns that the dwelling house of Col. D. C. BOOTHE, near Big Lick in Roanoke County, was destroyed by fire on Sunday morning last.


Richmond Daily Whig, Richmond, VA, March 17, 1857, Page 3, Col 6


Valuable Farm for Sale


The subscriber having determined to dispose of his farm to the highest bidder, will offer at Public Auction, on the 9th day of April next, if fair, if not, then the next fair day thereafter, the valuable tract of land on which he resides, containing 777 acres, lying in Roanoke County, VA., 5 miles north-west from Big Lick, 4 miles West from Bonsack’s Depot, 8 miles East from Salem and 51 miles from Lynchburg.   For the production of all Virginia staples this land is unsurpassed, and its location in the midst of one of the most fertile districts of Virginia; surrounded on all sides by scenery almost unequalled, renders it altogether worthy the attention of those desiring to embark in the pursuits of Agriculture.  About 500 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the remaining being in wood.  The improvements consist of a good dwelling house, containing 7 rooms, and all the necessary outbuildings, with Negro cabins, tobacco houses, &c.  Water is excellent and abundant.


If desired the tract will be divided to suit purchasers.


Terms:  One third cash, and the balance in equal instalments at one, two, and three years with interest.


For further information, apply to the undersigned, whose address is Clover Dale, Botetourt County, Va.


George W. McChesney


Richmond Whig, Richmond, VA, Mar 28, 1857, Page 2, Col. 6


Private Sale of Real Estate –  The tract “Waverly,” containing 956 acres, part of the “Roanoke Barrens,” in the county of Roanoke, 5 miles from Big Lick and 6 from Salem depot.  Advertised by Alexander Bruce.



Morning News, New London, CT, April 6, 1847, Page 3, Col 1


In pursuance of an order from the Court of Probate for the District of Salem, will be sold at Public Auction on Thursday, the 22nd day of April, inst., at 2 o’clock, P.M., on the premises (if not previously disposed of at private sale) all the right, title, or interest that John W. GREEN, late of Roanoke County, Virginia, deceased, had in the three story brick building lying on Main Street, in the city of New London [Connecticut], now occupied by Bolles & Williams. 


Samuel Green, Administrator




Lynchburg Tri-Weekly Virginian, Lynchburg, VA, April 23, 1884; Page 3, Col. 1


Taylor Sent to State Penitentiary


George Taylor, the colored youth who murder Mr. James Davidson in Roanoke County last November, and who was lately sentenced to the State penitentiary for ten years, was taken to that institution yesterday in charge of Deputy Sheriff H. A. WEBBER.



Petersburg Daily Index, Petersburg, Va., Aug 7, 1872, Page 3, Col 8




Roanoke College - This institution, located at Salem, Va., will open its next session with a full corps of professors, on the 4th of September.


Entire Expense for a ten Months’ Session:


By Boarding in Private Families . . . . . . $230.00

By Boarding In College and

      Boarding House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200.00

By Boarding in Clubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150.00


D. F. BITTLE, President



The Lynchburg Virginian, Lynchburg, VA, Friday, June 4, 1880, Page 4, Col. 7




Copperwork:  The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of copperwork such as stills, kettles, &c., at the lowest prices.  Considerable inducements offered to merchants and others who wish to buy or sell on commission.


Charles Falger

Salem, Roanoke County, VA



New-Bedford Mercury, New Bedford, Massachusetts, November 28, 1833, Page 1, Col. 4


Wills of John Randolph


A letter from Richmond, published in a New York paper, states that the Wills of the late John RANDOLPH of Roanoke, are to be offered for probate in the County Court of Charlotte, in the course of the present month.  It is generally believed that, after a long course of litigation, the will of 1832 – emancipating the slaves – will be established.  Counsel has been engaged on the part of the slaves, and it is said that Judge LEIGH, who wrote the will of 1822, has signified his intention to renounce all claims for himself under either will, and to testify to the fact that Mr. RANDOLPH was not of disposing mind and memory when he made his last will.