Pension Application of John Camper: S9142

                        Transcribed and annotated by C. Leon Harris


State of Virginia Botetourt County to wit:

            On this 14th day of August in the year 1832 personally appeared in open Court (the same being a Court of record) John Camper now a resident of Botetourt County state of Virginia aged about eighty two years who being first duly sworn according to Law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress passed June the 7th 1832. That he was drafted into the service in the County of Shenandoah in the State of Virginia he thinks in the year 1781 and that he rendezvoused at Steves town under Captain Nevill and from there was marched to fort McIntosh [about 20 miles northwest of Pittsburgh PA] and from thence to Yellow Creek [in present Jefferson County OH] about 74 miles farther and that Colo. Richard Campbell was the Commander of the Regiment to which he was attached (the number of the Regiment not recollected) and that he was in no engagement with the enemy and from thence he returned to Shenandoah having served three months and that he remained in Shenandoah but a short time till he again rendezvoused in Woodstock in the County of Shenandoah under Capt’n. Jacob Wrinker and from thence he marched to New London in the County of Campbell by Sallisbury [sic: Salisbury NC] to head quarters on Cheraw hills in [South] Carolina where the Troops remained in winter quarters. General Stephens was the Commanding officer. he further sayith that from head quarters at Cheraw hills he was sent on a detachment to guard prisoners taken at the Cow Pens [sic: Battle of Cowpens SC, 17 Jan 1781] to Albemarle Barracks [at present Charlottesville VA] where this applicant was discharged he having served in this tour five months this applicant states that his discharge was burned about eight or ten years since when he was so unfortunate as to have his dwelling house and all his papers destroyed by Fire. This applicant states that he resided in Shenandoah at the time he was drafted into service and that shortly after the close of the war he removed to the County of Botetourt where he has remained ever since  this applicant was born in Fauquier County Virginia [sic: formed from Prince William County in 1759] he thinks in the year 1749 and that he has no record of his age  he hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any State –

Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid John his X mark Camper